10 research outputs found

    Redefining visual literacy in an era of visual overload: The use of reflective visual journals to expand students’ visual thinking

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    In an era in which “all media are mixed media” (Mitchell, 2002), visual information is central in interpersonal and mass communication. Despite this daily consumption of visual information, “digital natives” (Prensky, 2001) are not prepared to critically engage with images (Brumberger, 2016). Scholars in the field of visual literacy identified a curricular bias towards written texts (Elkins, 2007), and the need for more training of visual literacy in higher education (Metros & Woolsey, 2006). However, the discussion of visual literacy in higher education is dominated by studies that measure teaching strategies (Bowen, 2017; Johnston et al. 2017) but rarely discuss the meaning of visual literacy from a student perspective. Visual reflection is a learning experience that involves reading, writing, thinking, and feeling with and through images. This study investigates undergraduate students’ experience with visual reflection in a visual studies class through a phenomenographic approach to 29 visual journals and a thematic analysis of 9 semi-structured interviews with students. The objective is discussing the potential contribution of visual reflection to students’ multimodal literacies. This study contends that the promotion of visual reflection needs to be systematically implemented in all fields engaged in knowledge production as visual reflection enhances academic learning, fosters multimodal literacies, and promotes the visualization of knowledge

    What We See and Why It Matters: How Competency in Visual Literacy can Enhance Student Learning

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    In today’s world, we use more visuals than ever before. Research suggests that the balance between words and images has shifted considerably calling for new forms of literacy (Brumberger, 2011). Visual literacy goes above and beyond the traditional concepts of reading and writing, expanding literacy to include visuals. The analysis and review of current visual literacy research suggests teaching visual literacy is necessary for students to become capable of navigating the visually driven world in which we live. The research highlights the importance of incorporating visuals into the literacy curricula and explores practical uses of visual literacy in present day society. Findings suggest that developing the ability to create images will help students better learn to decipher, understand and communicate with images. If there is a better understanding of how and why visuals are developed, then the use of visuals can become more effective, ergo enhancing student learning

    Knowledge Degree of Principles of Designing Instructional Electronic Websites by Educational Technology Students in Jordanian Universities and its Relation to Some Variables

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    This Study aimed at identifying the knowledge degree of principles of designing instructional electronic websites by educational technology students in Jordanian universities and its relation to some variables (gender and computer proficiency). The study population consisted of all students of Educational Technology Faculities at the level of Masters in Jordanian universities, at total number of (306) students during the first semester of the academic year 2016/2017. To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive survey approach was applied through a 4-dimension questionnaire: proximity, frequency, contrast, and alignment. The results indicated that the study members\u27 knowledge of designing principles in general was high. The results also showed that there were no significant differences in the level of knowledge of the students in all dimensions attributed to gender; whereas there were significant differences attributed to computer proficiency, as the degree of knowledge of students increased with the level of computer skills

    The influence of the instruction of visual design principles on improving pre-service teachers’ visual literacy

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    [[abstract]]This study investigated whether the instruction of visualdesignprinciples had an influence on pre-serviceteachers’ perception and analysis (interpretation) of visual materials. In addition, the relationships between pre-serviceteachers’ visual intelligence and their perception and analysis (interpretation) of visual materials were also explored. Participants were 86 pre-serviceteachers who took a one-credit required educational technology course at a mid-western university in the United States. Some participants were absent in the weeks when data were collected, resulting in a total of 59 responses included in data analysis. Findings implied that the instruction of visualdesignprinciples could possibly improve pre-serviceteachers’ visualliteracy. Suggestions for future research were discussed.[[incitationindex]]SSCI[[incitationindex]]SCI[[booktype]]紙

    Estudio exploratorio sobre un modelo de alfabetización visual para las titulaciones universitarias de arte

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    Màster Oficial en Estudis Avançats en Història de l'Art. Facultat de Geografia i Història de la UB. Curs: 2019-2020, Tutor: José Luis Menéndez VarelaComo veremos a lo largo de este trabajo, la alfabetización visual está considerada hoy en día una competencia imprescindible en los estudios de cualquier nivel. Siendo así, es lógico pensar que, en el ámbito de las artes, esta competencia deba cobrar aun más relevancia, ya que las imágenes son el objeto de estudio principal. Al ser nuestro contexto el de los estudios superiores universitarios, es aquí donde nos centraremos para tratar de conocer en qué estado se encuentra la AV en estos momentos y cuáles son sus puntos fuertes y débiles

    Emerging bilingual readers' responses to metafictive picturebooks: A cognitive exploration of multiliteracies

