1,202 research outputs found

    A forecast of the Cloud

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    IT ses ofta som en del av lösningen för att uppnĂ„ ett hĂ„llbart samhĂ€lle genom till exempel minskat resande, optimering av industri- och jordbruksprocesser, intelligenta elmĂ€tare och smarta hem. NĂ„got man sĂ€llan reflekterar över Ă€r att ITbranschen sjĂ€lv ocksĂ„ bidrar till elanvĂ€ndningen. Ett nytt fenomen inom IT-vĂ€rlden Ă€r molnet som ger möjlighet till som det verkar outtömliga resurser i form av lagrings- och berĂ€kningskapacitet, konstant uppkoppling och snabb överföring. Det finns mĂ„nga definitioner av molnet men om man ser pĂ„ det materiellt bestĂ„r det av datahallar i olika storlek samt fasta och trĂ„dlösa nĂ€tverk som drar el dygnet runt. Om anvĂ€ndningen av molntjĂ€nster ökar – hur mycket kommer elanvĂ€ndningen öka och med den ocksĂ„ den globala uppvĂ€rmningen? I denna studie kommer molnet definieras, materialiseras och kvantifieras för att kunna bedöma dess elbehov idag och i framtiden. Lagar och regler för energieffektivisering kommer undersökas och framtida prognoser tas fram genom tillvĂ€xtmodeller. De huvudsakliga resultaten Ă€r: - Det finns inga lagar för hur energieffektiva datahallar mĂ„ste vara, Ă€ven om det görs en del inom omrĂ„det pĂ„ frivillig basis och företag tar pĂ„ sig egna miljömĂ„l. Europeiska unionen inkluderade vissa delar av servrar i ekodesigndirektivet Ă„r 2014 vilket visar pĂ„ att problemet har börjat tas upp. - AnvĂ€ndningen av molnet kommer öka explosionsartat i framtiden och det finns stor potential för energieffektivisering nĂ€r det gĂ€ller lagring, bearbetning och överföring av data. Beroende pĂ„ hur mycket som energieffektiviseras kan molnet komma att konsumera mellan 5 000 och 10 000 TWh Ă„r 2040. Detta kan jĂ€mföras med hela IT-branschen som 2010 drog mellan 700 och 1 000 TWh. Om man jĂ€mför molnet och traditionell IT Ă€r molnet oftast mer energieffektivt bland annat dĂ€rför att resurser förbrukas efter behov och servrar utnyttjas optimalt. Det finns alltsĂ„ Ă€nnu större potential för energieffektivisering om hela IT-sektorn inkluderas. - Om inte energieffektivisering sker alls kommer molnets energiförbrukning öka bortom greppbara magnituder. Det finns dock ocksĂ„ studier som pekar pĂ„ att den totala energikonsumtionen kan minska sett frĂ„n idag, Ă€ven om anvĂ€ndningen av molnet ökar, dĂ„ teknik med mycket bĂ€ttre energiprestanda hĂ„ller pĂ„ att utvecklas. - DĂ„ dagens lagstiftning inte tĂ€cker in energieffektivisering ligger ett stort ansvar pĂ„ företag att göra detta pĂ„ frivillig basis, vilket till viss del motiveras av att de sparar pengar genom att energieffektivisera. Det Ă€r dock mycket viktigt att denna energiĂ„tgĂ„ng uppmĂ€rksammas och att den inte tillĂ„ts skena ivĂ€g i framtiden.Information and communication technology (ICT) is often seen as part of the solution for a sustainable society, for example through reduced travel, optimization of industrial and agricultural processes, smart meters and smart homes. However, something usually left unconsidered is the electricity consumption of ICT itself. A new phenomenon of the ICT industry is the Cloud that enables seemingly inexhaustible resources in terms of storage and computing capacity, constant connection and fast transfer. There are many definitions of cloud but if looked at from a material point of view it consists of data centers in different sizes as well as wired and wireless networks that consumes electricity. If usage of cloud services increase - how much will electricity consumption and with it global warming increase? In this study the cloud is defined, materialized and quantified in order to estimate its electricity demand today and in the future. Laws and regulations for energy efficiency will be examined and future forecasts are created with the use of growth models. The main results are: - There are no regulations of how energy efficient data centers must be, even though some companies set their own environmental goals and voluntary projects are carried out. The European Union included some parts of servers in the Ecodesign Directive in 2014, which shows that the problem has begun to be addressed. - The usage of the cloud will increase dramatically in the future and there is great potential to improve energy efficiency in terms of storage, processing and transmission of data. Depending on how energy efficient the cloud will be it can consume between 5 000 and 10 000 TWh in 2040. This can be compared to the entire ICT industry which consumed between 700 and 1 000 TWh in 2010. If the cloud is compared with traditional IT it is usually more energy efficient as resources are pooled and used when needed and servers are utilized optimally. Therefore there is even greater potential for improving energy efficiency if the entire ICT sector is included. - If there are no energy efficiency improvements at all the cloud’s energy consumption will increase beyond graspable magnitudes. However, there are also studies that indicate that the total energy consumption can decrease in the future, even though the use of the cloud increases, due to new efficient technologies currently under development. - As current regulations do not include energy efficiency of data centers, a huge responsibility is placed at companies to do this on a voluntary basis. The companies do however have a self-interest to improve energy efficiency as it saves them money - but is it enough? It is very important that this energy consumption is recognized and is not allowed to increase out of control in the future.Den ökande anvĂ€ndningen av onlinetjĂ€nster medför att elkonsumtionen frĂ„n datahallar och nĂ€tverk kommer skjuta i höjden om vi inte energieffektiviserar. Idag saknas det generellt lagar om hur effektiva datacenter mĂ„ste vara. Ett enormt ansvar lĂ€ggs pĂ„ att företag sjĂ€lva Ă€r förutseende och satsar pĂ„ energieffektiv teknik. Det finns dock stora möjligheter att spara energi, bĂ„de för datahallar och nĂ€tverk - om viljan finns

