30 research outputs found

    E-Business maturity and information technology

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    Maturity models describe the maturing of the use of information systems in organizations. They are a useful framework to describe an organization’s current position as well as a range of possible position in the future in terms of their e-business maturity. The relationship between Information Technology (IT) and e-business maturity is examined. We used a model of e-business maturity, Stages Of Growth for e-business (SOGe) model, to put an organization in a maturity stage. In our survey we presented a set of technologies and we asked to enterprises which of them are implemented, in development, planned or inexistent. We concluded that there is a strongly correlation between IT implementation and the e-business maturity

    E-Business maturity and information technology in Portuguese SMEs

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    The latest technological advances made over recent times led to a profound market change, characterized by increased competition. In order to be competitive, organizations have been forced to adapt themselves to this new reality, seeking innovative solutions permitting them to achieve lower costs, greater productivity and differentiation from competition. This work focuses the e-business maturity stages of Portuguese small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Our goal is to identify in which e-business maturity stage they are and explore the relationship between their e-business maturity and the technology they use. forced to adapt themselves to this new reality, seeking innovative solutions permitting them to achieve lower costs, greater productivity and differentiation from competition. This work focuses the e-business maturity stages of Portuguese small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Our goal is to identify in which e-business maturity stage they are and explore the relationship between their e-business maturity and the technology they use

    E-business maturity and information technology in Portuguese SMEs

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    The latest technological advances made over recent times led to a profound market change, characterized by increased competition. In order to be competitive, organizations have been forced to adapt themselves to this new reality, seeking innovative solutions permitting them to achieve lower costs, greater productivity and differentiation from competition. This work focuses the e-business maturity stages of Portuguese small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Our goal is to identify in which e-business maturity stage they are and explore the relationship between their e-business maturity and the technology they use

    Developing A Community Of Practice Through Learning Climate, Leader Support, And Leader Interaction

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    The Communities of Practice (CoP) concept and the knowledge management literature both provide useful frameworks for conceptualizing how an individual’s performance in the classroom (e.g., earning a grade) or in an organization (e.g., solving a client’s problem) can be supported by a collection of other individuals performing similar tasks and pursuing similar goals. When individuals in a CoP report high levels of meaning, involvement, identification, and belongingness to the community (Wenger, 1998) the individuals act “as resources to each other exchanging information, making sense of situations, sharing new tricks and new ideas, as well as keeping each other company and spicing up each other’s working days” (Wenger, 1998, p. 47). In this paper, we report the results of a study that identifies three factors (learning climate, leader support and leader interaction) that impact the development of a CoP. Specifically, among a sample of 94 undergraduate business students in two cohort groups participating in a year-long program, we found that meaning and involvement were related to leader interaction in a positive manner, identification was related to leader support and CoP climate in a positive manner, and belongingness was related to leader support and leader interaction in a positive manner. Implications are presented for practitioners and educators who wish to facilitate the development of a Community of Practice


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    Konsep akuisisi information technology (IT) untuk mendorong pertumbuhan organisasi merupakan rencana strategis dalam konteks organisasi digital. Meski demikian, terdapat kegagalan dalam akuisisi information technology (IT) sehingga dibutuhkan organization culture untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Konsep IT Acquisition Based Culture (ITABC)  ditawarkan untuk menjembatani insignifikansi gap. Sampel penelitian ini berada pada tingkat organisasi yang dikumpulkan dari 182 pemilik UKM ekspor mebel di Jawa Tengah. Hasil penelitian yang ditunjukkan dengan metode Structural Equation Model adalah ITABC dan KMP mampu menjadi mediasi Organizational Structure (OS) terhadap Marketing Perfomance (MP), konsep yang melalui IT Acquisition Based Culture (β=0,645) lebih besar dibandingkan melalui IT Acquisition Based Culture dan Knowledge Management Process (β=0,339).Kata kunci:Organizational Structure, IT Acquisition Based Culture, Knowledge Management Process, Marketing Perfomanc

    Automating and informating : roles to examine in technology's impact on performance