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    The current global trends in migration and transnationalism mean societies around the world are increasingly becoming culturally, ethnically and racially mixed. In such a world there ought to be changes to educational policy, curricula and school practices to reflect the linguistic and cultural diversity of students. There is an urgent need for people to understand and empathise with one another and to overcome the many cultural differences that act as barriers to community and communication. It is gratifying, therefore, to see varied and inclusive pedagogic practices being used to equip young learners with the skills to bridge cultural gaps. One such resource is children’s literature, and in recent years educators have been using picturebooks, ‘a species of children’s literature’ (Kümmerling-Meibauer and Meibauer 2013, p 1), to address prominent issues of diverse experiences and global realities (Hope 2008; Rutter 2006). A number of recent studies have shown that using picturebooks enhances a range of skills, including language acquisition, visual literacy and cultural acclimatization (e.g., Arizpe et al. 2014; Bland 2013; McGilp 2014; Mourão 2012; Sipe 2008). These studies have used a range of theoretical frameworks to investigate the meaning-making processes of young readers. Located in this sociocultural milieu and in new directions in academic thought and pedagogic practices, this doctoral study investigates children’s visual, emotional and critical literacy from a multimodal and cognitive-literary perspective. The ‘mirror, windows and doors’ metaphor which argues that readers see reflections of themselves in what they read, look through windows into unfamiliar worlds and people, and finally step through new doors when they undergo a transformation in their understanding (Sims Bishop 1990) is a crucial understanding of literature that underpins this study. The overall hypothesis of the study is that appreciating the thoughts and feelings of characters in picturebooks can help hone emotional literacy skills in young readers, which in turn might facilitate a better understanding of real-life people. For my study I chose metafictive picturebooks, which are known to jar the readers into a sense of literary alertness and interactivity (Sipe & McGuire 2008). The inquiry involved longitudinal fieldwork with primary school-aged bilingual children, engaging in a variety of verbal and visual response tasks that focused on literary engagement with the texts. The results showed the children engaging deeply with the characters’ mental states, responding analytically to the visual and verbal synergy (Sipe 1998) and using their Theory of Mind to demonstrate identification with the textual characters. The affordances of the metafictive nature of the texts allowed a critical-questioning stance in the young readers, making them aware of their own responses of the texts, developing their emotional literacy and metacognitive skills. By highlighting the sophisticated natures of the young children’s responses and their ability to negotiate complex constructions in seemingly playful picturebooks, this study underscores the need for slow, careful and repeated looking and investigating texts as pieces of intriguing puzzles. Reading metafiction becomes an ‘embodied’ activity (Nikolajeva 2014b) where readers see, think, and feel, and simultaneously become aware of their own somatic responses. This ultimately develops emotional literacy as well as critical literacy skills. The study submits that careful and continued nurturing within and outside the school environment can make it possible for children to become aware of their own emotions, show increased awareness of others in interactions, as well as develop the potential to empathise and identify with people from backgrounds different to their own

    Alfabetización visual de los profesores en ejercicio a través del Diseño Gráfico para mejorar la planificación y desarrollo del proceso de aprendizaje

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    [ES] En la era digital actual, tanto los ambientes de aprendizaje como los recursos educativos son altamente visuales, colmados de imágenes y elementos gráficos bien diseñados y de alta calidad, los cuales constantemente transmiten un mensaje a los espectadores. De aquí que los profesores necesitan desarrollar la competencia en alfabetización visual para que estén en capacidad de acceder apropiadamente a las imágenes y la información visual; y de esta manera las empleen efectivamente para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje, a través de la interpretación, evaluación, uso y creación de nuevos contenidos y recursos educativos. El propósito de esta tesis doctoral fue estudiar el efecto de un proceso formativo para desarrollar la alfabetización visual en profesores en ejercicio. Para ello, se diseñó un curso de alfabetización visual basado en los principios del Diseño Gráfico y estructurado conforme a los Estándares de Competencia Visual planteados por la Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) (2011a). Asimismo se desarrolló una aplicación móvil la cual se utilizó como recurso durante la actividad formativa. Se planteó un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo dividido en dos partes, a las cuales, debido a su magnitud, nos referimos como estudio uno y estudio dos a lo largo de este documento

    Utilização colaborativa de representações multimédia no ensino: um estudo de investigação-ação com professores de física e química

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    Este estudo foi realizado no contexto de uma ação de formação subordinada ao tema das representações multimédia e destinada a professores de física e química de uma escola secundária. A ação, dinamizada pelo investigador e com a duração de seis meses, foi realizada na forma de Círculo de Estudos, durante o qual se procurou promover o trabalho colaborativo entre os dez professores participantes, todos eles integrando, tal como o investigador, o grupo de física e química da escola em referência. Como opção metodológica de base foi adotada uma estratégia de investigação-ação, configurando uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa. A coexistência de diversas técnicas de recolha de dados, como entrevistas individuais, observação naturalista, conversas informais e análise documental, permitiu o recurso a procedimentos de triangulação metodológica na condução da análise de conteúdo que deu corpo aos resultados do estudo. A evidência recolhida sugere que o modelo de formação testado parece possuir, embora com naturais condicionantes, os requisitos necessários para promover o desenvolvimento do conhecimento técnico-pedagógico do conteúdo nos professores, estimulando a adoção de práticas colaborativas na utilização didática de representações multimédia; ABSTRACT: This study was performed in the training program framework of multimedia representation and it was intented for teachers of physics and chemistry of a secondary school. The training action, with six months duration, was conducted by the investigator and it was held in the form of Study Circle. During this program the investigator sought to promote collaborative work among the ten participating teachers, all of them, including the researcher, integrating the physics and chemistry group in that school. An action research strategy was adopted as a basic methodological option thus setting a qualitative research. The coexistence of different data collection techniques such as interviews, naturalistic observation, informal conversations and document analysis, allowed the use of methodological triangulation procedures in content analysis, which gave body to the study results. The evidence collected suggests that the tested training model seems to have, although with natural constraints, the necessary requirements to endorse the development of technological pedagogical content knowledge in teachers, stimulating the adoption of collaborative practices in the didactic use of multimedia representations