189 research outputs found

    ÜgyfĂ©lkapcsolat menedzsment rendszerek nyĂ­lt forrĂĄskĂłdĂș szoftverekkel

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    The object of this study is a comprehensive review of the open source customer relationship management (CRM) systems. The open source softwares have become one of the most important trends in the software industry recently. Similarly, the CRM systems are applied more increasingly in several fields of economy. The CRM is not merely a subsequent software technology and application in the field of Business Intelligence, but rather a novel, comprehensive customercentric approach to an organization’s philosophy in dealing with its customer for the sake of realization of short- and long-range business target contrary to the traditionally widespread productcentric approach. Following a short synopsis of the theoretical and practical aspects of the CRM systems we analyse the scope of CRM-supported business activities and processes, then the actual market forecasts and the range of the effective and potential users of the proprietary and open source CRM solutions. We make an attempt to give a general overview of the advantages and disadvantages of applying open source CRM software solutions including the discussion of user benefits and costs and the applied software technologies

    Libre culture: meditations on free culture

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    Libre Culture is the essential expression of the free culture/copyleft movement. This anthology, brought together here for the first time, represents the early groundwork of Libre Society thought. Referring to the development of creativity and ideas, capital works to hoard and privatize the knowledge and meaning of what is created. Expression becomes monopolized, secured within an artificial market-scarcity enclave and finally presented as a novelty on the culture industry in order to benefit cloistered profit motives. In the way that physical resources such as forests or public services are free, Libre Culture argues for the freeing up of human ideas and expression from copyright bulwarks in all forms

    Open source software in quantum computing

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    Open source software is becoming crucial in the design and testing of quantum algorithms. Many of the tools are backed by major commercial vendors with the goal to make it easier to develop quantum software: this mirrors how well-funded open machine learning frameworks enabled the development of complex models and their execution on equally complex hardware. We review a wide range of open source software for quantum computing, covering all stages of the quantum toolchain from quantum hardware interfaces through quantum compilers to implementations of quantum algorithms, as well as all quantum computing paradigms, including quantum annealing, and discrete and continuous-variable gate-model quantum computing. The evaluation of each project covers characteristics such as documentation, licence, the choice of programming language, compliance with norms of software engineering, and the culture of the project. We find that while the diversity of projects is mesmerizing, only a few attract external developers and even many commercially backed frameworks have shortcomings in software engineering. Based on these observations, we highlight the best practices that could foster a more active community around quantum computing software that welcomes newcomers to the field, but also ensures high-quality, well-documented code.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    ÖverlĂ„telse av upphovsrĂ€tt till datorprogram genom ett inkrĂ„msförvĂ€rv - SĂ€rskilt om programmets kĂ€llkod och felansvaret vid s.k. copyleft-smitta

