6 research outputs found

    ePedagogy design for online instruction by measuring the interactive effects of cognitive preference on performance

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    Researchers are keen to know whether online instruction is effective and whether people learn anything while undertaking an online course. To this end, a research programme was devised to evaluate an ePedagogy, which involves the interactive effects of online instructional strategies enhanced with text plus-textual metaphors or text-plus-graphical metaphors, and cognitive preference for learning basic programming concepts. The Cognitive Styles Analysis (CSA) program (Riding & Cheema, 1991) was used to identify participants' cognitive preferences. The QUEST Interactive Test Analysis System (Adams & Khoo, 1996) was used to measure cognitive performance, ensuring an absence of error measurement in the programming knowledge testing instruments. Reliability of these instruments was therefore assured through the calibration afforded by the QUEST estimate that provided predictability of the research design. A means analysis of the QUEST data, using the Cohen (1977) approach to size effect and statistical power, further quantified the significance of the findings. The quasi-experimental method adopted for this research links instructional science, cognitive psychology, and objective measurement to provide reliable techniques to enhance cognitive performance evaluation in the education, training and educational technology paradigms. The research outcomes will be of interest to educators, cognitive psychologists, and computer science practitioners specializing in human-computer interactions (HCI)

    The pedagogy of computer programming using cognitive development through an e-learning object

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    Motivated by the needs of a pedagogy focusing on minimizing the learning difficulties in program semantics knowledge and logical reasoning, this research project develops a cognitive development-based pedagogy for introductory programming to support students in organizing and constructing knowledge to learn computer programming. A pedagogy is described as a practice and learning theory that defines the teaching and learning. Regarding the practice of this pedagogy, it uses a cognitive learning tool, called e-learning object, to support the scaffolding. With regard to the theory, this pedagogy is developed based on Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development and Piaget’s theory for cognitive development. In particular the scaffolding of this pedagogy includes three major learning processes. The first two learning processes focus on supporting students constructing knowledge on program semantics and conceptually map this knowledge to the coding process. The last learning process extends the learning to self-practice by demanding students to complete a set of exercises independently. All of these learning processes are supported by using the e-learning object, which is the major cognitive learning tool used in this pedagogy to support cognitive development. It is called e-learning object as it is designed by organizing a group of learning objects, in which each of them is to deliver the concepts of a specific unit topic of program control. Together with the course materials, these learning objects are accessed through the college’s ‘Blackboard System’. In addition to the major objective of improving students’ learning performance, this cognitive development-based pedagogy also extends from this objective to find out whether the positive learning outcome connects to cognitive development, and also whether this pedagogy can be embraced by teachers for use in their teaching processes. With these objectives, six research questions are defined in two stages of study. Research questions Q1 and Q2 are used to study students’ learning outcomes in year 1 and 2, and research questions Q3 to Q5 are used to find out whether students’ learning outcomes are connected to cognitive development. Research question Q6 focuses on whether this pedagogy matches teachers’ knowledge of using it, based on their knowledge of applying technology-based pedagogy. The research methodology of this project is the triangulation design where quantitative data are enriched by the collection of qualitative data. This mixture of quantitative and qualitative data collection in different research questions enables this study to interpret the values of this cognitive development-based pedagogy with different views from students and teachers. The research methods mainly include the quasi-experimental method, survey method and the rating scale anchoring method. With these methods, data are collected by using pre-test and post-test papers, questionnaires, and a checklist of rating scale anchoring mental specifications. They are analysed by two-tailed t-test, descriptive method with mean analysis and the one- way repeated measure ANOVA. These research and data analysis methods have been proven effective and used widely, in educational research projects. This research project makes four major contributions: (i) the e-learning object used in this pedagogy can be used to improve students’ learning performance in computer programming; (ii) evidence that a pedagogy focusing on cognitive development can be used to improve students’ learning performance without being limited by programming languages; (iii) development of a cognitive development- based pedagogy for wide use in introductory programming without being limited by teachers’ knowledge and programming languages; and (iv) learning with this cognitive development-based pedagogy builds up students’ problem-solving skills and applies them to different subject areas. With these achieved goals, this project therefore provides a conceptual and operational model for a pedagogical approach to Computer Science teachers design and use in their teaching process

    Users' efficiency, effectiveness, cognitive style and emotional reactions to computer interface based on different data model

