12 research outputs found

    Spatial band-pass filtering aids decoding musical genres from auditory cortex 7T fMRI

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    Spatial filtering strategies, combined with multivariate decoding analysis of BOLD images, have been used to investigate the nature of the neural signal underlying the discriminability of brain activity patterns evoked by sensory stimulation – primarily in the visual cortex. Previous research indicates that such signals are spatially broadband in nature, and are not primarily comprised of fine-grained activation patterns. However, it is unclear whether this is a general property of the BOLD signal, or whether it is specific to the details of employed analyses and stimuli. Here we applied an analysis strategy from a previous study on decoding visual orientation from V1 to publicly available, high-resolution 7T fMRI on the response BOLD response to musical genres in primary auditory cortex. The results show that the pattern of decoding accuracies with respect to different types and levels of spatial filtering is comparable to that obtained from V1, despite considerable differences in the respective cortical circuitry

    Prognostication of chronic disorders of consciousness using brain functional networks and clinical characteristics

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    Disorders of consciousness are a heterogeneous mixture of different diseases or injuries. Although some indicators and models have been proposed for prognostication, any single method when used alone carries a high risk of false prediction. This study aimed to develop a multidomain prognostic model that combines resting state functional MRI with three clinical characteristics to predict one year outcomes at the single-subject level. The model discriminated between patients who would later recover consciousness and those who would not with an accuracy of around 90% on three datasets from two medical centers. It was also able to identify the prognostic importance of different predictors, including brain functions and clinical characteristics. To our knowledge, this is the first implementation reported of a multidomain prognostic model based on resting state functional MRI and clinical characteristics in chronic disorders of consciousness. We therefore suggest that this novel prognostic model is accurate, robust, and interpretable.Comment: Although some prognostic indicators and models have been proposed for disorders of consciousness, each single method when used alone carries risks of false prediction. Song et al. report that a model combining resting state functional MRI with clinical characteristics provided accurate, robust, and interpretable prognostications. 52 pages, 1 table, 7 figure

    The neural representation of ordinal information: domain-specific or domain-general?

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    Ordinal processing allows for the representation of the sequential relations between stimuli and is a fundamental aspect of different cognitive domains such as verbal working memory (WM), language and numerical cognition. Several studies suggest common ordinal coding mechanisms across these different domains but direct between-domain comparisons of ordinal coding are rare and have led to contradictory evidence. This fMRI study examined the commonality of ordinal representations across the WM, the number and the letter domains by using a multivoxel pattern analysis approach and by focusing on triplet stimuli associated with robust ordinal distance effects. Neural patterns in fronto-parietal cortices distinguished ordinal distance in all domains. Critically, between-task predictions of ordinal distance in fronto-parietal cortices were robust between serial order WM, alphabetical order judgment but not when involving the numerical order judgment tasks. Moreover, frontal ROIs further supported between-task prediction of distance for the luminance judgment control task, the serial order WM and the alphabetical tasks. These results suggest that common neural substrates characterize processing of ordinal information in WM and alphabetical but not numerical domains. This commonality, particularly in frontal cortices, may however reflect attentional control processes involved in judging ordinal distances rather than the intervention of domain-general ordinal codes

    The effect of spatial resolution on decoding accuracy in fMRI multivariate pattern analysis

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    Multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) in fMRI has been used to extract information from distributed cortical activation patterns, which may go undetected in conventional univariate analysis. However, little is known about the physical and physiological underpinnings of MVPA in fMRI as well as about the effect of spatial smoothing on its performance. Several studies have addressed these issues, but their investigation was limited to the visual cortex at 3T with conflicting results. Here, we used ultra-high field (7T) fMRI to investigate the effect of spatial resolution and smoothing on decoding of speech content (vowels) and speaker identity from auditory cortical responses. To that end, we acquired high-resolution (1.1mm isotropic) fMRI data and additionally reconstructed them at 2.2 and 3.3mm in-plane spatial resolutions from the original k-space data. Furthermore, the data at each resolution were spatially smoothed with different 3D Gaussian kernel sizes (i.e. no smoothing or 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, or 8.8mm kernels). For all spatial resolutions and smoothing kernels, we demonstrate the feasibility of decoding speech content (vowel) and speaker identity at 7T using support vector machine (SVM) MVPA. In addition, we found that high spatial frequencies are informative for vowel decoding and that the relative contribution of high and low spatial frequencies is different across the two decoding tasks. Moderate smoothing (up to 2.2mm) improved the accuracies for both decoding of vowels and speakers, possibly due to reduction of noise (e.g. residual motion artifacts or instrument noise) while still preserving information at high spatial frequency. In summary, our results show that - even with the same stimuli and within the same brain areas - the optimal spatial resolution for MVPA in fMRI depends on the specific decoding task of interest

    How input modality and visual experience affect the representation of categories in the brain

