4 research outputs found

    Cross-Layer Energy Optimization for IoT Environments: Technical Advances and Opportunities

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    [EN] Energy efficiency is a significant characteristic of battery-run devices such as sensors, RFID and mobile phones. In the present scenario, this is the most prominent requirement that must be served while introducing a communication protocol for an IoT environment. IoT network success and performance enhancement depend heavily on optimization of energy consumption that enhance the lifetime of IoT nodes and the network. In this context, this paper presents a comprehensive review on energy efficiency techniques used in IoT environments. The techniques proposed by researchers have been categorized based on five different layers of the energy architecture of IoT. These five layers are named as sensing, local processing and storage, network/communication, cloud processing and storage, and application. Specifically, the significance of energy efficiency in IoT environments is highlighted. A taxonomy is presented for the classification of related literature on energy efficient techniques in IoT environments. Following the taxonomy, a critical review of literature is performed focusing on major functional models, strengths and weaknesses. Open research challenges related to energy efficiency in IoT are identified as future research directions in the area. The survey should benefit IoT industry practitioners and researchers, in terms of augmenting the understanding of energy efficiency and its IoT-related trends and issues.Kumar, K.; Kumar, S.; Kaiwartya, O.; Cao, Y.; Lloret, J.; Aslam, N. (2017). Cross-Layer Energy Optimization for IoT Environments: Technical Advances and Opportunities. Energies. 10(12):1-40. https://doi.org/10.3390/en10122073S1401012Zanella, A., Bui, N., Castellani, A., Vangelista, L., & Zorzi, M. (2014). Internet of Things for Smart Cities. 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    Evaluation of channel switching threshold for MBMS in UMTS networks

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    In this project, thershold to switching from dedicated to shared/common channel for efficent delivery of MBMS serveces have been evaluated. It also been evaluated the coverage using multiple channer in function of the distribution of the user

    QoS framework for video streaming in home networks

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    In this thesis we present a new SNR scalable video coding scheme. An important advantage of the proposed scheme is that it requires just a standard video decoder for processing each layer. The quality of the delivered video depends on the allocation of bit rates to the base and enhancement layers. For a given total bit rate, the combination with a bigger base layer delivers higher quality. The absence of dependencies between frames in enhancement layers makes the system resilient to losses of arbitrary frames from an enhancement layer. Furthermore, that property can be used in a more controlled fashion. An important characteristic of any video streaming scheme is the ability to handle network bandwidth fluctuations. We made a streaming technique that observes the network conditions and based on the observations reconfigures the layer configuration in order to achieve the best possible quality. A change of the network conditions forces a change in the number of layers or the bit rate of these layers. Knowledge of the network conditions allows delivery of a video of higher quality by choosing an optimal layer configuration. When the network degrades, the amount of data transmitted per second is decreased by skipping frames from an enhancement layer on the sender side. The presented video coding scheme allows skipping any frame from an enhancement layer, thus enabling an efficient real-time control over transmission at the network level and fine-grained control over the decoding of video data. The methodology proposed is not MPEG-2 specific and can be applied to other coding standards. We made a terminal resource manager that enables trade-offs between quality and resource consumption due to the use of scalable video coding in combination with scalable video algorithms. The controller developed for the decoding process optimizes the perceived quality with respect to the CPU power available and the amount of input data. The controller does not depend on the type of scalability technique and can therefore be used with any scalable video. The controller uses the strategy that is created offline by means of a Markov Decision Process. During the evaluation it was found that the correctness of the controller behavior depends on the correctness of parameter settings for MDP, so user tests should be employed to find the optimal settings