6 research outputs found

    Innovation in business through big data analytics

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    This work refers to a conceptual paper that sought to discuss through bibliographies, the subjects of innovation and Big Data. The question that based this study was to verify the bibliographical evidence of innovation with Big Data analytics on platforms in companies. The subjects focused in this research are related to Big Data, innovation Platform and Big Data Analytics and are related to the intention to demonstrate the use and application of Big Data in enterprises. The results show that companies need to be prepared with a strategy for innovation through innovation platform for efficient use of the large amount of data available so that companies sustains innovation through Big Data. The contributions of this work are aimed at advancing the debate of a topic still on the rise and the practical use of this tool as a competitive advantage for companies


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    This study aims to examine the factors contributing to adopting innovative technologies in the education sector, which can ultimately lead to operational efficiency. In order to evaluate the hypothesis, 305 respondents from Indonesian educational institutions such as schools, vocational institutions, colleges, and universities completed a self-administered questionnaire. The study's findings indicate that adopting ASES is a major factor in determining the operational efficacy of educational institutions. In addition, factors including teacher technology readiness, student personal innovation, institutional innovation, digital infrastructure, transformative leadership, and environmental pressure were found to have a positive relationship with the adoption of ASES. In addition, the mediating role of ASES adoption was evaluated. There are few studies on adopting ASES and operational efficiency in the education sector, making this study an important addition to the corpus of knowledge. This study can assist the administration of educational institutions in identifying the key factors necessary for operational efficiency

    Operational effectiveness of the information technology function in business process change: A case study in a financial services firm

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    In order to address the need to remain flexible in dynamic business environments, organisations must focus on the effectiveness of their core operational processes. The importance of operational effectiveness has been claimed to have a direct influence on business performance. In order to improve their effectiveness, many organisations invest in information technology (IT) systems, even though the extent to which these technological initiatives influence operational effectiveness is considered to be largely misunderstood by the organisations who employ them. In this dissertation, the relationship between the Operations and IT departments of a financial services firm is investigated. This study pays particular attention to the factors that have the potential to influence the ability of the organisation to align its strategies. This enquiry takes the form of two distinct research questions: 1) What factors in the organisation have an impact on the success of business process change proposals? 2) How is the role of IT perceived in the preparation of business process change initiatives? The study involved conducting semi-structured interviews with members of both departments. A qualitative inductive approach was used to analyse the data collected from these interviews in order to identify themes. The emergent phenomena were then considered in conjunction with the literature on organisational effectiveness and strategic alignment, in order to develop a theory that answers the research questions. The findings of the theory that developed resulted in four main relationships. They were: how understanding business processes contributes to improved service delivery; how important communication is in contributing to organisational performance; how effective planning has an impact on product complexity; and the impact that effective organisational planning has on the relationship between IT and operations. The results of this study showed that although there was intention to improve alignment between business and IT strategies, with some noteworthy initiatives emerging, there have been a number of factors inhibiting successful alignment. Some of these factors include: a lack of trust in IT solution delivery, IT remaining ignorant to the impact of process changes, the inability to effectively allocate the business analysis function to the correct change proposals, and the silos of process knowledge that exist within operations. The recommendations of this study include: improvements to the visibility of business processes; methods to improve knowledge sharing; and strengthening the focus of the business analysis function

    Relation of data governance, customer-centricity and data processing compliance

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    Compliance costs are significant, and data related regulations are more frequent. The study argues if compliance spending can also generate additional value, as just a minimal regulation requirements fulfilment is not by any means achieving a competitive advantage. To test the hypotheses, a quantitative method with Structural Equation Modelling and Partial Least Squares (PLS) in the SmartPLS tool is used. The empirical data is collected from 98 data management professionals involved in recent European Union and General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR) projects associated with party data in larger organizations across Europe. The study suggests that Data Governance Span (DGS) leads to the increase of both data compliance related variables - Data Compliance Innovation (DCI) and Privacy Project Efficiency (PPE) - at the same time. However, its effect on the increase of Data Compliance Innovation (DCI) is weaker than the effect on the increase of Privacy Project Efficiency (PPE). Customer-Centric Orientation (CCO) is discovered to be an underlying mechanism of the relationship between Data Governance Span (DGS) and Data Compliance Innovation (DCI). Implications for Central European audience: Firms in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) did not use innovation enough in data compliance. DCI is the lowest in the CEE region DGS1 is the second lowest in CEE compared to all-regions-average. DGS1 refers to the business stakeholder involvement in the formal engagement, which assumes their responsibility

    The role of cross-functional teams on the alignment between technology innovation effectiveness and operational effectiveness

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    Organisations are increasingly investing in complex technological innovations, such as enterprise information systems, with the aim of improving the operation of the business, and in this way gaining competitive advantage. However, the implementation of technological innovations tends to have an excessive focus on either technology innovation effectiveness, or the resulting operational effectiveness. Focusing on either one of them is detrimental to long-term performance. Cross-functional teams have been used by many organisations as a way of involving expertise from different functional areas in the implementation of technologies. The role of boundary spanning actors is discussed as they bring a common language to the cross-functional teams. Multiple regression analysis has been used to identify the structural relationships and provide an explanation for the influence of cross-functional teams, technology innovation effectiveness and operational effectiveness in the continuous improvement of operational performance. The findings indicate that cross functional teams have an indirect influence on continuous improvement of operational performance through the alignment between technology innovation effectiveness and operational effectiveness