105 research outputs found

    Outnumb3r3d : intrinsically motivating mathematics for the PlayStation 4

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    This paper and accompanying poster describes the design of an intrinsically integrated educational game to improve children’s competencies in mental mathematics. A number of researchers have suggested that educational games are more effective when they are closely integrated with their learning content. Specifically work by the lead author has showed that a closer integration between an educational game's core-mechanics and its learning content can be both more appealing (in terms of time spent on-task) and more educationally effective (in terms of learning outcomes) than a less integrated "edutainment" approach. However, cursory approaches to integrating learning content remain common in contemporary educational software, and the literature lacks an exemplar of what can be achieved using an integrated approach. The Outnumb3r3d game was conceived to provide a commercial and theoretical exemplar of intrinsic integration for the Nintendo Wii, but was never completed. This project is now porting the original Wii prototype onto the PlayStation 4 in order to revive Outnumb3r3d as a research project. This paper details the design of Outnumb3r3d with reference to the key theoretical constructs that underlie its pedagogical design. In doing so it provides an example of a game design created to integrate mathematical learning content seamlessly into the game's core mechanics, ensuring that the mathematics is what makes the game intrinsically motivating to play rather than trying to hide or "sugar coat" its learning content. At the time of writing the game’s implementation is still a “work in progress”, but is expected to be the subject of future empirical evaluations into its effectiveness as a teaching tool

    Computer games development class with appreciative learning approach: from the perspective of bloom’s taxonomy

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    Both computer games development and appreciative learning approach are still at the infancy stage of utilization at educational setting. The purpose of this study was to explore what lower secondary students learned from the application of appreciative learning approach in computer games development class. Triangulated data comprising of interviews, logbooks, visual captures, researchers’ observations, and games were produced. NVivo software was used to support data management. The compiled codes were clustered to create themes pertinent to Bloom’s taxonomy. As a result, computer games development within appreciative learning approach environment was found as positively related to students’ cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development. Nevertheless, caution is warranted in making inferences as different students gained different learning experiences and outcomes, analogous to different players generated different outcomes in computer games

    Motivating children to learn effectively: exploring the value of intrinsic integration in educational games

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    The concept of intrinsic motivation lies at the heart of the user engagement created by digital games. Yet despite this, educational software has traditionally attempted to harness games as extrinsic motivation by using them as a sugar coating for learning content. This article tests the concept of intrinsic integration as a way of creating a more productive relationship between educational games and their learning content. Two studies assessed this approach by designing and evaluating an educational game called Zombie Division to teach mathematics to 7- to 11-year-olds. Study 1 examined the learning gains of 58 children who played either the intrinsic, extrinsic, or control variants of Zombie Division for 2 hr, supported by their classroom teacher. Study 2 compared time on task for the intrinsic and extrinsic variants of the game when 16 children had free choice of which game to play. The results showed that children learned more from the intrinsic version of the game under fixed time limits and spent 7 times longer playing it in free-time situations. Together, these studies offer evidence for the genuine value of an intrinsic approach for creating effective educational games. The theoretical and commercial implications of these findings are discussed

    Student's opinions on online educational games for learning programming introductory

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    Use of educational games is an approach that has potential to change the existing educational method. This is due to games popularity among younger generation as well as engagement and fun features of games compared to conventional learning method. In addition, games are among the most widespread media amongst younger generation or so-called "digital natives" apart from movie, music and internet technology. Game play activities is an important issue to be thoroughly understood due to the facts that many of them are addicted to game play activity. In contrast, conventional learning approaches are not interesting enough to the younger generation. Thus, integration of games technology into education is potentially believed to increase student interest and motivation to learn. This study developed and evaluates an online educational game for learning Programming Introductory course at a university in Malaysia. A total of 180 undergraduate students from computer and engineering background participate in the study. Findings shows that about 80% of students have positive attitude towards the games with around 84% of them find that the games is a fun way to learn, at the same time, an average of 80% agreed that the game provide them with opportunity to learn. Furthermore, about 75% of the students agreed that the game make them able to do self-assessment for Programming course. It was interesting to find that almost 85% of the student said that they will want to use educational games as their future learning approach. Despite many more evidence will be needed especially in Malaysia context, this study is important to rationalize that games can be one of the new learning approaches in the future