    Climate change and radical energy innovation: the policy issues

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    Although the impacts of greenhouse gas build-up remain uncertain, they have the potential to be very serious and possibly catastrophic. If the outcomes are serious then neither improving energy efficiency nor adaptation policies will cope with the problems of warming. Reducing climate impacts without impeding economic development will require new low or zero emissions energy carriers and associated technologies. This paper argues that current innovation policy initiatives aim at only limited dimensions of energy technology: they either promote incremental change in existing technologies, or improving performance in existing renewable alternatives. They will neither induce fundamental innovation in carrier technologies, nor change the basic technological regime of hydrocarbon production, distribution and use. For this, more radical „mission-oriented? programmes are necessary. In turn, these will require new policy instruments and methods, new roles for government, and new dimensions of international collaboration and global governance of innovation strategies.

    Designing guidelines for responsible and environmentally sustainable ICT supplier selection : Increasing green ICT awareness in the case organization

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    ICT is seen as both a solution and a cause for environmental challenges. When ICT reduces emissions from other sectors, the sector's own emissions and carbon footprint will increase. A significant proportion of the sector's emissions come from ICT equipment, representing 47-54% of total greenhouse gases in the ICT sector. The responsibility of these emissions lies not only with the manufacturers of the equipment, but also with the organizations representing their large group of users. The identification of the adverse impacts of ICT has led to increased demands for organizations to act responsibly and in an environmentally sustainable manner, and to adopt green ICT levers. Efforts have been made to promote ICT's environmental sustainability through changes in sourcing and supplier selection criteria. It is estimated that by 2026, 70% of technology sourcing leaders will have performance objectives aligned to environmental sustainability and 75% of the organizations will increase business with ICT suppliers that provide sustainability targets and timelines. The study aims to design guidelines for responsible and environmentally sustainable ICT equipment supplier selection. The study is conducted for a case organization that represents an ICT support organization of a Finnish engineering company. The study problem arises from the case organization’s need to increase awareness of the adverse environmental impacts of ICT and understand their role in decreasing them. Two research questions have been set for the study: what are the aspects that should be considered in supplier selection to promote environmental sustainability and reduce the environmental burden associated with the sourced ICT equipment, and how does incorporating environmental sustainability in the supplier selection contribute to sustainability efforts in the case organization. The study is an action design research. To answer the research questions, the first step is to establish a theoretical basis for the topic, after which the empirical part of the study is carried out through workshops. A total of three workshops are held during the design development process, in which the researcher works together and collects input from the professionals from the case organization to design the guidelines to adopt greener supplier selection practices. As