17 research outputs found

    Risks of artificial intelligence

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    Papers from the conference on AI Risk (published in JETAI), supplemented by additional work. --- If the intelligence of artificial systems were to surpass that of humans, humanity would face significant risks. The time has come to consider these issues, and this consideration must include progress in artificial intelligence (AI) as much as insights from AI theory. -- Featuring contributions from leading experts and thinkers in artificial intelligence, Risks of Artificial Intelligence is the first volume of collected chapters dedicated to examining the risks of AI. The book evaluates predictions of the future of AI, proposes ways to ensure that AI systems will be beneficial to humans, and then critically evaluates such proposals. 1 Vincent C. Müller, Editorial: Risks of Artificial Intelligence - 2 Steve Omohundro, Autonomous Technology and the Greater Human Good - 3 Stuart Armstrong, Kaj Sotala and Sean O’Heigeartaigh, The Errors, Insights and Lessons of Famous AI Predictions - and What they Mean for the Future - 4 Ted Goertzel, The Path to More General Artificial Intelligence - 5 Miles Brundage, Limitations and Risks of Machine Ethics - 6 Roman Yampolskiy, Utility Function Security in Artificially Intelligent Agents - 7 Ben Goertzel, GOLEM: Toward an AGI Meta-Architecture Enabling Both Goal Preservation and Radical Self-Improvement - 8 Alexey Potapov and Sergey Rodionov, Universal Empathy and Ethical Bias for Artificial General Intelligence - 9 András Kornai, Bounding the Impact of AGI - 10 Anders Sandberg, Ethics and Impact of Brain Emulations 11 Daniel Dewey, Long-Term Strategies for Ending Existential Risk from Fast Takeoff - 12 Mark Bishop, The Singularity, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI

    Editorial: Risks of general artificial intelligence

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    This is the editorial for a special volume of JETAI, featuring papers by Omohundro, Armstrong/Sotala/O’Heigeartaigh, T Goertzel, Brundage, Yampolskiy, B. Goertzel, Potapov/Rodinov, Kornai and Sandberg. - If the general intelligence of artificial systems were to surpass that of humans significantly, this would constitute a significant risk for humanity – so even if we estimate the probability of this event to be fairly low, it is necessary to think about it now. We need to estimate what progress we can expect, what the impact of superintelligent machines might be, how we might design safe and controllable systems, and whether there are directions of research that should best be avoided or strengthened

    Organisational plasticity: can we really model human-agent behaviours?

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    The ability for an organisation to adapt and respond to external pressures is a beneficial activity towards optimising efficiency and increasing the likelihood of achieving set goals. It can also be suggested that this very ability to adapt to one's surroundings is one of the key factors of resilience. The nature of dynamically responding to sudden change and then to return to a state that is efficient may be termed as possessing the characteristic of plasticity. Uses of agent-based systems in assisting in organisational processes may have a hand in facilitating an organisations's plasticity, and computational modelling has often been used to try and predict both agent and human behaviour. Such models also promise the ability to examine the dynamics of organisational plasticity through the direct manipulation of key factors. This paper discusses the use of such models in application to organisational plasticity and in particular the relevance to human behaviour and perception of agent-based modelling. The uses of analogies for explaining organisational plasticity is also discussed, with particular discussion around the use of modelling. When we consider the means by which we can adopt theories to explain this type of behaviour, models tend to focus on aspects of predictability. This in turn loses a degree of realism when we consider the complex nature of human behaviour, and more so that of human-agent behaviour

    Phronesis of AI in radiology: Superhuman meets natural stupidity

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    Advances in AI in the last decade have clearly made economists, politicians, journalists, and citizenry in general believe that the machines are coming to take human jobs. We review 'superhuman' AI performance claims in radiology and then provide a self-reflection on our own work in the area in the form of a critical review, a tribute of sorts to McDermotts 1976 paper, asking the field for some self-discipline. Clearly there is an opportunity to replace humans, but there are better opportunities, as we have discovered to fit cognitive abilities of human and non-humans. We performed one of the first studies in radiology to see how human and AI performance can complement and improve each others performance for detecting pneumonia in chest X-rays. We question if there is a practical wisdom or phronesis that we need to demonstrate in AI today as well as in our field. Using this, we articulate what AI as a field has already and probably can in the future learn from Psychology, Cognitive Science, Sociology and Science and Technology Studies

