13 research outputs found

    The Impact of Leadership Styles on Improving Institutional Performance in the Jordanian Commercial Banks from the Perspective of Middle Management Staff

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    The purpose of this study is to identify the impact ofof leadership styles on institutional performance of the commercial banks working in the south of Jordan from the perspective of middle management staff.The studypopulation consisted of (13) banks distributed in thejordanian southern governorates (Karak,Tafila, Maan, and Aqaba) and the number of their branches was (51). The study sample was (260) manager from the middle levelsand working in the targeted banks.To achieve the objectives of the study a questionnaire was developed to collect the required data from the study sample. A statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data collected by the questionnaire and to test the study hypothesis. depending on the averages and other statistics .Empirical results found that thedemocratic, autocratic, and situational style as a dimensions of leadership styles has a positive impact on institutional performance and the democratic style has the highest impact while the autocratic style has the lowest style. In addition the results found that the dominant leadership style in the target bankswas a democratic leadership style and this attributed to the focus of target banks on providing a training needsto its employees in order to improve their performance and achieve the goals in effective and efficient way. Based on these empirical results the study recommending that the banks should focus largely on thedemocratic leadership style and increase the a awareness of their employees in the different leadership styles through providing a training programs related to the subject of leadership in order to build their skills and enhance their knowledge.Finally the study recommend to conduct more future research and studies on the subject of leadership styles and institutional performance in the different industries, because the current study and its results limited to the Jordanian banks. Keywords:Leadership, Leadership Styles, Insitutional Performance, Jordan Banks

    A grounded theory approach focused on a holistic supply chain integration management approach

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    This research sustains the current dialogue and latest literature on supply chain management (SCM), triple bottom line sustainability, and technology deployment, by highlighting the importance for SMEs to undertake supply chain integration (SCI) initiatives to achieve competitive advantage. Nowadays, it is pivotal for all actors within the manufacturing sector, to deploy a SC strategic approach, together with its business and manufacturing strategies, to compete effectively across the globe instead of working alone. The inductively generated theory, based on a grounded theory methodology, highlights that an integrated management and leadership approach, based on a set of strategic measures and a set of best practices, as referred by the conceptual framework, is the way forward, since such a stance is needed to serve as a driver and as a binding force of all SC actors to form up a SCI holistic approach to achieve outstanding competitive performance.peer-reviewe

    Application of Rasch Measurement Model in Examining the Implementation of ISO 9000 Organizational Performance in Malaysia

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    Quality Management System (QMS), especially the ISO 9000 QMS, is not a concept new to the world. Since its establishment, the ISO 9000 QMS has undergone several revisions in coping with the changes in an increasingly competitive market environment. Consequently, many studies have been conducted in view of the above. However, the consensus among the scholars regarding the effect of ISO 9000 implementation and organisational performance is still inconclusive. Issues like the level of comprehensiveness in ISO 9000 implementation, inconsistent variables, and differing methodologies might be of some major variances. In general, this study attempts to revisit these issues and analyse them using the Rasch Measurement Model. The data were collected through series of survey on randomly selected automotive-based companies determined beforehand. The survey questions were developed based on previous literature in which the Likert scale (1 – low to 5 – high) was used to measure the perception of the respondents. Working on the 28% response rate, the data was processed and analysed using Winstep 3.6 software. The results revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between ISO 9000 implementation and organisational performance. They also revealed that the higher the capability of the organisation in implementing ISO 9000 standard requirements and guidelines, the higher the probability of success in optimising organisational performance. Fundamentally, this study seeks to contribute in view of applying a new paradigm of measurement theory in the area of quality management. Consequently, the output is expected to be of a valuable assistance for organisations in determining their capability and planning for continuous improvement in the area of quality management

    The moderating effect of information technology capability on the relationship between business continuity management factors and organizational performance

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    Despite the enormous acknowledgement of the importance of Business Continuity Management (BCM) in sustaining organization survival, very limited studies have focused on the effects of BCM on organizational performance. Hence, the purpose of this study is to provide the empirical evidences that support the relationships that exist between BCM Factors and Organizational Performance with the moderating effects of Information Technology Capability (IT Capability) in organizations from various sectors in Malaysia. Based on the existing literature, BCM Factors are operationalized by Management Support, External Requirement, Organization Preparedness, and Embeddedness of Continuity Practices. A combination of selfadministered and mail survey was deployed involving 147 ISO 27001 and ISO 22301 certified organizations representing both public and private sectors. These organizations were selected as they are deemed to possess a considerably higher sense of commitment towards embracing BCM best practices to enhance their business resilience. At the end of the data collection phase, the study managed to obtain 77 usable responses constituting an effective response rate of 55 percent. The findings indicate that BCM Factors namely External Requirement and Embeddedness of Continuity Practices are significantly related to Overall Organizational Performance and Non-Financial Performance. However, only External Requirement is found significantly related to Financial Performance. The results also reveal that fully supported relationships are found between IT Capability and all Organizational Performance dimensions. In addition, the findings show that IT Capability moderates the relationship between BCM Factors and Organizational Performance. These results provide valuable insights to both practitioners and academia for further understanding the effects of BCM Factors and IT Capability on Organizational Performance. Finally, the research limitations are discussed and suggestions on extended area of research are recommended for future researchers

