7 research outputs found

    Variable step closed-loop power control with space diversity for low elevation angle High Altitude Platforms communication channel [Langkah variabel kontrol daya tertutup dengan keragaman ruang untuk sudut elevasi rendah pada kanal komunikasi HAPs]

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    This paper proposes variable step closed loop power control algorithm combined with space diversity to improve the performance of High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) communication at low elevation angle using Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). In this contribution, we first develop HAPs channel model which is derived from experimental measurement. From our experiment, we found HAPs channel characteristic can be modeled as a Ricean distribution because the presence of line of sight path. Different elevation angle resulting different K factor value.  This value is then used in Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) based closed loop power control evaluation. The variable step algorithm is simulated under various elevation angles with different speed of mobile user. The performance is presented in terms of user elevation angle, user speed, step size and space diversity order. We found that the performance of variable step closed-loop power control less effective at low elevation angle. However our simulation shows that space diversity is able to improve the performance of closed loop power control for HAPs channel at low elevation angle.*****Kajian ini mengusulkan suatu algoritma kontrol daya langkah variabel loop tertutup dikombinasikan dengan keragaman ruang untuk meningkatkan kinerja komunikasi High Altitude Platforms(HAPs) pada sudut elevasi rendah menggunakan Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Kami berkontribusi untuk mengembangkan model kanal HAPs yang berasal dari pengukuran eksperimental sebelumnya. Dari percobaan tersebut, kami menemukan karakteristik kanal HAPs yang dapat dimodelkan sebagai distribusi Ricean karena kehadiran jalur tanpa penghalang. Eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan sudut elevasi menghasilkan perbedaan nilai factor K. Nilai ini kemudian digunakan dalam Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) berbasiskan evaluasi kontrol daya loop tertutup. Algoritma langkah variabel disimulasikan dibawah sudut elevasi yang berbeda dengan kecepatan yang berbeda dari pengguna vobile. Kinerja tersebut disajikan dalam hal sudut elevasi pengguna, kecepatan pengguna, ukuran langkah dan ketertiban ruang keanekaragaman. Kami menemukan bahwa kinerja langkah variabel kontrol daya loop tertutup kurang efektif pada sudut elevasi rendah. Namun simulasi kami menunjukkan bahwa ruang keragaman mampu meningkatkan kinerja kontrol daya loop tertutup untuk kanal HAPs di sudut elevasi rendah.

    Variable Step Closed Loop Power Control with Space Diversity for Low Elevation Angle High Altitude Platforms Communication Channel [Langkah Variabel Kontrol Daya Loop Tertutup Dengan Keragaman Ruang Untuk Sudut Elevasi Rendah Pada Kanal Komunikasi HAPs]

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    This paper proposes variable step closed loop power control algorithm combined with space diversity to improve the performance of High Altitude Platforms (HAPs) communication at low elevation angle using Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). In this contribution, we first develop HAPs channel model which is derived from experimental measurement. From our experiment, we found HAPs channel characteristic can be modeled as a Ricean distribution because the presence of line of sight path. Different elevation angle resulting different K factor value. This value is then used in Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) based closed loop power control evaluation. The variable step algorithm is simulated under various elevation angles with different speed of mobile user. The performance is presented in terms of user elevation angle, user speed, step size and space diversity order. We found that the performance of variable step closed-loop power control less effective at low elevation angle. However our simulation shows that space diversity is able to improve the performance of closed loop power control for HAPs channel at low elevation angle.*****Kajian ini mengusulkan suatu algoritma kontrol daya langkah variabel loop tertutup dikombinasikan dengan keragaman ruang untuk meningkatkan kinerja komunikasi High Altitude Platforms(HAPs) pada sudut elevasi rendah menggunakan Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA). Kami berkontribusi untuk mengembangkan model kanal HAPs yang berasal dari pengukuran eksperimental sebelumnya. Dari percobaan tersebut, kami menemukan karakteristik kanal HAPs yang dapat dimodelkan sebagai distribusi Ricean karena kehadiran jalur tanpa penghalang. Eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan sudut elevasi menghasilkan perbedaan nilai factor K. Nilai ini kemudian digunakan dalam Signal to Interference Ratio (SIR) berbasiskan evaluasi kontrol daya loop tertutup. Algoritma langkah variabel disimulasikan dibawah sudut elevasi yang berbeda dengan kecepatan yang berbeda dari pengguna vobile. Kinerja tersebut disajikan dalam hal sudut elevasi pengguna, kecepatan pengguna, ukuran langkah dan ketertiban ruang keanekaragaman. Kami menemukan bahwa kinerja langkah variabel kontrol daya loop tertutup kurang efektif pada sudut elevasi rendah. Namun simulasi kami menunjukkan bahwa ruang keragaman mampu meningkatkan kinerja kontrol daya loop tertutup untuk kanal HAPs di sudut elevasi rendah

