37 research outputs found

    The Hyperdeterminant and Triangulations of the 4-Cube

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    The hyperdeterminant of format 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 is a polynomial of degree 24 in 16 unknowns which has 2894276 terms. We compute the Newton polytope of this polynomial and the secondary polytope of the 4-cube. The 87959448 regular triangulations of the 4-cube are classified into 25448 D-equivalence classes, one for each vertex of the Newton polytope. The 4-cube has 80876 coarsest regular subdivisions, one for each facet of the secondary polytope, but only 268 of them come from the hyperdeterminant.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures; An author's name changed, typos fixe

    Cayley's hyperdeterminant: a combinatorial approach via representation theory

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    Cayley's hyperdeterminant is a homogeneous polynomial of degree 4 in the 8 entries of a 2 x 2 x 2 array. It is the simplest (nonconstant) polynomial which is invariant under changes of basis in three directions. We use elementary facts about representations of the 3-dimensional simple Lie algebra sl_2(C) to reduce the problem of finding the invariant polynomials for a 2 x 2 x 2 array to a combinatorial problem on the enumeration of 2 x 2 x 2 arrays with non-negative integer entries. We then apply results from linear algebra to obtain a new proof that Cayley's hyperdeterminant generates all the invariants. In the last section we show how this approach can be applied to general multidimensional arrays.Comment: 20 page

    Cayley's hyperdeterminant, the principal minors of a symmetric matrix and the entropy region of 4 Gaussian random variables

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    It has recently been shown that there is a connection between Cayley's hypdeterminant and the principal minors of a symmetric matrix. With an eye towards characterizing the entropy region of jointly Gaussian random variables, we obtain three new results on the relationship between Gaussian random variables and the hyperdeterminant. The first is a new (determinant) formula for the 2×2×2 hyperdeterminant. The second is a new (transparent) proof of the fact that the principal minors of an ntimesn symmetric matrix satisfy the 2 × 2 × .... × 2 (n times) hyperdeterminant relations. The third is a minimal set of 5 equations that 15 real numbers must satisfy to be the principal minors of a 4×4 symmetric matrix

    Polyhedral Geometry in OSCAR

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    OSCAR is an innovative new computer algebra system which combines and extends the power of its four cornerstone systems - GAP (group theory), Singular (algebra and algebraic geometry), Polymake (polyhedral geometry), and Antic (number theory). Here, we give an introduction to polyhedral geometry computations in OSCAR, as a chapter of the upcoming OSCAR book. In particular, we define polytopes, polyhedra, and polyhedral fans, and we give a brief overview about computing convex hulls and solving linear programs. Three detailed case studies are concerned with face numbers of random polytopes, constructions and properties of Gelfand-Tsetlin polytopes, and secondary polytopes.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Mixtures and products in two graphical models

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    We compare two statistical models of three binary random variables. One is a mixture model and the other is a product of mixtures model called a restricted Boltzmann machine. Although the two models we study look different from their parametrizations, we show that they represent the same set of distributions on the interior of the probability simplex, and are equal up to closure. We give a semi-algebraic description of the model in terms of six binomial inequalities and obtain closed form expressions for the maximum likelihood estimates. We briefly discuss extensions to larger models.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Maximum Likelihood for Dual Varieties

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    Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is a fundamental computational problem in statistics. In this paper, MLE for statistical models with discrete data is studied from an algebraic statistics viewpoint. A reformulation of the MLE problem in terms of dual varieties and conormal varieties will be given. With this description, the dual likelihood equations and the dual MLE problem are defined. We show that solving the dual MLE problem yields solutions to the MLE problem, so we can solve the MLE problem without ever determining the defining equations of the model

    The flip-graph of the 4-dimensional cube is connected

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    Flip-graph connectedness is established here for the vertex set of the 4-dimensional cube. It is found as a consequence that this vertex set has 92 487 256 triangulations, partitioned into 247 451 symmetry classes.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, revised proofs and notation

    Epistasis and Shapes of Fitness Landscapes

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    The relationship between the shape of a fitness landscape and the underlying gene interactions, or epistasis, has been extensively studied in the two-locus case. Gene interactions among multiple loci are usually reduced to two-way interactions. We present a geometric theory of shapes of fitness landscapes for multiple loci. A central concept is the genotope, which is the convex hull of all possible allele frequencies in populations. Triangulations of the genotope correspond to different shapes of fitness landscapes and reveal all the gene interactions. The theory is applied to fitness data from HIV and Drosophila melanogaster. In both cases, our findings refine earlier analyses and reveal previously undetected gene interactions.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures; typos removed, Example 3.10 adde