    Lean manufacturing practices in Indonesian manufacturing firms

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    Purpose Contradictory findings regarding the implication of Lean manufacturing (LM) implementation to business performance (BP) have been observed in prior studies.Hence, more studies are required to be capable of finding the status of LM implementation and its impacts on BP. Accordingly, this study examines and scrutinizes the effects of LM practices on the enhancement of BP from a developing country standpoint. Design/methodology/approach This empirical study uses a survey-based quantitative data collection approach through a cross-sectional research design.A total of 139 large manufacturing companies in Indonesia participated, selected through stratified random sampling technique. Three hypotheses regarding the effect of LM on BP were examined. Findings The results empirically reveal that comprehensive implementation of LM practices is necessary. Also, this study unravels that high BP (in terms of profitability, sales and customer satisfaction) is dependent upon the comprehensive implementation of LM practices. In other words, LM practices are not recommended to be implemented as a subset. Research limitations/implications Although this study is free from the common method bias as an implication of self-reporting by single respondent from one company, future researchers should consider of collecting data from multiple individuals in one company. Additionally, due to the study conducted in limited industries and large manufacturing firms, the results may not be applicable in other industries as well as in small and medium enterprises.Practical implications This study has further confirmed and established the LM–BP relationship.In line with the complementarity theory, it provides an insight that all the LM practices should be implemented simultaneously in a holistic manner because they are mutually supportive. In such a situation, piecemeal adoption is highly not recommended. Originality/valueThis study emphasizes on how LM contributes to the superior BP. Meanwhile, little attention has been paid to investigate the LM and its implication on BP from a developing country standpoint.Thus, this study is initiated to fill the gap

    Commitment-based HR practices and organizational performance : the mediating role of organizational learning capability and social capital

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    The main objectives of this study were to investigate (a) the relationship between commitment-based HR practices (e.g. selection, compensation, training and development) and organizational performance, organizational learning capability, and organizational social capital; (b) the relationship between organizational learning capability and organizational performance; (c) the relationship between organizational social capital and organizational performance; and (d) the mediating role of organizational learning capability and organizational social capital on the relationship between commitment-based HR practices and organizational performance. Specifically, this study hypothesized that (a) commitment-based HR practices, organizational learning capability and organizational social capital relationship are positively related to organizational performance and (b) the relationship between commitment-based HR practices and organizational performance is mediated by organizational learning capability and organizational social capital. To test the hypotheses, the Partial Least Square – Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) statistical technique was employed to analyze the survey data collected from 401 Japanese MNCs organizations in Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka and Johor. The results of the study showed that (a) commitment- based HR practices are positively related to organizational performance, organizational learning capability and organizational social capital; (b) organizational learning capability has no influence on organizational performance; (c) organizational social capital is positively related to organizational performance; and (d) organizational learning capability does not mediate the relationship between commitment-based HR practices and organizational performance, and organizational social capital fully mediates the relationship between commitment-based HR practices and organizational performance. Theoretically, the study contributes to knowledge by providing support for the importance of commitment-based HR practices and the mediating role of organizational social capital which influence the organizational performance of Japanese MNCs in Malaysia. Practically, this study provides guidelines to policy-makers and HR practitioners to understand that business success depends on the organization’s capabilities and abilities to utilize its human resources to achieve its business objectives and goals. The result of this study is able to offer evidence that commitment-based HR practices help promote mutual and long-term relationships in the organization at all levels. Hence, HR practitioners need to institute HR practices that encourage network-building relationships characterized by trust, cooperation and commitment towards the organization

    Impact of manufacturing flexibility on manufacturing performance and business performance among Malaysian manufacturing firms

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    The unclear relationships between manufacturing flexibility, manufacturing performance and business performance have been indicated in past literature. To seal the gap, this study aimed to investigate the impact of manufacturing flexibility on manufacturing performance and business performance. In this study, the researcher proposed a mediating framework where manufacturing performance serves as a mediator in the relationship between manufacturing flexibility and business performance. The components of manufacturing flexibility were mix flexibility, new product flexibility, labor flexibility, machine flexibility, material handling flexibility, routing flexibility and volume flexibility. The measures for manufacturing performance were product quality, cost reduction, lead time reduction, productivity and inventory minimization. Product market performance, customer satisfaction and profitability were used as the measures for business performance. Four main hypotheses were developed to test the interrelationships between manufacturing flexibility, manufacturing performance and business performance. The study was a cross-sectional study, employing the survey methodology, conducted in five manufacturing industries in Malaysia. The data obtained from 137 returned questionnaires were analysed using correlational and regression analyses. Results of the correlation analyses indicated that components of manufacturing flexibility were positively and highly correlated among themselves, thus suggesting that the components were interdependent. Meanwhile, findings of the regression analyses provided support that manufacturing flexibility has significant positive impacts on both manufacturing performance and business performance. In addition, the mediation role of manufacturing performance on the relationship between manufacturing flexibility and business performance was revealed. In other words, manufacturing flexibility improves business performance both directly and indirectly via manufacturing performance as the mediator. Specifically, all four main hypotheses tested in this study were supported. In conclusion, this empirical study provides insights about the interrelationships between manufacturing flexibility, manufacturing performance and business performance. Hence, this study allows researchers and practitioners to gain in-depth knowledge about the concept of manufacturing flexibility and its impacts

