15 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Price Discount Framing Terhadap Purchase Intention Pada Ramayana Department Store, Jodoh, Batam

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    Penelitian ini menguji tentang pengaruh price discount framing terhadap purchase intention di Ramayana Department Store, Jodoh, Batam. Responden penelitian ini adalah pengunjung Ramayana Department Store  dengan kiteria pernah melakukan kunjungan minimal 2 kali, yaitu sebanyak 107 orang. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik, uji t dan uji F dengan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,05 dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah keempat variabel independen yaitu percentage discount, absolute saving, bonus pack dan special price secara parsial dan simultan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap purchase intention

    When providing optimistic and pessimistic scenarios can be detrimental to judgmental demand forecasts and production decisions

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    This paper examines the accuracy of judgmental forecasts of product demand and the quality of subsequent production level decisions under two different conditions: (i) the availability of only time series information on past demand; (ii) the availability of time series information together with scenarios that outline possible prospects for the product in the forthcoming period. An experiment indicated that production level decisions made by participants had a greater deviation from optimality when they also received optimistic and pessimistic scenarios. This resulted from less accurate point forecasts made by these participants. Further analysis suggested that participants focussed on the scenario that was congruent with the position of the latest observation relative to the series mean and discounted the opposing scenario. This led to greater weight being attached to this observation, thereby exacerbating the tendency of judgmental forecasters to see systematic changes in random movements in time series.</p

    Heuristics and Stock Buying Decision: Evidence from Brazil, Pakistan, and Malaysia Stock Markets

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    Applying both qualitative and quantitative approaches, we investigate the influence of anchoring and adjustment, representativeness, and availability heuristics on stock buying decisions of individual investors at the Brazilian stock market and their relations with demographic aspects. We also compared the results with investors from Pakistan and Malaysia. To collect the data, a survey was administered. Data were analyzed by description, correlation, and regression analysis. The results show that all three heuristics are likely to affect the Brazilian investor’s stock buying decisions. The effect of heuristics is similar across genders, type of subscriber, and level of education groups. However, for the older group and those with income higher than BRL15,000.00 per month (about USD 3,000.00), the anchoring heuristic exhibit a more extreme effect. From these findings, this paper reveals the presence of the heuristics in stock market decisions in developing countries, such as Brazil, as well as Pakistan and Malaysia. However, the effect on Asian’ individual investors is more prevalent


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    Penelitian ini menguji tentang pengaruh price discount framing terhadap purchase intention di Ramayana Department Store, Jodoh, Batam. Responden penelitian ini adalah pengunjung Ramayana Department Store &nbsp;dengan kiteria pernah melakukan kunjungan minimal 2 kali, yaitu sebanyak 107 orang. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik, uji t dan uji F dengan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,05 dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah keempat variabel independen yaitu percentage discount, absolute saving, bonus pack dan special price secara parsial dan simultan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap purchase intention.Penelitian ini menguji tentang pengaruh price discount framing terhadap purchase intention di Ramayana Department Store, Jodoh, Batam. Responden penelitian ini adalah pengunjung Ramayana Department Store &nbsp;dengan kiteria pernah melakukan kunjungan minimal 2 kali, yaitu sebanyak 107 orang. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dengan menggunakan regresi linear berganda, uji asumsi klasik, uji t dan uji F dengan taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,05 dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah keempat variabel independen yaitu percentage discount, absolute saving, bonus pack dan special price secara parsial dan simultan berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap purchase intention

    Overcoming Anchoring Bias: The Potential of AI and XAI-based Decision Support

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    Information systems (IS) are frequently designed to leverage the negative effect of anchoring bias to influence individuals’ decision-making (e.g., by manipulating purchase decisions). Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the explanations of its decisions through explainable AI (XAI) have opened new opportunities for mitigating biased decisions. So far, the potential of these technological advances to overcome anchoring bias remains widely unclear. To this end, we conducted two online experiments with a total of N=390 participants in the context of purchase decisions to examine the impact of AI and XAI-based decision support on anchoring bias. Our results show that AI alone and its combination with XAI help to mitigate the negative effect of anchoring bias. Ultimately, our findings have implications for the design of AI and XAI-based decision support and IS to overcome cognitive biases

    Projecting a Preferred Identity: How Five Government Contractors Frame their Corporate Brands Online

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    This study expands framing research as a competitive intelligence tool for discerning the message strategies of a company’s competition. A content analysis of five Oak Ridge Associated Universities’ competitor websites was conducted to determine key subject areas and how each competitor positioned their business to a variety of publics. Using Entman (1991, 1993) and Hallahan’s (1999) framing research as the theoretical framework, the study reviews extant literature on corporate use of websites to frame reputations and cultivate relationships. Key findings reveal that ORAU’s competitors are more likely to promote new business, new hires/promotions, awards/honors, and project completions when issuing press releases but are rarely using any success-themed frames on their service-related webpages. The competitors’ use of frames is not influenced by business type (for-profit or non-profit), and when it comes to new business opportunities and experience, ORAU’s competitors are discussing one or the other, but not both. Lastly, the results of this content analysis revealed that ORAU’s competitors are not quantifying their experience with statistics

