13 research outputs found

    A new graph parameter related to bounded rank positive semidefinite matrix completions

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    The Gram dimension \gd(G) of a graph GG is the smallest integer k1k\ge 1 such that any partial real symmetric matrix, whose entries are specified on the diagonal and at the off-diagonal positions corresponding to edges of GG, can be completed to a positive semidefinite matrix of rank at most kk (assuming a positive semidefinite completion exists). For any fixed kk the class of graphs satisfying \gd(G) \le k is minor closed, hence it can characterized by a finite list of forbidden minors. We show that the only minimal forbidden minor is Kk+1K_{k+1} for k3k\le 3 and that there are two minimal forbidden minors: K5K_5 and K2,2,2K_{2,2,2} for k=4k=4. We also show some close connections to Euclidean realizations of graphs and to the graph parameter ν=(G)\nu^=(G) of \cite{H03}. In particular, our characterization of the graphs with \gd(G)\le 4 implies the forbidden minor characterization of the 3-realizable graphs of Belk and Connelly \cite{Belk,BC} and of the graphs with ν=(G)4\nu^=(G) \le 4 of van der Holst \cite{H03}.Comment: 31 pages, 6 Figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1112.596

    Rigidity, Tensegrity and Reconstruction of Polytopes under Metric Constraints

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    We conjecture that a convex polytope is uniquely determined up to isometry by its edge-graph, edge lengths and the collection of distances of its vertices to some arbitrary interior point, across all dimensions and all combinatorial types. We conjecture even stronger that for two polytopes PRdP\subset\mathbb R^d and QReQ\subset\mathbb R^e with the same edge-graph it is not possible that QQ has longer edges than PP while also having smaller vertex-point distances. We develop techniques to attack this question and verify it in three relevant special cases: if PP and QQ are centrally symmetric, if QQ is a slight perturbation of PP, and if PP and QQ are combinatorially equivalent. In the first two cases the statements stay true if we replace QQ by some graph embedding q ⁣:V(GP)Req\colon V(G_P)\to\mathbb R^e of the edge-graph GPG_P of PP, which can be interpreted as local resp. universal rigidity of certain tensegrity frameworks. We also establish that a polytope is uniquely determined up to affine equivalence by its edge-graph, edge lengths and the Wachspress coordinates of an arbitrary interior point. We close with a broad overview of related and subsequent questions

    A new graph parameter related to bounded rank positive semidefinite matrix completions.

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    The Gram dimension gd(G) of a graph G is the smallest inte- ger k ≥ 1 such that any partial real symmetric matrix, whose entries are specified on the diagonal and at the off-diagonal positions corresponding to edges of G, can be completed to a positive semidefinite matrix of rank at most k (assuming a positive semidefinite completion exists). For any fixed k the class of graphs satisfying gd(G) ≤ k is minor closed, hence it can characterized by a finite list of forbidden minors. We show that the only minimal forbidden minor is Kk+1 for k ≤ 3 and that there are two minimal forbidden minors: K5 and K2,2,2 for k = 4. We also show some close connections to Euclidean realizations of graphs and to the graph parameter ν=(G) of [21]. In particular, our characterization of the graphs with gd(G) ≤ 4 implies the forbidden minor characterization of the 3-realizable graphs of Belk and Connelly [8,9] and of the graphs with ν=(G) ≤ 4 of van der Holst [21]

    Rigidity, tensegrity, and reconstruction of polytopes under metric constraints

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    We conjecture that a convex polytope is uniquely determined up to isometry by its edge-graph, edge lengths and the collection of distances of its vertices to some arbitrary interior point, across all dimensions and all combinatorial types. We conjecture even stronger that for two polytopes PRdP\subset {\mathbb {R}}^{d} and QReQ\subset {\mathbb {R}}^{e} with the same edge-graph it is not possible that QQ has longer edges than PP while also having smaller vertex-point distances. We develop techniques to attack these questions and we verify them in three relevant special cases: PP and QQ are centrally symmetric, QQ is a slight perturbation of PP, and PP and QQ are combinatorially equivalent. In the first two cases the statements stay true if we replace QQ by some graph embedding q:V(GP)Req:V(G_{P})\to {\mathbb {R}}^{e} of the edge-graph GPG_{P} of PP, which can be interpreted as local resp. universal rigidity of certain tensegrity frameworks. We also establish that a polytope is uniquely determined up to affine equivalence by its edge-graph, edge lengths and the Wachspress coordinates of an arbitrary interior point. We close with a broad overview of related and subsequent questions

