643,127 research outputs found

    Response Essay: Some Observations on Professor Schwartz\u27s Foundation Theory of Evidence

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    Professor David Schwartz\u27s A Foundation Theory of Evidence posits an intriguing new way to look at Evidence. It asserts that offered evidence must meet a tripartite requirement before it can be relevant. The tripartite requirement is that the evidence must be case-specific, assertive, and probably true. His shorthand for the tripartite requirement is that evidence must be well founded. Hence, he calls his theory the foundation theory of evidence and claims this foundation notion is so central to evidence law that it eclipses in importance even relevance itself. The tripartite requirement inheres in the very concept of evidence and relevancy, he says, and although there are only a few evidentiary areas where the Federal Rules of Evidence and their state progeny specifically require something analogous to this requirement, he finds the requirement almost universally applied in trials across the country by judges\u27 rulings (going by a variety of other names) and in decisions by parties about what evidence to offer as a practical matter. This response essay addresses two of Schwartz\u27s most intriguing and central contentions: (1) that almost all evidence must be case-specific, assertive, and probably true ; and (2) that scholars who say there is no such thing as conditional relevance—that it is an incoherent concept—are wrong: conditional relevance exists and is widespread. The two are linked in Professor Schwartz\u27s view because it is the tripartite requirement in (1) that often make evidence conditionally relevant as asserted in (2)—that is, irrelevant unless something is shown to establish that it complies with the elements of the tripartite requirement

    Reinventing Media Activism: Public Interest Advocacy in the Making of U.S. Communication-Information Policy, 1960-2002

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    This report is a long-term analysis of citizens' collective action to influence public policy toward communication and information. The work discusses in greater detail what is meant by communication and information policy (CIP) and why we think it is worthwhile to study it as a distinctive domain of public policy and citizen action. The report concentrates on citizen action in the United States and looks backwards, tracing the long-term evolutionary trajectory of communications-information advocacy in the USA since the 1960s. We focus on the concept of citizen collective action and explain its relevance to CIP.Research supported by the Ford Foundation's Knowledge, Creativity and Freedom Program. The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University, or the Ford Foundation

    Cognitive Rhythms Reluctantly Revisited

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.In response to the Power (1983) - Beattie (1984) controversy, a more general critique of the construct of cognitive rhythms is presented. It is argued that the term itself is a misnomer, that the relevance of articulation rate has been neglected, that fluent and hesitant phases of cognitive rhythms have been assessed both subjectively and intuitively, that the speech-production model underlying the concept is simplistic, and that the empirical evidence is based on an extraordinarily small corpus which has been described inadequately in the research literature


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    The purpose of this study (1) To describe the concept of multiculturalism according to M. Quraish Shihab in the book Tafsir Al-Misbah. (2) To determine its relevance to Islamic education in early childhood. This type of research is literature research or literature research, the results of research on the Concept of Multiculturalism Education According to M Quraish Shihab and its Relevance to Early Childhood Islamic Education is the concept of multicultural education, there are 3 concepts, namely Ta'aruf (Knowing each other), the stronger the recognition of one party to the other. , the more open opportunities for mutual benefit. Egalitarian (Equation of Degrees), there is no difference between one term and another. Takwa (degree of piety) Humans have a tendency to seek and even compete and compete to be the best. The relevance of multiculturalism education to early childhood Islamic education, multiculturalism education according to M. Quraish Shihab is very good to be applied to early childhood Islamic education because of its very good relevance, by implementing multiculturalism education children will have a very good personality foundation to make the basis of the phase towards maturit

    Konsep Pendidikan Rumah Tangga dalam Perspektif Cahyadi Takariawan

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    Forming an ideal household requires spiritual mental, intellectual, and physical preparation to go through the life in order to achieve harmony of the family which aresakinah, mawaddah, warrahmah. Therefore, Islamic education in the household is very necessary, as it is stated in the works of Cahyadi Takariawan about applicative household. Problem of this research is, How is Islamic education concept in the household? How is household educational concept in the perspective of Cahyadi Takariawan?  Is there any relevance between Islamic education in the household and Cahyadi persepectives in the modern era?  This is a library research. The approach used is qualitative descriptive analysis. Primary data of this research is some works of Cahyadi Takariawan which have something to do with household. Secondary data is some other books which are relevant to the main problem. Data collection technique was done by using documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis was done by using descriptive analysis, content analysis, and symmetric association analysis.This research reveals three conclusions: Firstly, Islamic education concept in the household is dealing with meaning and scope of education, urgency of education, foundation of education, goal of education, and target of education. Secondly, household educational concept in the perspective of Cahyadi Takariawan  related to meaning and scope of education, urgency of education, foundation of education, goal of education, and target of education. Thirdly, relevance between Islamic education in the household  and Cahyadi perspectives in the modern era, they are pre marriage, marriage, and post marriage, harmonic couple, and samara family (sakinah mawaddah wa rahmah)

