116,381 research outputs found

    Experiences In Migrating An Industrial Application To Aspects

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    Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a paradigm aiming to solve problems of object-oriented programming (OOP). With normal OOP it’s often unlikely to accomplish fine system modularity due to crosscutting concerns being scattered and tangled throughout the system. AOSD resolves this problem by its capability to crosscut the regular code and as a consequence transfer the crosscutting concerns to a single model called aspect. This thesis describes an experiment on industrial application wherein the effectiveness of aspect-oriented techniques is explained in migration the OOP application into aspects. The experiment goals at first to identify the crosscutting concerns in source code of the industrial application and transform these concerns to a functionally equivalent aspect-oriented version. In addition to presenting experiences gained through the experiment, the thesis aims to provide practical guidance of aspect solutions in a real application

    Formal Model Merging Applied to Class Diagram Integration

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    AbstractThe integration of software artifacts is present in many scenarios of the Software Engineering field: object-oriented modeling, relational databases, XML schemas, ontologies, aspect-oriented programming, etc. In Model Management, software artifacts are viewed as models that can be manipulated by means of generic operators, which are specified independently of the context in which they are used. One of these operators is Merge, which enables the automated integration of models. Solutions for merging models that are achieved by applying this operator are more abstract and reusable than the ad-hoc solutions that are pervasive in many contexts of the Software Engineering field. In this paper, we present our automated approach for generic model merging from a practical standpoint, providing support for conflict resolution and traceability between software artifacts by using the QVT Relations language. We focus on the definition of our operator Merge, applying it to Class Diagrams integration

    A Goal Programming Model For Facility Location Planning

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    The aim of this paper is to apply Goal Programming in facility location. The feasibility project of a project idea on building an economic object is a defining moment in the decision making of the party that is investing on a certain project. Generally, the feasibility is done based on the global data extracted by the practical experience of building and functioning of similar existing object. However, it is understandable that the accuracy of the feasibility results is increased when different points of view are used in combination with exact methods of calculation. In this aspect, it is important to predict the income from the use of the object’s capacities. This leads to an intermediary problem which consists in predicting the most result oriented use of the object’s capacities. If the use of these capacities can be mathematically modeled through optimization models, then the basis of the data for evaluating the feasibility of the object becomes clearer. In this study was considered the possibility of using a mathematical model for the basin used by a yacht harbor. As a result, it is shown that the optimal use of a basin by a yacht harbor can be modeled as an objective function problem, which according to previously known methods can turn into a mathematical programming problem

    Технології програмування ІВС. Практикум

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    Навчальний посібник забезпечує курс комп’ютерних практикумів з дисципліни «Технології програмування ІВС». Навчальний посібник складається з 9 комп’ютерних практикумів, кожен з яких містить теоретичний матеріал, практичні приклади, завдання до виконання, рекомендовані ресурси та контрольні питання. Навчальний посібник сприяє набуттю студентами повного розуміння синтаксису та семантики мови програмування С#, засвоєнню принципів об’єктно-орієнтованого програмування цією мовою, розумінню подієво-орієнтованого, структурного, функціонального та аспектно-орієнтованого підходів, що надає розширені можливості для створення програмних додатків інформаційних вимірювальних систем.The textbook provides a course of computer workshops in the discipline "Programming technologies of information and measuring systems". The textbook consists of 9 computer workshops, each of which contains theoretical material, practical examples, tasks to be performed, recommended resources and control questions. The textbook helps students gain a full understanding of the syntax and semantics of the C# programming language, mastering the principles of object-oriented programming in this language, understanding event-oriented, structural, functional and aspect-oriented approaches, which provides enhanced opportunities for creating software applications of information and measurement systems

    Dynamic Virtual Join Point Dispatch

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    Conceptually, join points are points in the execution of a program and advice is late-bound to them. We propose the notion of virtual join points that makes this concept explicit not only at a conceptual, but also at implementation level. In current implementations of aspect-oriented languages, binding is performed early, at deploy-time, and only a limited residual dispatch is executed. Current implementations fall in the categories of modifying the application code, modifying the meta-level of an application, or interacting with the application by means of events—the latter two already realizing virtual join points to some degree. We provide an implementation of an aspect-oriented execution environment that supports truly virtual join points and discuss how this approach also favors optimizations in the execution environment