2,521 research outputs found

    Centralized vs distributed communication scheme on switched ethernet for embedded military applications

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    Current military communication network is a generation old and is no longer effective in meeting the emerging requirements imposed by the future embedded military applications. Therefore, a new interconnection system is needed to overcome these limitations. Two new communication networks based upon Full Duplex Switched Ethernet are presented herein in this aim. The first one uses a distributed communication scheme where equipments can emit their data simultaneously, which clearly improves system’s throughput and flexibility. However, migrating all existing applications into a compliant form could be an expensive step. To avoid this process, the second proposal consists in keeping the current centralized communication scheme. Our objective is to assess and compare the real time guarantees that each proposal can offer. The paper includes the functional description of each proposed communication network and a military avionic application to highlight proposals ability to support the required time constrained communications

    Multiplexing regulated traffic streams: design and performance

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    The main network solutions for supporting QoS rely on traf- fic policing (conditioning, shaping). In particular, for IP networks the IETF has developed Intserv (individual flows regulated) and Diffserv (only ag- gregates regulated). The regulator proposed could be based on the (dual) leaky-bucket mechanism. This explains the interest in network element per- formance (loss, delay) for leaky-bucket regulated traffic. This paper describes a novel approach to the above problem. Explicitly using the correlation structure of the sources’ traffic, we derive approxi- mations for both small and large buffers. Importantly, for small (large) buffers the short-term (long-term) correlations are dominant. The large buffer result decomposes the traffic stream in a stream of constant rate and a periodic impulse stream, allowing direct application of the Brownian bridge approximation. Combining the small and large buffer results by a concave majorization, we propose a simple, fast and accurate technique to statistically multiplex homogeneous regulated sources. To address heterogeneous inputs, we present similarly efficient tech- niques to evaluate the performance of multiple classes of traffic, each with distinct characteristics and QoS requirements. These techniques, applica- ble under more general conditions, are based on optimal resource (band- width and buffer) partitioning. They can also be directly applied to set GPS (Generalized Processor Sharing) weights and buffer thresholds in a shared resource system

    Predatory States and Failing States: An Agency Perspective

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    In any non-trivial state, policies decided at the top levels of government are administered by middle-level bureaucrats. I examine whether this agency problem can contribute to explaining state failure in matters of provision of public goods. I find some theoretical arguments to support the view that failure is more likely in states whose top rulers have predatory motives. When the bureaucrats’ cost of providing the public good is their private information, rulers must give them incentive rents to achieve truthful revelation. Predatory rulers are less willing to part with such rents; therefore they tolerate more downward distortion in the provision of public goods to reduce the required rent-sharing. When the bureaucrats’ actions are also unobservable, there is a synergistic interaction between more benevolent rulers and more caring or professional bureaucrats. However, these effects manifest themselves differently and to different degrees under different conditions of information. Therefore precise explanations or predictions in individual instances require context-specific analyses.

    OSIA: Out-of-order scheduling for in-order arriving in concurrent multi-path transfer.

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    One major problem of concurrent multi-path transfer (CMT) scheme in multi-homed mobile networks is that the utilization of different paths with diverse delays may cause packet reordering among packets of the same ?ow. In the case of TCP-like, the reordering exacerbates the problem by bringing more timeouts and unnecessary retransmissions, which eventually degrades the throughput of connections considerably. To address this issue, we ?rst propose an Out-of-order Scheduling for In-order Arriving (OSIA), which exploits the sending time discrepancy to preserve the in-order packet arrival. Then, we formulate the optimal traf?c scheduling as a constrained optimization problem and derive its closedform solution by our proposed progressive water-?lling solution. We also present an implementation to enforce the optimal scheduling scheme using cascaded leaky buckets with multiple faucets, which provides simple guidelines on maximizing the utilization of aggregate bandwidth while decreasing the probability of triggering 3 dupACKs. Compared with previous work, the proposed scheme has lower computation complexity and can also provide the possibility for dynamic network adaptability and ?ner-grain load balancing. Simulation results show that our scheme signi?cantly alleviates reordering and enhances transmission performance