5 research outputs found

    A view-based approach for the reconstruction of optical properties of turbid media

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    A view-based approach for the computation of updates of optical parameters of a turbid medium is discussed. The approach differs from conventionally employed reconstruction techniques in terms of implementation of the computed updates. Simulation studies in frequency domain for tissue phantoms approximated by slab geometry have been presented. Results of the study show that the proposed inversion scheme, wherein the projection data corresponding to each view has been handled individually, works well in predicting the presence of an inhomogeneity. A comparison with the reconstruction results of conventionally employed inversion schemes involving simultaneous handling of projection data from all the view angles shows that the accuracy of the proposed scheme in predicting the presence of single inhomogeneity is higher and the reconstruction is also relatively free of artifacts. On the other hand, in the presence of multiple inhomogeneities, though the simultaneous handling of all the views gives better reconstruction, the updates obtained by the proposed scheme can be employed as close a priori information about the approximate positions of the inhomogeneities, thereby reducing the overall dimension of the Jacobian matrix to be inverted and hence making the convergence faster

    Continuous Correction of Differential Path Length Factor in Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

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    In continuous-wave near-infrared spectroscopy (CW-NIRS), changes in the concentration of oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin can be calculated by solving a set of linear equations from the modified Beer-Lambert Law. Cross-talk error in the calculated hemodynamics can arise from inaccurate knowledge of the wavelength-dependent differential path length factor (DPF). We apply the extended Kalman filter (EKF) with a dynamical systems model to calculate relative concentration changes in oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin while simultaneously estimating relative changes in DPF. Results from simulated and experimental CW-NIRS data are compared with results from a weighted least squares (WLSQ) method. The EKF method was found to effectively correct for artificially introduced errors in DPF and to reduce the cross-talk error in simulation. With experimental CW-NIRS data, the hemodynamic estimates from EKF differ significantly from the WLSQ (p\u3c0.001 ). The cross-correlations among residuals at different wavelengths were found to be significantly reduced by the EKF method compared to WLSQ in three physiologically relevant spectral bands 0.04 to 0.15 Hz, 0.15 to 0.4 Hz and 0.4 to 2.0 Hz (p\u3c0.001 ). This observed reduction in residual cross-correlation is consistent with reduced cross-talk error in the hemodynamic estimates from the proposed EKF method

    Investigation of Heat Therapies using Multi-Scale Models and Statistical Methods

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    Modelling Light Transport Through Biological Tissue Using the Simplified Spherical Harmonics Approximation

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    Optical Tomography is a medical imaging modality that can be used to non- invasively image functional changes within the body. As near-infrared light is highly scattered by biological tissue, the process of image reconstruction is ill-posed and, in general is also under-determined. As such, model based iterative image reconstruction methods are used. These methods require an accurate model of light propagation through tissue, also known as the forward model. The diffusion approximation (DA) to the radiative transport equation is one of the most widely used forward models. It is based on the assumption that scattering events dominate over absorption events resulting in a diffuse light distribution. This is valid in cases with low absorption coefficients or large geometries (greater than a few scattering lengths). In many cases, however, such as in small animal imaging where the source-detector separation is small, this assumption is not valid and so a higher-ordered approximation is required. In this thesis, a three-dimensional frequency domain forward model based on the simplified spherical harmonics (SPN) approximation to the radiative transport equation is introduced. By comparison with a Monte- Carlo model, the SPN approximation is shown to be more accurate than the DA, especially in regions near to the sources and detectors and the increase in accuracy is greater in cases with stronger absorption. This is particularly important for bioluminescent imaging of small animals which involve both small geometries and strong absorption. Due to the asymptotic nature of the 3 SPN approximation, the highest ordered model was not necessarily the most accurate, but all models with N>1 were more accurate than the DA. The SPN based forward model has also been implemented into an image reconstruction algorithm. Despite the fact that the SPN approximation does not combine the scattering coefficient and anisotropy factor into a single variable, as is the case in the DA, it was found that it is not possible to reconstruct them uniquely. The SPN based models were shown to be able to reconstruct optical maps with greater accuracy than the DA. However, due to the increased number of unknowns to be recovered, the SP7 based reconstructed images contained significant artefact and cross-talk. Finally, a SPN-Diffusion hybrid model was developed in which the SPN model was used in the regions near to the source and the DA elsewhere. This model provides the increase of accuracy of the SPN models in the regions where the DA is insufficient, whilst retaining the computational efficiency of the DA. It was shown that the hybrid model leads to increased accuracy not only in the regions solved using the SPN model, but also in the DA based regions where as in a pure DA model, the errors near the source were propagated throughout the domain. It is also shown that the hybrid model can be solved in half the time of the full SPN model