51 research outputs found


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    As the use of the Internet has grown, so have new ways for employees to loaf. Cyberloafing has become a pervasive problem for firms. Information systems researchers have suggested that a deterrence approach through the use of acceptable use policies for Internet-based applications coupled with Internet monitoring mechanisms can be an effective way to reduce cyberloafing without actively blocking websites and impeding on the positive aspects of the Internet. However, the effectiveness of the deterrence approach is still in question due to inconsistent results in existing research. This study aims to reconcile these inconsistencies by exploring how other factors interact with the deterrence model. We propose that the deterrence model will affect more deviant types of behaviors differently than those that are perceived to be more socially acceptable. We also suggest that employees will self-impose expected ramifications or sanctions on themselves when they expect to get caught cyberloafing

    Employees’ workplace cyberloafing: based on the perspective of guanxi

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    Cyberloafing is the biggest time waster in organization, 69 percent of respondents admitted waste time on non-work related activities each day. This number might be higher in China for a larger population of cyber citizens. Previous Studies have investigated the antecedents from various perspectives, such as organization justice, deterrence and work stressor. No one addressed cyberloafing from the perspective of guanxi, even though the strength of guanxi directly determines the appropriate behavior of employees , and employees are grounded by such behavioral norms. To fill this gap, we proposed a research model from the perspective of guanxi theory to understand employees’ cyberloafing behavior

    Antecedents for Cyberloafing – A Literature Review

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    The private use of the Internet via desktop and smartphones during working time, also known as cyberloafing, has become a common practice at many workplaces. While critical voices expect performance losses through such behavior, their opponents perceive of the interruptions created by cyberloafing as an opportunity to recover and continue working with increased productivity afterwards. Given the growing body of research on Internet-related employees’ opportunism, this paper presents a systematic literature review of 69 studies to identify the factors behind cyberloafing. The classification includes personality traits as well as antecedents related to the job, organization and personal life. The paper concludes with a clear picture of the kind of circumstances which tend to increase cyberloafing and which factors statistically do not seem to have any impact on the abuse of Internet during working time

    Understanding the Impact of Cyberloafing-Related Internet Monitoring on Employee Job Performance: A Field Experiment

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    Internet monitoring has been widely adopted in organizations to regulate employees’ cyberloafing behaviour, which refers to employees’ usage of the Internet for non-work-related purposes during work time. However, there is no study in prior literature to investigate how cyberloafing-related Internet monitoring affects employee job performance. To address this research gap, this study conducted a field experiment to examine the impact of Internet monitoring on employee job performance. I found that Internet monitoring decreased employees’ cyberloafing behaviour, it also decreased employees’ intrinsic work motivation. I further found that cyberloafing was negatively related to the job performance of employees with high extrinsic work motivation, and intrinsic work motivation was positively related to employee job performance. In other words, the results suggest that Internet monitoring may improve employee job performance by reducing employees’ cyberloafing behaviour, but it can also harm employee job performance by decreasing employees’ intrinsic work motivation


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    Dengan semakin meningkatnya penggunaan internet saat ini turut juga mendorong pemanfaatannya di dunia korporasi. Namun, hal ini mendorong karyawannya untuk memanfaatkan fasilitas ini untuk hal-hal di luar pekerjaan mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh kepribadian big five dimensi conscientiousness dan kebijakan organisasi terhadap perilaku cyberloafing. Subjek penelitian merupakan karyawan pada level staf yang tempat kerjanya memberikan fasilitas akses internet, sudah bekerja di perusahaan saat ini selama minimal enam bulan, serta domisili bekerja di daerah Jabodetabek dan didapatkan sejumlah 120 responden dengan teknik purposive sampling. Analisis yang digunakan adalah teknik regresi berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa conscientiousness dan kebijakan organisasi secara bersamaan tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku cyberloafing. Conscientiousness juga tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap perilaku cyberloafing sementara kebijakan organisasi memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara positif terhadap perilaku cyberloafing

    Pengaruh Cyberloafing Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Self Control Sebagai Variable Moderasi

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    The term cyberloafing is used to describe the voluntary act of employees using their company's Internet access for non-work-related purposes during working hours. Some examples of cyberloafing behavior by employees are online shopping, browsing, browsing social media, looking for work, sending and receiving personal emails, and downloading files that are not related to work. Cyberloafing has a significant positive effect on employee performance at the Surakarta State Property and Auction Service Office, so it can be concluded that the higher the level of cyberloafing carried out by employees, the better the employee performance, and conversely the lower the level of cyberloafing carried out by employees, the employee's performance will decrease. Self control moderates the relationship between cyberloafing on the performance of employees of the Surakarta State Wealth Service Office and Auction, with a significant negative effect, so it can be concluded that the higher the level of cyberloafing carried out by employees will reduce employee self control thereby reducing employee performance, and vice versa, the lower the level of cyberloafing carried out by employees will increase self-control so that employee performance will also increase

