393,775 research outputs found

    Bootstrapping Mixed Correlators in the 3D Ising Model

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    We study the conformal bootstrap for systems of correlators involving non-identical operators. The constraints of crossing symmetry and unitarity for such mixed correlators can be phrased in the language of semidefinite programming. We apply this formalism to the simplest system of mixed correlators in 3D CFTs with a Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 global symmetry. For the leading Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-odd operator σ\sigma and Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-even operator ϵ\epsilon, we obtain numerical constraints on the allowed dimensions (Δσ,Δϵ)(\Delta_\sigma, \Delta_\epsilon) assuming that σ\sigma and ϵ\epsilon are the only relevant scalars in the theory. These constraints yield a small closed region in (Δσ,Δϵ)(\Delta_\sigma, \Delta_\epsilon) space compatible with the known values in the 3D Ising CFT.Comment: 39 pages, 6 figure

    Microcontrollers programming possibilities

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    Tato práce se zabývá vnitřní strukturou a možnostmi programování mikrořadičů. Cílem práce je popsat vnitřní strukturu mikrořadičů z pohledu programátora, zhodnotit výhody a nevýhody jejich programování v jazyce symbolických adres, jazyce C a nástrojích vyšší úrovně. Dále se práce zabývá přenositelností kódu mezi různými rodinami a architekturami mikrořadičů.This work is focused on inner structure and programming possibilities of microcontrollers. The work goal is to describe inner structure of microcontrollers from the programmer’s point of view, find out advantages and disadvantages of their programming in Assembly language, C language and higher-level languages. Code portability between different microcontrollers’ families and architectures is discussed further.

    Translation of C Expressions to DIMACS Format

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    Tato práce se věnuje návrhu převodu výrazů zapsaných v programovacím jazyce C do formátu DIMACS a realizaci programu v jazyce C++ provádějící tento převod. V textu práce se nachází popis programovacího jazy­ka C a jeho operátorů. Dále obsahuje popis konjunktivní normální formy a popis formátu DIMACS. Následuje návrh vytvoření programu pro usku­tečnění převodu z výrazu v programovacím jazyce C do formátu DIMACS a popis realizace programu provádějící tento převod.This work focuses on proposition of transfer of the expressions entered in the C pro­gramming language into DIMACS format and creation of program in programming language C++ making this transfer. This work contains a description of the C pro­gramming language and its operators. It also con­tains a description of the conjunctive normal form and a descri­ption of the DIMACS format. Following is a proposal for a program for the transfer of expression in the C programming language to the DIMACS format and description of reali­zation of program performing this transfer.

    Game with Robots

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vytvořením počítačové hry, ve které v aréně bojují roboti. Chování robotů definují uživatelé pomocí speciálního programovacího jazyka. Definice robotů a její zpracování je implementováno pomocí fuzzy logiky. Práce popisuje teoretické poznatky z fuzzy logiky a hry Robocode, dále návrh programovacího jazyka a struktury aplikace a~nakonec popis implementace jednotlivých částí aplikace.This thesis deals with creating a computer game in which robots are fighting in the arena. The users can define the robot's behavior by using a special programming language. Definition of robots and it's processing is implemented by using fuzzy logic. The thesis describes the theoretical knowledge of fuzzy logic and game Robocode, programming language design and application architecture, and finally a description of the implementation of individual parts of the application.

    Comparison of Min-Max normalization and Z-Score Normalization in the K-nearest neighbor (kNN) Algorithm to Test the Accuracy of Types of Breast Cancer

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the results of the prediction of breast cancer, which have been classified based on two types of breast cancer, malignant and benign. The method used in this research is the k-NN algorithm with normalization of min-max and Z-score, the programming language used is the R language. The conclusion is that the highest k accuracy value is k = 5 and k = 21 with an accuracy rate of 98% in the normalization method using the min-max method. Whereas for the Z-score method the highest accuracy is at k = 5 and k = 15 with an accuracy rate of 97%. Thus the min-max normalization method in this study is considered better than the normalization method using the Z-score. The novelty of this research lies in the comparison between the two min-max normalizations and the Z-score normalization in the k-NN algorithm

    Refactoring Object-Oriented Specifications: A Process for Deriving Designs

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    We describe a set of rules for the systematic structural modification of Object-Z specifications to derive designs that are appropriate for implementation in an object-oriented programming language. Such a methodology is important for systems that are sufficiently large to warrant the object-oriented programming approach, but additionally require development under strict verification conditions. We demonstrate that these rules are complete in the sense that from any specification that does not contain unbounded recursive constructs, any design may be derived which represents a refinement of the original and also does not contain unbounded recursive constructs

    Developing Embedded Multithreaded Applications with CATAPULTS, a Domain-specific Language for Generating Thread Schedulers

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    This paper describes CATAPULTS, a domain-specific language for creating and testing application-specific user level thread schedulers. Using a domain-specific language to write thread schedulers provides three advantages. First, it modularizes the thread scheduler, making it easy to plug in and experiment with different schedulers. Second, using a domain-specific language for scheduling code helps prevent several of the common programming mistakes that are easy to make when programming in low-level C or assembly. Finally, the CATAPULTS translator has multiple backends that generate code for different languages and libraries. This makes it easy to prototype an embedded application on a regular PC, and then develop the final version on the embedded hardware; the CATAPULTS translator will take care of generating the appropriate code for both the PC prototype and the final embedded version of the program. Using our implementation of CATAPULTS for Z-World’s embedded Rabbit processors, we obtained a performance gain of about 12.6 % at the expense of about 12.7 % increase in code size for a fairly typical embedded application

    An Automatically Verified Prototype of the Tokeneer ID Station Specification

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    The Tokeneer project was an initiative set forth by the National Security Agency (NSA, USA) to be used as a demonstration that developing highly secure systems can be made by applying rigorous methods in a cost effective manner. Altran Praxis (UK) was selected by NSA to carry out the development of the Tokeneer ID Station. The company wrote a Z specification later implemented in the SPARK Ada programming language, which was verified using the SPARK Examiner toolset. In this paper, we show that the Z specification can be easily and naturally encoded in the {log} set constraint language, thus generating a functional prototype. Furthermore, we show that {log}'s automated proving capabilities can discharge all the proof obligations concerning state invariants as well as important security properties. As a consequence, the prototype can be regarded as correct with respect to the verified properties. This provides empirical evidence that Z users can use {log} to generate correct prototypes from their Z specifications. In turn, these prototypes enable or simplify some verificatio activities discussed in the paper