1,188,645 research outputs found

    Knowledge based helpdesk system in Nuclear Malaysia

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    Knowledge based (K-based) Helpdesk system is a knowledge oriented web based system that provides support to business process of the technical service providers.It is a multi- centric system which focuses on end-users, technical workers and higher level management through utilization of knowledge which resides and grows within the system. The objectives of the system are to be a user-friendly, capture technical knowledge for efficient performance and educating users for self reliance.These were achieved through the improvement of the helpdesk business process and better management of technical knowledge. This system has been tested and implemented in Information Technology Center (IT), Engineering Division (BKJ) and Instrumentation and Automation Center (IAC) at the Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia). Higher levels of user satisfaction and faster growth in technical knowledge repository have been recorded in the system.This paper describes the helpdesk system in the perspective of management of its technical knowledge contributing to strengthening organizational knowledge asset of Nuclear Malaysia as national nuclear research institution

    Design of the shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) and development of a web-based GIS interface

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    Chapter 5The Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) is a collaborative initiative of the European Commission (EC) and the European Environment Agency (EEA) aimed to establish an integrated and shared EU-wide environmental information system together with the Member States. SEIS presents the European vision on environmental information interoperability. It is a set of high-level principles & workflow-processes that organize the collection, exchange, and use of environmental data & information aimed to: • Modernise the way in which information required by environmental legislation is made available to member states or EC instruments; • Streamline reporting processes and repeal overlaps or obsolete reporting obligations; • Stimulate similar developments at international conventions; • Standardise according to INSPIRE when possible; and • Introduce the SDI (spatial database infrastructure) principle EU-wide. SEIS is a system and workflow of operations that offers technical capabilities geared to meet concept expectations. In that respect, SEIS shows the way and sets up the workflow effectively in a standardise way (e.g, INSPIRE) to: • Collect Data from Spatial Databases, in situ sensors, statistical databases, earth observation readings (e.g., EOS, GMES), marine observation using standard data transfer protocols (ODBC, SOS, ft p, etc). • Harmonise collected data (including data check/data integrity) according to best practices proven to perform well, according to the INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC (1) Annexes I: II: III: plus INSPIRE Implementation Rules for data not specified in above mentioned Annexes. • Harmonise collected data according to WISE (Water Information System from Europe) or Ozone-web. • Process, aggregate harmonise data so to extract information in a format understandable by wider audiences (e.g., Eurostat, enviro-indicators). • Document information to fulfi l national reporting obligations towards EU bodies (e.g., the JRC, EEA, DGENV, Eurostat) • Store and publish information for authorised end-users (e.g., citizens, institutions). This paper presents the development and integration of the SEIS-Malta Geoportal. The first section outlines EU Regulations on INSPIRE and Aarhus Directives. The second covers the architecture and the implementation of SEIS-Malta Geoportal. The third discusses the results and successful implementation of the Geoportal.peer-reviewe

    A deep learning approach to photo–identification demonstrates high performance on two dozen cetacean species

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    We thank the countless individuals who collected and/or processed the nearly 85,000 images used in this study and those who assisted, particularly those who sorted these images from the millions that did not end up in the catalogues. Additionally, we thank the other Kaggle competitors who helped develop the ideas, models and data used here, particularly those who released their datasets to the public. The graduate assistantship for Philip T. Patton was funded by the NOAA Fisheries QUEST Fellowship. This paper represents HIMB and SOEST contribution numbers 1932 and 11679, respectively. The technical support and advanced computing resources from University of Hawaii Information Technology Services—Cyberinfrastructure, funded in part by the National Science Foundation CC* awards # 2201428 and # 2232862 are gratefully acknowledged. Every photo–identification image was collected under permits according to relevant national guidelines, regulation and legislation.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The DART-Europe project: towards developing a European theses portal

