842 research outputs found

    How mobile instant messaging affects public employees’ daily work: An empirical examination based on stressor-strain-outcome model

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    The phenomenon of excessive instant messaging usage in the workplace has garnered increasing attention in recent years. Despite its pervasiveness, extant literature predominantly focused on the psychological well-being, with the subsequent influences on work performance remaining largely unexplored. Using data from street-level bureaus in China, this study examines how work-oriented mobile instant messaging stressors result in psychological reactions and daily work performance decrement as well. Results demonstrate that information overload, compulsive usage and normative response pressure are significant predictors of strain which was represented by cognitive fatigue, emotional fatigue and invasion of life. These strain constructs can further impair individual’s work performance. The findings from this research provide meaningful theoretical insights and carry practical implications

    La sobrecarga de información percibida por los estudiantes universitarios y su influencia en el síndrome de respuesta inmediata al smartphone durante la pandemia de la COVID-19: Tomando la perspectiva de la personalidad

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected university students’ learning and social interaction to a large level, causing different degrees of negative emotions and made them extremely sensitive to smartphone information. However, little is known about the link between personalities, perceived information overload (PIO) and smartphone immediate response syndrome (SIRS) during students' learning process in this specific emergency social context. Therefore, based on the person-environment fit model, this study investigated 482 university students from mainland China during the epidemic by a snowball sampling approach, and analyzed the relationship between their personalities, PIO and SIRS by structural equation modeling. Results indicated that individuals with extraversion and neuroticism formed SIRS from different psychological paths. PIO plays a partial mediating role between neuroticism and SIRS and a fully mediating role between extraversion and SIRS. These findings validate the association among individual personality, PIO and SIRS in the non-conventional environment and highlights the difference exist in cellphone-related psychological path between extraverted and neurotic students. Therefore, it is recommended that PIO should be controlled in a targeted manner for individuals with different personality and guide them using cellphones rationally during the epidemic.La pandemia causada por la COVID-19 ha afectado en gran medida al aprendizaje y a la interacción social de los estudiantes universitarios, provocando emociones negativas de diferentes grados y haciéndoles extremadamente sensibles a la información de los smartphones. Sin embargo, se sabe poco sobre la relación entre la personalidad, la sobrecarga de información percibida (SIP) y el síndrome de respuesta inmediata al smartphone (SIRS) durante el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en este contexto social de emergencia específico. Por lo tanto, basándose en el modelo de ajuste persona-ambiente, este estudio investigó a 482 estudiantes universitarios de China continental durante la epidemia mediante un enfoque de muestreo de bola de nieve, y analizó la relación entre su personalidad, SIP y SIRS mediante un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados indicaron que los individuos con extraversión y neuroticismo formaron el SIRS a partir de diferentes vías psicológicas. La SIP desempeña un papel mediador parcial entre el neuroticismo y el SIRS y un papel totalmente mediador entre la extraversión y el SIRS. Estos resultados validan la asociación entre la personalidad individual, la SIP y el SIRS en el entorno no convencional y pone de manifiesto la diferencia que existe en la trayectoria psicológica relacionada con el teléfono móvil entre los estudiantes extrovertidos y los neuróticos. Por lo tanto, se recomienda controlar la SIP de forma específica para los individuos con personalidad diferente y guiarlos en el uso racional de los teléfonos móviles durante la epidemia

    Pengaruh informasi berlebihan terhadap rasa lelah dan disorientasi dengan kognisi sebagai variabel moderasi dalam konten video

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of information overload on fatigue and disorientation with cognition as the mediator. The object of the study is Kwib, which is a company that engages in video making and animation. This study was conducted at people who use social media, specifically the ones who use social media with the feature of watching video content. In total 68 respondents have participated in this study. The results of this study show that while cognition is an effective mediator of fatigue, information overload does not have any effect on fatigue. However, another result of this study has also shown that when fatigue does occur for the respondent, it will lead to disorientationTujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh informasi berlebihan terhadap kelelahan dan disorientasi dengan mediator kognisi. Objek penelitian adalah Kwib yang merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan video dan animasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada masyarakat yang menggunakan media sosial, khususnya yang menggunakan media sosial dengan fitur menonton konten video. Total 68 responden yang berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa meskipun kognisi merupakan mediator yang efektif terhadap kelelahan, informasi yang berlebihan tidak berpengaruh pada kelelahan. Namun hasil lain dari penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kelelahan yang terjadi pada responden dapat menimbulkan disorientasi

    Social media fatigue pada mahasiswa di masa pandemi COVID-19: Peran neurotisisme, kelebihan informasi, invasion of life, kecemasan, dan jenis kelamin

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memeriksa apakah neurotisisme, kelebihan informasi, invasion of life, dan kecemasan memengaruhi social media fatigue pada mahasiswa yang belajar di rumah karena pandemi COVID-19. Partisipan penelitian ini berjumlah 639 orang mahasiswa dari kawasan Jabodetabek dan beberapa kota lain yang aktif menggunakan media sosial sebagai sarana belajar di rumah dan juga mencari dan menerima berbagai informasi. Teknik analisis utama yang digunakan adalah regresi hierarkis. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa secara bertahap masing-masing variabel seperti neurotisisme, kelebihan informasi, invasion of life dan kecemasan memiliki pengaruh terhadap terjadinya social media fatigue pada mahasiswa. Namun demikian pada tahap terakhir ketika kecemasan dipertimbangkan dalam perhitungan maka neurotisisme menjadi tidak berpengaruh. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan besarnya pengaruh kelebihan informasi terhadap social media fatigue dan lebih rentannya kelompok mahasiswa pria untuk mengalami social media fatigue saat belajar di rumah selama pandemi COVID-19

    Channel Overload: Can Less be More?

