40 research outputs found

    [[alternative]]A KM-Based Project Management System on the Web

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    Study of the Ability of Knowledge Management and the Construction of Wisdom Capital

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    This paper studied the concept of knowledge management and those factors, which influence it, and the constitution of KM, with the index of ability of KM. Also it studied the wisdom capital. Then the relation of KM and wisdom capital was researched following which the conclusion was gained that improve the ability of KM could be improved by the improvement of the ability of wisdom capital management. Key words: knowledge management (KM), intellectual capital, ability of KM Résumé: Ce document étudie à la fois la compréhension de la gestion du savoir et les facteurs qui influencent là-dessus, les constituants de la capacité de la gestion du savoir et les indices mesurables de cette capacité, aussi le rôle du capital intellectuel basé sur le travail intellectuel et l’évaluation de ce capital intellectuel. Après l’analyse de la relation entre le capital intellectuel et la capacité de la gestion du savoir, la méthode consiste à intégrer la gestion du capital intellectuel dans celle du savoir, c’est-à-dire que l’amélioration de la capacité de la gestion du capital intellectuel mène nécessairement à l’amélioration de la capacité de la gestion du savoir. Mot-clé: la gestion du savoir, le capital intellectuel, la capacité de la gestion du savoi

    Strategic HRD: Who drives the agenda and why?

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    A focus on strategic human resource development (HRD) has been emphasised as a key contributor to ensuring organisational effectiveness and the maximum return from their most important asset, the people in the organisation. It is argued that effective management and innovative approaches to the development of employees will enable organisations to capture and embed knowledge and skills. Organisations that are seeking not only to survive, but to maximise operational effectiveness in an ever-changing environment, need to ensure that at all levels, the HRD strategy is aligned with broader strategic imperatives, and that sufficient emphasis is placed on the HRD function. It is a role of management to ensure that the organisation and its people acquire the competencies and knowledge it needs through education, training and development activities. These training and development activities should deliver high quality outcomes that will sustain the organisation. In a study of employers in regional Queensland and the Northern Territory, the strategic importance placed upon the HRD function, and an indication of who is driving the HRD agenda have been analysed. This paper presents some findings from a pilot study undertaken to gauge initial feedback on these issues, and is the starting point for the development of future research into the HRD practices of organisations operating in regional and remote locations

    Pengaruh Knowledge Management terhadap Kinerja Inovasi: Studi Kasus Perusahaan Manufaktur Indonesia

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    Meningkatkan kinerja inovasi perusahaan manufaktur adalah salah satu isu terkini di era Revolusi Industri 4.0 saat ini. Faktor kurangnya pengetahuan telah disebutkan sebagai salah satu faktor penghambat kinerja inovasi organisasi. Mengingat masalah ini, penelitian ini mencoba untuk menyelidiki praktik dan efek proses knowledge management (dengan dimensi knowledge acquisition, knowledge dissemination, dan knowledge application) terhadap kinerja inovasi di industry manufaktur. Pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS) digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh dari 170 karyawan manajerial dari salah satu perusahaan manufaktur di Tangerang Indonesia. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa seluruh dimensi proses knowledge management (manajemen pengetahuan) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja inovasi. Akhirnya, berdasarkan temuan yang diperoleh, rekomendasi dan saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya telah diberikan dalam pembahasan lanjut penelitian ini


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    There is a great need today to acquire, utilise and share knowledge. Today economies have evolved into knowledge economies.Today majority of Fortune 500 companies have knowledge management program in one or another form. Indian business organisations are also feeling need of new business paradigms. Many organisations in India have started knowledge management initiatives. This paper is a part of larger study of Knowledge Management Practices Survey in India. Based on the learning of this study this paper presents Knowledge Management Implementation Framework . Many of the past frameworks are mainly on the process of creation, manifestation use and transfer of knowledge. These frameworks do not take in to account importance of human aspects in knowledge management. This proposed new framework puts proper emphasis on providing training to the employees, providing incentives and rewards to share their tacit knowledge and importance of information technology. Framework is from two-perspective: one organisational and second individual. The major constituents of the framework are : Rewards, Technology, Culture ,Training , Learning ,Strategy, Structure, System, Leadership, Personality, Attitude. Here Rewards, Technology, Culture, Training, Learning are common influencer on organisational and individual knowledge management. Strategy, Structure, System and Leadership are specifically influencing organisational knowledge management. Personality and attitude are more influencing on individual knowledge management

    Kinerja Inovasi Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0: Analisis Knowledge-Oriented Leadership Dan Kapabilitas Manajemen Pengetahuan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menyelidiki praktik dan efek knowledge-oriented keadership terhadap terhadap kinerja inovasi di industry manufaktur, dengan mediasi kapabilitas manajemen pengetahuan. Pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS) digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh dari 170 karyawan salah satu perusahaan manufaktur di Tangerang Indonesia. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa knowledge-oriented leadership memberi pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap kapabilitas manajemen pengetahuan, tetapi tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja inovasi organisasi. Walaupun demikian, knowledge-oriented leadership berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja inovasi organisasi melalui kapabilitas manajemen pengetahuan. Jadi kapabilitas manajemen pengetahuan berfungsi sebagai variabel mediator penuh. Dari perspektif teoritis, hasil penelitian ini memberikan bukti empiris tentang peran positif kapabilitas manajemen pengetahuan sebagai faktor yang berpengaruh untuk meningkatkan kinerja inovasi perusahaan manufaktur. Sedangkan, dari perspektif manajerial, hasil penelitian ini memberikan gambaran pengambil keputusan di perusahaan manufaktur dengan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang bagaimana meningkatkan kapabilitas manajemen pengetahuan dan menerapkan gaya kepemimpinan yang sesuai di era pengetahuan saat in

