8,536 research outputs found

    Operator Sequence Alters Gene Expression Independently of Transcription Factor Occupancy in Bacteria

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    A canonical quantitative view of transcriptional regulation holds that the only role of operator sequence is to set the probability of transcription factor binding, with operator occupancy determining the level of gene expression. In this work, we test this idea by characterizing repression in vivo and the binding of RNA polymerase in vitro in experiments where operators of various sequences were placed either upstream or downstream from the promoter in Escherichia coli. Surprisingly, we find that operators with a weaker binding affinity can yield higher repression levels than stronger operators. Repressor bound to upstream operators modulates promoter escape, and the magnitude of this modulation is not correlated with the repressor-operator binding affinity. This suggests that operator sequences may modulate transcription by altering the nature of the interaction of the bound transcription factor with the transcriptional machinery, implying a new layer of sequence dependence that must be confronted in the quantitative understanding of gene expression

    Review 1 - Nature (Busby)

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    Transcriptional control of the H-NS antagonists LeuO and RcsB-BglJ in Escherichia coli

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    The bacterial nucleoid-associated protein (NAP) H-NS is involved in the organization and compaction of the bacterial chromatin and acts as a global respressor, mainly of genes that have been acquired by horizontal gene transfer and that are related to stress responses and pathogenicity. Binding of H-NS to the DNA and formation of a nucleoprotein complex at promoter regions leads to repression. This repressor effect of H-NS can be antagonized by gene-specific transcription factors (H-NS antagonists) that activate transcription of H NS-repressed genes by competing with H-NS for binding or by disturbing formation of the nucleoprotein complex. Two examples of such H NS antagonists are the LysR-type transcription factor LeuO and the FixJ/NarL-type transcription factor heterodimer RcsB-BglJ. LeuO is a pleiotropic regulator of stress responses and virulence determinants. RcsB-BglJ activates transcription of the H NS-repressed bgl (aryl-β,D-glucoside) operon. In this work, novel targets of RcsB-BglJ were identified in Escherichia coli by microarray analyses. The results suggest that heterodimerization of RcsB and BglJ is essential for regulation. Further, in addition to genes related to unknown or predicted function in the membrane the leuO gene was identified as a target gene. Detailed analysis of transcriptional regulation of leuO demonstrated that RcsB-BglJ strongly activates transcription of leuO by binding proximal to a newly mapped leuO promoter. Thus RcsB-BglJ antagonizes repression of leuO by H-NS and the H-NS-like protein StpA. Additional data presented here show that LeuO negatively autoregulates its own expression and inhibits activation of leuO by RcsB-BglJ. Regulation of leuO by RcsB-BglJ and autoregulation by LeuO, as shown here, as well as activation of bglJ by LeuO, as published previously, indicates a feedback control mechanism of two global transcriptional regulators and H-NS antagonists.This feedback regulation may ensure turn on of their expression in response to specific environmental signals. Screens to search for novel regulators or upstream signals were performed by transposon mutagenesis and by using a genomic expression library. These screens indicate that additional factors may be involved in the regulation of this leuO-bglJ feedback loop

    Control of transcription initiation

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    Mechanism of control of transcription initiation have expanded far beyond the classical operon concept. Control elements are multipartite and well separated from each other. Thetrans-factors bound to these sites make contacts with RNA polymerase: promoter complexes by DNA bending or looping to influence the initiation event. Activators and repressors are like two faces of the same coin and their function depends on the site of action, mode of interaction with DNA and also the nutritional status of the cell

    From adjacent activation in Escherichia coli and DNA cyclization to eukaryotic enhancers: the elements of a puzzle