    Implementation Aspects of UMTS 900 MHz/2100 MHz for High Altitude Platforms

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    Projecte realitzat en col.laboració amb el centre Tampere University of TechnologyHigh Altitude Platforms (HAPs) represent an alternative to terrestrial mobile telecommunications. The aim of HAPs is to offer a feasible solution for the radio access layer of this kind of networks. The strong point of HAPs resides in the fact that they bring together the best features of terrestrial and satellite systems. HAPs have been widely proposed for deploying telecommunication services such as third generation mobile networks. In Europe, third generation of mobile communications system is using UMTS. It has being widely deployed in the last years but still there are certain areas where 3G coverage is not available. Especially in rural areas with low population density, where the operators did not find a cost efficient way to deploy UMTS services. As a result, UMTS in 900 MHz band emerges as a possible way to improve UMTS coverage for these areas, and combining with a HAP-based deployment, a cost efficient way for a widely deployment in sparsely populated and remote areas for 3G services. The work shown in this thesis is a comparison of network simulations obtained from the use of HAPs in the radio access network of UMTS using 900 MHz band and 2100 MHz band. The study was aimed to find the impact of carrier frequency on coverage for a single HAP scenario using different deployment strategies. An antenna study has also been done in order to see the impact of antenna beamwidth on UMTS system. The results obtained reveal that the decrease in the carrier frequency caused a clear increase in the coverage, when correct distance between cells was selected. Consequently the results obtained show the variation of the network performance with the separation between cells using both carrier frequencies, 2100 MHz and 900 MHz

    The Coverage, Capacity and Coexistence of Mixed High Altitude Platform and Terrestrial Segments

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    This thesis explores the coverage, capacity and coexistence of High Altitude Platform (HAP) and terrestrial segments in the same service area. Given the limited spectrum available, mechanisms to manage the co-channel interference to enable effective coexistence between the two infrastructures are examined. Interference arising from the HAP, caused by the relatively high transmit power and the antenna beam profile, has the potential to significantly affect the existing terrestrial system on the ground if the HAP beams are deployed without a proper strategy. Beam-pointing strategies exploiting phased array antennas on the HAPs are shown to be an effective way to place the beams, with each of them forming service cells onto the ground in the service area, especially dense user areas. Using a newly developed RF clustering technique to better point the cells over an area of a dense group of users, it is shown that near maximum coverage of 96% of the population over the service area can be provided while maintaining the coexistence with the existing terrestrial system. To improve the user experience at the cell edge, while at the same time improving the overall capacity of the system, Joint Transmission – Coordinated Multipoint (JT-CoMP) is adapted for a HAP architecture. It is shown how the HAP can potentially enable the tight scheduling needed to perform JT-CoMP due to the centralisation of all virtual E-UTRAN Node Bs (eNodeBs) on the HAP. A trade-off between CINR gain and loss of capacity when adapting JT-CoMP into the HAP system is identified, and strategies to minimise the trade-off are considered. It is shown that 57% of the users benefit from the JT-CoMP. In order to enable coordination between the HAP and terrestrial segments, a joint architecture based on a Cloud – Radio Access Network (C-RAN) system is introduced. Apart from adapting a C-RAN based system to centrally connect the two segments together, the network functional split which varies the degree of the centralised processing is also considered to deal with the limitations of HAP fronthaul link requirements. Based on the fronthaul link requirements acquired from the different splitting options, the ground relay station diversity to connect the HAP to centralised and distributed units (CUs and DUs) is also considered

    Cooperative diversity in wireless networks: frameworks and analysis

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