84 research outputs found

    The intelligent library

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    The intelligent library

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    Purpose: The last few years have seen a surge of interest in artificial intelligence (AI). The purpose of this paper is to capture a snapshot of perceptions of the potential impact of AI on academic libraries and to reflect on its implications for library work. Design/methodology/approach: The data for the study were interviews with 33 library directors, library commentators and experts in education and publishing. Findings: Interviewees identified impacts of AI on search and resource discovery, on scholarly publishing and on learning. Challenges included libraries being left outside the focus of development, ethical concerns, intelligibility of decisions and data quality. Some threat to jobs was perceived. A number of potential roles for academic libraries were identified such as data acquisition and curation, AI tool acquisition and infrastructure building, aiding user navigation and data literacy. Originality/value: This is one of the first papers to examine current expectations around the impact of AI on academic libraries. The authors propose the paradigm of the intelligent library to capture the potential impact of AI for libraries

    Application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Libraries: A Systematic Review

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    As the concept and implementation of cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning has become relevant, academics, researchers and information professionals involve research in this area. The objective of this systematic literature review is to provide a synthesis of empirical studies exploring application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in libraries. To achieve the objectives of the study, a systematic literature review was conducted based on the original guidelines proposed by Kitchenham et al. (2009). Data was collected from Web of Science, Scopus, LISA and LISTA databases. Following the rigorous/ established selection process, a total of thirty-two articles were finally selected, reviewed and analyzed to summarize on the application of AI and ML domain and techniques which are most often used in libraries. Findings show that the current state of the AI and ML research that is relevant with the LIS domain mainly focuses on theoretical works. However, some researchers also emphasized on implementation projects or case studies. This study will provide a panoramic view of AI and ML in libraries for researchers, practitioners and educators for furthering the more technology-oriented approaches, and anticipating future innovation pathways

    Invigorating Libraries with Application of Artificial Intelligence

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    “Survival of the Fittest” as quoted by Charles Darwin fits and suits in all walks of life. As on date, big debate is on regarding the existence and survival of libraries. Libraries need to adopt emerging tools and technologies to provide best services to the users on time with precision. Artificial intelligence has placed itself everywhere in everyday life. This paper is an attempt to expedite AI applications in libraries, not only for providing services to the existing users but also finding innovative ways to attract new users. The paper discusses AI, basic requisites, its applications in libraries, and barriers in its implementations. The paper concludes that AI is the need of today for libraries

    Invigorating Libraries with Application of Artificial Intelligence

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    “Survival of the Fittest” as quoted by Charles Darwin fits and suits in all walks of life. As on date, big debate is on regarding the existence and survival of libraries. Libraries need to adopt emerging tools and technologies to provide best services to the users on time with precision. Artificial intelligence has placed itself everywhere in everyday life. This paper is an attempt to expedite AI applications in libraries, not only for providing services to the existing users but also finding innovative ways to attract new users. The paper discusses AI, basic requisites, its applications in libraries, and barriers in its implementations. The paper concludes that AI is the need of today for libraries