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    Informaciona usklađenost kompjuterskog sistema i korisnika, kao predmet kognitivne ergonomije, počiva na dobro osmišljenom korisničkom interfejsu koji strukturom i informacionim obimom treba da omogući optimalnu interakciju u složenom sistemu čovek‐računar. U osnovi vizuelne forme interfejsa stoji, pored ostalog, logika po kojoj su podaci raspoređeni, međusobno povezani i dostupni za upotrebu, a koja se definiše modelom podataka. Smatra se da je postizanje veće kompatibilnosti između predstave koju korisnik ima o sistemu i načina na koji sistem zaista funkcioniše ključ za efikasno i efektivno korišćenje interaktivnih sistema. U tom smislu, podaci koji se u bazi mogu predstaviti u obliku zvezdaste sheme (dimenziono modelovani podaci), gde su veze između objekata i hijerarhijski odnosi načelno dati u okviru jednog objekta, i podaci koji imaju strukturu u kojoj je svaki hijerarhijski nivo predstavljen posebnim objektom (transakciono modelovani podaci), za individualne korisnike mogu biti u različitoj meri upotrebljivi. Brzina i tačnost obavljanja poslovnih zahteva putem dimenziono i transakciono modelovanih podataka može zavisiti, kako od vrste i složenosti zadatka, tako i od psiholoških osobenosti korisnika. Kognitivni stil, specifičan način kognitivnog funkcionisanja, izdvojio se kao relevantan faktor. S druge strane, isticanje sve većeg značaja afektivne komponente procene sistema i veze sa objektivnim merama upotrebljivosti, uticalo je na to da se u eksperimentalni nacrt uvrste i dimenzije emocionalnih reakcija na izgled sistema. U istraživanju su se, u dva modela podataka, ispitivale brzina i tačnost rada ispitanika sa u različitom stepenu izraženim metaforičnim, racionalnim i empiričnim kognitivnim stilom, a s obzirom na izazvane emocionalne reakcije pobuđenosti, prijatnosti i dominantnosti. U eksperimentu sa ponovljenim nacrtom učestvovalo je 303 ispitanika, slučajno raspoređenih s obzirom na redosled izlaganja modela podataka, i ujednačenih po karakteristikama relevantnim za Mr Ivana Kovačević – DOKTORSKA DISERTACIJA 2 istraživanje. Rezultati govore u prilog bolje upotrebljivosti dimenzionog modela u kom ispitanici brže obavljaju zadatke. Brzina i tačnost rada nisu u očekivanoj korelaciji i nejednako variraju s obzirom na različite prediktore, te ih je smisleno odvojeno posmatrati. Manipulativna varijabla redosleda izlaganja modela se pokazala najznačajnijim prediktorom brzine rada. Ispitanici postižu mnogo bolje rezultate ukoliko prvo koriste dimenzioni model, kao pojavno manje složen, nego u situaciji kada je transakcioni model prvo korišćen. Ovaj nalaz govori u prilog tome da je brzina rada zavisna od specifičnog redosleda iskustva. U skladu sa tim su i rezultati koji pokazuju da kognitivni stil nema naročitog efekta na brzinu rada, za razliku od emocionalnih reakcija prijatnosti i kontrole koje su negativno povezane sa potrebnim vremenom da se zadaci obave. S druge strane, tačnost je relativno nezavisna od redosleda izlaganja, i konzistentna karakteristika u oba modela. Ispitanici koji teže tačnosti, to čine bez obzira na prethodna ili trenutna iskustva, stoga se čini da je tačnost rada inherentna karakteristika korisnika. Tako su nađene i veze metaforičnosti, racionalnosti i empiričnosti sa tačnošću rada. Tačnost opada pri prelasku sa transakcionog na dimenzioni model podataka, u funkciji porasta metaforičnosti (moguć efekat zamora), dok se prelaskom sa dimenzionog na transakcioni, povećava u transakcionom u funkciji povećanja skora na racionalnosti (moguć efekat uvežbanosti). Empiričnost je povezana sa slabijom tačnošću rada u transakcionom modelu, kada je on prvi model u kom se radi (moguć efekat neuvežbanosti). Pojednostavljeno rečeno, ukoliko težimo efikasnosti (većoj brzini rada), insistiraćemo na jednostavnijim ili pak postupno usložnjavajućim interfejsima. Ukoliko težimo efektivnosti (većoj tačnosti rada), rešenja ćemo tražiti u personalizaciji korisničkih interfejsa.Informational compatibility of computer system and user, as the subject of cognitive ergonomics, depends on the characteristics of user interface. Well conceived user interface, with its structure and amount of information, provides optimal interaction in complex computer‐user system. Visual form of interface is based on logics in which data are displayed (arranged), interconnected and available for use, defined by data models. It is assumed that achieving higher compatibility between user perception of the system and the manner in which it really operates is the key for effectiveness and efficacy in using interactive systems. There are at least two different data base arrangements with different usability level for individual users. Dimensionally modeled data are arranged in a shape of star schema, where all relations between objects and all hierarchical associations are given within one object. Transactionallly modeled data have structure within which every hierarchical level is represented with particular object. Speed and accuracy of performing tasks by using dimensionally or transactionally modeled data are dependent on type and complexity of tasks, as well as on psychological characteristics of users. Cognitive style, as the specific manner of cognitive functioning, and dimensions of emotional reactions on system appearance, are seen as relevant factors. Research consisted of experimentally measuring the speed and accuracy of performing tasks in two data environments (dimensional and transactional data models) by participants with different levels of metaphorical, rational and empirical cognitive styles. Emotional reactions of arousal, pleasure and dominance provoked during the experience of using data models were assessed as well. In this experiment 303 participants, balanced by relevant characteristics, were randomly assigned in groups according to the order of exposing to data models. Results proved better overall performance of dimensionally modeled data Mr Ivana Kovačević – DOKTORSKA DISERTACIJA 4 which is seen as a data model with higher usability. Speed and accuracy of performance are shown not to be in expected correlation, varying differently according to the different predictors. Therefore, it was concluded it is plausible to consider them as separate entities. Manipulative variable, the order of data model display, proved to be the most important predictor of speed performance. Participants achieved better results when using dimensionally modeled data first, with its appearance less complex, than in situation when the transactional model was primarily used. This result showed that performance speed was dependent on specific order of user experience. Accordingly, it was found that cognitive style had no particular effect on speed, while emotional reactions of pleasure and dominance were negatively related to the time required for task completion. On the other hand, accuracy was relatively independent of data model order and it is a consistent characteristic within subject in both models. Participants who tended to be accurate, did that regardless of their previous or current experience with data model, thus it appeared that performance accuracy was user`s inherent quality. Relations between accuracy and metaphorical, rational and empirical cognitive styles were also found. Accuracy of dimensionally modeled data performance was poorer when using the transactional model first, in function of higher level of metaphorical style (possible effect of fatigue). Conversely, when using the dimensional model first, accuracy is higher in the transactional model in function of increasing the score on rational dimension (possible effect of training). Empirical cognitive style is correlated with lower accuracy in the transactional model, when it was a the first model of choice (possible effect of lack of practice). Generally, abridged implications of findings were the following, if we strive to achieve efficacy (speed), we should insist on simplifying, or at least gradually building more complexity in user interfaces. Otherwise, if we are looking for effectiveness (accuracy), we should try to find a solution in the personalization of user interface