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    This paper will report on the new European theses project DART-Europe. The purpose of this project is to align institutional and national e-theses developments across Europe with the wider open archives movement by the construction of a European portal for research theses, thus enabling a global view of European institutional research assets. This project is driven through an innovative partnership between an information provider and an international body of university libraries and open access consortia. The project’s goal is to explore the creation of a European model for the deposit, discovery, use and long-term care of research theses in an open access environment. The paper will outline the projected outcomes of DART-Europe, which is an active group of institutions in addition to a technical service. To this end, DART-Europe is engaged with disciplines and institutions that are widening the definition of research by redefining the formats of theses. For institutions and countries without a repository infrastructure, DART-Europe will enable the creation of a depository. Institutions and countries with a repository infrastructure can engage with DART-Europe to deliver their e-theses. DART-Europe acts as a technology bridge for researchers between those who have existing infrastructures and those who do not. The DART-Europe architecture assumes free at point of use access to full text theses, whether held on the DART-Europe server or by institutional repositories. This paper will provide session attendees with the current progress of this initiative, including a report on the 5 strands of the project, including: architecture; creation of a management tool kit; content acquisition; digital preservation and an investigation of business models

    Maritime information sharing environment deployment using the advanced multilayered Data Lake capabilities: EFFECTOR project case study

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    Establishing an efficient information sharing network among national agencies in maritime domain is of essential importance in enhancing the operational performance, increasing the situational awareness and enabling interoperability among all involved maritime surveillance assets. Based on various data-driven technologies and sources, the EU initiative of Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE), enables the networked participants to timely exchange information concerning vessel traffic, joint SAR & operational missions, emergency situations and other events at sea. In order to host and process vast amounts of vessels and related maritime data consumed from heterogeneous sources (e.g. SAT-AIS, UAV, radar, METOC), the deployment of big data repositories in the form of Data Lakes is of great added value. The different layers in the Data Lakes with capabilities for aggregating, fusing, routing and harmonizing data are assisted by decision support tools with combined reasoning modules with semantics aiming at providing a more accurate Common Operational Picture (COP) among maritime agencies. Based on these technologies, the aim of this paper is to present an end-to-end interoperability framework for maritime situational awareness in strategic and tactical operations at sea, developed in EFFECTOR EU-funded project, focusing on the multilayered Data Lake capabilities. Specifically, a case study presents the important sources and processing blocks, such as the SAT-AIS, CMEMS, UAV components, enabling maritime information exchange in CISE format and communication patterns. Finally, the technical solution is validated in the project’s recently implemented maritime operational trials and the respective results are documented

    The rise of new knowledge types and their trailblazers, and the management of value chains

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    In this article, the authors argue that there is no such thing as the knowledge society. Like many others authors, they claim that the fundamental transformations of our time can be typified as the end of the national ‘industrial society’ and the move towards some kind of global society dominated by the production and use of knowledge. They argue, however, that these transformations not necessarily produce a convergence of national and regional socio-economic structures. In industrial society two types of knowledge were dominant: ‘technical knowledge’ and ‘social knowledge’. In our time, the growing diverseness of individual and group identities produced by reflexivisation, globalisation and the advancement of information technologies calls for the development and application of a new type of knowledge: ‘cultural knowledge’. They analyse the consequences of the increased significance of cultural knowledge in the economic sphere in terms of the division of labour, and subsequently conceptualise three different types of knowledge societies: ‘the techno-cultural’, ‘the socio-cultural’ and the ‘socio-technical knowledge society’. Finally, they will portray three ‘categories’ of trailblazers of the knowledge societies, new professionals that perform ‘meta business functions’. These trailblazers directly or indirectly create new value chains by linking or destroying existing ones, and breaking up others in to pieces in order to create new combinations. These professionals, in other words, actively manage value chains

