21 research outputs found

    Blended Learning In Higher Education: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This study aims to identify and analyze main information, publication growth, the growth of this journal, growth by institution, research productivity, publications by country, publications by subject, publications by document type, thematic maps, network visualization, overlay visualization, density visualization, relationships between authors. The research used bibliometric method. Collecting data by searching through the Scopus database with the keywords Blended Learning in Higher education with the categories Article title, Abstract, Keywords in the period 2005-2021. Data were analyzed by year, author, origin of author and subject using Microsoft Excel 2010. Meanwhile, the publication development map was analyzed using R-Studio software, and VosViewer. The research results from this article itself found that the USA was the most contributing country regarding the topic of Blended Learning in Higher education with 16 documents and the most productive author on the topic of blended Learning in Higher Education was Najeh Alsalhi from Ajman University with 4 documents. Originality This study is the first to review and map the study of Blended Learning in Higher Education using bibliometric analysis, using data from year to year. All articles published in the journal have been reviewed in terms of methodology, country/country group of cases and topics/subtopics for future research

    Cybercrime behaviour in the context of youth development

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    The positive growth of youth is vital in the development of the particular country. Thus, it is crucial to acknowledge the factors that contribute to positive youth development. Using a bibliometric analysis approach, this study investigated the research contribution in the fields of positive youth development by finding the information related to the annual growth of publication, research areas, top 20 impactful journals, and highly cited articles and authors. This study aimed to present an extensive knowledge map of Malaysian youth development by accumulating a 10-year dataset from the Scopus database. Articles published between 2011 until 2021 were analysed using bibliometric approach. Searching the keyword “youth”, 3354 articles were found. After refining with the keywords of “Malaysia Youth”, 528 articles were then collected. In addition, this paper collected data from the Institute for Youth Research Malaysia, a leading centre in researching youth and their development in Malaysia. It is proven that health (stress-free, worry-free), social relations (relationship with parents), and safety (security while using the internet) had a significant relationship in cybercrime behaviour among Malaysian youth. Furthermore, this study discussed the contributions and significance of youth studies in the latest research studies together with the future direction

    A malicious URLs detection system using optimization and machine learning classifiers

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    The openness of the World Wide Web (Web) has become more exposed to cyber-attacks. An attacker performs the cyber-attacks on Web using malware Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) since it widely used by internet users. Therefore, a significant approach is required to detect malicious URLs and identify their nature attack. This study aims to assess the efficiency of the machine learning approach to detect and identify malicious URLs. In this study, we applied features optimization approaches by using a bio-inspired algorithm for selecting significant URL features which able to detect malicious URLs applications. By using machine learning approach with static analysis technique is used for detecting malicious URLs applications. Based on this combination as well as significant features, this paper shows promising results with higher detection accuracy. The bio-inspired algorithm: particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to optimized URLs features. In detecting malicious URLs, it shows that naĂŻve Bayes and support vector machine (SVM) are able to achieve high detection accuracy with rate value of 99%, using URL as a feature

    Collaborative Landscape and Knowledge Dynamics in IoT and Blockchain Research: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This research article presents a bibliometric analysis of the intersection between Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain, utilizing data sourced from the Web of Science database. The analysis employs the VOSviewer tool to investigate cocitation, co-occurrence, and bibliometric correlations among the publications. The findings indicate a surge in publications, with the highest number recorded in 2022, reflecting the growing interest and significance of this research area. Moreover, the analysis reveals China as the leading country in terms of research output, underscoring its active involvement in IoT and Blockchain research. Additionally, the study identifies IEEE Access as the leading publisher, indicating its prominence in disseminating relevant research. Notably, the analysis of keywords reveals "blockchain" as the most frequently occurring term, highlighting its central role in the field. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the research landscape in IoT and Blockchain, providing insights into collaboration patterns, influential countries, leading publishers, and the prominence of blockchain as a research topic

    Fifty Years (1970-2019) Journey of \u27Journal of Documentation\u27: A Scientometric Analysis of Research Productivity and Publication Trends

