2,588 research outputs found

    A Conceptual Framework for the Evolution of C2C Social Commerce Business Models in Tunisia

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    Facebook is the preferred social networking service (SNS) platform among Tunisian users for social commerce (SC) and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) commercial activities. This article aims to increase the understanding of the influencing factors of C2C SC activities and provide a new interpretation of the evolution of C2C SC models in Tunisia's fastest growing trend. In order to fulfill this goal, we performed a literature review to update existing multi-facet framework that combines four important dimensions with new fundamental components: incentive systems, information and communication technologies (ICT), participative web, and e-business rules and regulations. This study has shown that these influencing factors are the key ingredients driving the evolution of C2C SC business models in Tunisia and the consideration of the four dimensions founded in our study will aid ECOM professionals to enable the widespread occurrence of C2C SC activities and can drive the success of these business models in Tunisia

    A Conceptual Framework for the Evolution of C2C Social Commerce Business Models in Tunisia

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    Facebook is the preferred social networking service (SNS) platform among Tunisian users for social commerce (SC) and consumer-to-consumer (C2C) commercial activities. This article aims to increase the understanding of the influencing factors of C2C SC activities and provide a new interpretation of the evolution of C2C SC models in Tunisia's fastest growing trend. In order to fulfill this goal, we performed a literature review to update existing multi-facet framework that combines four important dimensions with new fundamental components: incentive systems, information and communication technologies (ICT), participative web, and e-business rules and regulations. This study has shown that these influencing factors are the key ingredients driving the evolution of C2C SC business models in Tunisia and the consideration of the four dimensions founded in our study will aid ECOM professionals to enable the widespread occurrence of C2C SC activities and can drive the success of these business models in Tunisia

    Practices of Using Blockchain Technology in ICT under the Digitalization of the World Economy

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    Abstract. Pursuing the purpose of effective functioning in today's conditions, the business is forced to transform rapidly, to modernize at all levels. The world is changing, erasing the limits of its certainty. Companies need quality transformations and strategies that are effective in the face of rapid change towards "deep" digitization. Massive corporate management systems increasingly need the flexibility to keep pace with change. And companies with an innovative culture are more in need of creative tasks than implementing detailed regulations. In the post-industrial time of digital economy, issues related to the development of the information sphere, the media and communications, the usage of modern information systems to develop the economy and stabilize social development as a whole, come first. The basic principles of practical application of Blockchain are investigated in the work. The stages of development of Blockchain technology, the stages of development of Blockchain technologies by time, the application of distributed registry technology in Blockchain applications, the principles of construction and operation of Blockchain have been specified. The benefits of using NEM for business are substantiated and the components of Proxima X technology, protocols and service layers, on-line and off-line protocols, decentralized applications are exposed

    Business models for the Web: an analysis of top successful web sites

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    To investigate successful web business models, an original multidimensional framework is defined and applied to a large number of web sites. The framework‚ named BM*Web‚ combines issues already present in existing schema describing business models, with innovative aspects that have not previously been taken into account in those combinations or which are now viewed in a new light. Results of the application of BM*Web to the 500 top list of Alexa (at a speficic time) highlight an articulated picture where more than one success profile exists and not all of them include a web community, although a strong relationship exists between community and success under some conditions. The identification of features that characterize the most successful business models for the Web could be used to define guidelines for company management, once the appropriate profile for a company has been recognised.

    The Driving Forces of C2C Social Commerce in Thailand: A Developing Framework

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    Social Networking Services (SNSs) allow individuals and small online retailers to engage in consumer-to-consumer social commerce (C2C s-commerce). It is a growing phenomenon in Thailand.  This article seeks to articulate the driving forces behind the massive growth of C2C s-commerce in Thailand. Our preliminary literature review and observation reveal a set of interrelated drivers or dimensions fueling this growth: personality and motivation, user-generated content, ICT, and virtual community management. We postulate that these drivers are the main building blocks for C2C s-commerce adoption in Thailand. Researchers and practitioners can refer to these dimensions as they seek to reexamine C2C s-commerce in the context of Thailand or other emerging economies.Keywords: consumer-to-consumer (C2C), s-commerce, driving forces, Facebook, motivation, personality, social networking sites, social commerce, virtual communit

    A conceptual framework for value co-creation practices in C2C social commerce environment

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    The concepts of value creation and co-creation have been widely discussed, yet the contribution that information and communication technologies (ICTs) can make in this area is under-researched. The objective of this study is to investigate the nature of value creation and co-creation practices in C2C social commerce highlighting the role of ICT in the practices. This research in progress paper outlines the development of a framework which will be used to investigate the relationship between ICT and value creation in the C2C social commerce environment. The framework concentrates on four key elements in the co-creation of value: the role of ICT; relationships; actors; and types of value. The framework has been developed based on an extensive literature review of relevant research in the areas of Marketing and Information Systems. The intention is to test the framework on C2C social commerce sites in South East Asia

    Multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications : how will the fast fashion industry adapt?

