6 research outputs found

    The impact of the socio-economic crisis of 2001 on the scientific system of Argentina from the scientometric perspective

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    In recent years a number of studies have addressed the topic of the economic crisis of Argentina in 2001, and its repercussions upon the political, social, and institutional systems of the country. However, no studies to date have analyzed the effects of the crisis upon the country 虂s scientific system from a scientometric perspective, with an analysis of the resources dedicated to scientific activity as well as the final results in terms of output and impact. The present study attempts to show the effects of the 2001 crisis upon the scientific system by means of a set of scientometric indicators that reflect economic effort, human resources dedicated to research, publications, collaborative relations, and the international visibility of scientific contributions

    The impact of the socio-economic crisis of 2001 on the scientific system of Argentina from the scientometric perspective

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    In recent years a number of studies have focused on Argentina's 2001 economic crisis and its political, social, and institutional repercussions. To date, however, no studies have analyzed its effects upon the country's scientific system from a scientometric perspective, in terms of resources dedicated to scientific activity and the final output and impact. The present study does so by means of a set of scientometric indicators that reflect economic effort, human resources dedicated to research, publications, collaborative relations, and the international visibility of scientific contributions.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educaci贸

    Local and global issues in the Argentinian scientific production in Scopus, 2008-2012: National and international dimensions of the research

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    En Argentina, desde comienzos del presente siglo, las pol铆ticas cient铆ficas y tecnol贸gicas expl铆citas evidencian un claro inter茅s en la producci贸n de conocimientos orientados a la resoluci贸n de problemas sociales, productivos y medioambientales de car谩cter local. Desde la bibliometr铆a se vienen realizando estudios sobre la producci贸n cient铆fica de los pa铆ses, existiendo varios antecedentes que enfocan la atenci贸n en la producci贸n cient铆fica argentina. Sin embargo, son incipientes y escasos los trabajos sobre la producci贸n cient铆fica enfocada a temas locales. Los objetivos de esta investigaci贸n son analizar y describir la relaci贸n entre lo local y lo global en la producci贸n cient铆fica argentina con visibilidad en Scopus en el per铆odo 2008-2012, y comparar indicadores de publicaci贸n, colaboraci贸n y liderazgo desde las dimensiones nacionales e internacionales de las pr谩cticas de comunicaci贸n cient铆fica. Los resultados muestran que una cuarta parte de la producci贸n est谩 orientada a temas locales, con destacada presencia de contribuciones en Ciencias sociales, Econom铆a y Administraci贸n, Ciencias agr铆colas y biol贸gicas, Ciencias de la tierra y relacionadas con el ambiente. Un alto porcentaje de esta producci贸n se publica en revistas extra-regionales. Hay un mayor predominio de investigaci贸n en colaboraci贸n nacional y sin colaboraci贸n en los temas locales. Sin embargo casi un tercio de la producci贸n se realiz贸 en colaboraci贸n internacional, con diferencias porcentuales seg煤n las disciplinas. Por 煤ltimo, destaca el alto porcentaje de producci贸n liderada por investigadores de instituciones argentinas en todas las disciplinas, tanto en los temas locales como globales.Since the beginning of this century in Argentina scientific and technological policies show a clear interest in producing knowledge aimed at solving social, productive and environmental local problems. The bibliometric field has been studying the scientific production in the different countries around the world, and there is a background that focus its attention in Argentine scientific production. However, there are only a few studies on scientific production focused on Argentine local issues. The objective of this work is to analyze and describe the relation between the local and the global researches of the Argentine scientific production in Scopus since 2008 to 2012, and compare publishing, collaboration and leadership indicators from national and international dimensions. Results show that a quarter of the scientific production is focused on local topics of interest such as Social Sciences, Economy, Management, Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences and Environmental Sciences. A high percent of this production is published in foreign journals. Researches in local topics are mainly carried out with national collaboration or without any kind of collaboration. A third part of the papers are made with international collaboration. However, it depends on the different disciplines. Also, there is a high percent of local and global scientific production led by researchers from Argentine institutions in all disciplines.Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias SocialesConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnica

    Local and global issues in the Argentinian scientific production in Scopus, 2008-2012: National and international dimensions of the research

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    En Argentina, desde comienzos del presente siglo, las pol铆ticas cient铆ficas y tecnol贸gicas expl铆citas evidencian un claro inter茅s en la producci贸n de conocimientos orientados a la resoluci贸n de problemas sociales, productivos y medioambientales de car谩cter local. Desde la bibliometr铆a se vienen realizando estudios sobre la producci贸n cient铆fica de los pa铆ses, existiendo varios antecedentes que enfocan la atenci贸n en la producci贸n cient铆fica argentina. Sin embargo, son incipientes y escasos los trabajos sobre la producci贸n cient铆fica enfocada a temas locales. Los objetivos de esta investigaci贸n son analizar y describir la relaci贸n entre lo local y lo global en la producci贸n cient铆fica argentina con visibilidad en Scopus en el per铆odo 2008-2012, y comparar indicadores de publicaci贸n, colaboraci贸n y liderazgo desde las dimensiones nacionales e internacionales de las pr谩cticas de comunicaci贸n cient铆fica. Los resultados muestran que una cuarta parte de la producci贸n est谩 orientada a temas locales, con destacada presencia de contribuciones en Ciencias sociales, Econom铆a y Administraci贸n, Ciencias agr铆colas y biol贸gicas, Ciencias de la tierra y relacionadas con el ambiente. Un alto porcentaje de esta producci贸n se publica en revistas extra-regionales. Hay un mayor predominio de investigaci贸n en colaboraci贸n nacional y sin colaboraci贸n en los temas locales. Sin embargo casi un tercio de la producci贸n se realiz贸 en colaboraci贸n internacional, con diferencias porcentuales seg煤n las disciplinas. Por 煤ltimo, destaca el alto porcentaje de producci贸n liderada por investigadores de instituciones argentinas en todas las disciplinas, tanto en los temas locales como globales.Since the beginning of this century in Argentina scientific and technological policies show a clear interest in producing knowledge aimed at solving social, productive and environmental local problems. The bibliometric field has been studying the scientific production in the different countries around the world, and there is a background that focus its attention in Argentine scientific production. However, there are only a few studies on scientific production focused on Argentine local issues. The objective of this work is to analyze and describe the relation between the local and the global researches of the Argentine scientific production in Scopus since 2008 to 2012, and compare publishing, collaboration and leadership indicators from national and international dimensions. Results show that a quarter of the scientific production is focused on local topics of interest such as Social Sciences, Economy, Management, Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences and Environmental Sciences. A high percent of this production is published in foreign journals. Researches in local topics are mainly carried out with national collaboration or without any kind of collaboration. A third part of the papers are made with international collaboration. However, it depends on the different disciplines. Also, there is a high percent of local and global scientific production led by researchers from Argentine institutions in all disciplines.Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias SocialesConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnica

    Producci??n cient??fica de la ciudad de Mar del Plata (argentina) en web of science: 1975-2012

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    Producci贸n cient铆fica de la ciudad del Mar del Plata (Argentina) en web of science: 1975-2012

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    Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Documentaci贸n: Archivos y Bibliotecas en el Entorno DigitalPresidente: Ernest Abadal Falgueras.- Secretario: Jos茅 Carlos Garc铆a Zorita.- Vocal: Salvador Gorbea Porta