83 research outputs found

    Towards collaborative supply chains

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    This paper discusses collaborative supply chains. It was presented at the 16th international conference of the european operations management association in 2009

    A review of factors influencing collaborative relationships

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    [EN] Collaboration is a term commonly used to refer to a type of inter-organizational relationship. However, in real business assessments, many collaborative relationships fail due to the lack of understanding of the factors influencing collaboration sustainability. For this reason, enterprises, prior to engage to a collaborative relationship, need to understand further which the main factors influencing collaboration relationships are, how they are structured and how they interact so that decision makers that desire to engage in a collaborative relationship/network focus not only on improving performance indicators but also on the factors that influence the results of those performance indicators. The purpose of this paper is to present a critical literature review of factors influencing collaborative relationships in order to perform a comparative study of the works for identifying main strengths and gaps for future research.Verdecho Sáez, MJ.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R. (2011). A review of factors influencing collaborative relationships. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 362:535-542. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23330-2_58S535542362Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Afsarmanesh, H., Galeano, N., Molina, A.: Collaborative networked organizations - Concepts and practice in manufacturing enterprises. Computers & Industrial Engineering 57, 46–60 (2009)Simatupang, T.M., Wright, A.C., Sridharan, R.: Applying the theory of constraints to supply chain collaboration. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 9(1), 57–70 (2004)Sabath, R.E., Fontanella, J.: The Unfulfilled Promise of Supply Chain Collaboration. 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The Pennsylvania State University, State College (1995)Bowersox, D.J., Closs, D.J., Stank, T.P.: How to Master cross-enterprise Collaboration. Supply Chain Management Review (July/August 2003)Barratt, M.: Understanding the meaning of collaboration in the supply chain. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 9(1), 30–42 (2004)Min, S., Roath, A.S., Daugherty, P.J., Genchev, S.E., Chen, H., Arndt, A.D.: Supply chain collaboration: what’s happening? The International Journal of Logistics Management 16(2), 237–256 (2005)Simatupang, T.M., Sridharan, R.: An integrative framework for supply chain collaboration. The International Journal of Logistics Management 16(2), 257–274 (2005)Burgess, K., Singh, P.: A proposed integrated framework for analysing supply chains. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 11(4), 337–344 (2006)Gruat La Forme, F., Botta Genoulaz, V., Campagne, J.: A Framework to analyse Collaborative Performance. Computers in Industry 58, 687–697 (2005)Giannakis, M.: Performance Measurement of Supplier Relationships. Supply Chain Management; An International Journal 12(6), 400–411 (2007)Morgan, R.M., Hunt, S.D.: The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing. Journal of Marketing 58, 20–38 (1994)Mohr, J., Spekman, R.: Characteristics of partnership success: Partnership attributes, communication behavior, and conflict resolution techniques. Strategic Management Journal 15(2), 135–152 (1994)Zineldin, M., Jonsson, P.: An examination of the main factors affecting trust/commitment in supplier-dealer relationships: an empirical study of the Swedish wood industry. The TQM Magazine 12(4), 245–256 (2000)Coote, L.V., Forrest, E.J., Tam, T.W.: An investigation into commitment in non-Western industrial marketing relationship. Industrial Marketing Management 32, 595–604 (2003)Wu, W.T., Chiag, C.Y., Wu, Y.J., Tu, H.J.: The influencing factors of commitment and business integration on supply chain management. Industrial Management & Data Systems 104(4), 322–333 (2004)Kwon, I.K., Suh, T.: Trust, commitment and relationships in supply chain management: path analysis. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 10(1), 26–33 (2005)Geyskens, I., Steemkamp, J.B., Scheer, L.K., Kumar, N.: The effects of trust and interdependence on relationship commitment: A trans-Atlantic study. International Journal of Research in Marketing 13, 303–317 (1996)Pimentel Claro, D., Borin de Oliviera Claro, P., Hagelaar, G.: Coordinating collaborative joint efforts with suppliers: the effects of trust, transaction specific investment and information network in the Dutch flower industry. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 11(3), 216–224 (2006)Cheng, J.H., Yeh, C.H., Tu, C.W.: Trust and knowledge sharing in green supply chains. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 13(4), 283–295 (2008)Matopoulos, A., Vlachopoulou, M., Manthou, V., Manos, B.: A conceptual framework for supply chain collaboration: empirical evidence from the agri-food industry. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 12(3), 177–186 (2007)Handfield, R.B., Bechtel, C.: The role of trust and relationship structure in improving supply chain responsiveness. Industrial Marketing Management 31, 367–382 (2002

    The Effects of Coordination Mechanisms and Embeddedness on The Adoption of Open Standards

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    Organizations today face great challenges from the unpredictable, globalized and competitive business environment. One of the ways that organizations achieve competitive advantages is by the adoption and diffusion of open standard inter-organizational systems (OSIOS). Despite the benefits that are promised by the adoption of OSIOS, its adoption has slowed down and there are increased cases of failure in OSIOS adoptions. In trying to explain this phenomenon, this study examines various factors relating to the social network theory and coordination theory with the adoption of OSIOS. A survey questionnaire was administered and data was collected from 101 companies in China. Using partial least square analysis, we found that extent of coordination mechanism use and tie strength are positively and significantly associated with the adoption of OSIOS. Results and implications are briefly discussed

