58 research outputs found

    The Effect of Chinese Industrial Investment Projects in Central Africa on the Perception of China’s Commercial Diplomacy in Foreign Policy

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    China is emerging as the premier economic partner to the Global South. Through the ability to loan large amounts of hard currency, supply inexpensive industrial and consumer products, and diversify their economic interests, China plays a key role in the new global marketplace. The Chinese system of investment diversification forms the foundation of their commercial diplomacy. One advantage China enjoys is a general lack of proselytization on issues such as good-governance and environmental safety standards. This makes for more lucrative business partnerships with many states increasingly dissatisfied with the burdens of “over regulation.” As China extends its reach into commercial and strategic raw material industries, it creates more reliable supply lines for its own industrial revolution. The Chinese system of economic growth and political outreach has been developed by government ministries working in concert with private businesses partially directed by the wider foreign policy goals of the state. This paper discusses the Nigerian petroleum sector, particularly in regard to the constructive market impact of Chinese assistance and expansion. Further expansion and increasing investment by Chinese companies into strategic and commercial minerals has led to the growth of extensive partnerships in Central Africa. Nigeria is the largest most developed economic power in Africa with a vast consumer market and rich in mineral wealth. Due to these factors it makes that country a prime example of the power of long term investment. As time goes on, those raw materials and the associated industries currently being developed will represent a larger controlling share of the market. The components and mechanisms fueling our current technological revolution depend on those industries and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Africa’s resource rich landscape will be the ultimate proving ground of China’s ability to use commercial diplomacy to acquire a large share of strategic resources

    Study on the influence mechanism and level measurement of agricultural green development—A case study of China

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    Taking China as an example, this paper analyzes the impact mechanism of agricultural green development and constructs a measurement system of agricultural green development level. The system includes seven subsystems (ensuring food security, optimizing agricultural structure, improving market mechanism, innovation-driven development, building ecological civilization, inheriting traditional culture, and benefiting the people) and 55 measurement indicators. Empirical research was carried out using entropy method and gray correlation to measure the level of green development of China's agriculture, analyze its spatial distribution law, and divide it into three levels according to the development level, then analyze the regional characteristics of each grade. The research shows that the overall level of agricultural green development in China is relatively low, and the constraints are obvious. It is easy to ignore the value of agricultural green development, and the phenomenon of non-green development still exists. Therefore, we must attach great importance to the green development of agriculture, change agricultural production from the pursuit of quantity to the pursuit of quality in the past, formulate an effective path to promote the comprehensive level of agricultural green development in the whole ecological chain, and build a collaborative research institution and information monitoring platform for agricultural green development

    The Role of CSR in the Growth and Success of Chinese Multinationals

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    Marketing strategy in MNC subsidiaries: pure versus hybrid archetypes

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    Occupational health and safety for informal sector workers: the case of street traders in Nigeria

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    This study examined two important types of occupational hazards in the street trading activities in Nigeria which are (i) injuries sustained from road traffic accident and (ii) harassment of traders through indiscriminate arrest, seizure and confiscation of merchandise and occasional incarceration of sellers in police cells without trials. The data for the study was generated from a 2011 national survey of 3,873 street traders in Nigeria which was made possible through a research grant provided by the Covenant University’s Centre for Research and Development. In addition to the descriptive statistics used in profiling the street traders, the binary logistic regression approach was also used to estimate the log of odds of experiencing occupational hazards in street trading activities. The study found out that 25% of the traders have suffered injury, while 49.1% have experienced harassment from public authority officials. Given these findings, policy measures that are capable of enhancing the safety of street traders, and stem urban-ward migration have been proposed

    大加勒比地区的中国印象: 昨天与今日

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    Con autorización de la editorial para este libro. Coordinación del libro a cargo de Mu-Kien Adriana Sang Ben.La versión en español de este libro puede encontrarse en el siguiente enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10261/263728Connected Worlds: The Caribbean, Origin of Modern World. European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska Curie grant agreement Nº 823846.Peer reviewe

    Smart Healthcare solutions in China and Europe, an international business perspective

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    The thesis is part of the Marie Curie Fellowship project addressing health related challenges with IoT solutions. The author tries to address the challenge for the implementation of telehealth solutions by finding out the demand of the telehealth solution in selected European economies and in China (chapter 1), analyzing the emerging business models for telehealth solution ecosystems in China (chapter 2), how to integrate telehealth solutions with institutional stakeholders (chapter 3) and why are elderly users willing to use telehealth solutions in China. Chapter 1 and chapter 2 form the theoretical background for empirical work in chapter 3 and chapter 4. The thesis addressed four research questions, namely “Which societal and social-economics unmet needs that Internet of Healthcare Things can help to resolve?”, “What are the business model innovation for tech companies in China for the smart health industry?”, “What are the facilitators and hurdles for implementing telehealth solutions”, “Are elderly users willing to use telehealth solutions in China?”. Both qualitative study and quantitative analysis has been made based on data collected by in depth interviews with stakeholders, focus group study work with urban and rural residents in China. The digital platform framework was used in chapter 2 as the theoretical framework where as the stakeholder power mapping framework was used in chapter 3. The discretion choice experiment was used in chapter 4 to design questionnaire study while ordered logit regression was used to analyze the data. Telehealth solutions have great potential to fill in the gap for lack of community healthcare and ensuring health continuity between home care setting, community healthcare and hospitals. There is strong demand for such solutions if they can prove the medical value in managing chronic disease by raising health awareness and lowering health risks by changing the patients’ lifestyle. Analyzing how to realize the value for preventive healthcare by proving the health-economic value of digital health solutions (telehealth solutions) is the focus of research. There remain hurdles to build trust for telehealth solutions and the use of AI in healthcare. Next step of research can also be extended to addressing such challenges by analyzing how to improve the transparency of algorithms by disclosing the data source, and how the algorithms were built. Further research can be done on data interoperability between the EHR systems and telehealth solutions. The medical value of telehealth solutions can improve if doctors could interpret data collected from telehealth solutions; furthermore, if doctors could make diagnosis and provide treatment, adjust healthcare management plans based on such data, telehealth solutions then can be included in insurance packages, making them more accessible