100 research outputs found

    Services Between Video Producers and Broadcasters: Do we need a standard?

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    Se muestra la necesidad de la creación de un estándar que facilite el intercambio de datos entre empresas productoras de vídeo y cadenas de distribución. Se muestra un posible modelo en la forma de transmisión, modelo de datos y procesado de datos

    Automated code generation support for BI with MDA TALISMAN

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    Model Driven Engineering (MDE) is gaining ever more strength due to the fact that with MDE the software development can be much more productive and this is the way to go closer to real software industrialization. With MDA TALISMAN, we have succeeded in creating complex software solutions for food traceability adapted to different customers, ready to be deployed. We rely on the approach to MDE most extended at present, MDA (Model-Driven Development) but as we shall see, we also use the main pillars that support the Software Factories, The proposal from Microsoft to MDE. Besides, in this paper we present five cases of success with MDA TALISMAN

    Healthcare interpreting in Italy: current needs and proposals to promote collaboration between universities and healthcare services

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    The paper reports on an on-going collaboration with healthcare trusts and hospitals in Casalecchio di Reno, Rimini and Ancona aimed at offering medical interpreting students hands-on experience as well as theoretical and practical training based on the institutions’ needs

    Remote Sensing Vision-Language Foundation Models without Annotations via Ground Remote Alignment

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    We introduce a method to train vision-language models for remote-sensing images without using any textual annotations. Our key insight is to use co-located internet imagery taken on the ground as an intermediary for connecting remote-sensing images and language. Specifically, we train an image encoder for remote sensing images to align with the image encoder of CLIP using a large amount of paired internet and satellite images. Our unsupervised approach enables the training of a first-of-its-kind large-scale vision language model (VLM) for remote sensing images at two different resolutions. We show that these VLMs enable zero-shot, open-vocabulary image classification, retrieval, segmentation and visual question answering for satellite images. On each of these tasks, our VLM trained without textual annotations outperforms existing VLMs trained with supervision, with gains of up to 20% for classification and 80% for segmentation

    The Intermediary Language and Adoption of System of Cases at the Basic Level of Learning Serbian as a Foreign Language

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    The paper observes the adoption of system of cases at the basic level of learning Serbian as a foreign language in the group of students from Turkey. The learning of the system of cases was observed in the first semester of the basic level (A1). The linguistic background of a group of students is presented. The main specificity of the classes is the absence of the intermediary language - students do not speak any world language, and the teacher does not know the Turkish language. The challenge for teachers is the difficulty in communicating in the first weeks because Turkish and Serbian languages are different in type. There are two objectives of the observation: 1. pointing to the important role of the intermediary language in the teaching process of a foreign language; 2. Presentation of functional exercises when there is no common context in the teaching process.У раду се разматра усвајање падежног система на почетном нивоу учења српског као страног језика на примеру једне групе студената из Турске. Усвајање падежног система праћено је у првом семестру наставе на почетном нивоу (А1). Износи се језичко искуство и лингвистичка слика групе студената. Главна специфичност наставе јесте одсуство језика посредника – студенти не говоре ниједан светски језик, a наставник не познаје турски језик. Изазов за наставника јесте отежана комуникација у првим недељама наставе и због тога што су турски и српски језици различити по типу. Два су циља испитивања: 1. указивање на важну улогу језика посредника у настави страног језика; 2. представљање функционалних вежби када у настави не постоји заједнички контекст

    A Survey of Multilingual Text Retrieval

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    This report reviews the present state of the art in selection of texts in one language based on queries in another, a problem we refer to as ``multilingual'' text retrieval. Present applications of multilingual text retrieval systems are limited by the cost and complexity of developing and using the multilingual thesauri on which they are based and by the level of user training that is required to achieve satisfactory search effectiveness. A general model for multilingual text retrieval is used to review the development of the field and to describe modern production and experimental systems. The report concludes with some observations on the present state of the art and an extensive bibliography of the technical literature on multilingual text retrieval. The research reported herein was supported, in part, by Army Research Office contract DAAL03-91-C-0034 through Battelle Corporation, NSF NYI IRI-9357731, Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow Award BR3336, and a General Research Board Semester Award. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-19

    A Scalable Application for Automatic Internationalization of ISO19139 Metadata in DRDSI

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    Internationalization is the process of transforming software or digital documents so that they can be accessed automatically in different languages in different countries. In this work, a prototype software application named MT@EC-Wrapper, which internationalizes a corpus of XML documents, transforming them into a multilingual parallel corpus, is implemented within the Danube Reference Data Services and Infrastructure (DRDSI) of the EU’s INSPIRE project. The application integrates document automation technology with the European Commission’s on-line machine translation service MT@EC. This case study achieves the goal of fully automating the transformation process of the DRDSI ISO19139 XML repository into a parallel corpus in the nine official languages of the DRDSI project. The design of this application also addresses the issues of processing performance, control and scalability. The project is compared with similar systems used within the EU institutions; the focus of the analysis is on metadata standards for internationalization and metadata processors

    Where can teens find health information? A survey of web portals designed for teen health information seekers

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    The Web is an important source for health information for most teens with access to the Web (Gray et al, 2005a; Kaiser, 2001). While teens are likely to turn to the Web for health information, research has indicated that their skills in locating, evaluating and using health information are weak (Hansen et al, 2003; Skinner et al, 2003, Gray et al, 2005b). This behaviour suggests that the targeted approach to finding health information that is offered by web portals would be useful to teens. A web portal is the entry point for information on the Web. It is the front end, and often the filter, that users must pass through in order to link to actual content. Unlike general search engines such as Google, content that is linked to a portal has usually been pre-selected and even created by the organization that hosts the portal, assuring some level of quality control. The underlying architecture of the portal is structured and thus offers an organized approach to exploring a specific health topic. This paper reports on an environmental scan of the Web, the purpose of which was to identify and describe portals to general health information, in English and French, designed specifically for teens. It answers two key questions. First of all, what portals exist? And secondly, what are their characteristics? The portals were analyzed through the lens of four attributes: Usability, interactivity, reliability and findability. Usability is a term that incorporates concepts of navigation, layout and design, clarity of concept and purpose, underlying architecture, in-site assistance and, for web content with text, readability. Interactivity relates to the type of interactions and level of engagement required by the user to access health information on a portal. Interaction can come in the form of a game, a quiz, a creative experience, or a communication tool such as an instant messaging board, a forum or blog. Reliability reflects the traditional values of accuracy, currency, credibility and bias, and in the web-based world, durabililty. Findability is simply the ease with which a portal can be discovered by a searcher using the search engine that is most commonly associated with the Web by young people - Google - and using terms related to teen health. Findability is an important consideration since the majority of teens begin their search for health information using search engines (CIBER, 2008; Hansen et al, 2003). The content linked to by the portals was not evaluated, nor was the portals’ efficacy as a health intervention. Teens looking for health information on the Web in English have a wide range of choices available but French-language portals are much rarer and harder to find. A majority of the portals found and reviewed originated from hospitals, associations specializing in a particular disease, and governmental agencies, suggesting that portals for teens on health related topics are generally reliable. However, only a handful of the portals reviewed were easy to find, suggesting that valuable resources for teens remain buried in the Web