    CC-interop : COPAC/Clumps Continuing Technical Cooperation. Final Project Report

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    As far as is known, CC-interop was the first project of its kind anywhere in the world and still is. Its basic aim was to test the feasibility of cross-searching between physical and virtual union catalogues, using COPAC and the three functioning "clumps" or virtual union catalogues (CAIRNS, InforM25, and RIDING), all funded or part-funded by JISC in recent years. The key issues investigated were technical interoperability of catalogues, use of collection level descriptions to search union catalogues dynamically, quality of standards in cataloguing and indexing practices, and usability of union catalogues for real users. The conclusions of the project were expected to, and indeed do, contribute to the development of the JISC Information Environment and to the ongoing debate as to the feasibility and desirability of creating a national UK catalogue. They also inhabit the territory of collection level descriptions (CLDs) and the wider services of JISC's Information Environment Services Registry (IESR). The results of this project will also have applicability for the common information environment, particularly through the landscaping work done via SCONE/CAIRNS. This work is relevant not just to HE and not just to digital materials, but encompasses other sectors and domains and caters for print resources as well. Key findings are thematically grouped as follows: System performance when inter-linking COPAC and the Z39.50 clumps. The various individual Z39.50 configurations permit technical interoperability relatively easily but only limited semantic interoperability is possible. Disparate cataloguing and indexing practices are an impairment to semantic interoperability, not just for catalogues but also for CLDs and descriptions of services (like those constituting JISC's IESR). Creating dynamic landscaping through CLDs: routines can be written to allow collection description databases to be output in formats that other UK users of CLDs, including developers of the JISC information environment. Searching a distributed (virtual) catalogue or clump via Z39.50: use of Z39.50 to Z39.50 middleware permits a distributed catalogue to be searched via Z39.50 from such disparate user services as another virtual union catalogue or clump, a physical union catalogue like COPAC, an individual Z client and other IE services. The breakthrough in this Z39.50 to Z39.50 conundrum came with the discovery that the JISC-funded JAFER software (a result of the 5/99 programme) meets many of the requirements and can be used by the current clumps services. It is technically possible for the user to select all or a sub-set of available end destination Z39.50 servers (we call this "landscaping") within this middleware. Comparing results processing between COPAC and clumps. Most distributed services (clumps) do not bring back complete results sets from associated Z servers (in order to save time for users). COPAC on-the-fly routines could feasibly be applied to the clumps services. An automated search set up to repeat its query of 17 catalogues in a clump (InforM25) hourly over nearly 3 months returned surprisingly good results; for example, over 90% of responses were received in less than one second, and no servers showed slower response times in periods of traditionally heavy OPAC use (mid-morning to early evening). User behaviour when cross-searching catalogues: the importance to users of a number of on-screen features, including the ability to refine a search and clear indication that a search is processing. The importance to users of information about the availability of an item as well as the holdings data. The impact of search tools such as Google and Amazon on user behaviour and the expectations of more information than is normally available from a library catalogue. The distrust of some librarians interviewed of the data sources in virtual union catalogues, thinking that there was not true interoperability

    Introduction : a comprehensive digital communication

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    [Introduction] This book analyses several aspects of media convergence particularly related with the digitization of the transmission channels which give the world a binary nature. This technical specification of the information society abolishes the frontiers between the old mass media and the new computer systems which mainly operate within a peer-to-peer logic resulting in sociological changes that are still nebulous but nevertheless significantly impacting on the formation of communication contexts, on the debates about policy and regulation, and consequently, on the notion of citizenship in a globalized world. The new international configuration provided by the adoption at a planetary scale of the mathematical language of two digits has put an end to the Babel Tower and positioned the globalized local, national and supranational communities in constant interaction (even if not necessarily in dialogue). New networks have created high and glowing expectations regarding quick and transboundary communication flows.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Office visits involving x-rays, National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey : United States, 1977

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    Based on findings of the 1977 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, this report examines the use of X-rays by office-based physicians. An X-ray is defined as any single or multiple X-ray examination for diagnostic or screening purposes. Radiation therapy is not included. When the phrase X-ray visit appears in these pages, it applies to any office visit where an X-ray was either provided or ordered.The National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) is a continuing sample survey conducted annually by the Division of Health Resources Utilization Statistics of the National Center for Health Statistics. The survey-national in range except for Alaska and Hawaii-is designed to explore the provision and utilization of ambulatory care in the offices of non-Federal, office-based physicians. Since the statistics used in this report are based on a sample rather than on the entire universe of office-based physicians, they are estimates only and subject to sampling variability. Along with more information on the survey design and definitions of terms used in NAMCS, the Technical Notes at the end of the report provide guidelines for judging the precision of the estimates presented.1979668