16,310 research outputs found

    The phase transition in inhomogeneous random graphs

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    We introduce a very general model of an inhomogenous random graph with independence between the edges, which scales so that the number of edges is linear in the number of vertices. This scaling corresponds to the p=c/n scaling for G(n,p) used to study the phase transition; also, it seems to be a property of many large real-world graphs. Our model includes as special cases many models previously studied. We show that under one very weak assumption (that the expected number of edges is `what it should be'), many properties of the model can be determined, in particular the critical point of the phase transition, and the size of the giant component above the transition. We do this by relating our random graphs to branching processes, which are much easier to analyze. We also consider other properties of the model, showing, for example, that when there is a giant component, it is `stable': for a typical random graph, no matter how we add or delete o(n) edges, the size of the giant component does not change by more than o(n).Comment: 135 pages; revised and expanded slightly. To appear in Random Structures and Algorithm

    The cut metric, random graphs, and branching processes

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    In this paper we study the component structure of random graphs with independence between the edges. Under mild assumptions, we determine whether there is a giant component, and find its asymptotic size when it exists. We assume that the sequence of matrices of edge probabilities converges to an appropriate limit object (a kernel), but only in a very weak sense, namely in the cut metric. Our results thus generalize previous results on the phase transition in the already very general inhomogeneous random graph model we introduced recently, as well as related results of Bollob\'as, Borgs, Chayes and Riordan, all of which involve considerably stronger assumptions. We also prove corresponding results for random hypergraphs; these generalize our results on the phase transition in inhomogeneous random graphs with clustering.Comment: 53 pages; minor edits and references update

    Sparse random graphs with clustering

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    In 2007 we introduced a general model of sparse random graphs with independence between the edges. The aim of this paper is to present an extension of this model in which the edges are far from independent, and to prove several results about this extension. The basic idea is to construct the random graph by adding not only edges but also other small graphs. In other words, we first construct an inhomogeneous random hypergraph with independent hyperedges, and then replace each hyperedge by a (perhaps complete) graph. Although flexible enough to produce graphs with significant dependence between edges, this model is nonetheless mathematically tractable. Indeed, we find the critical point where a giant component emerges in full generality, in terms of the norm of a certain integral operator, and relate the size of the giant component to the survival probability of a certain (non-Poisson) multi-type branching process. While our main focus is the phase transition, we also study the degree distribution and the numbers of small subgraphs. We illustrate the model with a simple special case that produces graphs with power-law degree sequences with a wide range of degree exponents and clustering coefficients.Comment: 62 pages; minor revisio

    Percolation in weight-dependent random connection models

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    We study a general class of inhomogeneous spatial random graphs, the weight-dependent random connection model. Vertices are given through a standard Poisson point process in Euclidean space and each vertex carries additionally an i.i.d weight. Edges are drawn in such a way that short edges and edges to large weight vertices are preferred. This allows in particular the study of models that combine long-range interactions and heavy-tailed degree distributions. The occurrence of long edges together with the hierarchy of the vertices coming from the weights typically leads to very well connected graphs. We identify a sharp phase transition where the existence of a subcritical percolation phase becomes possible. This transition depends on both, the power-law of the degree distribution and on the geometric model parameter, showing the significant effect of clustering on the graph’s topology. We further study the specifics of dimension one in parameter regimes where a subcritical phase exists. Natural examples that are contained in our framework are for instance the random connection model, the Poisson Boolean model, scale-free percolation and the agedependent random connection model. We use our results to characterize robustness of age-based spatial preferential attachment networks

    Heisenberg models and Schur–Weyl duality

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    We present a detailed analysis of certain quantum spin systems with inhomogeneous (non-random) mean-field interactions. Examples include, but are not limited to, the interchange- and spin singlet projection interactions on complete bipartite graphs. Using two instances of the representation theoretic framework of Schur–Weyl duality, we can explicitly compute the free energy and other thermodynamic limits in the models we consider. This allows us to describe the phase transition, the ground-state phase diagram, and the expected structure of extremal states