12 research outputs found

    REST service testing based on inferred XML schemas

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    The concept of service oriented architecture has been extensively explored in software engineering, due to the fact that it produces architectures made up of several interconnected modules, easy to reuse when building new systems. This approach to design would be impossible without interconnection mechanisms such as REST (Representationa State Transfer) services, which allow module communication while minimizing coupling. . However, this low coupling brings disadvantages, such as the lack of transparency, which makes it difficult to sistematically create tests without knowledge of the inner working of a system. In this article, we present an automatic error detection system for REST services, based on a statistical analysis over responses produced at multiple service invocations. Thus, a service can be systematically tested without knowing its full specification. The method can find errors in REST services which could not be identified by means of traditional testing methods, and provides limited testing coverage for services whose response format is unknown. It can be also useful as a complement to other testing mechanisms

    Sistema de pruebas de servicios REST mediante análisis de esquemas inferidos

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    A lo largo de los últimos años, el paradigma de la arquitectura orientada a servicios ha tenido una gran expansión gracias a la expansión de las tecnologías web e internet. Las ventajas de esta arquitectura se basan en ofrecer diseños modulares con poco acoplamiento entre sí, lo que permite la creación eficiente y sistemática de sistemas distribuidos. Para que este tipo de arquitectura sea posible, es necesario dotar a los servicios de interfaces de interconexión que permitan encapsular los servicios al mismo tiempo que faciliten el uso de los mismos. Existen varias tecnologías para definir estos interfaces. Entre ellas, los servicios REST, o REpresentional State Transfer, están logrando cada vez más aceptación. Esto se debe principalmente a su capacidad de escalabilidad y la uniformidad de sus interfaces, que permite una mayor separación entre los consumidores y los servicios. De hecho, compañias como Yahoo, Google o Twitter definen interfaces REST de acceso a sus servicios, ya se para consultar mapas (GoogleMaps), imágenes (Flickr) o el correo, permitiendo a terceros desarrollar clientes para sus servicios sin tener que involucrarse en su producción

    The pq-gram distance between ordered labeled trees

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    When integrating data from autonomous sources, exact matches of data items that represent the same real-world object often fail due to a lack of common keys. Yet in many cases structural information is available and can be used to match such data. Typically the matching must be approximate since the representations in the sources differ. We propose pq-grams to approximately match hierarchical data from autonomous sources and define the pq-gram distance between ordered labeled trees as an effective and efficient approximation of the fanout weighted tree edit distance. We prove that the pq-gram distance is a lower bound of the fanout weighted tree edit distance and give a normalization of the pq-gram distance for which the triangle inequality holds. Experiments on synthetic and real-world data (residential addresses and XML) confirm the scalability of our approach and show the effectiveness of pq-grams

    The pq-Gram Distance between Ordered Labeled Trees

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    When integrating data from autonomous sources, exact matches of data items that represent the same real world object often fail due to a lack of common keys. Yet in many cases structural information is available and can be used to match such data. Typically the matching must be approximate since the representations in the sources differ. We propose pq-grams to approximately match hierarchical data from autonomous sources and define the pq-gram distance between ordered labeled trees as an effective and efficient approximation of the fanout weighted tree edit distance. We prove that the pq-gram distance is a lower bound of the fanout weighted tree edit distance and give a normalization of the pq-gram distance for which the triangle inequality holds. Experiments on synthetic and real world data (residential addresses and XML) confirm the scalability of our approach and show the effectiveness of pq-grams

    Online Analysis of Dynamic Streaming Data

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    Die Arbeit zum Thema "Online Analysis of Dynamic Streaming Data" beschäftigt sich mit der Distanzmessung dynamischer, semistrukturierter Daten in kontinuierlichen Datenströmen um Analysen auf diesen Datenstrukturen bereits zur Laufzeit zu ermöglichen. Hierzu wird eine Formalisierung zur Distanzberechnung für statische und dynamische Bäume eingeführt und durch eine explizite Betrachtung der Dynamik von Attributen einzelner Knoten der Bäume ergänzt. Die Echtzeitanalyse basierend auf der Distanzmessung wird durch ein dichte-basiertes Clustering ergänzt, um eine Anwendung des Clustering, einer Klassifikation, aber auch einer Anomalieerkennung zu demonstrieren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit basieren auf einer theoretischen Analyse der eingeführten Formalisierung von Distanzmessungen für dynamische Bäume. Diese Analysen werden unterlegt mit empirischen Messungen auf Basis von Monitoring-Daten von Batchjobs aus dem Batchsystem des GridKa Daten- und Rechenzentrums. Die Evaluation der vorgeschlagenen Formalisierung sowie der darauf aufbauenden Echtzeitanalysemethoden zeigen die Effizienz und Skalierbarkeit des Verfahrens. Zudem wird gezeigt, dass die Betrachtung von Attributen und Attribut-Statistiken von besonderer Bedeutung für die Qualität der Ergebnisse von Analysen dynamischer, semistrukturierter Daten ist. Außerdem zeigt die Evaluation, dass die Qualität der Ergebnisse durch eine unabhängige Kombination mehrerer Distanzen weiter verbessert werden kann. Insbesondere wird durch die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit die Analyse sich über die Zeit verändernder Daten ermöglicht

