8 research outputs found

    Brazilian green patents: behavior of inventions that receive the highest number of citations

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    The objective of the research reported here is to ascertain what variables influence the behavior of the patents that receive the most citations. The literature recognizes the number of forward citations as one of the most important indicators for discovering an invention's value. This claim is tested in a research population consisting of the set of Brazilian green patents registered in the Global Patent Index database. The following variables are used: applicant type, applicant country, number of inventors, International Patent Classification code, family size, renewals, Patent Cooperation Treaty applicability, triadic family, grant and number of citations. These variables are used to create a decision tree and a logistic regression with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, V.21, and MS Excel. The results show that, in the behavior of Brazilian green patents, family size and renewals are connected to the most-citedpatents. Another significant variable, but one whose numbers were not significant enough to place it in the decision tree, was membership in the Patent Cooperation TreatyThis study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior(Capes) -Brazil


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    [目的 / 意义] 梳理并评述国内外有关科学家评价的方法, 归纳好的做法和经验, 为相关研究机构制定科学家评价方法提供参考。[方法 / 过程] 从定性、定量和新型评价范式等角度进行梳理, 其中定量研究方法主要包括: 基于论文数和引文数、标准化指标、h 指数及其衍生指数等单指标定量评价方法,基于链接的方法, 替代计量学以及多指标综合评价方法等。定性方法主要从同行评议角度展开, 新型评价范式 主 要 介 绍 了 大 数 据 时 代 基 于 人 工 智 能 和机器学习的科学家评价新范式。[结果 / 结论] 科学家评价工作还 有 很 大 的 空 间 有 待 探 索, 包 括: 评 价 理 论 基 础、时间维度的考虑、强调多指标综合的方法、指标优化、评价实践等多个方面。 &nbsp;</p


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    A gestão da inovação mostra-se um desafio para as organizações na busca pela competitividade. Ao implementar um processo de gestão, tão importante quanto explicitar o modelo estratégico da inovação, é a capacidade de mensuração do que se deseja gerenciar. O uso de indicadores e índices de inovação permite, portanto, a verificação do desempenho de organizações ou regiões em separado ou em comparação com outras. A definição de indicadores de inovação não é, portanto, uma tarefa trivial, e diversas são ferramentas utilizadas, tais como estatísticas de patentes e P&amp;D. Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão bibliométrica com o propósito mapear a produção científica relativa ao tema indicadores de inovação, identificando autores, obras e fontes de publicação mais relevantes. Para isso, foram analisados 107 trabalhos científicos que abordam o referido tema, escritos por 209 autores pertencentes a 115 instituições de 35 países diferentes. Os resultados mostram que a primeira publicação encontrada data do ano de 1973, mas o número de publicações mostra uma tendência de crescimento com o tempo e predominam as publicações em journals e a Europa é a região com maior número de autores, seguida da China, Brasil e Estados Unidos.Innovation management is a challenge for organizations that aim to be competitive. When implementing a management process, the ability to measure what is to be managed is very important as it is the explanation of the strategic model of the innovation. The use of indicators allows verifying the development of the organizations or the development of each one of the regions individually, or in comparison to each other. Identifying indicators for innovation is crucial and there are several tools to help in this process, such as the patent statistics and R&amp;D. This paper presents a bibliometric review wich aims to map the scientific production about Innovation Indicators. We have analysed 107 scientific articles from 209 authors working for 115 different institutions in 35 countries. Results show that the first article was published in 1973, and the number of publications tends to increase with time. The majority of the articles are published in journals and Europe is the region that counts the largest number of authors, followed by China, Brazil and the United States

    Distant recombination and the creation of basic inventions: An analysis of the diffusion of public and private sector nanotechnology patents in Canada

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    This article explores whether the relationship between the breath of technological integration (recombination distance) and the breath of an invention׳s subsequent application (basicness) is moderated by the sector of activity (private or public), science-linkage strength and industry characteristics. Our analysis of Canadian nanotechnology patents granted between 1990 and 1997 shows that although private organizations generally yield smaller rates of basic inventions than public organizations, increases to recombination distance by the former increases invention basicness at a higher rate; increasing reliance upon basic science moderates the relationship between recombination distance and basicness; and increases to recombination distance in emerging science-based industries increases invention basicness at a higher rate. These findings have implications regarding the debate around the efficiency of the academic enterprise model

    Technological distance between knowledge bases of partner organizations and the value of joint innovation in inter-organizational alliances. Study based on technological patents

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    This research examines the relationship between technological distance (DT)and four indicators of the value of innovations or new knowledge - relative position of the patent (RPP), revealed technological advantage (RTA), Herfindahl-Hirschman Patent Index (HHI) and patent cites (PC), in inter-organizational alliances of the biotechnology sector. The research was developed using the multiple correspondence analysis. The results confirm that the technological distance of the partners (DT) of the alliance is not related to the patent cites (PC) indicator. On the other hand, it was established that there is a relationship of the DT with the RTA, RPP and the HHI; however, it was observed that the DT with the RPP have a strong linear relationship, while the relationship of DT with RTA and HHI, it seems to show an inverted U configuration. In this way, statistically it is demonstrated that the technological distance, measured in terms of the difference of the knowledge bases between the organizations that make up the alliance, is a factor that is associated in a significant way to the value of innovation

    The Hidden Value of Abandoned Applications to the Patent System

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    Some inventors abandon their patent applications without ever receiving a patent. Although patent scholars view such abandoned applications as essentially worthless, we question that conventional wisdom. In conducting an empirical analysis of a recently released patent application dataset (in light of a 1999 change requiring publication of most abandoned applications), we find that the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) often uses abandoned applications as prior art when examining future patent applications. Abandoned applications thus generate an administrative disclosure that prevents the issuance of broader patent rights to later applicants. By narrowing the scope of new patents, abandoned applications perform a public service in limiting exclusivity over any given technological space and opening up more invention space to the public domain, but they do so at an enormous private cost to the abandonee—benefits and costs that have yet to be fully accounted for in the literature

    Predicting Technical Value Of Technologies Through Their Knowledge Structure

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    This thesis tests the hypothesis that the characteristics displayed by the knowledge structure of a high technical value invention is different from that of a low technical value invention. The knowledge structure crystalizes at the inception of the invention making it ideal for evaluating new inventions. More specifically, this research investigates two characteristics of the knowledge structure: knowledge accumulation and knowledge appropriation. Knowledge accumulation is defined as the collective body of knowledge gathered in a sector over time that has contributed to the creation of the invention. A higher degree of accumulated knowledge is more likely to be associated with high technical value inventions. Knowledge appropriation describes absorption of knowledge in the creation of the invention. From knowledge structure perspective knowledge absorption is observed by the emergence of edges that connect knowledge elements together. The robustness of this emergent knowledge structure is thus an indicator of the amount of knowledge appropriated by the invention. This research introduces a new metric for the measurement of knowledge accumulation and presents structural robustness as an indicator of knowledge appropriation. Knowledge accumulation and knowledge appropriation are hypothesized to be positively correlated with the technical value of the invention. This research tests the hypotheses by examining the citation networks of patents in four sectors: thin film photovoltaics, inductive vibration energy harvesting, piezoelectric energy harvesting, and carbon nanotubes. In total 152 base inventions and over 4000 patents are investigated. This research shows that knowledge accumulation is a significant predictor of the technical value of an invention and that high value inventions show a higher level of knowledge appropriation