56 research outputs found


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    We investigate how rewards can foster knowledge sharingpractices in the education sector. This study also aims to determinewhether psychological commitment mediates in the relationshipbetween rewards and KS practices. To get the objectives of this study,data have been collected from 363 employees of private universities.The results exhibit a strong positive relationship of intrinsic, extrinsicrewards and psychological commitment with KS practices. Theintrinsic reward has been proved a stronger predictor of KS practices.Moreover, the current study exhibited that intrinsic rewards are ofprior importance to people than extrinsic rewards. The resultssuggested that in order to foster KS culture in organizations, it isnecessary for strategic managers to devise such environment andpolices where employees are given commitment and rewards ofintrinsic nature so that they are motivated to get involved in KSpractices and can provide competitive edge to the organization

    Bizalom és vezetôi információfelhasználás: a hatalom moderáló hatása

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    A tanulmány a részlegközi bizalom és a piaci információk menedzsmentjének kapcsolatát vizsgálja. A szerző elméleti modelljébe az értékesítés és a marketing kapcsolatát bemutató, illetve a vezetők információfelhasználását vizsgáló szakirodalom alapján két közvetítő változót (képesség- és szervezetfejlesztés) épít be, amelyek véleménye szerint továbbítják a bizalom információfelhasználásra gyakorolt hatását. Feltételezi továbbá, hogy e két változó közvetítő ereje attól függően tér el egymástól, hogy a marketing nagy vagy kevés hatalommal rendelkezik-e az adott vállalatnál. Részletesen bemutatja kutatási megközelítését, kitérve mérőeszközének fejlesztésére és validálására, valamint a 338 magyar nagyvállalat kérdőíves megkérdezésén alapuló minta adatelemzésének előkészítésére. Adatait kovarianciaalapú strukturális egyenlőségek modellezésével vizsgálja. A közvetítő hatások (többszörösmediátor-modell) tesztelésére bootstrap-eljárást alkalmaz, a moderáló hatás tanulmányozása érdekében pedig a teljes mintát almintákra bontja. Eredményei szerint, ha a marketing jelentős hatalommal rendelkezik a vállalaton belül, akkor a bizalom a szervezet fejlesztésén keresztül, ha csekély hatalommal rendelkezik, a képességek fejlesztésén keresztül járul hozzá az információk kiterjedt felhasználásához


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    Indubitably, business organizations have gained competitiveedge by promoting intelligence skills and knowledge-sharingbehaviors to develop human capital. Therefore, intelligence skillsand fostering knowledge-sharing behaviors have received focused attention from knowledge management practitioners, top managements, strategic managers, policy makers, business leaders, and organizational consultants with the objective of improving managers’ performance level in the workplace. The focus of this investigation is to examine the influence of multiple types of intelligence on managerial performance in the context of the banking sector in a developing country. Furthermore, this investigation aims to examine the interactive role of knowledge-sharing culture in the association between multiple intelligence types and managerial performance. The cluster and simple random sampling technique have been used for data collection. Self-administrated questionnaires have been used to gather responses from 254 employees in managerial positions in Pakistan’s banking sector. The study results indicate thepositive impacts of cognitive, social, emotional, and culturalintelligence on managerial performance. The interactive impacts of knowledge-sharing culture strengthen the relationship betweenintelligence skills and managerial performance


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    This research aims to investigate and summarize thepredictors of knowledge sharing (KS) that can facilitate knowledge sharing practices among employees’ in the public sector universities.Research data were collected from 216 employees of public sector universities using the self-administrated questionnaires. It has found that employees switching, death and retirement negatively influenced on knowledge sharing practices in these universities. Moreover, a fear to lose reward, status quo, power, authority, recognition,influence, and psychological ownership are the major factors that can create barriers to KS practices. The results reveal that Knowledge Management (KM) culture, social networking and information technology were fostered knowledge sharing practices among employees. Conversely, knowledge sharing motivation was unable to promote knowledge sharing. There are scant studies conducted to construct and test the conceptual model in real context of knowledge hoarding behavior especially in the perspective of developing countries. These results are beneficial for policy makers and top managements of universities

    The Mediating Effect of Knowledge Sharing on Interpersonal Trust and Job Satisfaction of Creative Industry in East Java

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    The research aims to analyze the implication of multivariate relations between interpersonal trust, knowledgesharing, and job satisfaction for the creative industry in East Java. This study has 168 employees to test the hypothesis using the Partial Least Square (PLS) model. The result shows a significant positive effect between interpersonal trust to knowledge sharing, knowledge sharing toward job satisfaction, and interpersonal trust to job satisfaction. In addition, knowledge sharing has partial mediation between interpersonal trust toward job satisfaction

    Exploration of critical factors impacting the integration of experiential knowledge with BIM implementation

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    Human Resource Management Practices on Employee Commitment: Indonesia Islamic Banking

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    This article discusses organizational commitment in the context of Islamic banking. Specifically, we explored whether organizational commitment relates to its human resource management practices. In addition, it will also examine the role of perceived organizational support in this relationship. To achieve this goal, we conducted an online survey at one of the branches of the largest Islamic bank in Indonesia. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling-partial least squares (SEM-PLS). The results showed that there were problems with human resources management (HRM) practices, perceived organizational support, and organizational commitment from Islamic banks, resulting in high turnover potential. Specifically, HRM practices and perceived organizational support were positively and significantly related to organizational commitment. However, perceived organizational support only mediated the relationship between HRM practices and normative and affective commitment, but not for the relationship between HRM practices and continuance commitment

    The Role of Knowledge Sharing, Social Media, and Trust in Job Performance

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    The development of technological progress is the focus of the company's attention to survive in the era of competition. Technology is a key to winning the competition. Unfortunately, many human resources in the company cannot utilize technology properly. Social media is an excellent knowledge-sharing platform for now and can be used to improve job performance within an organization. Therefore, this study aims to measure the role of knowledge sharing, the use of social media and trust in employee performance at PT. XYZ. This research used a quantitative approach by gathering 128 respondents using non-probability sampling techniques with the census method. The data testing technique used in this study is SPSS 22.0. This study found that the use of social media in the workplace had a positive and significant effect on sharing knowledge, trust, and job performance. Meanwhile, knowledge sharing positively and significantly impacts job performance, and trust positively and significantly impacts job performance

    Transformational Leadership: Implementing a Cultural Approach in Organizations

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    This study provides support for the positive impact of transformational leadership on knowledge management. This article reveals that transformational leaders contribute to knowledge management by acting as effective change agents through better management of firms’ internal resources (i.e. organizational culture). In terms of mediating effects, this article shows that organizational culture is important in the relationship between transformational leadership and knowledge management. The study also shows that transformational leaders not only directly impact knowledge management but, more specifically, foster a more effective culture, which positively contributes to the effectiveness of knowledge management

    Literature Review of Knowledge Sharing and Issues Raised for Vietnamese Universities

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    This study aims to review previous studies in the field of knowledge sharing. Data being used in this study was collected from researches related to the topic of knowledge sharing. We summarize literature on knowledge sharing in terms of (i) Necessity of knowledge sharing, (ii) Supporting from information and communication technology tools (ICT), (iii) Context of knowledge sharing, (iv) Participants knowledge sharing, (v) Receiver knowledge and (vi) advantages and disadvantages when participating in knowledge sharing. Some implications are recommended for Vietnamese universities to better support knowledge sharing activities in Vietnam and around the world. Keywords: Knowledge management, Knowledge sharing, Information technology, Management information system. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-18-17 Publication date:September 30th 201
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