    Organizational Unlearning Dynamics Emerging During Digital Transformation: Implications for Organizational Change

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    In this paper, we investigate the arising of organizational unlearning dynamics during transformations enabled by digital technologies, and their im- plications for organizational change effectiveness. First, we carry out a desk anal- ysis to explore the radical changes enabled by digital technologies that impact organizations multidimensionally. Afterwards, we investigate how this scenario creates the need for organizational unlearning dynamics, to overcome the inter- play between path dependencies and organizational deep structure. Thus, we an- alyse four cases from the literature, with the aim of highlighting the impacts of digital advance over organizational culture, structure, strategy, control systems, and power distribution arrangements. This study brings the following main findings. First, changes related to digital transformation impact organizational deep structure. Second, organizational un- learning dynamics arose from these changes, creating the need to overcome path dependency mechanisms that could inhibit the organization from embracing in- novative arrangements. Altogether, this study contributes to making awareness of the critical role played by organizational unlearning practices within organi- zational change related to advances in the deployment of digital technologies, also suggesting a first set of insights relevant from both the theoretical and man- agerial perspective

    Implementasi Knowledge Management System Pada Bank Tabungan Negara di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    ABSTRACTThis study discusses the Implementation of Knowledge Management System (KMS) at the National Savings Bank (BTN) in South Sumatra, as a government bank. Given the role of banks in the economy and the extraordinary level of competition. This research is expected to be a reference in implementing KMS in banking. Banks need KMS to run business processes in the application of expertise in organizations, because KMS is able to improve the bank's core competencies. KMS acts as a liaison in the knowledge provider to broaden and deepen knowledge, contribute to overcoming competition between banks in raising funds to create forms of innovative product services provided to the public. This research is to identify the implementation of KMS in the organization, so it can be seen the success factors of KMS in banking institutions. Data collected by questionnaire, then made a research model. The survey results revealed that the KMS model suitable for use as a reference model for KMS implementation in BTN South Sumatra was influenced by factors, namely KM; organizational factors measurement objectives / specific strategies and leadership support, information technology and service innovation to consumers.Keywords : Implementation KMS, KMS on Banking, KMS Success FactorsABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas Implementasi Knowledge Management System (KMS) di Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) di Sumatera Selatan, sebagai Bank pemerintah. Mengingat peran bank dalam perekonomian dan tingkat persaingan yang luar biasa. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi referensi dalam mengimplementasikan KMS di perbankan. Bank membutuhkan KMS untuk menjalankan proses bisnis dalam penerapan keahlian dalam organisasi, karena KMS mampu meningkatkan kompetensi inti bank. KMS bertindak sebagai penghubung dalam penyedia pengetahuan untuk memperluas dan memperdalam pengetahuan, berkontribusi untuk mengatasi persaingan antara bank dalam mengumpulkan dana untuk menciptakan bentuk-bentuk layanan produk inovatif yang disediakan untuk publik. Penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi implementasi KMS dalam organisasi, sehingga dapat dilihat faktor keberhasilan KMS di lembaga perbankan. Data yang dikumpulkan dengan kuesioner, kemudian dibuat model penelitian. Hasil survei mengungkapkan model KMS yang cocok untuk digunakan sebagai model referensi implementasi KMS di BTN Sumatera Selatan dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor, yaitu KM; faktor organisasi tujuan pengukuran / strategi tertentu dan dukungan kepemimpinan, teknologi informasi dan inovasi layanan kepada konsumen.Kata kunci : Implementasi KMS, KMS di Perbankan, Faktor Keberhasilan KM

    Criteria for measuring knowledge management performance outcomes in organisations

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    While many criteria for measuring KM performance outcomes have been proposed, no attempt has been made to provide a comprehensive set of widely accepted criteria and/or benefits associated with KM efforts. This paper seeks to fill the gap by investigating all the criteria proposed in previous research.A framework is proposed in which KM initiatives consist of five dimensions.The appropriate implementation of activities of these dimensions could result in the achievement of KM outcomes.The findings have important implications to organisations on how their KM efforts can be systematically managed and measured for business success

    Critical success factors to knowledge management implementation: A holistic approach

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    The objective of this paper is to propose a comprehensive set of critical success factors (CSFs) that would enable successful knowledge management (KM) implementation in organisations. Building upon the work of Chong and Choi (2005), various models of KM CSFs proposed by researchers and practitioners were comprehensively reviewed.Based on the results of a myriad of relevant research, this paper concludes that successful deployment of a KM programme depends on eleven CSFs. The identification of these factors has important implications on organisations in this knowledge-based economy (k-economy) where success is dependent on knowledge and how it is managed