    Volume 40 - Issue 5 - February, 1931

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    Trinity Tripod, 1975-02-11

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    Desenvolvimento de um jogo physics-based em ambiente iOS

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    This dissertation aims to study and analyze the evolution of mobile gaming, as well as its market and change brought to the society due to its expansion and usage. The focus of study passes through physics-based games that have become very popular in the digital stores of producers of smartphones and tablets. It will also focus on the processes required to develop a game with its gameplay centered on physics. The industry of smartphones and tablets has grown strong in the market of gadgets and has become more present in people's lives. The concept of mobile technology is no longer a surprise, surpassing the portability of personal computers. This dissertation seeks to make an approach to the history of the growth of the mobile industry, passing through the mobile gaming industry, the rise of mobile applications, physics-based games popular App Store and the Google Store, and also the use of Unity 3D engine while trying to understand the advantages and methods of its operation that allow developing similar games for the same platforms. Among the most popular games refered, we can talk about Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, World of Goo, Tiny Wings, Bastion and Fruit Ninja. Along with the dissertation it a mockup of a video game was developed for a mobile platform (Dead Harvest for iPhone) in which were put into practice some methods of 3D production that enable aim to have good results in terms of performance on a platform such as the iPhone. Since this was a mockup of the game it was not needed the use of a game engine such as Unity.Esta dissertação tem como objetivo o estudo e análise da evolução do mobile gaming, bem como do seu mercado e das tendências criadas por associação. Em concreto, o foco de estudo passa pelos jogos physics-based que se tornaram muito populares nas lojas digitais das produtoras de smartphones e tablets mais populares do mundo. Será também feita uma análise dos processos necessários para desenvolvimento de um jogo com a jogabilidade centrada na física. A indústria dos smartphones e dos tablets tem vindo a ganhar um lugar forte no mercado de gadgets e tem vindo a tornar-se cada vez mais presente na vida das pessoas. O conceito de tecnologia móvel já não é uma novidade, ultrapassando a portabilidade dos computadores pessoais. Na dissertação procura-se fazer uma aproximação à história do crescimento da indústria móvel, abordando-se o mobile gaming, a indústria das aplicações móveis, os jogos physics-based mais populares da App Store e da Google Store e também a utilização do motor de jogo Unity tentando entender as vantagens e métodos de funcionamento que permitem desenvolver jogos semelhantes para as mesmas plataformas. Entre os jogos mais populares podemos falar de Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, World of Goo, Tiny Wings, Bastion e Fruit Ninja. Juntamente com a dissertação foi desenvolvido um mockup de um videojogo para uma plataforma móvel (Dead Harvest) onde foram colocados em prática alguns métodos de produção de 3D que permitem obter bons resultados em termos de performance numa plataforma como é o caso do iPhone. Já que se tratou apenas de um mockup e não da concepção do jogo propriamente dito, ultrapassou-se a utilização de um motor de jogo como é o caso do Unity

    Can video games technology be used for educational purposes?

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    The question about the usage of video game technology to create successful educational games and learning tools has been extensively debated (Prensky, 2006). This research will explore these topics in order to develop a practical case study that could be used as a learning tool. There will be two main topics discussed and analysed, the first being the relevance of gaming in education, the second a quantitative case study of an educational video game prototype. In the 21st century, video games have grown more sophisticated as new technologies have advanced. Video games can be used for more than just home entertainment, as many recent games and projects have proven (Rosser et al., 2007). This research inquires on these successes and how to develop a project, which educates as well as entertains. The second major aspect of this research, which is the prototype, will implement these findings into a practical commercial product set with a prehistoric thematic featuring accurately researched extinct fauna and ancient biomes. Prehistoric visualizations, more commonly known as “Paleoart”, are a respected development in the toolkit for palaeontologists. Paleoart is vital to scientists as it helps visualize prehistoric life millions of years ago (Witton, 2014). This prototype will combine and then expose Paleoart and educational gaming to the public