14,214 research outputs found

    Electronic structures of free-standing nanowires made from indirect bandgap semiconductor gallium phosphide

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    We present a theoretical study of the electronic structures of freestanding nanowires made from gallium phosphide (GaP)--a III-V semiconductor with an indirect bulk bandgap. We consider [001]-oriented GaP nanowires with square and rectangular cross sections, and [111]-oriented GaP nanowires with hexagonal cross sections. Based on tight binding models, both the band structures and wave functions of the nanowires are calculated. For the [001]-oriented GaP nanowires, the bands show anti-crossing structures, while the bands of the [111]-oriented nanowires display crossing structures. Two minima are observed in the conduction bands, while the maximum of the valence bands is always at the Γ\Gamma-point. Using double group theory, we analyze the symmetry properties of the lowest conduction band states and highest valence band states of GaP nanowires with different sizes and directions. The band state wave functions of the lowest conduction bands and the highest valence bands of the nanowires are evaluated by spatial probability distributions. For practical use, we fit the confinement energies of the electrons and holes in the nanowires to obtain an empirical formula.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Fluid flow and heat transfer in a dual-wet micro heat pipe

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    Micro heat pipes have been used to cool micro electronic devices, but their heat transfer coefficients are low compared with those of conventional heat pipes. In this work, a dual-wet pipe is proposed as a model to study heat transfer in micro heat pipes. The dual-wet pipe has a long and narrow cavity of rectangular cross-section. The bottom-half of the horizontal pipe is made of a wetting material, and the top-half of a non-wetting material. A wetting liquid fills the bottom half of the cavity, while its vapour fills the rest. This configuration ensures that the liquid–vapour interface is pinned at the contact line. As one end of the pipe is heated, the liquid evaporates and increases the vapour pressure. The higher pressure drives the vapour to the cold end where the vapour condenses and releases the latent heat. The condensate moves along the bottom half of the pipe back to the hot end to complete the cycle. We solve the steady-flow problem assuming a small imposed temperature difference between the two ends of the pipe. This leads to skew-symmetric fluid flow and temperature distribution along the pipe so that we only need to focus on the evaporative half of the pipe. Since the pipe is slender, the axial flow gradients are much smaller than the cross-stream gradients. Thus, we can treat the evaporative flow in a cross-sectional plane as two-dimensional. This evaporative motion is governed by two dimensionless parameters: an evaporation number E defined as the ratio of the evaporative heat flux at the interface to the conductive heat flux in the liquid, and a Marangoni number M. The motion is solved in the limit E→∞ and M→∞. It is found that evaporation occurs mainly near the contact line in a small region of size E−1W, where W is the half-width of the pipe. The non-dimensional evaporation rate Q* ~ E−1 ln E as determined by matched asymptotic expansions. We use this result to derive analytical solutions for the temperature distribution Tp and vapour and liquid flows along the pipe. The solutions depend on three dimensionless parameters: the heat-pipe number H, which is the ratio of heat transfer by vapour flow to that by conduction in the pipe wall and liquid, the ratio R of viscous resistance of vapour flow to interfacial evaporation resistance, and the aspect ratio S. If HRxs226B1, a thermal boundary layer appears near the pipe end, the width of which scales as (HR)−1/2L, where L is the half-length of the pipe. A similar boundary layer exists at the cold end. Outside the boundary layers, Tp varies linearly with a gradual slope. Thus, these regions correspond to the evaporative, adiabatic and condensing regions commonly observed in conventional heat pipes. This is the first time that the distinct regions have been captured by a single solution, without prior assumptions of their existence. If HR ~ 1 or less, then Tp is linear almost everywhere. This is the case found in most micro-heat-pipe experiments. Our analysis of the dual-wet pipe provides an explanation for the comparatively low effective thermal conductivity in micro heat pipes, and points to ways of improving their heat transfer capabilities

    Interleaving schemes for multidimensional cluster errors

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    We present two-dimensional and three-dimensional interleaving techniques for correcting two- and three-dimensional bursts (or clusters) of errors, where a cluster of errors is characterized by its area or volume. Correction of multidimensional error clusters is required in holographic storage, an emerging application of considerable importance. Our main contribution is the construction of efficient two-dimensional and three-dimensional interleaving schemes. The proposed schemes are based on t-interleaved arrays of integers, defined by the property that every connected component of area or volume t consists of distinct integers. In the two-dimensional case, our constructions are optimal: they have the lowest possible interleaving degree. That is, the resulting t-interleaved arrays contain the smallest possible number of distinct integers, hence minimizing the number of codewords required in an interleaving scheme. In general, we observe that the interleaving problem can be interpreted as a graph-coloring problem, and introduce the useful special class of lattice interleavers. We employ a result of Minkowski, dating back to 1904, to establish both upper and lower bounds on the interleaving degree of lattice interleavers in three dimensions. For the case t≡0 mod 6, the upper and lower bounds coincide, and the Minkowski lattice directly yields an optimal lattice interleaver. For t≠0 mod 6, we construct efficient lattice interleavers using approximations of the Minkowski lattice

