48 research outputs found

    Understanding Consumer Churning Behaviors in Mobile Telecommunication Service Industry : Cross-national Comparison between Korea and China

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    It is crucial for telecom operators to shift from a subsidy-centered to a service-centered marketing strategy. As the market reaches its saturation point, the effectiveness of customer acquisition through the traditional subsidy decreases and offering differentiated services for existing customer retention is critical. This study aims at finding out factors affecting consumer churning intention based on PPM (Push-Pull-Mooring) theory in order to exactly understand consumer behaviors in the mobile telecommunication service industry (MTSI). This study also analyzes the difference between Korea (saturation market) and China (growth market) in terms of the causality between the intention to switch and the affecting factors. The research findings will encourage telecom operators to establish the effective service strategy that corresponds to their level of market maturity

    Understanding User’s Switching Intention on Mobile Payment Platforms

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    With the development of mobile payment (m-payment) service, the competition accordingly increases among m-payment market. Users face multiple choices when adopting m-payment services. It is critical for both scholars and m-payments providers to understand what the underlying factors can influence user’s switching from one incumbent m-payment platform to another. To solve this question, we employ a push-pull-mooring (PPM) framework to build the research model. We propose that user’s dissatisfaction on incumbent m-payment provider is the main push factor for user’s switching. The attractiveness of alternative and peer influence are the pull factors influencing user’s switching. Cognitive lock-in, as the mooring factor, could influence switching intention directly. Additionally, we posit that cognitive lock-in can moderate the effects of both push and pull factors on user’s switching intention. This study will use survey methodology and structural equation modelling approach to test the hypotheses

    Belia dan pembudayaan semangat sukarelawan di Malaysia: suatu pemerhatian konseptual

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    Semangat dan aktiviti kesukarelawanan merupakan satu tuntutan dalam kerangka perpaduan nasional bagi sesebuah negara dalam mendepani cabaran mendatang yang semakin mencabar. Matlamat penulisan ini adalah untuk membincangkan secara terperinci secara konseptual mengenai elemen utama yang mendokong penghayatan belia terhadap semangat sukarelawan. Ini kerana semangat kesukarelawanan perlu didorong oleh nilai-nilai budaya, ideologi, prinsip dan tradisi sesuatu bangsa. Sekiranya semangat sukarelawan ini dapat direalisasikan sebagai amalan atau budaya pastinya memberi impak besar dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Malah, semangat kesukarelawanan juga memberi implikasi penting terhadap pembinaan negara bangsa yang kuat, maju dan berdaya saing. Tetapi sebaliknya, wujud kebimbangan sekiranya program atau aktiviti kesukarelawanan yang dilaksanakan gagal dihayati sepenuhnya oleh golongan belia yang menjadi pencorak kepada sesebuah tamadun negara pada masa hadapan. Sebaliknya menjadikan program berkaitan hanya sebagai saluran berseronok atau mengurangkan kebosanan semata-mata dan untuk mengisi masa lapang mereka tanpa mendapat apa-apa manfaat. Ini kerana semangat kesukarelawan yang wujud dalam diri seseorang individu adalah sesuatu yang tidak boleh dipaksa dan menuntut pergorbanan yang tinggi daripada segi masa, tenaga dan kewangan. Oleh itu, belia yang bersedia melakukan program berkaitan sukarelawan secara baik adalah dalam kalangan belia yang benar-benar dapat menghayati semangat sukarelawan itu sendiri

    Stay or Leave? An Investigation on User Exodus in Social Networking Sites

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    Although many SNSs experienced great popularity in the past few years, it is also worth noting that most of them were confronted with massive and abrupt recession in a short period of time. In this study, we define the user exodus as a large scale movement in and out of the social media market, and it can be viewed as a decision or response in the post-adoption stage of IT artifact. So far, there is no currently agreed model for user exodus behavior. Thus, this research-in-progress study aims to qualitatively investigate the underlying reasons of user exodus by examining Kaixin001, a Chinese SNS product. Ethnography decision tree model (EDTM) will be built to elicit the attributes and laddering technique will be used to establish the connections between various attributes, consequences, and the values following means-end chain (MEC) theory. Preliminary findings from content analysis are presented.ye

    Customer value migration pada platform bermain online games

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    Industri online games telah menjadi salah satu industri yang paling menguntungkan di dunia. Persaingan yang terjadi pada industri ini tidak hanya pada online game itu sendiri, tetapi juga terjadi pada platform yang digunakan. Seiring perkembangan teknologi, smartphone menjadi salah satu platform online games yang paling diminati, meninggalkan personal computer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari model push-pull-mooring terhadap customer value migration yang terjadi pada perpindahan media bermain online games. Penelitian ini menggunakan model push-pull-mooring dengan pendekatan melalui customer switching behaviour untuk mengukur seberapa besar nilai customer value migration yang terjadi pada responden. Kuisioner disebar secara online kepada 184 responden. Data penelitian diolah menggunakan metode regresi linier berganda. Berdasarkan hasil yang didapat, diketahui bahwa pull factors menjadi faktor yang memiliki pengaruh yang paling besar, lalu diikuti dengan push factor sebagai variabel dengan pengaruh terbesar kedua pada penelitian ini. Mooring factor tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap customer value migration. hal tersebut menunjukan bahwa media smartphone memiliki ketertarikan seperti kemudahan penggunaan dan fleksibilitas pemakaian dalam persepsi konsumen. Perkembangan teknologi dan kecakapan teknologi dari konsumen membuat mooring factors tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan

