1,533 research outputs found

    New additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate additive properties of generalized Drazin inverse of two Drazin invertible linear operators in Banach spaces. Under the commutative condition of PQ=QP, we give explicit representations of the generalized Drazin inverse (P+Q)d in term of P, Pd, Q and Qd. We consider some applications of our results to the perturbation of the Drazin inverse and analyze a number of special cases

    Some additive results on Drazin inverse

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    In this paper, we investigate additive results of the Drazin inverse of elements in a ring R. Under the condition ab = ba, we show that a + b is Drazin invertible if and only if aa^D(a+b) is Drazin invertible, where the superscript D means the Drazin inverse. Furthermore we find an expression of (a + b)^D. As an application we give some new representations for the Drazin inverse of a 2 × 2 block matrix.Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11361009), the Guangxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (2013GXNSFAA019008), and Science Research Project 2013 of the China-ASEAN Study Center (Guangxi Science Experiment Center) of Guangxi University for Nationalities.Liu, X.; Qin, X.; Benítez López, J. (2015). Some additive results on Drazin inverse. Applied Mathematics - A Journal of Chinese Universities. 30(4):479-490. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11766-015-3333-4S479490304A Ben-Israel, T N E Greville. Generalized Inverses, Theory and Applications, 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, 2003.S L Campbell, C D Meyer. Generalized Inverses of Linear Transformations, Pitman (Advanced Publishing Program), Boston, MA, 1979.N Castro-González, J J Koliha. Additive perturbation results for the Drazin inverse, Linear Algebra Appl, 2005, 397: 279–297.N Castro-González, E Dopazo, M F Martínez-Serrano. On the Drazin inverse of the sum of two operators and its application to operator matrices, J Math Anal Appl, 2008, 350: 207–215.N Castro-González, M F Martínez-Serrano. Expressions for the g-Drazin inverse of additive perturbed elements in a Banach algebra, Linear Algebra Appl, 2010, 432: 1885–1895.N Castro-González, J J Koliha. New additive results for the Drazin inverse, Proc Roy Soc Edinburgh Sect A, 2004, 134: 1085–1097.M Catral, D D Olesky, P van den Driessche. Block representations of the Drazin inverse of a bipartite matrix, Electron J Linear Algebra, 2009, 18: 98–107.J L Chen, G F Zhuang, Y Wei. The Drazin inverse of a sum of morphisms, Acta Math Sci Ser A Chin Ed, 2009, 29(3): 538–552.D S Cvetković-Ilić, D S Djordjević, Y Wei. Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra, Linear Algebra Appl, 2006, 418, 53–61.D S Cvetković-Ilić. A note on the representation for the Drazin inverse of 2 × 2 block matrices, Linear Algebra Appl, 2008, 429: 242–248.C Deng. The Drazin inverses of sum and difference of idempotents, Linear Algebra Appl, 2009, 430: 1282–1291.C Deng, Y Wei. Characterizations and representations of the Drazin inverse of idempotents, Linear Algebra Appl, 2009, 431: 1526–1538.C Deng, Y Wei. New additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse, J Math Anal Appl, 2010, 370: 313–321.D S Djordjević, P S Stanimirović. On the generalized Drazin inverse and generalized resolvent, Czechoslovak Math J, 2001, 51(126): 617–634.D S Djordjević, Y Wei. Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse, J Aust Math Soc, 2002, 73: 115–125.D S Djordjević, V Rakočević. Lectures on Generalized inverses, University of Niš, 2008.E Dopazo, M F Martínez-Serrano. Further results on the representation of the Drazin inverse of a 2 × 2 block matrices, Linear Algebra Appl, 2010, 432: 1896–1904.M P Drazin. Pseudo-inverses in associative rings and semiproup, Amer Math Monthly, 1958, 65: 506–514.R E Hartwig, G R Wang, Y Wei. Some additive results on Drazin inverse, Linear Algebra Appl, 2001, 322: 207–217.R E Hartwig, X Li, Y Wei. Representations for the Drazin inverse of a 2×2 block matrix, SIAM J Matrix Anal Appl, 2006, 27: 757–771.Y Liu, C G Cao. Drazin inverse for some partitioned matrices over skew fields, J Nat Sci Heilongjiang Univ, 2004, 24: 112–114.J Ljubisavljević, D S Cvetković-Ilić. Additive results for the Drazin inverse of block matrices and applications, J Comput Appl Math, 2011, 235: 3683–3690.C D Meyer ffixJr, N J Rose. The index and the Drazin inverse of block triangular matrices, SIAM J Appl Math, 1977, 33(1): 1–7.L Wang, H H Zhu, X Zhu, J L Chen. Additive property of Drazin invertibility of elements, arXiv: 1307.1816v1 [math.RA], 2013.H Yang, X Liu. The Drazin inverse of the sum of two matrices and its applications, J Comput Appl Math, 2011, 235: 1412–1417

    Some Results on the Symmetric Representation of the Generalized Drazin Inverse in a Banach Algebra

