26,995 research outputs found

    Optimal domain of qq-concave operators and vector measure representation of qq-concave Banach lattices

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    Given a Banach space valued qq-concave linear operator TT defined on a σ\sigma-order continuous quasi-Banach function space, we provide a description of the optimal domain of TT preserving qq-concavity, that is, the largest σ\sigma-order continuous quasi-Banach function space to which TT can be extended as a qq-concave operator. We show in this way the existence of maximal extensions for qq-concave operators. As an application, we show a representation theorem for qq-concave Banach lattices through spaces of integrable functions with respect to a vector measure. This result culminates a series of representation theorems for Banach lattices using vector measures that have been obtained in the last twenty years

    Noncommmutative theorems: Gelfand Duality, Spectral, Invariant Subspace, and Pontryagin Duality

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    We extend the Gelfand-Naimark duality of commutative C*-algebras, "A COMMUTATIVE C*-ALGEBRA -- A LOCALLY COMPACT HAUSDORFF SPACE" to "A C*-ALGEBRA--A QUOTIENT OF A LOCALLY COMPACT HAUSDORFF SPACE". Thus, a C*-algebra is isomorphic to the convolution algebra of continuous regular Borel measures on the topological equivalence relation given by the above mentioned quotient. In commutative case this reduces to Gelfand-Naimark theorem. Applications: 1) A simultaneous extension, to arbitrary Hilbert space operators, of Jordan Canonical Form and Spectral Theorem of normal operators 2) A functional calculus for arbitrary operators. 3) Affirmative solution of Invariant Subspace Problem. 4) Extension of Pontryagin duality to nonabelian groups, and inevitably to groups whose underlying topological space is noncommutative.Comment: 10 page

    Quantum statistical mechanics over function fields

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    In this paper we construct a noncommutative space of ``pointed Drinfeld modules'' that generalizes to the case of function fields the noncommutative spaces of commensurability classes of Q-lattices. It extends the usual moduli spaces of Drinfeld modules to possibly degenerate level structures. In the second part of the paper we develop some notions of quantum statistical mechanics in positive characteristic and we show that, in the case of Drinfeld modules of rank one, there is a natural time evolution on the associated noncommutative space, which is closely related to the positive characteristic L-functions introduced by Goss. The points of the usual moduli space of Drinfeld modules define KMS functionals for this time evolution. We also show that the scaling action on the dual system is induced by a Frobenius action, up to a Wick rotation to imaginary time.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX; v2: last section expande

    The mass of unimodular lattices

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    The purpose of this paper is to show how to obtain the mass of a unimodular lattice from the point of view of the Bruhat-Tits theory. This is achieved by relating the local stabilizer of the lattice to a maximal parahoric subgroup of the special orthogonal group, and appealing to an explicit mass formula for parahoric subgroups developed by Gan, Hanke and Yu. Of course, the exact mass formula for positive defined unimodular lattices is well-known. Moreover, the exact formula for lattices of signature (1,n) (which give rise to hyperbolic orbifolds) was obtained by Ratcliffe and Tschantz, starting from the fundamental work of Siegel. Our approach works uniformly for the lattices of arbitrary signature (r,s) and hopefully gives a more conceptual way of deriving the above known results.Comment: 15 pages, to appear in J. Number Theor

    A quantum logical and geometrical approach to the study of improper mixtures

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    We study improper mixtures from a quantum logical and geometrical point of view. Taking into account the fact that improper mixtures do not admit an ignorance interpretation and must be considered as states in their own right, we do not follow the standard approach which considers improper mixtures as measures over the algebra of projections. Instead of it, we use the convex set of states in order to construct a new lattice whose atoms are all physical states: pure states and improper mixtures. This is done in order to overcome one of the problems which appear in the standard quantum logical formalism, namely, that for a subsystem of a larger system in an entangled state, the conjunction of all actual properties of the subsystem does not yield its actual state. In fact, its state is an improper mixture and cannot be represented in the von Neumann lattice as a minimal property which determines all other properties as is the case for pure states or classical systems. The new lattice also contains all propositions of the von Neumann lattice. We argue that this extension expresses in an algebraic form the fact that -alike the classical case- quantum interactions produce non trivial correlations between the systems. Finally, we study the maps which can be defined between the extended lattice of a compound system and the lattices of its subsystems.Comment: submitted to the Journal of Mathematical Physic