175 research outputs found

    Matching games: the least core and the nucleolus

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    A matching game is a cooperative game defined by a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E). The player set is VV and the value of a coalition S⊆VS \subseteq V is defined as the size of a maximum matching in the subgraph induced by SS. We show that the nucleolus of such games can be computed efficiently. The result is based on an alternative characterization of the least core which may be of independent interest. The general case of weighted matching games remains unsolved. \u

    The Complexity of Matching Games: A Survey

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    Matching games naturally generalize assignment games, a well-known class of cooperative games. Interest in matching games has grown recently due to some breakthrough results and new applications. This state-of-the-art survey provides an overview of matching games and extensions, such as bb-matching games and partitioned matching games; the latter originating from the emerging area of international kidney exchange. In this survey we focus on computational complexity aspects of various game-theoretical solution concepts, such as the core, nucleolus and Shapley value, when the input is restricted to some (generalized) matching game

    An efficient algorithm for nucleolus and prekernel computation in some classes of TU-games

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    We consider classes of TU-games. We show that we can efficiently compute an allocation in the intersection of the prekernel and the least core of the game if we can efficiently compute the minimum excess for any given allocation. In the case where the prekernel of the game contains exactly one core vector, our algorithm computes the nucleolus of the game. This generalizes both a recent result by Kuipers on the computation of the nucleolus for convex games and a classical result by Megiddo on the nucleolus of standard tree games to classes of more general minimum cost spanning tree games. Our algorithm is based on the ellipsoid method and Maschler's scheme for approximating the prekernel. \u

    On the Approximate Core and Nucleon of Flow Games

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    The flow game with public arcs is a cooperative revenue game derived from a flow network. In this game, each player possesses an arc, while certain arcs, known as public arcs, are not owned by any specific player and are accessible to any coalition. The aim of this game is to maximize the flow that can be routed in the network through strategic coalition formation. By exploring its connection to the maximum partially disjoint path problem, we investigate the approximate core and nucleon of the flow game with public arcs. The approximate core is an extension of the core that allows for some deviation in group rationality, while the nucleon is a multiplicative analogue of the nucleolus. In this paper, we provide two complete characterizations for the optimal approximate core and show that the nucleon can be computed in polynomial time

    Stability and Fairness in Models with a Multiple Membership

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    This article studies a model of coalition formation for the joint production (and finance) of public projects, in which agents may belong to multiple coalitions. We show that, if projects are divisible, there always exists a stable (secession-proof) structure, i.e., a structure in which no coalition would reject a proposed arrangement. When projects are indivisible, stable allocations may fail to exist and, for those cases, we resort to the least core in order to estimate the degree of instability. We also examine the compatibility of stability and fairness in metric environments with indivisible projects, where we also explore the performance of well-known solutions, such as the Shapley value and the nucleolus.Stability, Fairness, Membership, Coalition Formation

    Stability and fairness in models with a multiple membership

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    This article studies a model of coalition formation for the joint production (and finance) of public projects, in which agents may belong to multiple coalitions. We show that, if projects are divisible, there always exists a stable (secession-proof) structure, i.e., a structure in which no coalition would reject a proposed arrangement. When projects are in- divisible, stable allocations may fail to exist and, for those cases, we resort to the least core in order to estimate the degree of instability. We also examine the compatibility of stability and fairness on metric environments with indivisible projects. To do so, we explore, among other things, the performance of several well-known solutions (such as the Shapley value, the nucleolus, or the Dutta-Ray value) in these environments.stability, fairness, membership, coalition formation

    An Extension of the Core solution Concept.

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    A solution concept for cooperative games, the extended core, is introduced. This concept is always nonempty yet coincides with the core whenever it is nonempty. Moreover, a non-cooperative framework can generate the extended core. Every transferable utility game is associated with a two-player zero-sum non-cooperative game. The min-max values of the associated zerosum games characterize when cooperative games have nonempty cores. If the core is empty, the min-max value determines how an exogenous regulator can impose costs on proper coalition formation so that there are no incentives to deviate from extended core imputations, which are necessarily feasible in the original game. In order to choose among the imputations belonging to the extended core, a proportional version of the nucleolus is proposed as a selection device.

    On the vertices of the k-additive core

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    The core of a game v on N, which is the set of additive games φ dominating v such that φ(N)=v(N), is a central notion in cooperative game theory, decision making and in combinatorics, where it is related to submodular functions, matroids and the greedy algorithm. In many cases however, the core is empty, and alternative solutions have to be found. We define the k-additive core by replacing additive games by k-additive games in the definition of the core, where k-additive games are those games whose Möbius transform vanishes for subsets of more than k elements. For a sufficiently high value of k, the k-additive core is nonempty, and is a convex closed polyhedron. Our aim is to establish results similar to the classical results of Shapley and Ichiishi on the core of convex games (corresponds to Edmonds' theorem for the greedy algorithm), which characterize the vertices of the core.Cooperative games; Core; k-additive games; Vertices