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    The general aim of the present dissertation was to participate in the progress of our understanding of how sensory input and sensory experience impact on how the human brain implements categorical knowledge. The goal was twofold: (1) understand whether there are brain regions that encode information about different categories regardless of input modality and sensory experience (study 1); (2) deepen the investigation of the mechanisms that drive cross-modal and intra-modal plasticity following early blindness and the way they express during the processing of different categories presented as real-world sounds (study 2). To address these fundamental questions, we used fMRI to characterize the brain responses to different conceptual categories presented acoustically in sighted and early blind individuals, and visually in a separate sighted group. In study 1, we observed that the right posterior middle temporal gyrus (rpMTG) is the region that most reliably decoded categories and selectively correlated with conceptual models of our stimuli space independently of input modality and visual experience. However, this region maintains separate the representational format from the different modalities, revealing a multimodal rather than an amodal nature. In addition, we observed that VOTC showed distinct functional profiles according to the hemispheric side. The left VOTC showed an involvement in the acoustical categorization processing at the same degree in sighted and in blind individuals. We propose that this involvement might reflect an engagement of the left VOTC in more semantic/linguistic processing of the stimuli potentially supported by its enhanced connection with the language system. However, paralleling our observation in rpMTG, the representations from different modalities are maintained segregated in VOTC, showing little evidence for sensory-abstraction. On the other side, the right VOTC emerged as a sensory-related visual region in sighted with the ability to rewires itself toward acoustical stimulation in case of early visual deprivation. In study 2, we observed opposite effects of early visual deprivation on auditory decoding in occipital and temporal regions. While occipital regions contained more information about sound categories in the blind, the temporal cortex showed higher decoding in the sighted. This unbalance effect was stronger in the right hemisphere where we, also, observed a negative correlation between occipital and temporal decoding of sound categories in EB. These last results suggest that the intramodal and crossmodal reorganizations might be inter-connected. We therefore propose that the extension of non-visual functions in the occipital cortex of EB may trigger a network-level reorganization that reduce the computational load of the regions typically coding for the remaining senses due to the extension of such computation in occipital regions

    Neuroimaging investigations of cortical specialisation for different types of semantic knowledge

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    Embodied theories proposed that semantic knowledge is grounded in motor and perceptual experiences. This leads to two questions: (1) whether the neural underpinnings of perception are also necessary for semantic cognition; (2) how do biases towards different sensorimotor experiences cause brain regions to specialise for particular types of semantic information. This thesis tackles these questions in a series of neuroimaging and behavioural investigations. Regarding question 1, strong embodiment theory holds that semantic representation is reenactment of corresponding experiences, and brain regions for perception are necessary for comprehending modality-specific concepts. However, the weak embodiment view argues that reenactment may not be necessary, and areas near to perceiving regions may be sufficient to support semantic representation. In the particular case of motion concepts, lateral occipital temporal cortex (LOTC) has been long identified as an important area, but the roles of its different subregions are still uncertain. Chapter 3 examined how different parts of LOTC reacted to written descriptions of motion and static events, using multiple analysis methods. A series of anterior to posterior sub-regions were analyzed through univariate, multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA), and psychophysical interaction (PPI) analyses. MVPA revealed strongest decoding effects for motion vs. static events in the posterior parts of LOTC, including both visual motion area (V5) and posterior middle temporal gyrus (pMTG). In contrast, only the middle portion of LOTC showed increased activation for motion sentences in univariate analyses. PPI analyses showed increased functional connectivity between posterior LOTC and the multiple demand network for motion events. These findings suggest that posterior LOTC, which overlapped with the motion perception V5 region, is selectively involved in comprehending motion events, while the anterior part of LOTC contributes to general semantic processing. Regarding question 2, the hub-and-spoke theory suggests that anterior temporal lobe (ATL) acts as a hub, using inputs from modality-specific regions to construct multimodal concepts. However, some researchers propose temporal parietal cortex (TPC) as an additional hub, specialised in processing and integrating interaction and contextual information (e.g., for actions and locations). These hypotheses are summarized as the "dual-hub theory" and different aspects of this theory were investigated in in Chapters 4 and 5. Chapter 4 focuses on taxonomic and thematic relations. Taxonomic relations (or categorical relations) occur when two concepts belong to the same category (e.g., ‘dog’ and ‘wolf’ are both canines). In contrast, thematic relations (or associative relations) refer to situations that two concepts co-occur in events or scenes (e.g., ‘dog’ and ‘bone’), focusing on the interaction or association between concepts. Some studies have indicated ATL specialization for taxonomic relations and TPC specialization for thematic relations, but others have reported inconsistent or even converse results. Thus Chapter 4 first conducted an activation likelihood estimation (ALE) meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies contrasting taxonomic and thematic relations. This found that thematic relations reliably engage action and location processing regions (left pMTG and SMG), while taxonomic relations only showed consistent effects in the right occipital lobe. A primed semantic judgement task was then used to test the dual-hub theory’s prediction that taxonomic relations are heavily reliant on colour and shape knowledge, while thematic relations rely on action and location knowledge. This behavioural experiment revealed that action or location priming facilitated thematic relation processing, but colour and shape did not lead to priming effects for taxonomic relations. This indicates that thematic relations rely more on action and location knowledge, which may explain why the preferentially engage TPC, whereas taxonomic relations are not specifically linked to shape and colour features. This may explain why they did not preferentially engage left ATL. Chapter 5 concentrates on event and object concepts. Previous studies suggest ATL specialization for coding similarity of objects’ semantics, and angular gyrus (AG) specialization for sentence and event structure representation. In addition, in neuroimaging studies, event semantics are usually investigated using complex temporally extended stimuli, unlike than the single-concept stimuli used to investigate object semantics. Thus chapter 5 used representational similarity analysis (RSA), univariate analysis, and PPI analysis to explore neural activation patterns for event and object concepts presented as static images. Bilateral AGs encoded semantic similarity for event concepts, with the left AG also coding object similarity. Bilateral ATLs encoded semantic similarity for object concepts but also for events. Left ATL exhibited stronger coding for events than objects. PPI analysis revealed stronger connections between left ATL and right pMTG, and between right AG and bilateral inferior temporal gyrus (ITG) and middle occipital gyrus, for event concepts compared to object concepts. Consistent with the meta-analysis in chapter 4, the results in chapter 5 support the idea of partial specialization in AG for event semantics but do not support ATL specialization for object semantics. In fact, both the meta-analysis and chapter 5 findings suggest greater ATL involvement in coding objects' associations compared to their similarity. To conclude, the thesis provides support for the idea that perceptual brain regions are engaged in conceptual processing, in the case of motion concepts. It also provides evidence for a specialised role for TPC regions in processing thematic relations (pMTG) and event concepts (AG). There was mixed evidence for specialisation within the ATLs and this remains an important target for future research