    Semidefinite Facial Reduction for Low-Rank Euclidean Distance Matrix Completion

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    The main result of this thesis is the development of a theory of semidefinite facial reduction for the Euclidean distance matrix completion problem. Our key result shows a close connection between cliques in the graph of the partial Euclidean distance matrix and faces of the semidefinite cone containing the feasible set of the semidefinite relaxation. We show how using semidefinite facial reduction allows us to dramatically reduce the number of variables and constraints required to represent the semidefinite feasible set. We have used this theory to develop a highly efficient algorithm capable of solving many very large Euclidean distance matrix completion problems exactly, without the need for a semidefinite optimization solver. For problems with a low level of noise, our SNLSDPclique algorithm outperforms existing algorithms in terms of both CPU time and accuracy. Using only a laptop, problems of size up to 40,000 nodes can be solved in under a minute and problems with 100,000 nodes require only a few minutes to solve

    New Approaches to Protein NMR Automation

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    The three-dimensional structure of a protein molecule is the key to understanding its biological and physiological properties. A major problem in bioinformatics is to efficiently determine the three-dimensional structures of query proteins. Protein NMR structure de- termination is one of the main experimental methods and is comprised of: (i) protein sample production and isotope labelling, (ii) collecting NMR spectra, and (iii) analysis of the spectra to produce the protein structure. In protein NMR, the three-dimensional struc- ture is determined by exploiting a set of distance restraints between spatially proximate atoms. Currently, no practical automated protein NMR method exists that is without human intervention. We first propose a complete automated protein NMR pipeline, which can efficiently be used to determine the structures of moderate sized proteins. Second, we propose a novel and efficient semidefinite programming-based (SDP) protein structure determination method. The proposed automated protein NMR pipeline consists of three modules: (i) an automated peak picking method, called PICKY, (ii) a backbone chemical shift assign- ment method, called IPASS, and (iii) a protein structure determination method, called FALCON-NMR. When tested on four real protein data sets, this pipeline can produce structures with reasonable accuracies, starting from NMR spectra. This general method can be applied to other macromolecule structure determination methods. For example, a promising application is RNA NMR-assisted secondary structure determination. In the second part of this thesis, due to the shortcomings of FALCON-NMR, we propose a novel SDP-based protein structure determination method from NMR data, called SPROS. Most of the existing prominent protein NMR structure determination methods are based on molecular dynamics coupled with a simulated annealing schedule. In these methods, an objective function representing the error between observed and given distance restraints is minimized; these objective functions are highly non-convex and difficult to optimize. Euclidean distance geometry methods based on SDP provide a natural formulation for realizing a three-dimensional structure from a set of given distance constraints. However, the complexity of the SDP solvers increases cubically with the input matrix size, i.e., the number of atoms in the protein, and the number of constraints. In fact, the complexity of SDP solvers is a major obstacle in their applicability to the protein NMR problem. To overcome these limitations, the SPROS method models the protein molecule as a set of intersecting two- and three-dimensional cliques. We adapt and extend a technique called semidefinite facial reduction for the SDP matrix size reduction, which makes the SDP problem size approximately one quarter of the original problem. The reduced problem is solved nearly one hundred times faster and is more robust against numerical problems. Reasonably accurate results were obtained when SPROS was applied to a set of 20 real protein data sets

    Geometric Ramifications of the Lovász Theta Function and Their Interplay with Duality