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    Current research attempts to investigate the views of librarians of Iranian academic central libraries on the use of (IOT) in Iranian academic libraries. The present study employed in a descriptive and survey method. The statistical population of the study was 298 librarians of the central libraries in the top universities of Iran including Isfahan, Amir Kabir, Tehran, Tarbiat Modares, Shahid Beheshti, Tabriz, Ferdowsi, Shiraz, Khaje Nasir al-Din Tousi, Sharif, Elm-o- San’at) Science and Industry). Sampling was done by simple random sampling. The Cochran formula was used to determine the sample size. Considering the 95% confidence level and after the numerical values were placed in the corresponding formula [n = (Za / 2 × σ) / Δ] ^ 2, the sample size was obtained as 168. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Among the questionnaires distributed by email, 113 questionnaires were collected. Validity of the questionnaire was measured by a number of Library and Information Science experts. To assess the reliability of the questionnaire, the Cronbach\u27s alpha coefficient was used. The reliability of all components of the questionnaire was greater than 0.70. Data analysis was performed using the SPSS version 20 software and statistical indictors like frequency and mean. The Internet of Things, according to the tools provided by the libraries, is able to increase the speed of provision of services and perform the activities related to such services (for example, book exhibitions, meetings, etc.) with more ease. Libraries are always exposed to damages such as fire and accidents due to the old infrastructure. In addition, libraries face specific damages alongside their functions, which must be managed in order to minimize them. Theft of resources that is sometimes irrelevant in some libraries is one of the damages that libraries face and need to tackle it. In both cases, unplanned incidents and robbery, the use of IOT technology can be very useful. Of course, if the library building is located on the columns and the sections can be easily separated, you can provide more space without having to spend much time and manpower through the use of sensors installed on the equipment for libraries that lack space. Research findings revealed that Iranian librarians pointed to the benefits of IOT in retrieving accurate information related to the needs of users without applying experience-based practices. They also point to the ability of the IOT to record the users\u27 interests in doing personal activities and sharing knowledge and skills with other users

    Virtual Heritage Learning Environments

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    . The change and restrictions in how we react with cultural heritage because of the COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgency in advancing remote and digital access to objects and sites. This paper outlines the process for developing Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) using digital recording and modelling of architectural heritage and archaeology. Virtual Reality (VR) software, game engine platforms and WEB platforms are outlined which can be applied to represent heritage sites in addition to emerging screen based technological learning systems. The application Historic Building Information Modelling (HBIM) and Game Engine Platforms for creating Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) is also examined. The design-theory based on Virtual Learning Objects for cultural heritage is explored. Two case studies are explored for their potential to create Virtual Heritage Learning Environments. Finally, a design framework is proposed for developing Virtual Heritage Learning Environments

    Transformasi Digital Literasi Madrasah Melalui Smart Library MINSATA di MIN 1 Yogyakarta: Sebuah Studi Kasus

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    Tujuan – Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan program smart library di MIN 1 Yogyakarta sebagai bentuk tranformasi digital literasi di sebuah madrasah. Metode – Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Hal ini ditekankan guna mendeskripsikan suatu program SMART LIBRARY yang dilakukan oleh MIN 1 Yogyakarta. Objek utama dari penelitian ini adalah siswa dan pustakawan Ulil Albab MIN 1 Yogyakarta. Pengumpulan data yang dilakukan berupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi dari kegiatan smart library. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan adalah teknik analisis interaktif. Hal tersebut bertujuan untuk menemukan dan membangun pemahaman terhadap alur kerja dan mendapatkan data secara akurat, tepat dan empirik. Hasil – Program SMART LIBRARY adalah layanan digital literasi madrasah yang terdiri dari lima program unggulan, yaitu SUPERSTAR, Menikmati buku 1 JP, Angkong Buku, Raja dan Ratu Buku, serta Telusur Buku melalui aplikasi SMART LIBRARY MINSATA. Program ini memberikan bimbingan dan konsultasi untuk mewujudkan karya literasi guru dan siswa, serta membantu siswa untuk membaca dengan baik, memahami berbagai bentuk karya sastra, dan menggunakan waktu luang untuk membaca. Dampak positif dari penerapan program SMART LIBRARY terlihat dalam perkembangan prestasi siswa MIN 1 Yogyakarta

    Armagh Observatory: Historic Building Information Modelling for Virtual Learning in Building Conservation

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    In this paper the recording and design for a Virtual Reality Immersive Model of Armagh Observatory is presented, which will replicate the historic buildings and landscape with distant meridian markers and position of its principal historic instruments within a model of the night sky showing the position of bright stars. The virtual reality model can be used for educational purposes allowing the instruments within the historic building model to be manipulated within 3D space to demonstrate how the position measurements of stars were made in the 18th century. A description is given of current student and researchers activities concerning on-site recording and surveying and the virtual modelling of the buildings and landscape. This is followed by a design for a Virtual Reality Immersive Model of Armagh Observatory use game engine and virtual learning platforms and concepts
