5 research outputs found

    Special least squares solutions of the reduced biquaternion matrix equation with applications

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    This paper presents an efficient method for obtaining the least squares Hermitian solutions of the reduced biquaternion matrix equation (AXB,CXD)=(E,F)(AXB, CXD) = (E, F ). The method leverages the real representation of reduced biquaternion matrices. Furthermore, we establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence and uniqueness of the Hermitian solution, along with a general expression for it. Notably, this approach differs from the one previously developed by Yuan et al. (2020)(2020), which relied on the complex representation of reduced biquaternion matrices. In contrast, our method exclusively employs real matrices and utilizes real arithmetic operations, resulting in enhanced efficiency. We also apply our developed framework to find the Hermitian solutions for the complex matrix equation (AXB,CXD)=(E,F)(AXB, CXD) = (E, F ), expanding its utility in addressing inverse problems. Specifically, we investigate its effectiveness in addressing partially described inverse eigenvalue problems. Finally, we provide numerical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method and its superiority over the existing approach.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Matris denklemleri ile ilişkili bazı özel tipli matrisler için matris yakınlık problemi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Anahtar Kelimeler: minimum kalan problemi, matris yakınlık problemi, en iyi yaklaşık çözüm, Moore-Penrose ters. İlk bölümde lineer matris denklem problemleri ile ilgili literatür bilgisine yer verilmiş ve çalışmanın içeriğini oluşturan problemler tanıtılmıştır. İkinci bölümde çalışmada kullanılan bazı tanımlar ve temel teoremlerden bahsedilmiştir. Üçüncü bölümün ilk kısmında (A1XB1,A2XB2,,AkXBk)=(C1,C2,,Ck)\left( {{A_1}X{B_1},{A_2}X{B_2}, \ldots ,{A_k}X{B_k}} \right) = \left( {{C_1},{C_2}, \ldots ,{C_k}} \right) matris denkleminin simetrik ve ters-simetrik matrisler için genel çözümlerinin kümesi ve en küçük kareler çözümlerinin kümesi, Moore-Penrose ters ve Kronecker çarpım kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Bu matris denkleminin en iyi yaklaşık simetrik çözümü ve en iyi yaklaşık ters-simetrik çözümü ortaya konulmuştur. İkinci kısmında AXB=C matris denkleminin (P,Q)-ortogonal simetrik ve (P,Q)-ortogonal ters-simetrik matrisler için genel çözümlerinin kümesi ve en küçük kareler çözümlerinin kümesi Moore-Penrose ters ve spektral ayrışım kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Daha sonra, en iyi yaklaşık (P,Q)-ortogonal simetrik çözümü ve (P,Q)-ortogonal ters-simetrik çözümü elde edilmiştir. Son olarak, her iki kısmın sonunda ele alınan problemlerin çözümünü elde etmek için kullanılan bir algoritma, iki örnek ve literatürden seçilmiş örnekler için karşılaştırmalı bir tablo verilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde (AXB,CXD)=(E,F) kuaterniyon matris denkleminin merkezi-hermityen ve ters-merkezi-hermityen matrisler üzerinde minimum kalan problemi Moore-Penrose ters, Kronecker çarpım ve vec operatörü kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Daha sonra ise (AXB,CXD)=(E,F) kuaterniyon matris denkleminin en iyi yaklaşık merkezi-hermityen çözümü ve ters-merkezi-hermityen çözümü verilmiştir. Son olarak, bölüm sonunda ele alınan problemlerin çözümünü elde etmek için kullanılan bir algoritma ve iki sayısal örnek verilmiştir. Son bölüm ise sonuçların kısa bir tartışmasına ayrılmıştır.Yeni kaotik sistemin FPGA tabalı tasarım

    Author index for volumes 101–200

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    Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum : Tomus 43. Fasc. 1-2.

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    Arbitrary generalized trapezoidal fully fuzzy sylvester matrix equation and its special and general cases

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    Many real problems in control systems are related to the solvability of the generalized Sylvester matrix equation either using analytical or numerical methods. However, in many applications, the classical generalized Sylvester matrix equation are not well equipped to handle uncertainty in real-life problems such as conflicting requirements during the system process, the distraction of any elements and noise. Thus, crisp number in this matrix equation is replaced by fuzzy numbers and called generalized fully fuzzy Sylvester matrix equation when all parameters are in fuzzy form. The existing fuzzy analytical methods have four main drawbacks, the avoidance of using near-zero fuzzy numbers, the lack of accurate solutions, the limitation of the size of the systems, and the positive sign restriction of the fuzzy matrix coefficients and fuzzy solutions. Meanwhile, the convergence, feasibility, existence and uniqueness of the fuzzy solution are not examined in many fuzzy numerical methods. In addition, many studies are limited to positive fuzzy systems only due to the limitation of fuzzy arithmetic operation, especially for multiplication between trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.Therefore, this study aims to construct new analytical and numerical methods, namely fuzzy matrix vectorization, fuzzy absolute value, fuzzy Bartle’s Stewart, fuzzy gradient iterative and fuzzy least-squares iterative for solving arbitrary generalized Sylvester matrix equation for special cases and couple Sylvester matrix equations. In constructing these methods, new fuzzy arithmetic multiplication operators for trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are developed. The constructed methods overcome the positive restriction by allowing the negative, near-zero fuzzy numbers as the coefficients and fuzzy solutions. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence, uniqueness, and convergence of the fuzzy solutions are discussed, and a complete analysis of the fuzzy solution is provided. Some numerical examples and the verification of the solutions are presented to demonstrate the constructed methods. As a result, the constructed methods have successfully demonstrated the solutions for the arbitrary generalized Sylvester matrix equation for special and general cases based on the new fuzzy arithmetic operations, with minimum complexity fuzzy operations. The constructed methods are applicable to either square or non-square coefficient matrices up to 100 × 100. In conclusion, the constructed methods have significant contribution to the application of control system theory without any restriction on the system