235 research outputs found

    The number of multiplicative Sidon sets of integers

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    A set SS of natural numbers is multiplicative Sidon if the products of all pairs in SS are distinct. Erd\H{o}s in 1938 studied the maximum size of a multiplicative Sidon subset of {1,,n}\{1,\ldots, n\}, which was later determined up to the lower order term: π(n)+Θ(n3/4(logn)3/2)\pi(n)+\Theta(\frac{n^{3/4}}{(\log n)^{3/2}}). We show that the number of multiplicative Sidon subsets of {1,,n}\{1,\ldots, n\} is T(n)2Θ(n3/4(logn)3/2)T(n)\cdot 2^{\Theta(\frac{n^{3/4}}{(\log n)^{3/2}})} for a certain function T(n)21.815π(n)T(n)\approx 2^{1.815\pi(n)} which we specify. This is a rare example in which the order of magnitude of the lower order term in the exponent is determined. It resolves the enumeration problem for multiplicative Sidon sets initiated by Cameron and Erd\H{o}s in the 80s. We also investigate its extension for generalised multiplicative Sidon sets. Denote by SkS_k, k2k\ge 2, the number of multiplicative kk-Sidon subsets of {1,,n}\{1,\ldots, n\}. We show that Sk(n)=(βk+o(1))π(n)S_k(n)=(\beta_k+o(1))^{\pi(n)} for some βk\beta_k we define explicitly. Our proof is elementary.Comment: 20 page

    On modular k-free sets

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    Let nn and kk be integers. A set AZ/nZA\subset\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z} is kk-free if for all xx in AA, kxAkx\notin A. We determine the maximal cardinality of such a set when kk and nn are coprime. We also study several particular cases and we propose an efficient algorithm for solving the general case. We finally give the asymptotic behaviour of the minimal size of a kk-free set in [1,n]\left[ 1,n\right] which is maximal for inclusion

    Constructions of Generalized Sidon Sets

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    We give explicit constructions of sets S with the property that for each integer k, there are at most g solutions to k=s_1+s_2, s_i\in S; such sets are called Sidon sets if g=2 and generalized Sidon sets if g\ge 3. We extend to generalized Sidon sets the Sidon-set constructions of Singer, Bose, and Ruzsa. We also further optimize Koulantzakis' idea of interleaving several copies of a Sidon set, extending the improvements of Cilleruelo & Ruzsa & Trujillo, Jia, and Habsieger & Plagne. The resulting constructions yield the largest known generalized Sidon sets in virtually all cases.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure (revision fixes typos, adds a few details, and adjusts notation

    On Multiplicative Sidon Sets

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    Fix integers b>a1b>a\geq1 with g:=gcd(a,b)g:=\gcd(a,b). A set SNS\subseteq\mathbb{N} is \emph{{a,b}\{a,b\}-multiplicative} if axbyax\neq by for all x,ySx,y\in S. For all nn, we determine an {a,b}\{a,b\}-multiplicative set with maximum cardinality in [n][n], and conclude that the maximum density of an {a,b}\{a,b\}-multiplicative set is bb+g\frac{b}{b+g}. For A,BNA, B \subseteq \mathbb{N}, a set SNS\subseteq\mathbb{N} is \emph{{A,B}\{A,B\}-multiplicative} if ax=byax=by implies a=ba = b and x=yx = y for all aAa\in A and bBb\in B, and x,ySx,y\in S. For 1<a<b<c1 < a < b < c and a,b,ca, b, c coprime, we give an O(1) time algorithm to approximate the maximum density of an {{a},{b,c}}\{\{a\},\{b,c\}\}-multiplicative set to arbitrary given precision