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    This paper examines the possibility of a complete and final transfer of copyright to a computer software through an acquisition of assets in a company. Furthermore, it is examined whether it is possible to qualify the transfer as a purchase according to The Sale of Goods Act (1990:931). The question of whether the transfer should be regarded as a purchase in accordance with The Sale of Goods Act, serves as a purpose for investigating the possibility to determine the software as a faulty good. It is also important for the question of liability in such event. This study particularly aims to investigate how the presence of open source code in proprietary source code can result in the software being considered as a faulty good. This is especially highlighted through an acquistion of assets in a company, since such a transfer could possibly result in distribution in a sense which activates the terms in GNU GPL for the entire source code. An acquistion of assets is helpful to describe the process of the transfer and highlight the risks for both parties. When an employee creates a computer program, the copyright, in its entirety, is transferred to the employer in accordance with 40 a § in the Act on Copyright in Literary and Artistic Works (1960:729). There is a principle stating that the parties must specify what parts of the copyright they intend to transfer, should the company thereafter transfer the copyright to another party. In court, the principle is applied next to general principles of contracts. The Sale of Goods Act is generally considered applicable for complete and final transfers of intellectual property. The source code is protected as a literary work in accordance with 1 § in the Copyright Act (1960:29). The source code can either be considered proprietary, and thereby a trade secret, or open, and thereby free to distribute. Copyright is used as a means to make the licensees of GNU GPL redistribute the modifications they make. Since the concept of copyleft makes the source code available to all licensees, it can be problematic if the use of open source code is unintentional. Finally, the study aims to assess whether The Sale of Goods Act constitutes an appropriate regulation of the liability for a faulty software, when open source code has been incorporated into the proprietary source code. There is no precedent ruling about the specific issue at hand, neither does the preparatory work for The Sale of Goods Act or the Copyright Act reveal a clear answer. In legal doctrine, intellectual property in general is examined and in some cases patents also. The existing material about faulty software concerns delivery from an outside party, which is relevant to the issue at hand. Thus, the answers are sought in doctrine, which appears to be fragmented. There is no uniform answer to whether The Sale of Goods Act states an appropriate regulation between the parties for when there is no agreement to determine when the good should be considered as faulty. However, the author finds that, considering the proposals in doctrine, a reasonable balance ought to be achieved if there is no strict liability. There ought to be a consideration of the circumstances in the particular case. The assessment can be based upon the buyer’s expectations about actual utilization, legal exploitation and protection against competition. The buyer’s expectation is presented a reasonable guideline in determining the liability. That is, when there is neither an agreement nor a fixed standard for determining whether the software is faulty.I förevarande uppsats undersöks möjligheten till en fullstĂ€ndig och slutlig överlĂ„telse av upphovsrĂ€tten till ett datorprogram genom ett inkrĂ„msförvĂ€rv. Vidare undersöks möjligheten att klassificera överlĂ„telsen som ett köp i enlighet med KöpL. Huruvida överlĂ„telsen Ă€r att anse som ett köp har betydelse