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    The Lovasz theta function and the associated convex sets known as theta bodies are fundamental objects in combinatorial and semidefinite optimization. They are accompanied by a rich duality theory and deep connections to the geometric concept of orthonormal representations of graphs. In this thesis, we investigate several ramifications of the theory underlying these objects, including those arising from the illuminating viewpoint of duality. We study some optimization problems over unit-distance representations of graphs, which are intimately related to the Lovasz theta function and orthonormal representations. We also strengthen some known results about dual descriptions of theta bodies and their variants. Our main goal throughout the thesis is to lay some of the foundations for using semidefinite optimization and convex analysis in a way analogous to how polyhedral combinatorics has been using linear optimization to prove min-max theorems. A unit-distance representation of a graph GG maps its nodes to some Euclidean space so that adjacent nodes are sent to pairs of points at distance one. The hypersphere number of GG, denoted by t(G)t(G), is the (square of the) minimum radius of a hypersphere that contains a unit-distance representation of GG. Lovasz proved a min-max relation describing t(G)t(G) as a function of ϑ(G)\vartheta(\overline{G}), the theta number of the complement of GG. This relation provides a dictionary between unit-distance representations in hyperspheres and orthonormal representations, which we exploit in a number of ways: we develop a weighted generalization of t(G)t(G), parallel to the weighted version of ϑ\vartheta; we prove that t(G)t(G) is equal to the (square of the) minimum radius of an Euclidean ball that contains a unit-distance representation of GG; we abstract some properties of ϑ\vartheta that yield the famous Sandwich Theorem and use them to define another weighted generalization of t(G)t(G), called ellipsoidal number of GG, where the unit-distance representation of GG is required to be in an ellipsoid of a given shape with minimum volume. We determine an analytic formula for the ellipsoidal number of the complete graph on nn nodes whenever there exists a Hadamard matrix of order nn. We then study several duality aspects of the description of the theta body TH(G)\operatorname{TH}(G). For a graph GG, the convex corner TH(G)\operatorname{TH}(G) is known to be the projection of a certain convex set, denoted by TH^(G)\widehat{\operatorname{TH}}(G), which lies in a much higher-dimensional matrix space. We prove that the vertices of TH^(G)\widehat{\operatorname{TH}}(G) are precisely the symmetric tensors of incidence vectors of stable sets in GG, thus broadly generalizing previous results about vertices of the elliptope due to Laurent and Poljak from 1995. Along the way, we also identify all the vertices of several variants of TH^(G)\widehat{\operatorname{TH}}(G) and of the elliptope. Next we introduce an axiomatic framework for studying generalized theta bodies, based on the concept of diagonally scaling invariant cones, which allows us to prove in a unified way several characterizations of ϑ\vartheta and the variants ϑ\vartheta' and ϑ+\vartheta^+, introduced independently by Schrijver, and by McEliece, Rodemich, and Rumsey in the late 1970's, and by Szegedy in 1994. The beautiful duality equation which states that the antiblocker of TH(G)\operatorname{TH}(G) is TH(G)\operatorname{TH}(\overline{G}) is extended to this setting. The framework allows us to treat the stable set polytope and its classical polyhedral relaxations as generalized theta bodies, using the completely positive cone and its dual, and it allows us to derive a (weighted generalization of a) copositive formulation for the fractional chromatic number due to Dukanovic and Rendl in 2010 from a completely positive formulation for the stability number due to de Klerk and Pasechnik in 2002. Finally, we study a non-convex constraint for semidefinite programs (SDPs) that may be regarded as analogous to the usual integrality constraint for linear programs. When applied to certain classical SDPs, it specializes to the standard rank-one constraint. More importantly, the non-convex constraint also applies to the dual SDP, and for a certain SDP formulation of ϑ\vartheta, the modified dual yields precisely the clique covering number. This opens the way to study some exactness properties of SDP relaxations for combinatorial optimization problems akin to the corresponding classical notions from polyhedral combinatorics, as well as approximation algorithms based on SDP relaxations