    The Cleavage Model, Ethnicity and Voter Alignment in Africa: Conceptual and Methodological Problems Revisited

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    Recent research on political parties and ethnicity has challenged the conventional wisdom about ethnicity as the major factor that explains voter alignment in Africa. The paper maintains that the cleavage model, although modified to include ethnicity, still provides heuristically the best foundation for the explanation of party formation and voting behaviour in Africa. It points out that inconclusive and contradicting research results about the salience of ethnicity can be attributed to a variety of unresolved methodological and conceptual problems linked to the ‘fluidity’ of the concept of ethnicity. To overcome these problems refined research designs and more sophisticated analytical tools are required. Finally, it is safe to assume that the relevance of ethnicity for the formation of party systems and voter alignment is not a uniform pattern across Africa, but will differ from one country to the other.Africa, social cleavages, cleavage model, ethnicity, political parties, party systems

    The Meaning of the Sakinah Family in Couples with HIV/AIDS and its relevance to Islamic family counseling guidance

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    Purpose – This study aims to determine the meaning of the sakinah family in couples with HIV/AIDS at the Jepara Plus Foundation and its relevance to Islamic family counseling guidance.Method – The type of research used is qualitative with a grounded theory approach. This research uses interview, observation, and documentation research methods.Result – Thus, the meaning of the sakinah family for couples with HIV/AIDS at the Jepara Plus Foundation is a family that is as it is, harmonious, always together, principled, happy, calm, peaceful, and a role model. The meaning of the sakinah family is by the concept of the sakinah family that it has values that are following the QS. Ar-Rum verse 21. Although the verse does not clearly explain in detail what the sakinah family itself is, other verses provide instructions in realizing this goal. The meaning of the sakinah family in couples with HIV/AIDS can also be used as the first step in the process of forming a sakinah family for couples at the Jepara Plus Foundation through Islamic family guidance and counseling. In detail, the relevance between the meaning of the sakinah family in couples with HIV/AIDS at the Jepara Plus Foundation and Islamic family guidance and counseling lies in the essence, principles, goals, and functions of Islamic family guidance and counseling.Implications – This study the impact on the development of Islamic family guidance and counseling services at the Jepara Plus Foundation in creating a sakinah family for its members.Originilaty – This study focuses on finding a theory about the meaning of the sakinah family in couples with HIV/AIDS at the Jepara Plus Foundation

    An ideal model of an assistive technology assessment and delivery process

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    The purpose of the present work is to present some aspects of the Assistive Technology Assessment (ATA) process model compatible with the Position Paper 2012 by AAATE/EASTIN. Three aspects of the ATA process will be discussed in light of three topics of the Position Paper 2012: (i) The dimensions and the measures of the User eXperience (UX) evaluation modelled in the ATA process as a way to verify the efficient and the evidence-based practices of an AT service delivery centre; (ii) The relevance of the presence of the psychologist in the multidisciplinary team of an AT service delivery centre as necessary for a complete person-centred assistive solution empowering users to make their own choices; (iii) The new profession of the psychotechnologist, who explores users needs by seeking a proper assistive solution, leading the multidisciplinary team to observe critical issues and problems. Through the foundation of the Position Paper 2012, the 1995 HEART study, the Matching Person and Technology model, the ICF framework, and the pillars of the ATA process, this paper sets forth a concept and approach that emphasise the personal factors of the individual consumer and UX as key to positively impacting a successful outcome and AT solution

    National Interest: From Abstraction to Strategy

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    Because the national interest is the foundation for both the National Security Strategy and its supporting National Military Strategy, it is essential that military leaders understand the political context from which the details of the national interest emerge. The guiding concept of national interest is more often assumed than analyzed in the dynamic context of domestic and international politics. For these reasons, Dr. Michael Roskin, Visiting Professor of Foreign Policy, was asked to synthesize the academic literature, focusing on those works that had greatest value and relevance to members of the national security community who must apply as well as serve the national interest.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1897/thumbnail.jp
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