14 research outputs found

    On complexity of special maximum matchings constructing

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    For bipartite graphs the NP-completeness is proved for the problem of existence of maximum matching which removal leads to a graph with given lower(upper)bound for the cardinality of its maximum matching.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures. Discrete Mathematics, to appea

    Bi-Criteria and Approximation Algorithms for Restricted Matchings

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    In this work we study approximation algorithms for the \textit{Bounded Color Matching} problem (a.k.a. Restricted Matching problem) which is defined as follows: given a graph in which each edge ee has a color cec_e and a profit peQ+p_e \in \mathbb{Q}^+, we want to compute a maximum (cardinality or profit) matching in which no more than wjZ+w_j \in \mathbb{Z}^+ edges of color cjc_j are present. This kind of problems, beside the theoretical interest on its own right, emerges in multi-fiber optical networking systems, where we interpret each unique wavelength that can travel through the fiber as a color class and we would like to establish communication between pairs of systems. We study approximation and bi-criteria algorithms for this problem which are based on linear programming techniques and, in particular, on polyhedral characterizations of the natural linear formulation of the problem. In our setting, we allow violations of the bounds wjw_j and we model our problem as a bi-criteria problem: we have two objectives to optimize namely (a) to maximize the profit (maximum matching) while (b) minimizing the violation of the color bounds. We prove how we can "beat" the integrality gap of the natural linear programming formulation of the problem by allowing only a slight violation of the color bounds. In particular, our main result is \textit{constant} approximation bounds for both criteria of the corresponding bi-criteria optimization problem

    Secluded Connectivity Problems

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    Consider a setting where possibly sensitive information sent over a path in a network is visible to every {neighbor} of the path, i.e., every neighbor of some node on the path, thus including the nodes on the path itself. The exposure of a path PP can be measured as the number of nodes adjacent to it, denoted by N[P]N[P]. A path is said to be secluded if its exposure is small. A similar measure can be applied to other connected subgraphs, such as Steiner trees connecting a given set of terminals. Such subgraphs may be relevant due to considerations of privacy, security or revenue maximization. This paper considers problems related to minimum exposure connectivity structures such as paths and Steiner trees. It is shown that on unweighted undirected nn-node graphs, the problem of finding the minimum exposure path connecting a given pair of vertices is strongly inapproximable, i.e., hard to approximate within a factor of O(2log1ϵn)O(2^{\log^{1-\epsilon}n}) for any ϵ>0\epsilon>0 (under an appropriate complexity assumption), but is approximable with ratio Δ+3\sqrt{\Delta}+3, where Δ\Delta is the maximum degree in the graph. One of our main results concerns the class of bounded-degree graphs, which is shown to exhibit the following interesting dichotomy. On the one hand, the minimum exposure path problem is NP-hard on node-weighted or directed bounded-degree graphs (even when the maximum degree is 4). On the other hand, we present a polynomial algorithm (based on a nontrivial dynamic program) for the problem on unweighted undirected bounded-degree graphs. Likewise, the problem is shown to be polynomial also for the class of (weighted or unweighted) bounded-treewidth graphs

    Labeled Traveling Salesman Problems: Complexity and approximation

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    We consider labeled Traveling Salesman Problems, defined upon a complete graph of n vertices with colored edges. The objective is to find a tour of maximum or minimum number of colors. We derive results regarding hardness of approximation and analyze approximation algorithms, for both versions of the problem. For the maximization version we give a 1/21/2-approximation algorithm based on local improvements and show that the problem is APX-hard. For the minimization version, we show that it is not approximable within n1ϵn^{1-\epsilon} for any fixed ϵ>0\epsilon>0. When every color appears in the graph at most rr times and rr is an increasing function of nn, the problem is shown not to be approximable within factor O(r1ϵ)O(r^{1-\epsilon}). For fixed constant rr we analyze a polynomial-time (r+Hr)/2(r +H_r)/2 approximation algorithm, where HrH_r is the rr-th harmonic number, and prove APX-hardness for r=2r = 2. For all of the analyzed algorithms we exhibit tightness of their analysis by provision of appropriate worst-case instances

    The Maximum Labeled Path Problem

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study the approximability of the Maximum Labeled Path problem: given a vertex-labeled directed acyclic graph D, find a path in D that collects a maximum number of distinct labels. For any epsilon > 0, we provide a polynomial time approximation algorithm that computes a solution of value at least OPT^{1−epsilon) and a self-reduction showing that any constant ratio approximation algorithm for this problem can be converted into a PTAS. This last result, combined with the APX-hardness of the problem, shows that the problem cannot be approximated within any constant ratio unless P = NP