1,456 research outputs found

    Detecting and counting small subgraphs, and evaluating a parameterized Tutte polynomial: lower bounds via toroidal grids and Cayley graph expanders

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    Given a graph property Φ\Phi, we consider the problem EdgeSub(Φ)\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi), where the input is a pair of a graph GG and a positive integer kk, and the task is to decide whether GG contains a kk-edge subgraph that satisfies Φ\Phi. Specifically, we study the parameterized complexity of EdgeSub(Φ)\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi) and of its counting problem #EdgeSub(Φ)\#\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi) with respect to both approximate and exact counting. We obtain a complete picture for minor-closed properties Φ\Phi: the decision problem EdgeSub(Φ)\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi) always admits an FPT algorithm and the counting problem #EdgeSub(Φ)\#\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi) always admits an FPTRAS. For exact counting, we present an exhaustive and explicit criterion on the property Φ\Phi which, if satisfied, yields fixed-parameter tractability and otherwise #W[1]\#\mathsf{W[1]}-hardness. Additionally, most of our hardness results come with an almost tight conditional lower bound under the so-called Exponential Time Hypothesis, ruling out algorithms for #EdgeSub(Φ)\#\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi) that run in time f(k)Go(k/logk)f(k)\cdot|G|^{o(k/\log k)} for any computable function ff. As a main technical result, we gain a complete understanding of the coefficients of toroidal grids and selected Cayley graph expanders in the homomorphism basis of #EdgeSub(Φ)\#\mathtt{EdgeSub}(\Phi). This allows us to establish hardness of exact counting using the Complexity Monotonicity framework due to Curticapean, Dell and Marx (STOC'17). Our methods can also be applied to a parameterized variant of the Tutte Polynomial TGkT^k_G of a graph GG, to which many known combinatorial interpretations of values of the (classical) Tutte Polynomial can be extended. As an example, TGk(2,1)T^k_G(2,1) corresponds to the number of kk-forests in the graph GG. Our techniques allow us to completely understand the parametrized complexity of computing the evaluation of TGkT^k_G at every pair of rational coordinates (x,y)(x,y)

    Exponential Time Complexity of the Permanent and the Tutte Polynomial

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    We show conditional lower bounds for well-studied #P-hard problems: (a) The number of satisfying assignments of a 2-CNF formula with n variables cannot be counted in time exp(o(n)), and the same is true for computing the number of all independent sets in an n-vertex graph. (b) The permanent of an n x n matrix with entries 0 and 1 cannot be computed in time exp(o(n)). (c) The Tutte polynomial of an n-vertex multigraph cannot be computed in time exp(o(n)) at most evaluation points (x,y) in the case of multigraphs, and it cannot be computed in time exp(o(n/polylog n)) in the case of simple graphs. Our lower bounds are relative to (variants of) the Exponential Time Hypothesis (ETH), which says that the satisfiability of n-variable 3-CNF formulas cannot be decided in time exp(o(n)). We relax this hypothesis by introducing its counting version #ETH, namely that the satisfying assignments cannot be counted in time exp(o(n)). In order to use #ETH for our lower bounds, we transfer the sparsification lemma for d-CNF formulas to the counting setting

    A graph polynomial for independent sets of bipartite graphs

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    We introduce a new graph polynomial that encodes interesting properties of graphs, for example, the number of matchings and the number of perfect matchings. Most importantly, for bipartite graphs the polynomial encodes the number of independent sets (#BIS). We analyze the complexity of exact evaluation of the polynomial at rational points and show that for most points exact evaluation is #P-hard (assuming the generalized Riemann hypothesis) and for the rest of the points exact evaluation is trivial. We conjecture that a natural Markov chain can be used to approximately evaluate the polynomial for a range of parameters. The conjecture, if true, would imply an approximate counting algorithm for #BIS, a problem shown, by [Dyer et al. 2004], to be complete (with respect to, so called, AP-reductions) for a rich logically defined sub-class of #P. We give a mild support for our conjecture by proving that the Markov chain is rapidly mixing on trees. As a by-product we show that the "single bond flip" Markov chain for the random cluster model is rapidly mixing on constant tree-width graphs

    On the Exact Evaluation of Certain Instances of the Potts Partition Function by Quantum Computers

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    We present an efficient quantum algorithm for the exact evaluation of either the fully ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic q-state Potts partition function Z for a family of graphs related to irreducible cyclic codes. This problem is related to the evaluation of the Jones and Tutte polynomials. We consider the connection between the weight enumerator polynomial from coding theory and Z and exploit the fact that there exists a quantum algorithm for efficiently estimating Gauss sums in order to obtain the weight enumerator for a certain class of linear codes. In this way we demonstrate that for a certain class of sparse graphs, which we call Irreducible Cyclic Cocycle Code (ICCC_\epsilon) graphs, quantum computers provide a polynomial speed up in the difference between the number of edges and vertices of the graph, and an exponential speed up in q, over the best classical algorithms known to date

    Fine-grained dichotomies for the Tutte plane and Boolean #CSP

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    Jaeger, Vertigan, and Welsh [15] proved a dichotomy for the complexity of evaluating the Tutte polynomial at fixed points: The evaluation is #P-hard almost everywhere, and the remaining points admit polynomial-time algorithms. Dell, Husfeldt, and Wahl\'en [9] and Husfeldt and Taslaman [12], in combination with Curticapean [7], extended the #P-hardness results to tight lower bounds under the counting exponential time hypothesis #ETH, with the exception of the line y=1y=1, which was left open. We complete the dichotomy theorem for the Tutte polynomial under #ETH by proving that the number of all acyclic subgraphs of a given nn-vertex graph cannot be determined in time exp(o(n))exp(o(n)) unless #ETH fails. Another dichotomy theorem we strengthen is the one of Creignou and Hermann [6] for counting the number of satisfying assignments to a constraint satisfaction problem instance over the Boolean domain. We prove that all #P-hard cases are also hard under #ETH. The main ingredient is to prove that the number of independent sets in bipartite graphs with nn vertices cannot be computed in time exp(o(n))exp(o(n)) unless #ETH fails. In order to prove our results, we use the block interpolation idea by Curticapean [7] and transfer it to systems of linear equations that might not directly correspond to interpolation.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Exponential Time Complexity of Weighted Counting of Independent Sets

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    We consider weighted counting of independent sets using a rational weight x: Given a graph with n vertices, count its independent sets such that each set of size k contributes x^k. This is equivalent to computation of the partition function of the lattice gas with hard-core self-repulsion and hard-core pair interaction. We show the following conditional lower bounds: If counting the satisfying assignments of a 3-CNF formula in n variables (#3SAT) needs time 2^{\Omega(n)} (i.e. there is a c>0 such that no algorithm can solve #3SAT in time 2^{cn}), counting the independent sets of size n/3 of an n-vertex graph needs time 2^{\Omega(n)} and weighted counting of independent sets needs time 2^{\Omega(n/log^3 n)} for all rational weights x\neq 0. We have two technical ingredients: The first is a reduction from 3SAT to independent sets that preserves the number of solutions and increases the instance size only by a constant factor. Second, we devise a combination of vertex cloning and path addition. This graph transformation allows us to adapt a recent technique by Dell, Husfeldt, and Wahlen which enables interpolation by a family of reductions, each of which increases the instance size only polylogarithmically.Comment: Introduction revised, differences between versions of counting independent sets stated more precisely, minor improvements. 14 page