    Examining the Role of Privacy in Virtual Migration: The Case of WhatsApp and Threema

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    WhatsApp is a widely used instant messaging application on smartphones. However, owing to privacy deficiencies in WhatsApp, alternative services that emphasize privacy protection, such as Threema, have emerged. Thus, the question arises whether users would switch from WhatsApp to Threema for privacy reasons, and what the factors are that would affect their switching intention. To answer these questions, we develop a research model examining the role of privacy in virtual migration, using the push-pull-mooring (PPM) migration framework as a theoretical lens. Based on the results of an online survey of 220 German-speaking smartphone users, we found that privacy protection is relevant to users’ switching intention in two ways: as a push effect encouraging users to leave WhatsApp, and as a pull effect attracting users to Threema. However, while our results suggest that peer influence facilitates WhatsApp users’ switching intention, switching costs appear to be a strong barrier

    Cross-Channel Integration and Customer Retention in Omnichannel Retailing: The Role of Retailer Image and Alternative Attractiveness

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    Cross-channel integration (CCI) is increasingly considered as an important driver of customer retention in omnichannel retailing. However, the existing findings about the relationship between CCI and customer retention are contradictory, wherein both positive and non-significant findings exist. This study aims to explore the contingency role of retailer image and alternative attractiveness for the above relationship. Specifically, both two-way and three-way interaction effects of retailer image and alternative attractiveness were tested. Our survey finding confirmed the positive relationship between CCI and customer retention. We also found that the positive relationship was negatively moderated by retailer image, while positively moderated by alternative attractiveness. This study further uncovered that alternative attractiveness can weaken the negative moderating effect of retailer image. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed

    Factors Affecting Consideration to Switching from Condominium to Townhome for High Class Market in Bangkok Area During COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Purpose: Housing estates such as detached houses, townhouses and townhomes. have become more and more marketable lately, and the popularity of condominiums has declined from COVID-19 pandemic. The keys to success of both townhomes and condominiums in this situation are attracting new consumers and retaining the existing ones. The main purpose of this study is to inspect three categories of antecedents for condominiums consumers’ switching intention: push (i.e. satiation), pull (i.e. perceived value) and mooring (i.e. subjective environmental characteristics) factors using push–pull–mooring (PPM) model. Design/Methodology/Approach: High class townhomes has been selected as the research context. An online survey was proceeded to inspect the proposed research model and hypotheses. The data were collected from 478 respondents living and/or working in Bangkok, who have monthly family income at 150,000 Thai Baht and above by using convenience sampling and snowball sampling method. This study applied the Structural Equation Model (SEM) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to certify the goodness-of-fit of the model and hypothesis testing. Findings: The outcomes revealed that among the push factors satiation with amenity has the highest significant impact on subjective environmental characteristics, followed by satiation with decoration. While among pull factors hedonic value has the highest significant impact on subjective environmental characteristics, followed by perceived privacy and security. As well as subjective environmental characteristics has significantly impact on switching intention. Originality/Value: To contribute a comprehensive understanding of consumers’ switching intention, the researcher used PPM model to construct the research framework. This study enhances the understanding of consumer’s switching intention by locating the push and pull factors based on the differences elements between condominiums and townhomes in correspondence to subjective environmental characteristics

    Mengalihkan perhatian kepada pasar fisik aset kripto (crypto asset) - faktor predisposisi insvestor milenial kepada investasi beresiko

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the factors that influence millennial investors in shifting their intentions to the physical market of crypto assets which is growing rapidly in recent times. The method used in this research is a deductive approach to test a hypothesis. Perceived Risk, Reward Sensitivity , Knowledge become independent variables which then affect the Switching Intention.variable Personal Innovativeness is also presented as a moderating variable. The results of this study indicate that the Perceived Risk and Reward Sensitivity have an effect on Switching Intention in the Physical Crypto Asset Market so that the higher the risk perception felt by millennial investors in the financial asset market other than the crypto asset market and the higher the Reward Sensitivity they know when they decide. to invest in the physical market of crypto assets will increasingly affect their intention to participate in investing in the physical market of crypto assets. In addition, the study found a new finding that the effect of Reward Sensitivity on Switching Intention can be weakened by the moderating variable, namely Personal Innovativeness. This research has contributed to providing new Knowledge about the factors that can influence individual investors in the millennial age in Indonesia on their intention to divert their attention to investing in the physical market of crypto assets


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    Post adoptive IT use is a hot research stream in information systems field, including continuance behaviours and switching behaviours. While there are a great number of studies on users’ intentions or behaviors for diversified information systems, previous post adoptive IT studies pay relatively less attention on users’ switching behaviors. Hence, we know little about this phenomenon and triggers on users’ switching behaviors. This research identifies the features of users IT switching behaviors and examines what trigger their switching intentions and actual behaviors in the context of mobile instant messaging (MIM) application in China. A model of MIM switching behaviors is developed based on Curran and Saguy’s (2001) research on how networks of obligation, trust and relative deprivation affect human’s migration decision and process. Besides these three triggers, we also introduce dissatisfaction and curiosity into our model according to prior IS studies on switching behaviors. A survey research method will be adopted to test this model. Overall, our study may theoretically contribute to further understand users’ IT switching behaviors and yield some practical implications for designers and managers in MIM providers and their products propaganda