25 research outputs found

    Variations des stratégies d'anticipation visuelle en fonction de la règle dans un jeu vidéo

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    National audienceDans certains jeux vidéo, le joueur a besoin d'anticiper le mouvement d'objets, d'obstacles ou de cibles pour atteindre son but. Cependant, des recherches ont montré que les stratégies visuelles utilisées dans un environnement visuel dynamique variaient selon le but des individus. Le but de l'expérience exploratoire présentée dans cet article était de comparer les stratégies oculaires de participants jouant dans un même environnement de jeu nécessitant de l'anticipation visuelle selon deux règles du jeu différentes. Les deux règles du jeu vidéo utilisé consistaient soit à " éviter ", soit à " toucher " un maximum d'obstacles avec une balle. L'enregistrement des mouvements oculaires montre que l'anticipation est plus importante et le balayage de l'écran de jeu plus large quand les joueurs doivent éviter les obstacles que quand ils doivent les toucher. Les implications de ce résultat sur les stratégies oculaires optimales et la conception de jeux vidéo sont discutées

    The practical and theoretical implications of flow theory and intrinsic motivation in designing and implementing exergaming in the school environment

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    Helping children develop a positive attitude toward being active for life is a primary objective for physical educators. The cultivation of an internal desire to participate in physical activity occurs over a prolonged period of time through a variety of positive experiences in school, at home, and in the community. Like any well thought out physical education unit, a meaningful exergaming (also known as active gaming) program must balance the needs of the students with the prescribed learning expectations. This paper is intended to bridge the theoretical aspects of intrinsic motivation and flow theory with the pragmatics of teaching active gaming programs in a school setting. The authors have established the Canadian Exergaming Research Centre (http://www.ucalgary.ca/exergaming/) in order to explore the impact of exergames in a school environment

    Measuring aspects of player experience : A systematic review of human-computer interaction journals

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    International audienceThe present paper introduces the results of a review of the methods measuring player experience proposed in articles published in human-computer interaction journals. The present review focused more specifically on the cases of combination of two or more methods. The results showed that 11 articles, all published in the last decade, proposed mixed methods to measure player experience. All these articles proposed at least a subjective measure method, always questionnaire, in combination with an objective one, mainly physiological measures. Player's emotions were the aspects of player experience that were the most studied in the case of mixed methods. A synthesis of these results was proposed and may be discussed at the workshop

    The Economics of Color: A Null Result

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    Color research has a long tradition in psychology, consumer behavior, and marketing research. The literature suggests that exposure to colors influences mood and emotions of humans as well as their attitudes towards products. This paper makes two contributions. First, we review the existing literature in science and psychology on the effects of environmental colors (red and blue) on physiological functions, mood, and consumer/economic decision-making, insofar it may be potentially relevant to experimental and behavioral economists. Second, we conduct a laboratory experiment with a typical experimental economics subject pool testing the effects of environmental colors red and blue on decision-making in an incentivized Ultimatum Game experiment. We find no statistically significant effect. However, we also cannot replicate previous results of exposure to colors red and blue on mood as measured by established questionnaire instruments. Our results suggest that experimental economists do not need to worry about the potential confound of colors in economic decision-making.Series: Department of Strategy and Innovation Working Paper Serie

    Game Based Learning For Autism In Learning Mathematics

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    In the 21st century, research related to a game-based learning (GBL) have attracted many researchers and practitioners in researching more on the matters. Due to the positive effects of game-based learning, numerous studies have led more researchers to create educational games in supporting the teaching and learning development in schools especially for the need of the 21st century students. Moreover, students also realize the benefits gained while dealing with a game-based learning as well as the acquisition of 21st-century skills. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a game-based learning for autistic children in learning basic mathematics. Through this game, the autistic children will learn mathematic in a structured and easier way. Some simple notes will be provided for them. The notes will act as a manual or guide before they attempt the games. For this study, the quantitative methods have been employed. Meanwhile, the ADDIE model has been embedded in developing this game-based learning. The respondents chose were primary school students aged 5 to 8 years old. The testing was conducted among autism students from Melaka Autism Education Centre. The expected outcome of GBL is to attract autism children to learn and focus during learning process. Besides that, GBL has also been found to be able to motivate students in learning and, it has been agreed by all that using GBL is the most effective teaching strategy to promote learnin

    Near miss in a video game: an experimental study

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    Models to explain persistent and excessive gaming behavior have proposed that reward characteristics in video games influence gaming behavior, yet these characteristics have received minimal empirical attention to date. The present study employed an experimental approach to examine how a near miss and other different outcomes (a win or loss with small and large margin, respectively) influence gaming behavior and subjective experiences and evaluations of the game. A total of 40 participants competed against four avatars in a counterbalanced repeated measure design with four scenarios: (a) losing by a large margin, (b) losing by a small margin, (c) winning by a small margin, and (d) winning by a large margin. Outcome measurements included the urge to continue playing, affective response, game evaluation, and regret. Repeated measure ANOVAs with post hoc tests were employed to assess outcomes across the scenarios. Participants reported greater frustration and regret when losing compared to winning and tended to evaluate the games they won more positively than the games they lost. Participants felt more bored and less excited when they experienced a near miss compared to winning by a large margin. The results show that winning in video games influences players’ experiences and perceptions differently than losing

    Low-Cost Assessment of User eXperience Through EEG Signals

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    EEG signals are an important tool for monitoring the brain activity of a person, but equipment, expertise and infrastructure are required. EEG technologies are generally expensive, thus few people are normally able to use them. However, some low-cost technologies are now available. One of these is OPENBCI, but it seems that it is yet to be widely employed in Human-Computer Interaction. In this study, we used OPENBCI technology to capture EEG signals linked to brain activity in ten subjects as they interacted with two video games: Candy Crush and Geometry Dash. The experiment aimed to capture the signals while the players interacted with the video games in several situations. The results show differences due to the absence/presence of sound; players appear to be more relaxed without sound. In addition, consistent analysis of the EEG data, meCue 2.0 and SAM data showed high consistency. The evidence demonstrates that interesting results are able to be gathered based on low-cost EEG (standard) signal-based technologies

    Player–video game interaction: A systematic review of current concepts

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    International audienceVideo game design requires a user-centered approach to ensure that the experience enjoyed by players is as good as possible. However, the nature of player-video game interactions has not as yet been clearly defined in the scientific literature. The purpose of the present study was to provide a systematic review of empirical evidences of the current concepts of player-video game interactions in entertainment situations. A total of 72 articles published in scientific journals that deal with human-computer interaction met the criteria for inclusion in the present review. Major findings of these articles were presented in a narrative synthesis. Results showed that player-video game interactions could be defined with multiple concepts that are closely linked and intertwined. These concepts concern player aspects of player-video game interactions, namely engagement and enjoyment, and video game aspects, namely information input/output techniques, game contents and multiplayer games. Global approaches, such as playability, also exist to qualify player-video game interactions. Limitations of these findings are discussed to help researchers to plan future advances of the field and provide supplementary effort to better know the role of less-studied aspects. Practical implications are also discussed to help game designers to optimize the design of player-video game interactions