för frĂ„gan om felansvaret. Med det hĂ€r arbetet Ă€mnas nĂ€mligen att sĂ€rskilt undersöka hur förekomsten av öppen kĂ€llkod i proprietĂ€r kĂ€llkod kan resultera i ett felansvar, nĂ€r ett datorprogram överlĂ„ts genom ett inkrĂ„msförvĂ€rv. NĂ€r ett datorprogram har utvecklats i ett anstĂ€llningsförhĂ„llande i enlighet med 40 a § URL, övergĂ„r alla delar av upphovsrĂ€tten till arbetsgivaren. Inför ett förestĂ„ende företagsförvĂ€rv bör det kontrolleras sĂ„ att det i avtal inte föreligger nĂ„gra förbehĂ„ll frĂ„n upphovsmannen i form av ett överlĂ„telseförbud. Om parterna vid ett företagsförvĂ€rv önskar att upphovsrĂ€tten till datorprogrammet ska överlĂ„tas fullstĂ€ndigt och slutligt, stĂ€ller specifikationsprincipen upp ett krav pĂ„ att det tydligt ska framgĂ„ av avtalet vilka delar av rĂ€tten som avses överlĂ„tas. Specifikationsprincipen utgör ett komplement till de allmĂ€nna avtalsprinciper som ocksĂ„ kan göras gĂ€llande vid tolkning av överlĂ„telseavtalet. Restriktionerna i URL Ă€r i mĂ„nga avseenden dispositiva, med endast ett fĂ„tal undantag för datorprogram. SĂ„ lĂ€nge avtalet stipulerar att det inte ska förekomma nĂ„gra begrĂ€nsningar i överlĂ„telsen av upphovsrĂ€tten, Ă€r det för köparen möjligt att förvĂ€rva de fullstĂ€ndiga rĂ€ttigheterna. Det framgĂ„r att en fullstĂ€ndig och slutlig överlĂ„telse som i fallet avses, möjliggör att anse överlĂ„telsen som ett köp i KöpL:s mening. KĂ€llkoden Ă€r den skrivna formen av ett datorprogram och Ă„tnjuter skydd som ett litterĂ€rt verk enligt URL. KĂ€llkoden kan hĂ„llas sluten. Den benĂ€mns dĂ„ som proprietĂ€r kĂ€llkod och kan Ă„tnjuta skydd som företagshemlighet enligt FHL. KĂ€llkoden kan ocksĂ„ bli öppen i syfte att frĂ€mja vidareutnyttjande. Öppen kĂ€llkod tĂ€cks vanligen av en licens som utnyttjar upphovsrĂ€ttens regler till att erbjuda anvĂ€ndarna frihet till distribution. Licenserna för öppen kĂ€llkod har ett antal gemensamma nĂ€mnare, men för uppsatsens syfte har sĂ€rskilt licensen GNU GPL valts ut. GNU GPL innehĂ„ller en klausul, vanligen benĂ€mnd som en stark copyleft-klausul. Klausulen innebĂ€r att all kĂ€llkod som blandas med GNU GPL-kĂ€llkoden, tĂ€cks av licensvillkoren för GNU GPL. Det innebĂ€r exempelvis att kĂ€llkoden mĂ„ste göras offentlig i samband med distribution. Copyleft-konceptet Ă€r sĂ„ledes problematiskt nĂ€r det inte har avsetts att kĂ€llkoden ska bli öppen och gĂ€lla under GNU GPL. I slutĂ€ndan Ă€r frĂ„gan dĂ€rmed om KöpL:s regler utgör en Ă€ndamĂ„lsenlig reglering av felansvaret för nĂ€r det visar sig att öppen kĂ€llkod, i strid med parternas önskan, finns inkorporerad i den proprietĂ€ra kĂ€llkoden. Det saknas rĂ€ttspraxis i svensk rĂ€tt avseende den specifika frĂ„gan, och Ă€ven relevant nĂ€rliggande rĂ€ttspraxis. Förarbetena till KöpL och URL avslöjar heller inget tydligt svar i frĂ„gan. I doktrin har det resonerats generellt om immaterialrĂ€tter och Ă€ven patentöverlĂ„telser har fĂ„tt en nĂ€rmare granskning. Det som framkommer angĂ„ende fel i programvara berör leverans frĂ„n en extern konsult. Svaret fĂ„r dĂ€rmed sökas i en fragmenterad doktrin, som inte ger för handen ett enhetligt svar. Författaren finner emellertid, enligt vad som framförs dĂ€ri, att en rimlig avvĂ€gning torde kunna uppnĂ„s genom att inte tillĂ€mpa ett strikt ansvar. Ett sĂ„dant strikt ansvar gĂ€ller vanligtvis för rĂ€ttsliga fel, men förarbetena framhĂ„ller ett strikt ansvar som för lĂ„ngtgĂ„ende avseende immaterialrĂ€ttsliga fel. En möjlighet skulle kunna vara att tillĂ€mpa ansvarsreglerna för rĂ„dighetsfel i enlighet med i första hand 17 § första stycket och 40 § tredje stycket KöpL. Avseende ett faktiskt fel bör de sĂ€rskilda omstĂ€ndigheterna i fallet kunna beaktas. Bedömningen kan utgĂ„ frĂ„n vad köparen med fog kan förvĂ€nta sig avseende faktisk utnyttjandemöjlighet, rĂ€ttslig utnyttjandemöjlighet och konkurrensskydd. Riktlinjen fyller en funktion nĂ€r avtalsreglering saknas eller en fast felstandard inte Ă€r faststĂ€lld