    Evidence From Artificial Intelligence in General Administrative Procedure

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    Artificial intelligence is becoming an element of everyday life, and also a part of administrative proceedings. The legislator systematically adds regulations that allow public administration bodies to use artificial intelligence. At the same time, the Code of Administrative Procedure has not been amended in this respect. The article tries to establish what artificial intelligence evidence is. In addition, the issue of whether the rules on administrative evidence should be changed to cover the use of AI evidence is examined

    How Artificial Intelligence-based Interactive City support City Resilience? کيف تدعم المدينة التفاعلية المعتمدة علي الذکاء الاصطناعي مرونة المدينة؟

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    Artificial intelligence applications represent a great opportunity to support the resilience of cities. This paper seeks answer to a central question that asks about how Interactive City (IC) mechanism - that based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) - support the city\u27s resilience. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to prove or deny the paper assumption, which assumes that the AI-based IC mechanism can support the resilience of the city. To achieve this goal, a deductive approach is adopted by presenting and analyzing the concept of resilient cities and their different features; then, describing and analyzing the challenges of cities; analyzing the concepts of AI and its various applications; analyze the components of the IC to conclude its role in supporting and achieving city resilience. As a result, the paper proved the assumption and conclude that the AI-based IC supports city resilience. The paper also recommends applying the AI-based IC mechanism in different cities

    How Artificial Intelligence-based Interactive City support City Resilience? کيف تدعم المدينة التفاعلية المعتمدة علي الذکاء الاصطناعي مرونة المدينة؟

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    Artificial intelligence applications represent a great opportunity to support the resilience of cities. This paper seeks answer to a central question that asks about how Interactive City (IC) mechanism - that based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) - support the city\u27s resilience. Therefore, the main goal of this paper is to prove or deny the paper assumption, which assumes that the AI-based IC mechanism can support the resilience of the city. To achieve this goal, a deductive approach is adopted by presenting and analyzing the concept of resilient cities and their different features; then, describing and analyzing the challenges of cities; analyzing the concepts of AI and its various applications; analyze the components of the IC to conclude its role in supporting and achieving city resilience. As a result, the paper proved the assumption and conclude that the AI-based IC supports city resilience. The paper also recommends applying the AI-based IC mechanism in different cities

    Phronesis of AI in radiology: Superhuman meets natural stupidity

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    Advances in AI in the last decade have clearly made economists, politicians, journalists, and citizenry in general believe that the machines are coming to take human jobs. We review 'superhuman' AI performance claims in radiology and then provide a self-reflection on our own work in the area in the form of a critical review, a tribute of sorts to McDermotts 1976 paper, asking the field for some self-discipline. Clearly there is an opportunity to replace humans, but there are better opportunities, as we have discovered to fit cognitive abilities of human and non-humans. We performed one of the first studies in radiology to see how human and AI performance can complement and improve each others performance for detecting pneumonia in chest X-rays. We question if there is a practical wisdom or phronesis that we need to demonstrate in AI today as well as in our field. Using this, we articulate what AI as a field has already and probably can in the future learn from Psychology, Cognitive Science, Sociology and Science and Technology Studies


