9 research outputs found

    Social Media Attention Increases Article Visits: An Investigation on Article-Level Referral Data of PeerJ

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    In order to better understand the effect of social media in the dissemination of scholarly articles, employing the daily updated referral data of 110 PeerJ articles collected over a period of 345 days, we analyze the relationship between social media attention and article visitors directed by social media. Our results show that social media presence of PeerJ articles is high. About 68.18% of the papers receive at least one tweet from Twitter accounts other than @PeerJ, the official account of the journal. Social media attention increases the dissemination of scholarly articles. Altmetrics could not only act as the complement of traditional citation measures but also play an important role in increasing the article downloads and promoting the impacts of scholarly articles. There also exists a significant correlation among the online attention from different social media platforms. Articles with more Facebook shares tend to get more tweets. The temporal trends show that social attention comes immediately following publication but does not last long, so do the social media directed article views

    Tracing scientist's research trends realtimely

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    In this research, we propose a method to trace scientists' research trends realtimely. By monitoring the downloads of scientific articles in the journal of Scientometrics for 744 hours, namely one month, we investigate the download statistics. Then we aggregate the keywords in these downloaded research papers, and analyze the trends of article downloading and keyword downloading. Furthermore, taking both the download of keywords and articles into consideration, we design a method to detect the emerging research trends. We find that in scientometrics field, social media, new indices to quantify scientific productivity (g-index), webometrics, semantic, text mining, open access are emerging fields that scientometrics researchers are focusing on.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    The Importance of Access to the SCOPUS Database in the Economic Crisis Condition

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    Data acquisition and delivering information resources to clients are among the most vital functions of libraries. However, current political and economic crisis has imposed unpleasant effects on these functions. In such conditions, selecting information resources becomes an ever more complex task. This research intends to answer the question on whether or not the purchase of Scopus services in such a crisis, which makes the subscription of credible scientific journals much more difficult, is a beneficial choice for Iranian medical libraries. The problem will be answered by analyzing the accessibility to full text articles via “view at publisher” image links in Scopus database. Different studies have already been carried out on the abilities and features of Scopus database in scientometric and citation analysis. However, it seems that current study is the first research to examine the value and importance of existing link for accessing the full-text articles such as "view at publisher" link. This link is one of the remarkable features devised in Scopus which has a special importance for end users. Hence, access ratio to full-text documents cited in articles written by Iranian medical faculties was studied through the "view at publisher" link in Scopus, and also via a link devised in the A-Z list of full-text journals in the Iranian National Medical Digital Library database, available at URL: www.inlm.org, followed by comparing the results obtained through the study. Results showed the ability of Scopus to make full-text articles accessible for users' depending on the type and level of individuals or institutional subscription. Such ability itself could justify the necessity for subscribing to Scopus by the universities of medical sciences. Regardless of other features of Scopus such as scientometric studies, etc., this ability becomes more important when access to some articles depends on paying subscription fee either privately or institutionally. Moreover, this ability provides the end-users to have access to a large volume of free papers. So, Scopus could be introduced as a gateway/portal for an easier access to full-text documents of various databases

    Social media and research: an assessment of the coverage of South African universities in ResearchGate, Web of Science and the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities

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    The emergence of social media, including social networking technologies, has had a profound impact on almost all human activities. Social media’s application in research is the most recent occurrence, as the technologies have gained prominence among researchers who regard social media as an avenue for not only strengthening their own networks, but also sharing their research. This article focuses on one of the social networking services for researchers, namely ResearchGate (RG), to assess the research visibility and impact of universities in South Africa. It also examines the correlation between the universities’ ResearchGate-based metrics and Web of Science (WoS) citation statistics on the one hand, and the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities’ (WRWU) ranking on the other. Results reveal that researchers in the top-ranking South African universities have quickly moved to embrace social media; there is a high correlation between RG and WoS in terms of their coverage of papers produced by universities in South Africa; there is also a high correlation between RG and WoS in terms of impact; and ranking of universities in RG, WoS and WRWU is similarly highly correlated. Further discussions, conclusions and recommendations are provided in the paper.Information Scienc

    How to accomplish a highly cited paper in the tourism, leisure and hospitality field

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    This paper identifies the main factors that affect the citation rate of an article published in the tourism, leisure and hospitality field. Using several regression techniques, it has been identified that the number of references for an article, the reputation of the main author, and obtaining early citations have a major impact on a document’s citation rate. As well as this, by means of a quantitative–qualitative analysis (fsQCA), the most efficient combinations of factors that influence the number of citations received have also been identified. This paper is useful for researchers, editors and readers interested in improving the impact of their researchS

    E-visibility of environmental sciences researchers at the University of South Africa

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    Abstract : Research e-visibility in theory enables a researcher to establish and maintain a digital research portfolio utilising various research e-profiles on a number of research online communities and platforms. E-visibility embodies the online presence of the researcher and their research, researcher’s discoverability via research e-profiles and the accessibility of research output on online research communities. The rationale for this study has its foundation in the premise that enhancing the e-visibility of a researcher will increase the research and societal impact of the researcher. The development of an e-visibility strategy for the School of Environmental Sciences (SES) at the University of South Africa (Unisa) would be instrumental in enhancing the e-visibility of the researchers. This study aims at establishing guidelines for the development of an e-visibility strategy for SES researchers at Unisa as part of research support via the Library services. Altmetric and bibliometric data of the SES researchers, were collected during the 2-year period (December 2014 and December 2017) and e-visibility surveys were conducted at the beginning of the study (December 2014) and at the end of the study (April 2017) as part of a longitudinal e-visibility study. The data was analysed using statistical methods to ascertain: 1) the SES researchers e-visibility status, 2) the SES researchers’ perceptions about e-visibility, 3) the altmetric-bibliometric correlations (relationships) from the altmetrics sourced from the academic social networking tools and the bibliometrics derived from the citation resources, and 4) identifying e-visibility practices and actions increasing research and societal impact. The results reflected a total increase in online presence, discoverability, and accessibility therefore indicating an overall increase in the actual and perceived e-visibility of the SES researchers. The survey conducted at the end of the study, found that 73% of the SES researchers indicating that their e-visibility increased with online presence being enhanced, 69% were more discoverable and 76% of their research output was more accessible after applying what they learnt during the e-visibility awareness and training...Ph.D. (Information Management