    Copyleft e licenças criativas de uso de informação na sociedade da informação

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    Neste trabalho se discutem algumas licenças criativas de uso de informação: Free Document Licenses (FDL) e Creative Commons (CC). As formas colaborativas de produção, disseminação e uso de informação, particularmente aquelas que usam a Internet, requerem novos enfoques da propriedade intelectual e do direito autoral. A produção colaborativa pode-se construir sob licenças para usar e recriar livremente produçÔes anteriores. É possĂ­vel imaginar a dispensa da proteção legal do copyright, tornando idĂ©ias, software, mĂșsicas, imagens e textos livres e acessĂ­veis a todos. A redução do controle polĂ­tico e econĂŽmico nĂŁo visa apenas a facilitar o acesso aos bens, mas tambĂ©m liberar a inovação e o desenvolvimento econĂŽmico. Conclui-se que as licenças criativas apresentam potencialidades e limitaçÔes. Contudo constituem poderoso agente de mudança social e econĂŽmica, pois advertem para a inadequação dos sistemas de copyright e de propriedade intelectual na sociedade da informação. Palavras-chave: Direito autoral. Licenças criativas de uso de informação. Free Documents License. Creative Commons. Creative licenses for information use in information society Abstract This article discusses some creative licenses for information use, Free Document Licenses - FDL and Creative Commons - CC. The collaborative forms of production, dissemination and use of information, particularly those that use the Internet, request new focuses of the intellectual property and copyright. The collaborative production can be built by this licenses for free use and for recreating former productions. It is possible to imagine the dismissal of the copyright legal protection, turning ideas, software, music, images and texts free and accessible to all. The reduction of the political and economical control seeks to facilitate the access to the goods, but also to liberate the innovation and the economical development. The creative licenses present potentialities and limitations. However, they constitute a powerful agent of social and economical change, because they are a reminder of the inadequacy of copyright and intellectual property systems in the information society. Keywords: Copyright. Creative license for information use. Free Document Licenses. Creative Commons

    Vignetwork: An Exquisite Corpse Network of Short Films

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    Vignetwork (www.Vignetwork.com) is the name for an online system of interconnected short films that comes from the combination of the terms vignette and network. By developing Vignetwork as an experiment in narrative structure, it is possible to analyze what a hypertext is and what it means as a tool, environment, and model for understanding the world. By comparing it to various other films, projects, and ideas, Vignetwork emerges as a parable for how individuals define themselves in a shared, crowded world

    Towards 5G Software-Defined Ecosystems: Technical Challenges, Business Sustainability and Policy Issues

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    Techno-economic drivers are creating the conditions for a radical change of paradigm in the design and operation of future telecommunications infrastructures. In fact, SDN, NFV, Cloud and Edge-Fog Computing are converging together into a single systemic transformation termed “Softwarization” that will find concrete exploitations in 5G systems. The IEEE SDN Initiative1 has elaborated a vision, an evolutionary path and some techno-economic scenarios of this transformation: specifically, the major technical challenges, business sustainability and policy issues have been investigated. This white paper presents: 1) an overview on the main techno-economic drivers steering the “Softwarization” of telecommunications; 2) an introduction to the Open Mobile Edge Cloud vision (covered in a companion white paper); 3) the main technical challenges in terms of operations, security and policy; 4) an analysis of the potential role of open source software; 5) some use case proposals for proof-of-concepts; and 6) a short description of the main socio-economic impacts being produced by “Softwarization”. Along these directions, IEEE SDN is also developing of an open catalogue of software platforms, toolkits, and functionalities aiming at a step-by-step development and aggregation of test-beds/field-trials on SDNNFV- 5G

    A to Z of Superhero Movies

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    This project explores the question of originality and appropriation in the creative world by using mashup video as a medium. How can old repetitive stories be deconstructed and transformed into something new? I have created alphabetically ordered montages of shots/scenes containing words/letters from superhero films. By doing so, I do not provide a concrete answer to what is really original in today’s world, but rather encourage the audience to actively participate in the viewing experience of the carefully structured ontology and see the infinite possibility of the modern-day mashup culture

    Civil Times (2014)

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    Systemic Design expertise is rising as relevant on Policy Design fostering better governance towards Circular Econ- omy. On that journey, a current coordinated work between universities, local authorities, associations and public administration where the Systemic Design is anticipating the future economy actions through policy design is RE- TRACE Interreg Europe project. The aim of this project is to drive regional policies towards a Circular Economy applying the Systemic Design approach developed by the research group of the Department of Architecture and De- sign at Politecnico di Torino. This paper describes the role of Systemic Design on the future challenges on Regional Governance towards a Circular Economy through the outcomes of the RETRACE and discusses the opportunities and wicked problems of this expertise on policymaking. Becoming a milestone on the way to a deeper awareness of the impact the implementation of Systemic Design on Policy Design processes in Europe