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    With climate change, our planet has been suffering dramatic changes and environmental crises. The fast fashion textile industry plays a significant role, being the third most polluting industry in the world. With this problem, sustainable trends around fashion have gained traction over the years. Supported greatly by these trends, the market for resale fashion has grown, rising 11 times faster than traditional retail into 2025. The second-hand fashion market is forecasted to be twice the size of the fast fashion one by 2030. Multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications follow eCommerce and digital trends having advantages like an easy and userfriendly direct buy-sell online process, more agility and profitability for buyers and sellers, and a wide pool of products and therefore users. This dissertation concluded that multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications are a driver for growth of the second-hand fashion market, as they will be the business model of the future for the market. Since the second-hand fashion market is becoming an important segment of the fashion industry, multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications positively impact the fashion industry in Western Europe growing its value. Furthermore, a scenario analysis showed that the most likely scenario for the evolution of fast fashion, being multisided C2C secondhand fashion applications a prevalent part of the Western European fashion industry, would be maintaining their core business, while adopting brand’s used clothes retake programs where clients would sell back their items to brands gaining store credit or discounts.Com as mudanças climáticas, nosso planeta tem vindo a sofrer mudanças dramáticas e crises ambientais. A indústria do fast fashion desempenha um grande papel neste problema ameaçador, sendo a terceira indústria mais poluente do mundo. Com este problema, as tendências sustentáveis em torno da moda ganharam força ao longo dos anos. Apoiado por essas tendências, o mercado de moda de revenda tem registado um crescimento notável, crescendo 11 vezes mais rápido do que a moda tradicional até 2025. O mercado em segunda mão tem previsão de duplicar o fast fashion em 2030. Multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications seguem tendências como o eCommerce e a digitalização, tendo vantagens como, um processo online de compra e venda direta entre clientes fácil e user-friendly, mais agilidade e lucratividade para os usuários e uma ampla pool de produtos e clientes. Concluímos que as aplicações multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications são um impulsionador do crescimento do mercado em segunda mão, uma vez que serão o modelo de negócio do futuro. Segunda mão está a tornar-se um grande segmento, as multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications impactam positivamente a indústria na Europa Ocidental, aumentando seu valor. A análise de cenário realizada mostrou que o cenário mais provável para a evolução do fast fashion, sendo as Multisided C2C second-hand fashion applications uma parte predominante da indústria, será manter seu core business, mas adotar programas de retomada de roupa da marca onde os clientes vendem seus itens de volta às marcas em troca de crédito ou descontos na loja

    Last-mile urban freight in the UK: how and why is it changing?

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    S-Commerce Transactions and Business Models in Southeast Asia: A Case Study in Thailand

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    Social networking platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Line have recently gained enormous popularity for commercial purposes among social media users, and is commonly known as C2C social commerce (SC). These new online businesses are continuing to flourish in Southeast Asia especially in Thailand where the C2C-SC market size is significant. To get a clear picture of C2C-SC in Southeast Asia, this study investigated the patterns of purchasing processes and business models being used in Thailand. The data was gathered from direct observations and an online survey. The findings revealed that the typical purchasing process of this channel consists of five basic steps: advertising, searching, negotiation and ordering, payment, and delivery. The business models can be categorized into five models: S-retailing, S-specific market, S-preorder, S-auction and S-reverse auction. The results may contribute to promote SC activities and value creation for the local business community in this region. Social networking users who wish to build their businesses on SC can reference our findings to provide transaction process effectiveness and promote more satisfactory services to their customers.Keywords: C2C Social commerce, business models, s-commerce transaction

    The Evolution of Social Commerce: The People, Management, Technology, and Information Dimensions

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    Social commerce is a form of commerce mediated by social media and is converging both online and offline environments. As a relatively new phenomenon, social commerce has evolved quickly in practice, yet has gained little attention in the IS discipline. With its pervasiveness in businesses and people’s lives, social commerce presents ample research opportunities that can have both theoretical and practical significance and implications. This article aims to capture researchers’ attention by describing the characteristics of social commerce and its potential future directions. We trace the evolutionary patterns of social commerce chronologically, based on trade articles and academic publications from 2005 to 2011. A framework that combines people, management, technology, and information dimensions is used to provide a systematic analysis of social commerce development. Our examination shows that since 2005, the year the term social commerce was incepted, assumptions and understanding of people in social commerce move from a simple and general description of human social nature to a rich exploration with different angles from social psychology, social heuristics, national culture, and economic situations. On the management dimension, business strategies and models evolve from the short-tail to long-tail thinking, with invented concepts such as branded social networks/communities, niche social networks/communities, niche brands, co-creating, team-buying, and multichannel social networks. Technologically, IT platforms and capabilities for social commerce evolve from blogs, to social networking sites, to media-sharing sites, and to smartphones. While Facebook becomes a profit-generating platform, creating the notion of f-commerce, Google and Twitter become strong competitors with great potentials. Information in social commerce evolves from peer-generated, to community-generated (crowdsourcing), to consumer and marketer co-created, and to global crowdsourced. Our examination identifies various conceptualizations, terminologies, views, and perspectives about social commerce and its relation to other well-known concepts such as e-commerce. In light of the evolution of social commerce, we provide possible future directions for research and practice