    La webométrie en sciences sociales et humaines : analyse des données d’usage de la plateforme Érudit

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    Cette étude exploratoire s’intéresse à l’usage des revues en sciences sociales et humaines diffusées en libre accès complet et en libre accès différé par la plateforme Érudit. Basée sur les données de téléchargements d’Érudit, elle vise à 1) fournir un portrait détaillé de l’usage des articles, 2) décrire les habitudes de téléchargement des usagers au Canada et à l’international, et 3) analyser l’effet des politiques de libre accès des revues sur les téléchargements qu’elles reçoivent. Pour ce faire, 39 437 659 téléchargements, extraits de 999 367 190 requêtes HTTP enregistrées dans les logs du serveur d’Érudit de 2010 à 2015, ont été analysés. Les résultats montrent que la majorité des usagers provient du Québec, de la France et d’autres pays francophones, et que, la plupart du temps, ceux-ci accèdent aux articles par l’intermédiaire de Google. Les habitudes de téléchargement varient d’un pays à l’autre : alors que les usagers canadiens et français utilisent Érudit principalement en journée et en semaine, leurs homologues américains sont davantage actifs en soirée, la nuit, ainsi que les week-ends. Enfin, un avantage important lié au libre accès a été observé : les articles des revues en libre accès sont davantage téléchargés que ceux des revues en libre accès différé et, pour ces dernières, la fin de l’embargo est associée à une croissance importante des téléchargements – croissance moins marquée au Canada où bon nombre d’institutions sont abonnées aux revues de la plateforme. Ces résultats démontrent l’importance des revues nationales pour les sciences sociales et humaines, ainsi que l’effet positif du libre accès sur la diffusion des connaissances, tant au Canada qu’à l’étranger.This study explores the usage of open access (OA) and delayed OA journals in the social sciences and humanities hosted by the journal platform Érudit. Relying on Érudit’s download data, the goals of the study are: 1) to describe the usage of scholarly articles, 2) to examine download patterns of national and international users, and 3) to analyze the effect of OA policies on journal download rates. The study is based on an analysis of 39,437,659 downloads, which were extracted from 999,367,190 HTTP requests stored in Érudit’s log files between 2010 and 2015. The results show that the majority of users came from Quebec, France and other French-speaking countries, and that most users access articles through Google. Download patterns varied between countries: although articles were most frequently accessed during working hours, US users were more active in the evening, at night and during weekends than Canadian and French users. The study also demonstrates a clear OA advantage, as freely available articles were downloaded more frequently than delayed OA articles affected by an embargo, and downloads per article increased substantially after embargos ended. This effect was less pronounced for Canadian users, who often have access to Érudit journals via institutional subscriptions and are thus not affected by the embargo periods. The results show the positive effect of OA on knowledge dissemination in Canada as well as internationally, and emphasize the importance of national journals in the social sciences and humanities

    Bibliometric approach to research in entrepreneurship

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    El emprendedor, genera un creciente interés que se sustenta en los valiosos beneficios económicos y sociales que produce, lo que ha supuesto casi sin excepción una de las principales motivaciones para su estudio. Las publicaciones sobre emprendimiento (entrepreneurship) han experimentado un crecimiento exponencial en los últimos años. El interés por el campo de investigación se encuentra en pleno auge. Progresivamente se ha generado un universo documental cada vez más inalcanzable tanto para investigadores como para responsables público-privados, incrementando la dificultad para interpretar, analizar y comprender aquellos hallazgos relevantes en contraposición de otros de naturaleza más prescindible. En esta tesitura surge la necesidad de plantear una investigación centrada en incluir el punto de vista bibliométrico para sentar las bases científicas de futuras investigaciones. La cuestión central que justifica la tesis es la necesidad de construir una referencia para impulsar el incremento y mejora de la calidad de los estudios bibliométricos sobre emprendimiento. Para ello, se realizan diferentes análisis: en primer lugar se caracteriza una muestra representativa de documentos altamente citados sobre emprendimiento; seguidamente se estudia el potencial que ofrecen métricas alternativas a las citas, vinculadas al consumo de información como posibles predictoras del impacto futuro de esos documentos; en tercer lugar se profundiza en la evolución temática que ha seguido la disciplina a través del análisis de su contenido; finalmente, se recopilan los principales estudios bibliométricos que han analizado la disciplina de manera global con especial atención a sus características técnicas, objetivos, limitaciones y conclusiones. La tesis presenta importantes implicaciones para el futuro, actúa como nexo de unión entre dos conocimientos habitualmente desconectados. Pretende ser una referencia significativa para académicos interesados en el estudio del emprendimiento mediante herramientas bibliométricas. Aporta como principal contribución la incorporación del enfoque bibliométrico a este tipo de investigación. Entre los principales hallazgos se presentan evidencias que indican que la imagen ofrecida hasta el momento no incorpora la naturaleza multidisciplinar del emprendimiento y podría estar distorsionada. A su vez, detecta una serie de problemas inherentes a su realización, así como la necesidad de incorporar los últimos avances en bibliometría y mejorar la colaboración entre expertos de ambos campos para intentar solventarlos y avanzar hacia futuros progresos