    Green Supply Chain Management Practices in Malaysia Manufacturing Industry

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between green supply chain management practices towards environmental and operational performances among Malaysian manufacturing firms. The research design for this study employs quantitative method using survey questionnaires which was developed based on a thorough review of relevant literature on green practices. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed randomly among the manufacturing firms in Malaysia. A total of 7 variables included in this study, comprising green purchasing, investment recovery, eco-design and packaging, reverse logistic, and cooperation with customers, manufacturing environmental and operational performance. This study will measure the impact between green supply chain management practices towards environmental and operational performance in Malaysian manufacturing industry

    The Effects of Coordination Mechanisms and Tie Strength on the Adoption and Diffusion of Open Standards

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    Organizations today face a great challenge from the unpredictable, globalized and competitive business environment. One of the ways that organizations achieve competitive advantages is through the adoption of open standard inter-organizational systems (OSIOS) and its diffusion across supply chains. Despite the benefits that are promised by the adoption of OSIOS, its adoption has slowed down and there are increased cases of failure in OSIOS adoptions. In trying to understand some of its drivers, this study examines various factors relating to the social network theory and coordination theory with the assimilation of OSIOS. A survey questionnaire was administered, collected from 101 companies in China, and examined as a pilot study. Using partial least square analysis, we found that while extent of coordination mechanism plays a role in both adoption and diffusion, tie strength only affects the latter. Results are briefly discussed

    Business relationship framework in emerging market : a preliminary study in Indonesia

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    This paper explores business relationship framework between two companies. In this research, we use relationship marketing and transaction cost as frameworks to analyze business relationship of two different kinds of companies in Indonesia, oil company and hypermarket. Gronroos (1994) defines relationship marketing is establishing, maintaining, and enhancing relationships with customers and other partners, at a profit, so that the objectives of the parties involved are met. This is achieved by a mutual exchange and fulfilment of promises. This definition is a key to analyze the relationship of retailer and their supplier. In the other side, Williamson (1980) argued that relationship in business organization based on their economic interest. This approach known as transaction cost approach. In this kind of relationship, business organizations consider cost and benefit of business relationship. We use qualitative method in this research. The design of the research is case study with multiple cases proposed by Yin (1994). In this case study, we use basic content analysis as tool to analyze the phenomenon. Unit analysis of this research is company. We use two cases in the different companies, Oil Company and hypermarket. In order to gain validity, we use multiple key person or informant to gain validity. The result shows, that in the oil company, relationship between company and their supplier tied on a strict contract. In fact, the relationship of supplier and a company is based on transaction cost theory. In the hypermarket company, the relationship of supplier and retailer is based on trust, commitment and satisfaction. Those three construct are the foundation of relationship marketingpeer-reviewe

    Why Focal Firms Share Information? A Study of the Effects of Power and Information Technology Competence

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    Supply chain management has become an important issue for Taiwan\u27s manufacturing industry due to escalating global competition. Virtual vertical integration is an important issue in supply chain management. Because organizations only have limited resources, they pursue long-term partnership with specific transaction partners. They share information to improve visibility, speed responses to markets, and reduce costs from information distortion or information asymmetry. This study empirically explores the factors affecting inter-organizational information sharing from the perspective of focal firms. 1,000 questionnaires were administered to top 1,000 manufacturing companies in Taiwan, with 139 valid responses. The results show that partner\u27s power and relation-specific asset investments positively affect inter-organizational information sharing. On the other hand, the partner\u27s power does not significantly affect the organization\u27s relation-specific investments. This study further investigates the moderating role of information technology competence. The result indicates that when an organization has lower information technology competence, the relationship between the partner\u27s power and relation-specific investments is significant. Implications and discussion are then provided

    Model of relationship marketing and power asymmetry in Indonesia retail industry

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    This paper discuss empirical model of business relationship in Indonesia retail industry. Empirical framework of this paper based on relationship marketing concept and power imbalance of retail industry. The purpose of this study is to assess the effect of Power asymmetry and relationship marketing to supplier and retailer economic performance in a business relationship. Result of this paper is empirical framework to analyze Indonesia retail industry. We analyze our empirical model by using Path Analysis. Samples of this study are retailers and suppliers in three major cities in Indonesia, they are Semarang, Surakarta and Jogjakarta. Our unit analysis is dyadic based on the nature concept of relationship marketing proposed by Morgan and Hunt (1994). Main construct of business relationship and technical model of estimation to conduct research about relationship marketing and power imbalance in Indonesia retail industry is also discussed.peer-reviewe

    Social capital influence on supply chain integration in the food processing industry in Malaysia / Zurita Mohd Saleh

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    Supply chain integration has been established as one of the key factors in influencing supply chain effectiveness. In relation to the food processing industry, the need to integrate supply chain initiatives has become more critical as those involved in the food processing and distribution industry are deemed key players whose roles are pertinent in determining supply chain success. Drawing upon the importance of integration, this study establishes the link between supply chain social capital constructs with integration. Based on a final sample size of 184 food manufacturers, a survey was conducted to determine the influence of supply chain relational capital, supply chain structural and supply chain cognitive on the integration of the food processing supply chain. The findings reveal that all three dimensions of supply chain social capital exert significant influence on supply chain integration, thus indicating the importance and relevance of integration among members in the food processing industry. With such findings, the study establishes that both structural and relational elements are of significant importance in ensuring the achievement of ultimate business performance. Although the study has not directly relate supply chain integration with business performance, the direction of the study is substantial to postulate that such relationships is possible and this therefore will be the direction of future study