a result of the study, the case organization has guidelines to promote responsible and environmentally sustainable ICT equipment supplier selection. The guidelines support the case organization’s journey towards greener ICT operation, the implementation of an environmental perspective into sourcing processes, cooperation with environmentally responsible suppliers, the selection of environmentally friendly equipment, and adoption of circular economy principles. Further research is proposed to implement and test the guidelines and to continue the development of green ICT adoption in other areas of ICT.Tieto-ja viestintĂ€tekniikka (ICT) nĂ€hdÀÀn sekĂ€ ratkaisuna ettĂ€ ympĂ€ristöhaasteiden aiheuttajana. ICT:n vĂ€hentĂ€essĂ€ muiden alojen pÀÀstöjĂ€, alan omat pÀÀstöt ja hiilijalanjĂ€lki kasvavat. MerkittĂ€vĂ€ osa alan pÀÀstöistĂ€ on perĂ€isin ICT-laitteista, joiden osuus on 47-54 prosenttia koko ICT-alan kasvihuonekaasujen kokonaismÀÀrĂ€stĂ€. PÀÀstöt ovat paitsi laitteiden valmistajien vastuulla, myös niiden suurta kĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€joukkoa edustavien organisaatioiden vastuulla. ICT:n haitallisten vaikutusten tunnistaminen on johtanut siihen, ettĂ€ organisaatioita vaaditaan entistĂ€ enemmĂ€n toimimaan vastuullisesti ja ympĂ€ristön kannalta kestĂ€vĂ€llĂ€ tavalla sekĂ€ omaksumaan keinoja vihreĂ€n ICT:n toteuttamiseksi. ICT:n ympĂ€ristökestĂ€vyyttĂ€ on pyritty edistĂ€mÀÀn hankinnan muutoksilla ja toimittajan valintakriteereiden avulla. On arvioitu, ettĂ€ vuoteen 2026 mennessĂ€ 70 prosentilla teknologiahankinnan johtajista on tulostavoitteet linjassa ympĂ€ristön kestĂ€vĂ€n kehityksen tavoitteiden kanssa ja 75 prosentilla organisaatioista on enemmĂ€n liiketoimintaa ICT-toimittajien kanssa, jotka pystyvĂ€t esittĂ€mÀÀn todistetusti kestĂ€vyystavoitteita ja aikatauluja. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on suunnitella suuntaviivat vastuulliselle ja ympĂ€ristön kannalta kestĂ€vĂ€lle ICT-laitteiden toimittajavalinnalle. Tutkimus tehdÀÀn kohdeorganisaatiolle, joka edustaa suomalaisen konepajayrityksen ICT-tukiorganisaatiota. Tutkimusongelma syntyy tapausorganisaation tarpeesta lisĂ€tĂ€ tietoisuutta ICT:n haitallisista ympĂ€ristövaikutuksista ja ymmĂ€rtÀÀ heidĂ€n roolinsa niiden vĂ€hentĂ€misessĂ€. Tutkimukselle on asetettu kaksi tutkimuskysymystĂ€: mitkĂ€ ovat nĂ€kökohdat, jotka olisi otettava huomioon toimittajavalinnoissa ympĂ€ristökestĂ€vyyden edistĂ€miseksi ja hankittujen ICT-laitteiden ympĂ€ristökuorman vĂ€hentĂ€miseksi, ja miten ympĂ€ristökestĂ€vyyden sisĂ€llyttĂ€minen toimittajavalintaan edistÀÀ kestĂ€vyyspyrkimyksiĂ€ tapausorganisaatiossa. Tutkimus on toiminnan suunnittelututkimus. Tutkimuskysymyksiin vastaamiseksi ensimmĂ€inen vaihe on teoreettisen perustan luominen aiheelle, jonka jĂ€lkeen tutkimuksen empiirinen osa toteutetaan työpajojen kautta. Suunnitteluprosessin aikana jĂ€rjestetÀÀn yhteensĂ€ kolme työpajaa, joissa tutkija yhdessĂ€ kohdeorganisaation ammattilaisten kanssa suunnittelee ja kehittÀÀ suuntaviivoja vihreĂ€mpÀÀn toimittajavalintaan. Tutkimuksen tuloksena kohdeorganisaatiolla on suuntaviivat vastuullisen ja ympĂ€ristön kannalta kestĂ€vĂ€n ICT-laitteiden toimittajavalinnan toteuttamiseksi. Suuntaviivat tukevat kohdeorganisaation siirtymÀÀ kohti vihreĂ€mpÀÀ ICT-toimintaa, ympĂ€ristönĂ€kökulman sisĂ€llyttĂ€mistĂ€ hankintaprosesseihin, ohjaavat yhteistyöhön ympĂ€ristövastuullisesti toimivien toimittajien kanssa, ympĂ€ristöystĂ€vĂ€llisten laitteiden valintaa ja kiertotalouden periaatteiden omaksumista. Jatkotutkimukseksi ehdotetaan suuntaviivojen implementointia ja testausta, sekĂ€ green ICT:n omaksumista muilla ICT:n osa-alueilla

    The impact of Fintech on corporate carbon emissions: towards green and sustainable development