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    данной статье рассматриваются базы данных, в которых используются технологии искусственного интеллекта для полу- чения, проверки или представления содержимого базы данных («базыданных ИИ»). Главный исследовательский вопрос заключается в том, могут ли базы данных ИИ охраняться в рамках режимов авторского права и права sui generis, предусмотренных Директивой «О правовой охране баз данных». Предполагаемая неадекватность права sui generis для экономики данных и, в частности, для данных, генерируемых машинами, побудила Европейский парламент обратиться к Комиссии с призывом отменить указанное право, а Комиссию – предложить ввести право производителя данных в качестве нового имущественного права, которое сделало бы то, что не смогло сделать право sui generis. В данной статье доказывается, что, вопреки распространенному мнению, право sui generis пригодно для охраны баз данных ИИ и что иное решение привело бы к чрезмерной защите указанного объекта договорными средствами. Право sui generis может быть наилучшим, если не единственным, способом защиты произведений, «автором» которых является ИИ. Действительно, даже если произведения, созданные ИИ, в настоящее время не охраняются авторским правом ввиду отсутствия оригинальности, они, тем не менее, могут защищаться, если являются частью базы данных. Таким образом, благодаря ИИ право sui generis может стать более важным, чем когда-либо

    Can artificial intelligence replace the future auditor? : a study of how the effects of digitalization may affect the auditor’s role

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    Digitaliseringen är den största nutida förändringskraft som sker inom revisionsbranschen. Samtidigt som det ställs nya krav på revisionsbranschen finns det också indikationer på att rollen som revisor står inför stora förändringar. Den traditionella rollen som revisorn syftar till är att agera som en oberoende aktör mellan ett företag och dess intressenter. I takt med utvecklingen av den digitala tekniken kan det komma att betyda att revisorns roll inte längre uppfyller det traditionella syftet. Det kan därför komma att bli aktuellt att revisorns framtida roll behöver studeras utifrån nya perspektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur digitaliseringens effekter kan tänkas påverka revisorn i sin yrkesroll. För att uppnå vårt syfte har vi undersökt vilka aspekter som revisorn upplever som viktiga i sin nuvarande roll och hur dessa aspekter kan komma att påverkas av digitaliseringen. En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har tillämpats och intervjuer har varit den primära insamlingen till vår empiriska data. Respondenterna har tillsammans utgjort tre olika perspektiv som bestått av auktoriserade revisorer, branschorganisationen och utbildningsväsendet. Resultatet i vår studie har visat att i tidigare studier av digitaliseringens effekter på revisorns roll har det främst fokuserats på revisorns arbetsmoment och att dessa har blivit olika mått för effektivitet. Digitaliseringen är ett faktum och som innebär förändringar för revisorn i sin yrkesroll. Det kan komma att bli stora förändringar för revisorn vilket kan betyda att det traditionella agentteoretiska perspektivet inte längre blir relevant att tillämpa vid studier av revisorns framtida roll. Vår studie bidrar därför med nya aspekter som kan komma att vara nödvändiga vid ett utformande av ett nytt teoretisk ramverk som kan studera revisorns nya roll.Digitalization is the largest contemporary forces of change in the audit industry. While setting new demands on the audit industry there are also indications that the role of auditor is facing major changes. The traditional role of the auditor is to act as an independent controller between a company and its stakeholders. In line with the development of digital technology, this may mean that the auditors' role no longer meets the traditional purpose. It may therefore be necessary for the auditor's future role to be studied based on new perspectives. The aim of this study was to investigate how the effects of digitization may affect the auditor in his professional role. In order to achieve our purpose, we have investigated different aspects the auditor experiences as important in its current role and how these aspects can be affected by digitization. A qualitative research method has been applied in which interviews were conducted. The respondents together have constituted three different perspectives, consisting of authorized public accountants, a trade union organization and an educational system. The results of our study has shown that previous studies of the effects of digitalization on the auditor's role have been primarily focused on the auditor's workplace and that these have become different measurements of effectiveness. Digitization is a fact and it will involve changes for the auditor in his career. There may be major changes for the auditor, which may mean that the traditional agent theory perspective will no longer be a relevant application in the future studies of the auditor's future role. Therefore our study contributes some new aspects which may be necessary to use in a new theory framework which can be used in studies of the auditor’s future role