    Resolvable designs with large blocks

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    Resolvable designs with two blocks per replicate are studied from an optimality perspective. Because in practice the number of replicates is typically less than the number of treatments, arguments can be based on the dual of the information matrix and consequently given in terms of block concurrences. Equalizing block concurrences for given block sizes is often, but not always, the best strategy. Sufficient conditions are established for various strong optimalities and a detailed study of E-optimality is offered, including a characterization of the E-optimal class. Optimal designs are found to correspond to balanced arrays and an affine-like generalization.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000001253 in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Bulk high-Tc superconductors with drilled holes: how to arrange the holes to maximize the trapped magnetic flux ?

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    Drilling holes in a bulk high-Tc superconductor enhances the oxygen annealing and the heat exchange with the cooling liquid. However, drilling holes also reduces the amount of magnetic flux that can be trapped in the sample. In this paper, we use the Bean model to study the magnetization and the current line distribution in drilled samples, as a function of the hole positions. A single hole perturbs the critical current flow over an extended region that is bounded by a discontinuity line, where the direction of the current density changes abruptly. We demonstrate that the trapped magnetic flux is maximized if the center of each hole is positioned on one of the discontinuity lines produced by the neighbouring holes. For a cylindrical sample, we construct a polar triangular hole pattern that exploits this principle; in such a lattice, the trapped field is ~20% higher than in a squared lattice, for which the holes do not lie on discontinuity lines. This result indicates that one can simultaneously enhance the oxygen annealing, the heat transfer, and maximize the trapped field

    Two-dimensional patterns with distinct differences; constructions, bounds, and maximal anticodes

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    A two-dimensional (2-D) grid with dots is called a configuration with distinct differences if any two lines which connect two dots are distinct either in their length or in their slope. These configurations are known to have many applications such as radar, sonar, physical alignment, and time-position synchronization. Rather than restricting dots to lie in a square or rectangle, as previously studied, we restrict the maximum distance between dots of the configuration; the motivation for this is a new application of such configurations to key distribution in wireless sensor networks. We consider configurations in the hexagonal grid as well as in the traditional square grid, with distances measured both in the Euclidean metric, and in the Manhattan or hexagonal metrics. We note that these configurations are confined inside maximal anticodes in the corresponding grid. We classify maximal anticodes for each diameter in each grid. We present upper bounds on the number of dots in a pattern with distinct differences contained in these maximal anticodes. Our bounds settle (in the negative) a question of Golomb and Taylor on the existence of honeycomb arrays of arbitrarily large size. We present constructions and lower bounds on the number of dots in configurations with distinct differences contained in various 2-D shapes (such as anticodes) by considering periodic configurations with distinct differences in the square grid

    Magnetic properties of nanoscale compass-Heisenberg planar clusters

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    We study a model of spins 1/2 on a square lattice, generalizing the quantum compass model via the addition of perturbing Heisenberg interactions between nearest neighbors, and investigate its phase diagram and magnetic excitations. This model has motivations both from the field of strongly correlated systems with orbital degeneracy and from that of solid-state based devices proposed for quantum computing. We find that the high degeneracy of ground states of the compass model is fragile and changes into twofold degenerate ground states for any finite amplitude of Heisenberg coupling. By computing the spin structure factors of finite clusters with Lanczos diagonalization, we evidence a rich variety of phases characterized by Z2 symmetry, that are either ferromagnetic, C-type antiferromagnetic, or of Neel type, and analyze the effects of quantum fluctuations on phase boundaries. In the ordered phases the anisotropy of compass interactions leads to a finite excitation gap to spin waves. We show that for small nanoscale clusters with large anisotropy gap the lowest excitations are column-flip excitations that emerge due to Heisenberg perturbations from the manifold of degenerate ground states of the compass model. We derive an effective one-dimensional XYZ model which faithfully reproduces the exact structure of these excited states and elucidates their microscopic origin. The low energy column-flip or compass-type excitations are robust against decoherence processes and are therefore well designed for storing information in quantum computing. We also point out that the dipolar interactions between nitrogen-vacancy centers forming a rectangular lattice in a diamond matrix may permit a solid-state realization of the anisotropic compass-Heisenberg model.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figure
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