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    This qualitative research study used a thematic approach and semi-structured interviews to explore the phenomenon of Channel Overload. The Cybernetic Tradition frames the study and Systems Theory guides the data analysis and the fundamental underpinnings of how communication functions. Systems Theory is used as the guiding theory as it provides a framework to evaluate how different systems work together, influencing each other and creating noise. This study shows the impact of Channel Overload on individuals and organizations. Further implications include concepts of organizational Channel Overload and suggest the need for internal strategic organizational communication policies to protect people and organizations from the adverse effects of Channel Overload. Future studies that examine Channel Overload should examine the impact of interventions and could include case studies and ethnographic studies examining the consequences of internal strategic organizational communication policy implementation

    University students' perceived information overload mediates smartphone immediate response syndrome during COVID-19 outbreak: Taking the perspective of personality

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has affected university students’ learning and social interaction to a large level, causing different degrees of negative emotions and made them extremely sensitive to smartphone information. However, little is known about the link between personalities, perceived information overload (PIO) and smartphone immediate response syndrome (SIRS) during students' learning process in this specific emergency social context. Therefore, based on the person-environment fit model, this study investigated 482 university students from mainland China during the epidemic by a snowball sampling approach, and analyzed the relationship between their personalities, PIO and SIRS by structural equation modeling. Results indicated that individuals with extraversion and neuroticism formed SIRS from different psychological paths. PIO plays a partial mediating role between neuroticism and SIRS and a fully mediating role between extraversion and SIRS. These findings validate the association among individual personality, PIO and SIRS in the non-conventional environment and highlights the difference exist in cellphone-related psychological path between extraverted and neurotic students. Therefore, it is recommended that PIO should be controlled in a targeted manner for individuals with different personality and guide them using cellphones rationally during the epidemic

    Evaluating the Relational Coordination instrument

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    Qigong at Work: Where East Meets West

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    State of the Art Qigong is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TMC) and aims to balance body and mind. The roots of Qigong lie in China, where Confucian and Daoist scholars (500-400 B.C.) noted that one must learn to balance and relax one’s thoughts and emotions to avoid illness (Yang, 1997). In the Western world, Qigong is best known for its slow and coordinated movements. According to TCM, these movements will help regulate one’s ‘qi’, or life energy, through the body to improve the health and harmony of mind and body. During the practice of Qigong, one’s breathing, attention and movement are aligned. As such, Qigong is sometimes considered Mindfulness in movement (although there are many important differences). New perspectives / contributionsQigong has many positive outcomes on health and wellness. In both patient groups and healthy individuals, Qigong has been shown to improve psychological well-being, quality of life, immune function, balance and related risk-factors, and bone density (Jahnke et al., 2010). As such, Qigong offers a validated way to reduce the physical and mental activation that results from a person's work. While recent research has demonstrated how important it is to take short breaks at work, there is still little attention for Qigong exercises as a means to recover at work.Practical Implications In this presentation, we will explain and practice several Qigong exercises. These movements can be used at work (and at home) to recover from (hormonal) activation, ‘empty’ one’s head, and restore the body-mind balance. <br/

    'Looking at the past - planning for the future: Capitalizing on OHP multidisciplinarity'

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    IFPOC Symposium:Discovering antecedents and consequences of complex change recipients' reactions to organizational change.

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    IFPOC symposium: Discovering antecedents and consequences of complex change recipients' reactions to organizational change Chairs: Maria Vakola (Athens University of Economics and Business) &amp; Karen Van Dam (Open University) Discussant: Mel Fugate (American University, Washington, D.C) State of the art Organisations are required to continuously change and develop but there is a high failure rate associated with change implementation success. In the past two decades, change researchers have started to investigate change recipients' reactions to change recognizing the crucial role of these reactions for successful change. This symposium aims at identifying and discussing the complex processes that underlie the relationships among antecedents, reactions and outcomes associated with organizational change. New perspective / contributions This symposium consists of five studies that extend our knowledge in the field by (i) providing an analysis of change recipients' reactions going beyond the dichotomous approaches (acceptance or resistance) (ii) revealing understudied antecedents-reactions and reactions-consequences patterns and relationships (iii) shedding light on the role of contextual factors i.e team climate and individual factors i.e emotion regulation on the adaptation to change. This symposium is based on a combination of both quantitative (i.e diary, survey) and qualitative (i.e interviews) research methodology. Research / practical implications This symposium aims to increase our understanding of the complex processes associated with change recipients' reactions to change. Discovering how these reactions are created and what are their results may reveal important contingencies that can explain how positive organizational outcomes during times of change can be stimulated which is beneficial for both researchers and practitioners
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