    Amélioration de l'image et la segmentation (applications en imagerie médicale)

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    Avancement dans l'acquisition d'image et le progrès dans les méthodes de traitement d'image ont apporté les mathématiciens et les informaticiens dans les domaines qui sont d'une importance énorme pour les médecins et les biologistes. Le diagnostic précoce de maladies (comme la cécité, le cancer et les problèmes digestifs) ont été des domaines d'intérêt en médecine. Développement des équipements comme microscope bi-photonique à balayage laser et microscope de fluorescence par réflexion totale interne fournit déjà une bonne idée des caractéristiques très intéressantes sur l'objet observé. Cependant, certaines images ne sont pas appropriés pour extraire suffisamment d'informations sur de cette image. Les méthodes de traitement d'image ont été fournit un bon soutien à extraire des informations utiles sur les objets d'intérêt dans ces images biologiques. Rapide méthodes de calcul permettent l'analyse complète, dans un temps très court, d'une série d'images, offrant une assez bonne idée sur les caractéristiques souhaitées. La thèse porte sur l'application de ces méthodes dans trois séries d'images destinées à trois différents types de diagnostic ou d'inférence. Tout d'abord, Images de RP-muté rétine ont été traités pour la détection des cônes, où il n'y avait pas de bâtonnets présents. Le logiciel a été capable de détecter et de compter le nombre de cônes dans chaque image. Deuxièmement, un processus de gastrulation chez la drosophile a été étudié pour observer toute la mitose et les résultats étaient cohérents avec les recherches récentes. Enfin, une autre série d'images ont été traités où la source était une vidéo à partir d'un microscopie photonique à balayage laser. Dans cette vidéo, des objets d'intérêt sont des cellules biologiques. L'idée était de suivre les cellules si elles subissent une mitose. La position de la cellule, la dispersion spatiale et parfois le contour de la membrane cellulaire sont globalement les facteurs limitant la précision dans cette vidéo. Des méthodes appropriées d'amélioration de l'image et de segmentation ont été choisies pour développer une méthode de calcul pour observer cette mitose. L'intervention humaine peut être requise pour éliminer toute inférence fausse.Advancement in Image Acquisition Equipment and progress in Image Processing Methods have brought the mathematicians and computer scientists into areas which are of huge importance for physicians and biologists. Early diagnosis of diseases like blindness, cancer and digestive problems have been areas of interest in medicine. Development of Laser Photon Microscopy and other advanced equipment already provides a good idea of very interesting characteristics of the object being viewed. Still certain images are not suitable to extract sufficient information out of that image. Image Processing methods have been providing good support to provide useful information about the objects of interest in these biological images. Fast computational methods allow complete analysis, in a very short time, of a series of images, providing a reasonably good idea about the desired characteristics. The thesis covers application of these methods in 3 series of images intended for 3 different types of diagnosis or inference. Firstly, Images of RP-mutated retina were treated for detection of rods, where there were no cones present. The software was able to detect and count the number of cones in each frame. Secondly, a gastrulation process in drosophila was studied to observe any mitosis and results were consistent with recent research. Finally, another series of images were treated where biological cells were observed to undergo mitosis. The source was a video from a photon laser microscope. In this video, objects of interest were biological cells. The idea was to track the cells if they undergo mitosis. Cell position, spacing and sometimes contour of the cell membrane are broadly the factors limiting the accuracy in this video. Appropriate method of image enhancement and segmentation were chosen to develop a computational method to observe this mitosis. Cases where human intervention may be required have been proposed to eliminate any false inference.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Medien und Glaubwürdigkeit

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    With the proliferation of digital information and communication technologies new, plural ways of mass distribution of verbal, textual and/or visual messages arose. Recipient's are required to find a position within the conflict of different sources of information (e.g., Twitter, blogger scene established media institutions) and with their wealth of different statements, information and representations. The result is often a field of tension between chance and excessive demands. Also the information brokers are aware of the possibility, "Mouse click" to reach large populations in a very short period of time. Social Media platforms enable campaigns of all types. A wide range of views and opinions of countless groups publicly represented without great effort and disseminated. In addition to new themes such as the role of authenticity and the dimensions of "Infotainment" and "edutainment", there are questions about the limits of this situation of the new diversity of opinion, according to reliable sources, and according to the criteria for high-quality journalism. The contributions of this volume provide an insight into the relationship between media and credibility in the age of fake news and information overload and offer information, such as the formation of a mature online public opinion of the media can be supported