8 research outputs found

    The folk solution and Boruvka's algorithm in minimum cost spanning tree problems

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    The Boruvka's algorithm, which computes the minimum cost spanning tree, is used to define a rule to share the cost among the nodes (agents). We show that this rule coincides with the folk solution, a very well-known rule of this literature.minimum cost spanning tree; Boruvka's algorithm; folk solution

    Cost additive rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems with multiple sources

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    In this paper, we introduce a family of rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems with multiple sources called Kruskal sharing rules. This family is characterized with cone wise additivity and independence of irrelevant trees . We also investigate some subsets of this family and provide their axiomatic characterizations. The first subset is obtained by adding core selection. The second one is obtained by adding core selection and equal treatment of source cost

    On the core of directed acyclic graph games

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    The folk solution and Boruvka's algorithm in minimum cost spanning tree problems

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    The Boruvka's algorithm, which computes the minimum cost spanning tree, is used to define a rule to share the cost among the nodes (agents). We show that this rule coincides with the folk solution, a very well-known rule of this literature

    Cooperative games for minimum cost spanning tree problems

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    Minimum cost spanning tree problems are well known problems in the Operations Research literature. Some agents, located at different geographical places, want a service provided by a common supplier. Agents will be served through costly connections. Some part of the literature has focused, mainly, in studying how to allocate the connection cost among the agents. We review the papers that have addressed the allocation problem using cooperative game theory

    The family of cost monotonic and cost additive rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems

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    In this article, we define a new family of rules in minimum cost spanning tree problems related with Kruskal’s algorithm. We characterize this family with a cost monotonicity property and a cost additivity property.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología y FEDER | Ref. SEJ2005-07637-C02-01Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología y FEDER | Ref. ECO2008-03484-C02- 01-ECONXunta de Galicia | Ref. PGIDIT06PXIB362390PRXunta de Galicia | Ref. d INCITE08PXIB3000- 05P

    The Folk Rule for Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problems with Multiple Sources

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    We consider a problem where a group of agents is interested in some goods provided by a supplier with multiple sources. To be served, each agent should be connected directly or indirectly to all sources of the supplier for a safety reason. This problem generalizes the classical minimum cost spanning problem with one source by allowing the possibility of multiple sources. In this paper, we extend the definitions of the folk rule to be suitable for minimal cost spanning tree problems with multiple sources and present its axiomatic characterizations

    The Folk Rule for Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problems with Multiple Sources

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    We consider a problem where a group of agents is interested in some goods provided by a supplier with multiple sources. To be served, each agent should be connected directly or indirectly to all sources of the supplier for a safety reason. This problem generalizes the classical minimum cost spanning problem with one source by allowing the possibility of multiple sources. In this paper, we extend the definitions of the folk rule to be suitable for minimal cost spanning tree problems with multiple sources and present its axiomatic characterizations