    Fenomena Cyberloafing : Penyebab Terjadinya Kinerja Organisasi

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    Penelitian ini lebih dalam mencari tahu dan membahas bagaimana Cyberloafing yang dilakukan oleh karyawan dapat mempengaruhi Organizational Performance dengan Digitalization sebagai hal pendukung (moderasi) pada perusahaan atau organisasi di Indonesia dari berbagai bidang usaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dan menggunakan sampel jenuh dalam proses pengambilan sampelnya, sampel yang diperoleh sebanyak 51 dari total sampel sebesar 352 responden. Responden yang dituju adalah dosen atau staff pada Universitas Ciputra Surabaya dan diklasifikasikan berdasarkan jabatan. Hasil pada penelitian ini yang menjelaskan pengaruh dari Cyberloafing terhadap Organizational Performance dengan Digitalization sebagai moderasi tidak dapat disimpulkan. Tidak dapat disimpulkannya pengaruh dari variabel yang bersangkutan dikarenakan data yang diperoleh terlalu sedikit dan adanya jarak yang terlalu luas antar jabatan responden yang membuat beberapa responden tidak mengetahui pernyataan yang dilampirkan pada kuesioner. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, pengujian asumsi klasik tidak dapat dilanjutkan dan berhenti pada uji F. Uji korelasi dilakukan guna mencari hubungan antar variabel dan hasil menunjukkan adanya kecenderungan untuk terjadi atas hubungan antar variabel. Cyberloafing dan Organizational Performance memiliki hubungan negatif. Cyberloafing dan Digitalization memiliki hubungan positif. Organizational performance dan Digitalization memiliki hubungan positif. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini lebih menjelaskan hubungan antara ketiga variabel yaitu perilaku Cyberloafing, Digitalization dan Organizational Performance. Saran berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh adalah lebih spesifik lagi dalam memilih klasifikasi jabatan, agar responden yang dituju mengetahui keadaan perusahaan yang sebenarnya

    Self-Control dan Cyberslacking Pada Mahasiswa

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    The learning process is frequently carried out using the internet, as a tool for supporting the  academic activities. Self-control in internet usage is the required characteristic for student in the student-centered learning activities. However, there is a behavior called cyberslacking, or using the internet during the work time for non-work purposes (or in this context, for non-study purposes) that must be avoided because it can affect the learning outcomes and concentration during the study. The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of self control and cyber slacking to students. This study used a quantitative method, with 157 internet- active users students served as the research sample/ subjects. The cyberslacking activities were measured with by Akbulut scales, and the self control ability were measured with the Tangney scales. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and regression analysis techniques. The results showed that there was 32.2% of self-control affecting the cyberslacking behavior among students. The non-study purposes were for sharing information and shopping, that hit high score, where the male and female students had high categories in the same element. Based on the hypothesis testing results, this study's hypothesis is accepted.The learning process is frequently carried out using the internet, as a tool for supporting the  academic activities. Self-control in internet usage is the required characteristic for student in the student-centered learning activities. However, there is a behavior called cyberslacking, or using the internet during the work time for non-work purposes (or in this context, for non-study purposes) that must be avoided because it can affect the learning outcomes and concentration during the study. The purpose of this research is to examine the effects of self control and cyber slacking to students. This study used a quantitative method, with 157 internet- active users students served as the research sample/ subjects. The cyberslacking activities were measured with by Akbulut scales, and the self control ability were measured with the Tangney scales. The sampling technique used purposive sampling and regression analysis techniques. The results showed that there was 32.2% of self-control affecting the cyberslacking behavior among students. The non-study purposes were for sharing information and shopping, that hit high score, where the male and female students had high categories in the same element. Based on the hypothesis testing results, this study's hypothesis is accepted

    Cyberloafing and cyberslacking in the workplace: systematic literature review of past achievements and future promises

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    – Scholars are increasingly focusing on the adverse effects of digitization on human lives in personal and professional contexts. Cyberloafing is one such effect and digitization-related workplace behavior that has garnered attention in both academic and mainstream media. However, the existing literature is fragmented and needs to be consolidated to generate a comprehensive and contemporary overview of cyberloafing research and map its current intellectual boundaries. The purpose of this paper is to shed some light on systematic literature review (SLR) in cyberloafing and cyberslacking in the workplace.publishedVersio

    Are we predisposed to behave securely? Influence of risk disposition on individual security behaviors

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    Employees continue to be the weak link in organizational security management and efforts to improve the security of employee behaviors have not been as effective as hoped. Researchers contend that security-related decision making is primarily based on risk perception. There is also a belief that, if changed, this could improve security-related compliance. The extant research has primarily focused on applying theories that assume rational decision making e.g. protection motivation and deterrence theories. This work presumes we can influence employees towards compliance with information security policies and by means of fear appeals and threatened sanctions. However, it is now becoming clear that security-related decision making is complex and nuanced, not a simple carrot- and stick-related situation. Dispositional and situational factors interact and interplay to influence security decisions. In this paper, we present a model that positions psychological disposition of individuals in terms of risk tolerance vs. risk aversion and proposes research to explore how this factor influences security behaviors. We propose a model that acknowledges the impact of employees' individual dispositional risk propensity as well as their situational risk perceptions on security-related decisions. It is crucial to understand this decision-making phenomenon as a foundation for designing effective interventions to reduce such risk taking. We conclude by offering suggestions for further research.</p
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