    The effect of lean manufacturing on operations performance and business performance in manufacturing companies in Indonesia

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    The purpose of this mixed methods sequential explanatory study was to understand the effect of lean manufacturing on operations performance and business performance in the context of manufacturing companies in Indonesia. In the first phase, a quantitative research was conducted to investigate the relationship among the variables. 174 large manufacturing companies were involved in the quantitative phase. Structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was applied to test all the hypotheses. The findings of the quantitative data analysis indicate that all the lean manufacturing practices are highly correlated and interdependent. The results provide evidence that lean manufacturing should be implemented holistically, because the practices are mutually supportive and complement each other. Lean manufacturing is also positively related with operations performance and business performance. More importantly, operations performance complementary mediates the relationship between lean manufacturing and business performance. A qualitative research based on a case study method was conducted in Toyota Indonesia to explain, elaborate, and triangulate the quantitative findings. The outcomes of the qualitative research are consistent and supporting the quantitative results. This study provides a deeper insight regarding the relationship between lean manufacturing, operations performance, and business performance. Therefore, this study could expand the boundary of the existing literature, and contributes to the body of knowledge related to the effect of lean manufacturing theoretically, practically, and methodologically

    Relationship between lean system and small medium enterprises (SMES) performance

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    Lean system has attracted many researchers and practitioners since its remarkable achievement was broadly reported and had become a widely-research topic. It is fair to state that some research gaps still exist. This study aims to examine the status of lean system implementation and its impact on the operational performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), thereby to develop a Lean System Performance Model (LSPM) to facilitate successful lean system implementation considering the uncertainty business environment of the manufacturing sector in Malaysia. A quantitative research methodology with a survey method was employed to achieve the aim of this study. The target respondents were managerial level as they have more information related to the company and knowledge of continuous improvement strategy such as lean system. The combination of socio-technical system theory and contingency theory underpinned the relationship between lean system, operational performance and business environment. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using SmartPLS software was applied to verify the research framework drawing on a sample of 210 SMEs operating in Malaysia manufacturing industry. The SEM analysis proved hard and soft lean practices have a significant impact on operational performance as measured by cost, quality, delivery and flexibility. Further analysis revealed the synergy effect between hard and soft lean practices predicting higher operational performance, in term of cost, quality, delivery and flexibility indicator. Thus, it is recommended that SMEs should consider applying soft and hard practices simultaneously rather than focusing on the specific lean practices. Robustness test confirmed the uncertainty business environment, such as competitive intensity moderates the relationship between lean system and operational performance. This study offers a new understanding of the effect on business environment and suggests SMEs should be aware of threat from the uncertainty business environment during lean system implementation

    O papel da consultoria no sucesso da internacionalização: o caso Market Access

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Negócios InternacionaisCom um crescente fenómeno de globalização, os mercados e a própria sociedade fomentaram as suas interações internacionais, levando a um aumento das oportunidades de crescimento internacional. Devido à existência de uma forte relação positiva entre internacionalização e performance, as PME procuram muitas vezes internacionalizar-se, ignorando os desafios e dificuldades que a expansão para mercados externos envolve. Estas situações podem traduzir-se num processo de internacionalização falhado, que poderia ter sido evitado mediante a existência da devida preparação, que pode ser orientada e potenciada por uma empresa de consultadoria para a internacionalização. O presente relatório de estágio visa apresentar um conjunto de conceitos e temas pertinentes sobre internacionalização de empresas, sobre a importância da consultoria e sobre técnicas de prospeção de clientes, culminando numa análise dos processos e estratégias de internacionalização a que fui exposto no estágio curricular realizado na empresa de consultoria Market Access.With a growing globalization phenomenon, nations, markets, and society itself increased their international interactions, culminating in an environment of growing opportunities and international growth. Due to the strong relationship between internationalization and performance, SMEs seek to internationalize, ignoring the clear-cut challenges and difficulties that the expansion to foreign markets brings. These situations may evolve into failed attempts of international presence, which could have been avoided with the proper preparation, which could have been provided and enhanced by a consulting company with experience in internationalization. This report seeks to present a set of concepts and themes regarding the internationalization of firms, the importance of consulting firms, and the importance of client prospection techniques, culminating in the analysis of the strategies and processes to which I was exposed in the curricular internship at Market Access