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    Purpose In this study, we conducted quantitative analysis of 1706 scholarly literature published in Journal of Documentation during the period of 1970 to 2019 (fifty years) using a series of scientometric indicators. Annual scientific production, most local cited sources, the ranking of authors; profiles, contributions, correlation, collaboration and authorship pattern, most contributed countries, most cited articles, frequently used search terms/keywords, and the legend of historiographic mapping were analysed in detail to measure the impact of the source. Design/methodology/approach We used the Scopus database for retrieving the desired sample data. In total, 1,706 numbers of publications records were considered for the literature analysis considering their relevancy. Biblioshiny data visualization tool is used to create the various maps. Findings The present study found that annual scientific production and average citations constantly have had an uptrend. The journal\u27s had tremendous impact with an h-index of 80, with a g-index of 148, total citations of 37,161 within the studied period. Although Bawden D contributed the highest number of research papers (n=78), the work published by Hjørland B received the highest citations. Lotka\u27s Law reveals that about 75.04% of the authors (1319 authors) have one publication, and approximately 12.73% of the authors (225 authors) have two publications. The United Kingdom was the dominant country in terms of number of papers and citation count whereas University of Sheffield topped with 128 publications. The thematic map consists of eleven clusters and ‘information retrieval’ found to be the largest cluster comprehending 56 subthemes occurring 995 times. Co-citation network identified four clusters with revealing Wilson TD as the most cited authors. The study also indicates the most collaborative authors are from the United Kingdom. Research limitations/implications The study exclusively deals with 1732 published research literature indexed in the Scopus database covering a span of fifty years (from 1970 to 2019). Thus, documents which are not covered in Scopus are excluded from the purview of research. This study is significant in order to measure the impact of Journal of Documentation and useful to identify valuable research patterns from publications and of developments in the field of Information Science

    Crypto Tokens and Token Systems

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    Fintech As a Financial Disruptor: The Bibliometric Analysis

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    The present-day financial system is being influenced by the rapid development of Fintech (financial technology), which are technologies created to improve and automate traditional forms of finance for businesses and consumers. The topic of Fintech as a financial disruptor is gaining popularity in line with the swift spread of digitalization across the banking industry, whereby this paper contributes to the field by presenting a novel bibliometric analysis of academic literature related to Fintech as a financial disruptor. The analysis is based on metadata extracted from the Scopus database through the VOSviewer and Biblioshiny software. The bibliometric analysis of 363 documents identified the most impactful sources of publication, keywords, authors, and most cited documents on the topic of Fintech as a financial disruptor. As our analysis demonstrates, the number of publications on the given topic increases, defining both the interest among academia and the potential for future research

    Fostering the Circular Economy with Blockchain Technology: Insights from a Bibliometric Approach

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    : The circular economy is an emerging paradigm with important economic, environmental, and societal implications. As the world faces such paradigm shifts, new and radical technologies are urgently needed to enable it; blockchain technology can assist to accomplish the aforementioned circular economy shift given its decentralization and distributiveness principles as well as its smart contract capability. This study represents one of the first attempts to analyze those academic research domains together adopting a science mapping technique. By adopting such approach, the study envisages research challenges, highlights important research gaps, and proposes future paths in the blockchain and circular economy fields. Among the others, key findings show that blockchain technology as a tool for promoting the circular economy has been extensively researched at the micro (i.e., firm) and meso levels (i.e., supply chain) more effort on how blockchain can support the development of circular smart cites and measurement tools for providing information to stakeholders and assisting in policy creation expresses the greatest potential in terms of novel research. Moreover, the research suggests that another possible stream of research might be dealing on how blockchain together with physical technologies (e.g., 3D printing, RFID), can support the transition towards the circular economy

    Analyzing Social Engineering Research through Co-authorship Networks Using Scopus Database during 1926-2020

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    Purpose: Hacking the human brain and manipulating human trust to obtain information and get monetary gains is called social engineering. This study aims to visualize and analyze the co-authorship networks in the Scopus citation database's social engineering research from 1926 to 2020. Method: The present quantitative study used the bibliometric method and social network analysis. The study collected data from the Scopus database. A total number of 1994 records were taken as the sample of the study. Researchers used descriptive and inferential statistics and social network analysis to obtain results; to do this, different software types were used in the study (SPSS, Microsoft Excel, Text Statistics Analyzer, ISI.exe, Pajek, and VOSviewer). Findings: The findings indicate the top three sources of publishing and the related subject areas. Furthermore, the top three core authors and countries were identified. Also, the authors with high centrality measures in the co-authorship networks were identified. A large majority of papers had only one author. The Collaborative Coefficient among researchers was 0.36. Based on the results of Spearman's test, there was a significant association between the number of documents, the number of citations, and the rate of total link strength of the countries. Likewise, there was a positive and high significant association between degree and closeness centralities. Conclusion: The researchers' frequently used keywords in this area were social engineering, phishing, and information security; in addition, the frequency of keywords was not compatible with Zipf’s Law. A small sample of keywords will not properly follow Zipf’s distribution