    Examining the interaction between consumer personality and homepage content.

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    The experimental study investigated the interactions between homepage content and consumer personality based on an original conception of consumer online processing. The empirical findings enable homepage designers to frame communication messages with appeals to particular consumer personality segments, resulting in better message strategies

    The effects of web-mediated instructional strategies and cognitive preferences in the acquisition of introductory programming concepts: a Rasch model approach

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    This is a quasi-experimental study that aims to examine the interactive effects of web-mediated instructional strategies and learners’ cognitive preferences in their acquisition of introductory programming concepts. The thesis knowledge domain is an introduction to computer programming knowledge, designed for non-computer science students. It is the intention of this study to extend the McKay (2000a) research to examine the interactive effects of web-mediated instructional strategies and cognitive preferences in the acquisition of introductory programming concepts in Malaysian universities. Whereas the instructional strategies investigated by McKay (2000a) were paper-based, they involved graphical metaphors. Instead, this thesis interrogates whether or not information communications technology (ICT) elements such as signals (or cues), interactive animation, navigational tools, words and graphics influence students’ cognitive performance, and whether there are interactive effects of their cognitive preferences that contribute to the results. This study recognises the complex nature of the web-mediated learning environment and the difficulties experienced by students due to their lack of prior programming knowledge, which were first analysed by Bagley (1990) and revised by McKay (2000a). This empirical study examined the performance of novice-learners (or -programmers) with different cognitive preferences using two web-mediated instructional strategies: 1) text-plus-textual format and 2) text-plus-graphical format. The participants were primarily second year undergraduate students, in Malaysia, who are required to enrol in an Introductory Programming course as part of their program requirement for the first time. They were classified for the purpose of this research as novice-learners. The subsequent data collected included scores from three instruments: 1) pre-test; 2) post-test and 3) cognitive styles analysis. The validity and reliability of the cognitive performance measurements (pre- and post-test) were confirmed according to Rasch model using the Quest interactive test analysis system software (Adam & Khoo, 1996). These cognitive performance measurements were found to have strong validity with the item fit statistics produced by the Quest estimate and ranged from 0.81 to 1.22, strongly upholding that the test-items sampled the one construct. Further analyses were conducted, based on effect size (Cohen’s d) to compare the magnitude of difference between groups (Cohen, 1977). The results suggest that there is no clear evidence that a cognitive preference plays an important role in cognitive performance when learning from web-mediated instructional modules. However, it has been observed that the analytic-verbalisers performed better when the instructional format they received suit their cognitive preferences with a medium effect size. As the participants were novice-learners, the influence of prior domain knowledge cannot be ignored. The findings of this doctoral study contribute new knowledge to the existing literature in the related disciplines of human–computer interaction, web-mediated instruction, human cognitive processing and research methodology. Firstly, the use of high-quality measurement tools to assess the effectiveness of web-mediated instructional strategies is important. Secondly, the findings can provide guidelines on how to design web-mediated instruction for high-element interactivity knowledge domains such as the acquisition of programming concepts. Finally, the learner’s cognitive learning preference profile should be considered when designing web-mediated instruction and in particular their level of prior domain knowledge