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    Deoxyribonucleic acid cyclization, Escherichia coli lac repressor binding to two spaced lac operators and repression enhancement can be successfully used for a better understanding of the conditions required for interaction between eukaryotic enhancers and the machinery of transcription initiation. Chronologically, the DNA looping model has first accounted for the properties initially defining enhancers, i.e., independence of action with distance or orientation with respect to the start of transcription. It has also predicted enhancer activity or its disruption at short distance (site orientation, alignment between promoter and enhancer sites), with high-order complexes of protein, or with transcription factor concentrations close or different from the wild-type situation. In another step, histones have been introduced into the model to further adapt it to eukaryotes. They in fact favor DNA cyclization in vitro. The resulting DNA compaction might explain the difference counted in base pairs in the distance of action between eukaryotic transcription enhancers and prokaryotic repression enhancers. The lac looping system provides a potential tool for analysis of this discrepancy and of chromatin state directly in situ. Furthermore, as predicted by the model, the contribution of operators O2 and O3 to repression of the lac operon clearly depends on the lac repressor level in the cell and is prevented in strains overproducing lac repressor. By extension, gene regulation especially that linked to cell fate, should also depend on transcription factor levels, providing a potential tool for cellular therapy. In parallel, a new function of the O1–O3 loop completes the picture of lac repression. The O1–O3 loop would at the same time ensure high efficiency of repression, inducibility through the low-affinity sites and limitation of the level of repressor through self-repression of the lac repressor. Last, the DNA looping model can be successfully adapted to the enhancer auxiliary elements known as insulators

    Modelling gene expression control using P systems: The Lac Operon, a case study

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    In this paper P systems are used as a formal framework for the specification and simulation of biological systems. In particular, we will deal with gene regulation systems consisting of protein–protein and protein–DNA interactions that take place in different compartments of the hierarchical structure of the living cell or in different individual cells from a colony. We will explicitly model transcription and translation as concurrent and discrete processes using rewriting rules on multisets of objects and strings. Our approach takes into account the discrete character of the components of the system, its random behaviour and the key role played by membranes in processes involving signalling at the cell surface and selective uptake of substances from the environment. Our systems will evolve according to an extension of Gillespie’s algorithm, called Multicompartmental Gillespie’s Algorithm. The well known gene regulation system in the Lac Operon in Escherichia coli will be modelled as a case study to benchmark our approach.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2005-09345-C04-0

    Designer Gene Networks: Towards Fundamental Cellular Control

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    The engineered control of cellular function through the design of synthetic genetic networks is becoming plausible. Here we show how a naturally occurring network can be used as a parts list for artificial network design, and how model formulation leads to computational and analytical approaches relevant to nonlinear dynamics and statistical physics.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figure

    Concentration and Length Dependence of DNA Looping in Transcriptional Regulation

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    In many cases, transcriptional regulation involves the binding of transcription factors at sites on the DNA that are not immediately adjacent to the promoter of interest. This action at a distance is often mediated by the formation of DNA loops: Binding at two or more sites on the DNA results in the formation of a loop, which can bring the transcription factor into the immediate neighborhood of the relevant promoter. These processes are important in settings ranging from the historic bacterial examples (bacterial metabolism and the lytic-lysogeny decision in bacteriophage), to the modern concept of gene regulation to regulatory processes central to pattern formation during development of multicellular organisms. Though there have been a variety of insights into the combinatorial aspects of transcriptional control, the mechanism of DNA looping as an agent of combinatorial control in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes remains unclear. We use single-molecule techniques to dissect DNA looping in the lac operon. In particular, we measure the propensity for DNA looping by the Lac repressor as a function of the concentration of repressor protein and as a function of the distance between repressor binding sites. As with earlier single-molecule studies, we find (at least) two distinct looped states and demonstrate that the presence of these two states depends both upon the concentration of repressor protein and the distance between the two repressor binding sites. We find that loops form even at interoperator spacings considerably shorter than the DNA persistence length, without the intervention of any other proteins to prebend the DNA. The concentration measurements also permit us to use a simple statistical mechanical model of DNA loop formation to determine the free energy of DNA looping, or equivalently, the J-factor for looping
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