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    La calidad de la información y la calidad del sistema se consideran factores claves para determinar la utilidad de los sistemas. Sin embargo, estudios anteriores han arrojado resultados mixtos. En este artículo se sostiene que la asistencia del sistema (el grado de la asistencia proporcionada por un sistema a través de sus dos funciones: la automatización e “informating”) media en esta relación y puede ayudar a explicar estos resultados mixtos. Por otra parte, se sostiene que el nivel del sistema de intervención ( grado en que la tecnología participa en la realización de las tareas) es otro factor clave para determinar su utilidad, especialmente a través de la función de automatización. Se recogieron datos de 246 usuarios de diferentes jerarquías y funciones. Los resultados muestran que la calidad de la información y el nivel de intervención del sistema explican la utilidad de ambas funciones. La calidad del sistema explica la utilidad mediante el rol del “informating”, pero no mediante el papel de la automatización. Los efectos diferenciados de los factores a través de cada rol pueden ayudar a los gerentes para establecer criterios y prioridades más eficaces en las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida de un sistema de información.Information quality and system quality are considered key factors in determining the usefulness of systems. However, prior studies have yielded mixed results. This article holds that the system’s assistance (the degree of the assistance provided by a system through its two roles: automating and informating) mediates in this relationship and may help to explain such mixed results. Furthermore, it holds that the system’s level of intervention (the degree to which technology participates in carrying out the tasks) is another key factor in determining its usefulness, especially through the automating role. Data from 246 users filling different hierarchies and functional areas were collected. Results show that information quality and system’s level of intervention explain usefulness through both roles. System quality explains usefulness through the informating role, but not through the automating role. The factors’ differentiated effects through each role may help managers to establish more effective criteria and priorities in the different stages of an information system’s life cycle

    Role of Social Media on Information Accessibility

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    Social media is the gathering place of a large pool of consumers. It is the repository of consumer information and acts as a means of spreading information to build market presence. Most literature states that organizational usage of social media enhances customer relations, but social media also acts as a medium for information acquisition. Not many previous studies have investigated the role of social media on information accessibility. Therefore this study examined the impact of social media on information accessibility. A total of 171 organization responded to the survey and the result of the survey showed that social media usage has a positive impact on information accessibility. Also it was found that factors such as interactivity, trust and institutional pressure positively influence social media usage in organizations. This study provided a clearer understanding on the real importance of social media and its benefits towards information acquisition. The results would motivate and guide organizations in the adoption of social media for information acquisition which is important for understanding the customers, competitors and the industry and to develop strategies for enhancing business performance

    Enterprise Resource Planning Systems (ERP) and User Performance: A Literature Review

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    Organizations spend billions of dollars and countless hours implementing Enterprise Resources Planning systems (ERPs) to attain better performance. However, the failure rate of ERP implementation is very high, with subsequent research interests focussing mainly on understanding the failure factors. With the spotlight of prior research mainly focussed on success and failure factors other important aspects have not been given enough attention. This paper starts from the proposition that users can evaluate the benefits of the ERP systems and users can judge whether or not ERPs provide reasonable payoff and outcomes for organizations. This premise is based on the view that the user creates the benefits through the accomplishment of tasks leading to the achievement of goals. The study consists of comprehensive literature review bringing to light previous investigations on the impacts of ERP on user performance and presents how ERP research utilises IS theory to investigate ERP in different settings

    The impact of social media usage on performance of the banking sector in Middle East and North Africa countries

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    Most of the studies on social media usage (SMU) are based on the individual view while some are from the organizational viewpoint. Nevertheless, most of these studies were conducted in developed economies and concentrated on large organizations. However, not many studies have examined the actual impact of SMU on performance of banking sector. This research, therefore, fills this gap by looking at the SMU -specifically Facebook usage- in the banking sector of twelve different countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The data is drawn from the annual reports of 102 banks as well as from Social-baker database during the period of 2012 – 2016. Seven simple linear regression models are applied to find the impact of SMU on each facet of bank performance. The results of the research indicated a positive significant impact of SMU on financial and non-financial performance of banks in MENA countries in terms of profitability, growth and environmental performance. Therefore, this research recommends that managers of the banking sector in MENA countries should be conscious that their banks’ performance could be enhanced by developing capabilities and competences related to SMU and by having a strong intention to use these tools.peer-reviewe