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    [EN] Based on the conditions ab(2) = 0 and b pi(ab) is an element of A(d), we derive that (ab)(n), (ba)(n), and ab + ba are all generalized Drazin invertible in a Banach algebra A, where n is an element of N and a and b are elements of A. By using these results, some results on the symmetry representations for the generalized Drazin inverse of ab + ba are given. We also consider that additive properties for the generalized Drazin inverse of the sum a + b.This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number: 11361009, 61772006,11561015), the Special Fund for Science and Technological Bases and Talents of Guangxi (grant number: 2016AD05050, 2018AD19051), the Special Fund for Bagui Scholars of Guangxi (grant number: 2016A17), the High level innovation teams and distinguished scholars in Guangxi Universities (grant number: GUIJIAOREN201642HAO), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi (grant number: 2017GXNSFBA198053, 2018JJD110003), and the open fund of Guangxi Key laboratory of hybrid computation and IC design analysis (grant number: HCIC201607).Qin, Y.; Liu, X.; Benítez López, J. (2019). Some Results on the Symmetric Representation of the Generalized Drazin Inverse in a Banach Algebra. Symmetry (Basel). 11(1):1-9. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym11010105S19111González, N. C. (2005). Additive perturbation results for the Drazin inverse. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 397, 279-297. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2004.11.001Zhang, X., & Chen, G. (2006). The computation of Drazin inverse and its application in Markov chains. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 183(1), 292-300. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2006.05.076Castro-González, N., Dopazo, E., & Martínez-Serrano, M. F. (2009). On the Drazin inverse of the sum of two operators and its application to operator matrices. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 350(1), 207-215. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2008.09.035Qiao, S., Wang, X.-Z., & Wei, Y. (2018). Two finite-time convergent Zhang neural network models for time-varying complex matrix Drazin inverse. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 542, 101-117. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2017.03.014Stanimirovic, P. S., Zivkovic, I. S., & Wei, Y. (2015). Recurrent Neural Network for Computing the Drazin Inverse. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 26(11), 2830-2843. doi:10.1109/tnnls.2015.2397551Koliha, J. J. (1996). A generalized Drazin inverse. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 38(3), 367-381. doi:10.1017/s0017089500031803Hartwig, R. E., Wang, G., & Wei, Y. (2001). Some additive results on Drazin inverse. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 322(1-3), 207-217. doi:10.1016/s0024-3795(00)00257-3Djordjević, D. S., & Wei, Y. (2002). Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse. Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 73(1), 115-126. doi:10.1017/s1446788700008508Liu, X., Xu, L., & Yu, Y. (2010). The representations of the Drazin inverse of differences of two matrices. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 216(12), 3652-3661. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2010.05.016Yang, H., & Liu, X. (2011). The Drazin inverse of the sum of two matrices and its applications. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 235(5), 1412-1417. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2010.08.027Harte, R. (1992). On generalized inverses in C*-algebras. Studia Mathematica, 103(1), 71-77. doi:10.4064/sm-103-1-71-77Djordjevic, D. S., & Stanimirovic, P. S. (2001). On the Generalized Drazin Inverse and Generalized Resolvent. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 51(3), 617-634. doi:10.1023/a:1013792207970Cvetković-Ilić, D. S., Djordjević, D. S., & Wei, Y. (2006). Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 418(1), 53-61. doi:10.1016/j.laa.2006.01.015Liu, X., Qin, X., & Benítez, J. (2016). New additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra. Filomat, 30(8), 2289-2294. doi:10.2298/fil1608289lMosić, D., Zou, H., & Chen, J. (2017). The generalized Drazin inverse of the sum in a Banach algebra. Annals of Functional Analysis, 8(1), 90-105. doi:10.1215/20088752-3764461González, N. C., & Koliha, J. J. (2004). New additive results for the g-Drazin inverse. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics, 134(6), 1085-1097. doi:10.1017/s0308210500003632Mosić, D. (2014). A note on Cline’s formula for the generalized Drazin inverse. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 63(6), 1106-1110. doi:10.1080/03081087.2014.92296

    The perturbation of the Drazin inverse and oblique projection

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    AbstractLet A and E be n × n matrices and B = A+E. Denote the Drazin inverse of A by Ad. We present bounds for ∥Bd∥, ∥BdB∥, ∥Bd − Ad∥∥Ad∥, and ∥BdB − AdA∥∥AdA∥ under the weakest condition core rank B = core rankA. The hard problem due to Campbell and Meyer in [1] is completely solved

    Representations for generalized Drazin inverse of operator matrices over a Banach space

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    In this paper we give expressions for the generalized Drazin inverse of a (2,2,0) operator matrix and a 2×22\times2 operator matrix under certain circumstances, which generalizes and unifies several results in the literature

    Additive Property of Drazin Invertibility of Elements

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    In this article, we investigate additive properties of the Drazin inverse of elements in rings and algebras over an arbitrary field. Under the weakly commutative condition of ab=λbaab = \lambda ba, we show that aba-b is Drazin invertible if and only if aaD(ab)bbDaa^{D}(a-b)bb^{D} is Drazin invertible. Next, we give explicit representations of (a+b)D(a+b)^{D}, as a function of a,b,aDa, b, a^{D} and bDb^{D}, under the conditions a3b=baa^{3}b = ba and b3a=abb^{3}a = ab.Comment: 17 page