    Reviewing cognitive distortions in managerial decision making: towards an integrative co-evolutionary framework

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    Purpose – Why and how do cognitive distortions in managerial decision making occur? All organizations are imperfect systems (Katz and Khan, 1966), with wrong decisions often just round the corner. As a consequence, addressing these important questions continues to be particularly lively in the management development area, especially in terms of its intended contribution to the de-biasing activity. Thus, through this critical review article we aim to provide the current scientific dialogue on the topic with updated lenses, which can also be innovative from some aspects. Design/methodology/approach – Our review framework is based on the recent, impactful article on biases in managerial decision making by Kahneman et al. (2011), and on Bazerman and Moore’s (2013) perspective on emanating heuristics, considered as the causes of biases. Accordingly, we derive four intertwined thematic clusters of heuristics, through which we systematically group and critically analyze the management literature mostly published on the topic since 2011. Findings – From the analyzed clusters we propose an integrative framework of emanating heuristics, which focuses on the co-evolving relationships and potentially self-reinforcing processes in and between them. Originality/value – The value of our contribution is threefold: 1) from a methodological perspective, to our knowledge, the studies adopted as the basis of our analysis have not yet been simultaneously used as a comprehensive ground for updated reviews on this topic; 2) from a conceptual perspective, the emerging integrative co-evolutionary framework can help explain the dangerous connections among cognitive traps and emanating heuristics; 3) from a practical perspective, our resulting framework can also be helpful for future de-biasing attempts in the business arena

    The Effect of Labeling on Mitigating Cognitive Biases about Food Irradiation: An Empirical Evaluation of Effects on Consumers’ Attitudes and Purchase Intent

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    Despite the education efforts of health organizations, federal regulators, and food producers on the benefits and safety of food irradiation, consumers demonstrate considerable misinformation and express resistance to purchasing irradiated food or accepting irradiation as safe food technology, even though irradiation can substantially reduce the incidences of foodborne illnesses that hospitalize or kill thousands of American each year. Consumers’ resistance to food irradiation has been shown to be related to safety concerns (He et al., 2005), resistance to new food technologies in general (Zachman & Østby , 2011), and balancing risks against benefits regarding contracting bacterial illness and irradiation (Eustice & Bruhn, 2007). The objective of this study is to examine how food labeling may mitigate cognitive biases about food irradiation, leading to more accurate beliefs about food irradiation treatment and ultimately to more positive attitudes and intentions regarding irradiated food purchases. This research shows that any labeling regarding irradiation places a stigma on the product. Labels that include bias-mitigation messages have a moderate effect on consumers’ acceptance of irradiated food

    The Anchoring Effect: A Study on Consumers’ Willingness-to-Pay on Digital Streaming Services

