16 research outputs found

    The invariants of the binary nonic

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    We consider the algebra of invariants of binary forms of degree 9 with complex coefficients, find the 92 basic invariants, give an explicit system of parameters and show the existence of four more systems of parameters with different sets of degrees

    On the self-convolution of generalized Fibonacci numbers

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    We focus on a family of equalities pioneered by Zhang and generalized by Zao and Wang and hence by Mansour which involves self convolution of generalized Fibonacci numbers. We show that all these formulas are nicely stated in only one equation involving a bivariate ordinary generating function and we give also a formula for the coefficients appearing in that context. As a consequence, we give the general forms for the equalities of Zhang, Zao-Wang and Mansour

    The invariants of the binary decimic

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    We consider the algebra of invariants of binary forms of degree 10 with complex coefficients, construct a system of parameters with degrees 2, 4, 6, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14 and find the 106 basic invariants

    Weitzenböck Derivations and Classical Invariant Theory II: The Symbolic Method

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13N15, 13A50, 13F20.An analogue of the symbolic method of classical invariant theory for a representation and manipulation of the elements of the kernel of Weitzenböck derivations is developed

    SL2-modules of small homological dimension

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    Let Vn be the SL2-module of binary forms of degree n and let V = Vn1+...+Vnp . We consider the algebra R of polynomial functions on V invariant under the action of SL2. The measure of the intricacy of these algebras is the length of their chains of syzygies, called homological dimension hdR. Popov gave in 1983 a classification of the cases in which hdR <=10 for a single binary form (p = 1) or hdR 1). We extend Popov's result and determine for p = 1 the cases with hdR 1 those with hdR <= 15. In these cases we give a set of homogeneous parameters and a set of generators for the algebra R