8 research outputs found

    Trust and Commitment Toward Mobile Payment Platform

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    With the rapid growth of online technology in financial services, Mobile Payment has becomepopular in recent years. Many studies have investigated financial innovations based oninformation and communication technology (ICT) in bank institutions. Specifically, this studyis important to explore the use of Mobile Payment provided by non-bank institutions. Thisstudy focuses on trust and commitment to improving their continuous usage intention ofMobile Payment. We argue that the advantages of Mobile Payment (Mobility, Customization,Security, and Reputation) contribute to trust and commitment. The findings of this studyillustrate that the Mobile Payment reputation has a positive effect on trust. Trust is mediatedby commitment has a positive influence on continuance intention. This study recommends thatthe topic of research needs to be explored more in order to understand and develop marketingstrategies for Mobile Payment users

    Determinants and Effects of User Delight with Theme Park Apps

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    The rise of mobile apps intended to enhance the customer experience has prompted theme park operators to implement theme park apps with which to improve their relationships with visitors. The value of user delight in theme park apps has attracted considerable attention. To develop a delightful theme park app, however, theme park operators require a more detailed understanding of how they can optimize the impacts of theme park apps. By conducting an empirical study of 204 users of theme park apps through an online survey, this study found that delight has substantial impacts on users’ continuance intention, recommendation, offering feedback, and revisit intention regarding theme parks. Additionally, delight is determined by entertainment, aesthetic design, and achievement-related gamification. This study contributes to the literature on delight in the context of theme park apps and offers practical implications for theme park app designers and operators

    Designing for user experience : analysing app store reviews for app feature identification

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    Abstract: South Africa's blood stock level is often categorised as alarmingly low, leaving blood donation organisations in constant need of voluntary, unpaid blood donations to ensure their ability to supply hospitals with safe blood. Globally, there are successful mobile blood donation apps facilitating blood donation by providing useful services to blood donors, however similar apps available in South Africa are new, and not popular when compared to global standards. An estimated 5.9 million South Africans download and use mobile applications (apps), and this paper explores the process and results from the first phase of a study, which employed a sequential mixed method research design, to identify userpreferred features for a mobile blood donation app. The findings of the study should serve as a roadmap to blood donation organisations in South Africa, regarding what users expect from a blood donation app, and which features may possibly stimulate a constant or increased frequency of blood donation instances. The two largest app stores, Google Play and Apple iOS, served as the sources of the eventual sample of blood donation apps, of which the user reviews were analysed. Commenting from a design science paradigm, this paper reports on the selection process that had been followed to sample the relevant apps, and further discusses the user insights gained from the analysis of these apps' reviews. The paper further reports on how the app review analysis findings informed the creation of an interview schedule, that was used to gain in-depth understanding of perceptions held by users of the blood donation apps, specifically regarding the users' preferred features in these types of apps

    Anthropomorphism of AI-based Intelligent Customer Service, and Its Affective and Behavioral Consequences

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    Recently, as many users turn to social media to interact with service providers, organizations apply Artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operation. This type of customer service system is called intelligent customer service (ICS) which one of the most commonly adopted tools is chatbot. Since chatbot is AI-empowered, whether this system can effectively interact with customers and solve their problems is critical. However, the quality of ICS has received significant attention recently, and a lack of systematic study on the outcomes of anthropomorphism leaves this question unanswered in an ICS context. Based on a cognitive-affective-behavioral framework, this study attempts to understand whether anthropomorphism can promote desired behaviors (including usage and citizen-ship behaviors) through enhancing affective out-comes, such as satisfaction and identity. Data collected from 183 chatbot-ICS users, this study illustrates how anthropomorphism can increase quality, enhance satisfaction and identity. Furthermore, we also show that satisfaction and identity lead to further usage and citizenship behaviors. This highlights the importance of increasing anthropomorphism for the chatbot-ICS

    Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences

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    The rise of mobile apps intended to enhance the customer experience has prompted theme park operators to implement theme park apps with which to improve their relationships with visitors. The value of user delight in theme park apps has attracted considerable attention. To develop a delightful theme park app, however, theme park operators require a more detailed understanding of how they can optimize the impacts of theme park apps. By conducting an empirical study of 204 users of theme park apps through an online survey, this study found that delight has substantial impacts on users’ continuance intention, recommendation, offering feedback, and revisit intention regarding theme parks. Additionally, delight is determined by entertainment, aesthetic design, and achievement-related gamification. This study contributes to the literature on delight in the context of theme park apps and offers practical implications for theme park app designers and operators.</p

    Colaboración con el desarrollo del destino turístico por parte de los futuros profesionales del sector

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    Los objetivos de este trabajo son varios: conocer la colaboración que llevan a cabo los jóvenes en el desarrollo turístico de su destino turístico, generar un modelo predictivo de la colaboración de los jóvenes y averiguar si existen diferencias según el género respecto a las variables estudiadas. Para ello, se usa una serie de métodos cuantitativos, como el análisis descriptivo, predictivo y discriminante, con una muestra de 254 sujetos (estudiantes del grado en turismo de la Universidad de La Laguna). Tras obtener los resultados, se llega a la conclusión de que los jóvenes dan una gran importancia a las variables utilizadas, es posible predecir la colaboración de los jóvenes y existen diferencias de género en las respuestas a los ítemsThe objectives of this work are: to know the collaboration that young people carry out in the tourism development of their tourist destination, to generate a predictive model of the collaboration of young people and to find out if there are differences according to gender the variables studied. To do this, a number of quantitative methods, such as descriptive, predictive and discriminatory analysis, are used with a sample of 254 subjects (students of the degree in tourism from the University of La Laguna). After obtaining the results, it is concluded that young people attach great importance to the variables used, it is possible to predict the collaboration of young people and there are gender differences in the responses to the item

    Influence of young consumers’ external and internal variables on their e-loyalty to tourism sites

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    This study analyzes, in a generational context, the influence of young consumers' external and internal variables on their e-loyalty to tourism sites. Using a large sample and employing structural equations (PLS), a new model is generated that includes two external variables (site design and eWOM) and two internal variables (trust and satisfaction), to which the intention to purchase online is added. These variables are very important in e-commerce and tourism, and they have not previously been studied jointly. The results show that the impact of consumers’ internal variables is greater than the impact from external ones. Moreover, the proposed causal model is practical and can be easily applied by tourism companies to improve site e-loyalty in the context of market orientation. The Importance-Performance Analysis (IPMA) carried out shows the importance of satisfaction over other variables

    Relationship between customer's needs of justice, security, self-esteem, and customer delight: mediating effect of customer experience, conceptualization of customer experience in Telekom Malaysia

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    Telecommunication is one of the leading industries in Malaysia. Telekom Malaysia Bhd. is the leader and service provider in this industry besides Maxis and Celcom. This study focused on the Unify services which provide land- line services for households. Delighting customers has been the upmost priority of Telekom Malaysia Bhd., while the customers have several type of needs, namely (i ) needs of justice , (ii) needs of security and (iii ) needs of self-esteem, according to Schneider and Bowen (1999) that need to be fulfilled in order for the customers to be delighted. Accordingly this study aimed to analyse the relationships between these needs and customer delight and the mediating variable of customer experience on this relationship. The objectives of the study were to (i) determine the relationship of the needs of justice on customer experience towards customer delight, (ii ) determine the relationship of the needs of security on customer experience towards customer delight, (iii) determine the relationship of the needs of self-esteem on customer experience towards customer delight (iv) investigate the relationship of customer experience and customer delight, (v) examine the mediating role of customer experience on the relationship between the needs of justice, the needs of security and the needs of self-esteem and customer delight. The multiple regression analysis recorded that customer delight was significantly influenced by the needs of security as a full mediation. Meanwhile the needs of justice and the needs of self-esteem have partial mediation with customer experience as the mediator. More research is needed to study the needs of customer and customer delight