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    Dybdebasert master, 120 studiepoeng. Spesialisering markedsfĂžringledelseDenne masteroppgaven har som hensikt Ă„ pĂ„vise forankringseffekt pĂ„ forbrukeres betalingsvillighet pĂ„ digitale strĂžmmetjenester ved bruk av relevante ankerverdier. Oppgaven gir svar pĂ„ et kunnskapsgap i teorien om forankring pĂ„ digitale strĂžmmetjenester, hvor problemstillingen undersĂžkes gjennom en kvantitativ tilnĂŠrming som med utgangspunkt i litteratur og forskning pĂ„ forankringseffekt pĂ„ fysiske produkter. Dette danner grunnlaget for to hypoteser som skal svare pĂ„ problemstillingen: Kan forankring pĂ„virke forbrukerens betalingsvillighet pĂ„ digitale strĂžmmetjenester? Hypotese 1 antok at forbrukere eksponert for hĂžyt anker er villige til Ă„ betale mer enn forbrukere eksponert for lavt anker innen musikkstrĂžmmetjenester. Hypotese 2 antok at forbrukere eksponert for hĂžyt anker er villige til Ă„ betale mer enn forbrukere eksponert for lavt anker innen film- og seriestrĂžmmetjenester. Hypotesene danner grunnlaget for studie 1 og studie 2 som ble testet ved hjelp av eksperimenter som fremgangsmĂ„te. For Ă„ belyse problemstillingen anvendte vi begreper som: forankringseffekt, strĂžmmetjenester, betalingsvillighet, forbrukere og beslutningsatferd. I forkant av eksperimentene ble det gjennomfĂžrt en forstudie for Ă„ etablere relevante ankerverdier til videre bruk i studiene. Videre ble det gjennomfĂžrt en pre-test for Ă„ teste eksperimentene. UndersĂžkelsene ble basert pĂ„ tidligere studier knyttet til forankringseffekt. VĂ„re funn viser en signifikant forskjell mellom betalingsvilligheten pĂ„ digitale strĂžmmetjenester til forbrukere eksponert for hĂžyt anker og lavt anker. Funnene i vĂ„re studier om digitale strĂžmmetjenester stĂžtter oppunder eksisterende teori og empiri om forankringseffekt. Dette indikerer at disse teoriene er mer universelle og generiske enn Ă„ kun omfatte produkter. Studiene har ikke tatt hĂžyde for andre faktorer som kan pĂ„virke betalingsvillighet utover Ăžnske om kategorisering av de introduserte strĂžmmetjenestene. I videre forskning vil det derfor vĂŠre interessant Ă„ se om det kan vĂŠre andre faktorer som spiller inn i beslutningsprosessen, eksempelvis faktorer i forbrukerens omgivelser slik som inntektsgrunnlag eller andre personer. I vĂ„re studier er det ikke tatt hĂžyde for Ă„ mĂ„le graden av effekt mot andre typer ankere, eksempelvis vilkĂ„rlige eller ekstreme ankere, og om disse har en stĂžrre effekt enn bruken av relevante ankere pĂ„ betalingsvillighet pĂ„ digitale strĂžmmetjenester. Videre ville det ogsĂ„ vĂŠrt interessant Ă„ undersĂžke om forankringseffekten er stĂžrre pĂ„ produkter enn pĂ„ tjenester.Abstract (Engelsk sammendrag) This master thesis attempts to prove anchoring effects on consumers’ willingness-to-pay for digital streaming services with the use of relevant values as anchors. This master thesis provides answers to a knowledge gap in the theory of anchoring effects in a digital context, where the problem is investigated through a quantitative approach. The problem investigated is based on literature and studies on anchoring effects on products. This provides the basis for two hypotheses to answer the issue: Can anchoring affect the consumer’s willingness-topay for digital streaming services? Hypothesis 1 assumed that consumers exposed to a high anchor are willing to pay more than consumers exposed to a low anchor within music streaming services. Hypothesis 2 assumed that consumers exposed to a high anchor are willing to pay more than consumers exposed to a low anchor within film and series streaming services. The hypotheses form the basis for Study 1 and Study 2 and were tested using experiments as a method. To elucidate the problem, we used concepts such as: anchoring effect, streaming services, willingness-to-pay, consumer and decision-making behavior. Prior to the experiments, a preliminary study was conducted to establish relevant anchor values for further use in the studies. Furthermore, a pre-test was conducted to test the experiments. The studies were based on previous studies related to the anchoring effect. Our findings show a significant difference in the willingness-to-pay for digital streaming services between consumers exposed to a high anchor and consumers exposed to a low anchor. The findings in our studies supports existing theories and empirical findings in studies about the anchoring effect. This indicates that these theories are more universal generic than to include products only. We cannot disclosure that other factors not taken into account might affect willingness-to-pay in addition to the desire for categorization of the introduced streaming services. In further research, it would be interesting to see if there may be other factors involved in the decision-making process, such as factors in the consumers’ environment. In our studies, it is not considered to measure the degree of power against other types of anchors, such as arbitrary or extreme anchors, and whether these have a greater effect than the use of relevant anchors on willingness-to-pay for streaming services. Furthermore, it would be interesting to investigate whether the anchoring effect is greater on products than on services

    Examining the role of online motivations in consumer online shopping intention using technology acceptance model

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    Electronic commerce sales continue rising due to Internet growth. However, online retailers may not be doing enough to promote their products causing them to forego potential profits. Understanding the impact of motivational factors on consumer intention to shop online will enable online retailers to design effective ebusiness strategy that engage users, leading to additional purchases. In this study, the researcher modified the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to reflect the impact of some online motivational factors in online shopping. The TAM posits perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness (PU) contribute to an individual‘s behavioral intention. Research has shown motivational factors have the ability to influence PEOU and PU. Although many studies have used the model to better understand e-commerce, the problem is that they have ignored some important external variables. This study adopted a quantitative research methodology using surveys to collect research data from survey subject. A structural equation modeling software (Analysis of Moment Structures or AMOS) was applied to examine the direct and mediating effects hypotheses. The analysis of the data has supported some purposed relationships. It was found that convenience, social media, and personalization positively influence to consumer perceived usefulness of online shopping, and consumer intention to shop online. Moreover, perceived enjoyment positively influences to consumer intention to shop online, and website attributes positively affects perceived ease of use of online shopping. While, results failed to support relationships between the information density and consumer intention to shop online. This research makes several theoretical contributions and provides further insights on the effects of online shopping motivations on consumer behavior particularly in Malaysia. Methodological and practical implications were discussed and several potential avenues for future research were identified and proposed. Generally, this study improves our knowledge on what factors drive consumers to shop online, how they work, and what their implications are for customers and online retailers