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    Fintech, as the fusion of finance and technology, has not only transformed the traditional financial industry and contributed to reshaping the real economy. But also, it holds the potential to offer a feasible solution for achieving green and sustainable development. This paper investigates the impact of Fintech on corporate carbon emissions (CCEs) by using data from the National Tax Survey Database (NTSD). The results suggest that Fintech development leads to a reduction in CCEs. Our findings remain robust even after using the instrumental variable approach to alleviate endogeneity problems. The mechanism analysis reveals that Fintech reduces CCEs via alleviating financing constraints, improving energy efficiency, and promoting green innovation. Heterogeneity analysis demonstrates that Fintech dramatically decreases CCEs from coal energy consumption, while increasing CCEs from consuming power and gas energy. Additionally, carbon emissions from state-owned and foreign companies experience a more pronounced reduction through Fintech compared to those from private firms. Furthermore, firms in eastern and middle regions are more vulnerable to Fintech development. Moreover, enterprises in non-high-tech industries and high-polluting industries exhibit noteworthy performance in reducing carbon emissions through Fintech adoption. This research offers policymakers a path to effectively govern CCEs and achieve their carbon reduction targets

    Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR) as a driver for the adoption of cloud computing

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    This research paper explores the current and future role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a critical factor in the decision-making process for adopting cloud computing. Initially highlighting the issue of and abatement policies relating to global warming and specifically the damage caused by greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) created by human activity, such as electricity generation, the paper identifies the Information and communications (ICT) technology sector as both a major contributor to CO2 emissions as well as a considerable enabler to future abatement. The popularisation of cloud computing as a model for ICT consumption is discussed and the paper examines, challenges and hones cloud computing’s ability to reduce GHG emissions by comparing energy efficiency, infrastructure utilisation and ‘clean’ energy consumption between on premise and cloud data centres. Current cloud computing adoption drivers are researched and discussed to identify if CSR is prevalent. Using data drawn from ten credible secondary data surveys including the views of 5,888 ICT executives it is concluded that CSR is not yet a key driver despite cloud computing’s substantiated ability to reduce emissions over on premise computing. This negative outcome is challenged via a series of primary data convenience interviews and survey conducted with 71 ICT executives to examine if CSR drivers are being masked behind the current predominant key driver of cost reduction. The idea is proven unfounded with CSR ranking as the least important driver despite the salient points of global warming, cloud computing’s green credentials and specific related government policies being discussed during the sampling process. As such the research concludes that as the time between now and the identified ecological tipping point of 2050 shortens, CSR is well positioned to emerge as a key driver but only if the link between cloud computing’s ability to reduce emissions and global warming / the tightening of government emission policy is made at both the individual and company level

    Integrating artificial intelligence with expert knowledge in global environmental assessments: opportunities, challenges and the way ahead

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    With new cycles of global environmental assessments (GEAs) recently starting, including GEO-7 and IPCC AR7, there is increasing need for artificial intelligence (AI) to support in synthesising the rapidly growing body of evidence for authors and users of these assessments. In this article, we explore recent advances in AI and connect them to the different stages of GEAs showing how some processes can be automatised and streamlined. The meticulous and labour-intensive nature of GEAs serves as both a valuable strength and a challenge to staying pertinent and current in today’s era of urgency and the pursuit of the latest knowledge. Utilising AI tools for reviewing and synthesizing scientific literature holds the evident promise of substantially lessening the workload for experts and expediting the assessment process. This, in turn, could lead to more frequent report releases and a smoother integration of the latest scientific advancements into actionable measures. However, successful outcomes can only be achieved if domain experts co-develop and oversee the deployment of such tools together with AI researchers. Otherwise, these tools run the risk of producing inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading information with significant consequences. We demonstrate this through a few examples that compare recently deployed large language models (LLMs) based tools in their performance in capturing nuanced concepts in the context of the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). We recommend establishing ethical committees and organising dedicated expert meetings to develop best practice guidelines, ensuring responsible and transparent integration of AI into GEAs

    Enhancement of Industrial Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

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    Industrial energy efficiency has been recognized as a major contributor, in the broader set of industrial resources, to improved sustainability and circular economy. Nevertheless, the uptake of energy efficiency measures and practices is still quite low, due to the existence of several barriers. Research has broadly discussed them, together with their drivers. More recently, many researchers have highlighted the existence of several benefits, beyond mere energy savings, stemming from the adoption of such measures, for several stakeholders involved in the value chain of energy efficiency solutions. Nevertheless, a deep understanding of the relationships between the use of the energy resource and other resources in industry, together with the most important factors for the uptake of such measures—also in light of the implications on the industrial operations—is still lacking. However, such understanding could further stimulate the adoption of solutions for improved industrial energy efficiency and sustainability