    Estudio de las características del procesamiento emocional en la psicosis

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    Las psicosis son un conjunto de cuadros clínicos que se asocian con un elevado impacto en salud pública, el trastorno paradigmático del grupo es la esquizofrenia. Hasta el momento no se dispone de ninguna prueba ni biomarcador que pueda brindar una orientación diagnóstica objetiva.El procesamiento emocional se encuentra entre las funciones alteradas en estos trastornos. Puntualmente, el reconocimiento de estímulos socio-emocionales ha sido propuesto como el biomarcador neuroimagenológico con mayor potencialidad para los aspectos cognitivos de la esquizofrenia.La resonancia magnética funcional tiene un rol preponderante en las neurociencias, ya que puede identificar activaciones cerebrales suscitadas consistentemente en grupos de sujetos por determinado tipo de estímulo. Sin embargo, entre sus limitaciones está la necesidad de promediar la actividad observada ante estímulos similares en cada sujeto, y entre los diferentes sujetos del grupo. En años recientes se ha descripto el análisis multivariado de patrones, el cual permite superar esta limitación mediante la identificación de patrones individuales de activación. No obstante, su uso para el estudio del procesamiento emocional en las psicosis ha sido sumamente escaso.El objetivo de esta tesis fue desarrollar y aplicar técnicas de análisis multivariado de patrones para el estudio del procesamiento emocional en las psicosis. Se elaboraron específicamente cuatro técnicas: (1) análisis cerebral global, (2) análisis por regiones de interés, (3) análisis de la lateralización hemisférica, y (4) análisis intersujeto.Las hipótesis fueron que los pacientes con esquizofrenia procesan a nivel cerebral los estímulos emocionales de una forma deficitaria, y que las técnicas de análisis multivariado de patrones son útiles para estudiar el procesamiento emocional en pacientes con psicosis.Se objetivaron diversas diferencias en el procesamiento cerebral de los estímulos entre el grupo de sujetos sanos y el de pacientes con esquizofrenia. Para casi la totalidad de los hallazgos estadísticamente significativos se encontraron activaciones menos identificables en los pacientes, esto apoya ambas hipótesis del estudio. En conjunto, los resultados describen dos mecanismos deficitarios diferentes: falta de diferenciación entre estímulos alegres y neutros, posiblemente por alteración en mecanismos de procesamiento espontáneo; y diferenciación disminuida entre estímulos tristes y neutros, posiblemente por afección de mecanismos activos de procesamiento. Además, no se vieron patrones de activación generalizables en el grupo de pacientes con esquizofrenia, lo que podría relacionarse con la heterogeneidad fisiopatológica del trastorno.Para concluir, el perfeccionamiento de estas técnicas de análisis podría servir como un sustento empírico para las definiciones y diagnósticos futuros en salud mental.Fil: Drucaroff, Lucas Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Autor; . Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina; Argentin